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felde án hýwysce and þóder dél of Branok hyalf híwisce in Cotensfield one hide, and the other part of Branok half a hide, Chart. Th. 107, 26-8. Híwisc, 428, 17. God bebéad Moyse ðæt hé and eall Israhéla folc sceoldon offrian æt æ-acute;lcum híwisce Gode án lamb ánes geáres God commanded Moses that he and all the people of Israel should offer a lamb of the first year to God from every family [a lamb for an house, Ex. 12, 3], L. In. 44; Th. i. 130, 5.

hiw-leás; adj. Wanting in form or in, colour :-- Hiwleás deformis, Wrt. Voc. 72, 16. Hú hiwleáse hie beóþ how colourless the patients are, L. M. 2, 36; Lchdm. ii. 242, 2.

hiwleás-ness want of form; deformitas. Som.

hiw-líc; adj. Having good form or colour, shapely; formosus :-- Ansíne hiwlíce hine habban fultum getácnaþ to see one's self with a handsome face betokens support, Lchdm. iii. 204, 8. Reáf hiwlíc habban blisse getácnaþ to have a handsome robe betokens bliss, 212, 6. hiwlíc figuratus, Hpt. Gl. 432.

híw-líc matronalis, Cot. 129, Lye.

híw-ræ-acute;den, e; f. A family, household, house, a religious house :-- Hýwræ-acute;den domus, Ælfc. Gl. 106; Som. 78, 66; Wrt. Voc. 57, 45. Godes wingeard is Israhéla híwræ-acute;den God's vineyard is the house of Israel, Homl. Th. ii. 72, 31: Mt. Kmbl. 10, 6. Gang in tó ðam arce and eall ðín híwræ-acute;den ingredere tu el omnis domus tua in arcam, Gen. 7, 1: 50, 8. For bénum abbodes and ðære heóræ-acute;dene æt Bercleá for the prayers of the abbot and of the brethren at Berkeley, Chart. Th. 129, 30: 168, 24. Sib sí ðisse híwræ-acute;ddenne pax huic domui, Lk. Skt. 9, 5: 19, 9: Gen. 28, 2: Ex. 2, 1. Híwræ-acute;dene underféhþ familiam susceperit, L. Ecg. P. ii. 16; Th. ii. 188, 2.

híw-scipe, híg-, es; m. A family, household, house :-- Híwscype domus, Ps. Lamb. 113, 17. Wæs sum híwscipes fæder and hína ealdor erat paterfamilias, Bd. 5, 12; S. 627, 9. Ðá onféng heó æ-acute;nes híwscipes stówe accepit locum unius familiæ, 4, 23; S. 593, 18. Ealle híwscipas þeóda universæ familiæ gentium, Ps. Lamb. 21, 28. [O. E. Hom. of elchan hiwscipe, i. 87, 8. v. Ex. 12, 3.] DER. sin-híwscipe.

hiwung, hiwing, e; f. Forming, shaping, form, figure, pretence, feigning, hypocrisy, dissimulation :-- Hé ne biþ ðonne geleáfa ac biþ hiwung it is not then belief but hypocrisy, Homl. Th. i. 250, 21. Hywung, ii. 220, 32. Gé sind wiðinnan áfyllede mid hiwunge and unrihtwísnysse within ye are filled with hypocrisy and unrighteousness, 404, 21. Ða leásan lícceteras ðe mid hiwunge God sécaþ the false hypocrites that seek God with outward show, i. 120, 2. Hé com mid hiwunge he came with dissimulation, Chr. 1049; Erl. 172, 32. Mid ðære hiwunga ðe hió lícet ðæt hió síe gód mendacium specie bonorum, Bt. 20; Fox 72, 1. Hí on fruman tó Godes hiwunga gesceapene wæ-acute;ron in the beginning they were created in the image of God, Blickl. Homl. 61, 7. Þurh hiwwinge per figuras, Num. 12, 8. Ðæt hluttre mód ðe Gode gelícaþ forsihþ ða hiwunga and healt sóðfæstnysse the pure mind that pleases God despises pretences and holds the truth, Basil admn. 5; Norm. 46, 8. Þurh deófles hiwunga per diaboli figmenta, L. Ecg. C. iii. 14; Th. ii. 202, 5. v. hiwian.

híwung, e; f. Marriage :-- Mid his híwunge and his geférena with the marriage of himself and of his companions, Ors. 2, 2; Swt. 64, 24. v. híwian.

hladan; p. hlód; pp. hladen. I. to heap, pile up, build, place, lade, load, freight :-- Ic mé hrycg hlade ðæt ic habban sceal I load my back with what I am to have, Exon. 102 a; Th. 386, 21; Rä. 4, 65. Wyrd wóp wecceþ weán hladeþ fate awakens grief, heaps up misery, Salm. Kmbl. 874; Sal. 436. Wé gelíce sceolon leánum hleótan swá wé weorcum hlódun we shall obtain rewards according as we built with our deeds [cf. 1 Cor. 3, 12-14], Exon. 19 a; Th. 49, 12; Cri. 784. Hlódan they loaded, 106 a; Th. 404, 19; Ra:. 23, 10. Ongan ðá ád hladan began then to build the pile, Cd. 140; Th. 175, 25; Gen. 2901. Hý ne móston on bæ-acute;l hladan leófne mannan they might not place the beloved man on the pile, Beo. Th. 4259; B. 2126. Him on bearm hladan bunan and discas to heap up in his bosom cups and dishes, 5543; B. 2775. Naca hladen herewæ-acute;dum the bark laden with war weeds, 3798; B. 1897. Wæs wunden gold on wæ-acute;n hladen twisted gold was laden on the wain, 6260; B. 3134. Hærfest wæstmum hladen autumn laden with fruits, Menol. Fox 281; Men. 142. II. to lade, draw [water]; haurire :-- Ic hlade haurio, Ælfc. Gr. 30; Som. 34, 40. Swá hwæt swá ðú hlætst of ðam flóde quidquid hauseris de fluvio, Ex 4, 9. Hé hlód wæter mid ús hausit aquam nobiscum, 2, 19. Ðá mid áne helme hlód hit, Nar. 8, 3: Homl. Th. ii. 118, 21. Ða þénas ðe ðæt wæter hlódon ministri qui haurierant aquam, Jn. Skt. 2, 9. Hladaþ hauríte, 8. Hlade ðonne mid ðære ylcan hand ðæs wæteres múþ fulne let him then take up with the same hand a mouthful of the water, Lchdm. iii. 68, 15; 74, 16. Wæter tó hladanne ad hauriendam aquam, Ex. 2, 16. Ne ðú næfst nán þing mid tó hladenne neque in quo haurias habes, Jn. Skt. MS. A. 4, 11. Gemétte æ-acute;nne ealdne munuc wæter hladende found an old monk drawing water, Homl. Th. ii. 180, 7. [Orm. lodenn. p. pl; l&a-short;denn, pp. to draw (water): Ayenb. lhade: Prompt. Parv. ladyñ i. onero, sarcino; ii. vatilo: Goth. hlaþan to load: O. Sax. hladan (like A. Sax.): O. Frs. hlada to lade: Icel. hlaða to lade, pile up, build: O. H. Ger. hladan onerare, ponere: Ger. laden.] DER. á-, ge-, tó-hladan.

hladung, e; f. A drawing, haustus. Som.

hlæd, es; n. A heap, pile, mound :-- Beraþ hiere hlæd tó comportabis aggerem, Past. 21, 5; Swt. 161, 5; 163, 10, 11. [Icel. hlað; n: hlaði; m. a pile, stack.] v. hladan.

hlædder. v. hlæder.

hlæd-disc, es; m. A dish on which many things are heaped up [?]; satura [MS. satira], Ælfc. Gl. 30; Som. 61, 69; Wrt. Voc. 26, 66. v. hlæd.

hlædel, es; m. An instrument for drawing water, a ladle; antlia, Hpt. Gl. 418. [Chauc. Piers P. ladel.] v. hladan.

hlæden a vessel for drawing water, a bucket; hauritorium, Ælfc. Gl. 25; Som. 60, 54; Wrt. Voc. 24, 50.

hlæder, hlædder, e; f; hlæddre, an [?]; f. A ladder, flight of steps; scala :-- Ðá geseah hé on swefne standan áne hlædre and godes englas up stígende and nyðer stígende on ðære hlædre viditque in somnis scalam stantem, angelos quoque del ascendentes et descendentes per eam, Gen. 28, 12, 13: Past. pref; Swt. 23, 17: Exon. 114 a; Th. 437, 11; Rä. 56, 6. On læddran sittan, Lchdm. iii. 210, 23. Tó heofnum up hlædræ ræ-acute;rdon they raised ladders up to the heavens, Cd. 80; Th. 101, 1; Gen. 1675. Hie æfter hlæddrum ástígon they mounted by steps, Blickl. Homl 209, 7. [Ayenb. lheddre: Piers P. laddre; O. Frs. hladder, hleder: O. H. Ger. hleitar, leitara: Ger. leiter.]

hlæder-wyrt, hlædder-, e; f. Ladder-wort, ladder to heaven, Jacob's ladder; polemonium cæruleum or polygonatum multiflorum [v. E. D. S. No. 26, 'ladder to heaven'], Lchdm. iii. 8, 25.

hlæd-hweol, -weogl, -wiogl, es; n. A wheel used in drawing water; antlia, Cot. 9, 101, Lye.

hlæd-trendel, es; m. A wheel used in drawing water; rota hauritoria, Hpt. Gl. 418.

hlæ-acute;fdige, hlæ-acute;fdie, an; f. A lady, mistress of a house; after Bertric's time it is the title given to the wife of the West-Saxon king, v. William of Malm. bk. ii. c. 2 :-- Hlæ-acute;fdige, domina, Wrt. Voc. 72, 79. Hírédes hlæ-acute;fdige materfamilias, 73, 21. Gif hwylc wíf hire wífman swingþ and heó þurh ða swingle wyrþ dead and heó unscyldig biþ fæste seó hlæ-acute;fdige vii geár si mulier aliqua ancillam suam flagellis verberaverit et ex illa verberatione moriatur, et innocens sit, domina vii annos jejunet, L. Pen. ii. 4; Th. ii. 184, 2. Cristes þegnas cweþaþ ðæt ðú síe hlæ-acute;fdige wuldorweorudes Christ's servants say that thou [the Virgin Mary] art the queen of the glorious host, Exon. 12 a; Th. 18, 15; Cri. 284. Hlæ-acute;fdige mín O lady mine! Elen. Kmbl. 1309; El. 656. Ðá com seó hlæ-acute;fdige hider tó lande then came the lady [Ethelred's wife] to this country, Chr. 1002; Erl. 137, 30: 1013; Erl. 149, 29. Æþelflæd Myrcena hlæ-acute;fdige, 918; Erl. 103, 1 [cf. Henry of Hunt. 'Hæc igitur domina tantæ potentiæ fertur fuisse, ut a quibusdam, non solum domina vel regina sed etiam rex vocaretur']. On þýs ilcan geáre forþférde seó ealde hlæ-acute;fdige Eádwerdes cinges móder in this same year departed the old lady, the mother of king Edward, 1051; Erl. 176, 19. Cnut cyncg and Ælfgifu seó hlæ-acute;fdige, Chart. Th. 328, 20. Swá eágan gáþ earmre þeówenan ðonne heó on hire hlæ-acute;fdigean handá lócaþ sicut oculi ancillæ, in manibus dominæ suæ, Ps. Th. 122, 3: Cd. 103; Th. 137, 13; Gen. 2273. Agar forseah hirp hlæ-acute;fdian Agar despexit dominam suam, Gen. 16, 4. Ðá forlét se cyng ða hlæ-acute;fdian seó wæs gehálgod him tó cwéne [of Eward putting away his wife, Godwin's daughter], Chr. 1048; Erl. 180, 20. Him tó wífum dydon ða ðe æ-acute;r wæ-acute;ron heora hlæ-acute;fdian those who before had been their mistresses, they made their wives, Ors. 4, 3; Bos. 80, 6. [Laym. lafdi, leafdi: Orm. laftdi&yogh;: Ayenb. lhevedi: Chauc. Piers P. lady, ladi.] v. hláford.

hlæ-acute;nan; p. de To cause to lean, to incline: -- Siððan hý tógædere gáras hlæ-acute;ndon after they had inclined their spears together, Exon. 66 b; Th. 246, 18; Jul. 63. DER. á-, bi-hlæ-acute;nan.

hlæ-acute;ne; adj. Lean, meagre; macer :-- Hlæ-acute;ne macer, Ælfc. Gl. 89; Som. 74, 102; Wrt. Voc. 51, 15. Oxan fule and swíðe hlæ-acute;ne boves fœdæ confectæque macie, Gen. 41, 3. Nú wé sind hlæ-acute;ne anima nostra arida est, Num. 11, 6: Ors. 4, 13; Bos. 100, 25. [Laym. Piers P. Chauc. lene.]

hlæ-acute;nian; p. ode To make lean or to become lean :-- Ðæt hé his líchoman hlæ-acute;nige ut caro maceretur, Past. 14, 6; Swt. 87, 17. Ðonne ðæt flæ-acute;sc hlæ-acute;naþ dum carnem macerant, 43, 6; Swt. 313, 20. [Prompt. Parv. lenyñ or make lene macero.]

hlæ-acute;nnes, -ness, e; f. Leanness :-- Hlæ-acute;nnes macies vel tabitudo, Ælfc. Gl. 89; Som. 74, 104; Wrt. Voc. 51, 17. Módes hlæ-acute;nnys leanness of the mind, Homl. Th. i. 522, 31.

hlæ-acute;nsian; p. ode To make lean; macerare, castigare. Hpt. Gl. 433. [Cf. O. E. Hom. 'Carnis maceratio fleises lensing. Mon lenseþ his fleis hwenne he him &yogh;efeð lutel to etene,' i. 147.]

hlæst, es; n. Burden, freight, lading :-- Eów is holmes hlæst and hecfonfuglas and wildu deór on geweald geseald into your power is given the ocean's freight [fishes] and the fowls of the air and wild beasts, Cd. 74; Th. 91, 20; Gen. 1515. Hwá ðæm hlæste onféng who received that freight, Beo. Th. 104; B. 52: Cd. 71; Th. 85, 29; Gen. 1422.