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2; Fox 18, 30. Ðonne wé ágyltaþ wið ða hláfordas, ðonne ágylte wé wið ðone God ðe hláfordscipe gescóp cum præpositis delinquimus, ejus ordinationi, qui eos nobis prætulit, obviamus, Past. 28, 6; Swt. 201, 3: 29; Swt. 201, 22. Dominationes sind hláfordscypas gecwedene, Homl. Th. i. 342, 32.
hláford-searu; f. n. Plotting against the life of a king or lord :-- Búton æt hláfordsearwe ðam hie náne mildheortnesse ne dorston gecwæðan except in cases of treason against a lord; to that they dared not assign any mercy, L. Alf. 49; Th. i. 58, 9. Be hláfordsearwe. Gif hwá ymb cyninges feorh sierwie, síe hé his feores scyldig and ealles ðæs ðe hé áge of plotting against a lord. If any one plot against the king's life, let him forfeit his life and all that he owns, L. Alf. pol. 4; Th. i. 62, 14: 1; Th. 60, 4: L. Ath. i. 4; Th. i. 202, 1: L. Edg. ii. 7; Th. i. 268, 23: L. C. S. 26; Th. i. 392, 1. [Cf. L. Eth. v. 5; Th. i. 312, 5: vi. 37; Th. i. 324, 16: L. C. S. 58; Th. i. 408, 1.]
hláford-sócn, e; f. The 'seeking' a lord for the purpose of being in his service, and under his protection [cf. hláford sécan, L. Alf. pol. 37; Th. i. 86, 3: L. Ath. iv; Th. i. 220, 24] :-- Ne dominus libero homini hlafordsoknam interdicat si eum recte custodierit, L. Ath. ii. 4; Th. i. 216, 25: iii. 5; Th. i. 218, 25.
hláford-swica, an; m. A betrayer of his lord, a traitor to his lord :-- Se man ðe ðis gefæst ne þearf hé him ná ondræ-acute;dan hellewítan bútan hé beó hláfordswica the man that keeps this fast need not fear the pains of hell, unless he be a traitor to his lord, Lchdm. iii. 228, 24. Hér sind on earde on mistlíce wísan hláfordswican manige here in the land are in divers manners many traitors, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 107, 88: 110, 176. [Laym. lauerd-, louerd-swike traitor.]
hláford-swice, es; m. Treachery to a lord, treason :-- Ealra mæ-acute;st hláfordswice se biþ on worulde ðæt man his hláfordes sáwle beswíce and full mycel hláfordswice eác biþ ðæt man his hláford of lífe forræ-acute;de oððe of lande lifigendne drífe the greatest treachery in the world against one's lord is to betray his soul, and very great treachery also is it to deprive him of life, or to drive him from the country alive, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 107, 88. v. hláford-searu.
hláf-sénung, e; f. Blessing of bread, which took place on August first or Lammas-day :-- On ðam ylcan dæge [Aug. 1] æt hláfsénunga, Shrn. 112, 8. v. hláf-mæsse.
hlagol; adj. Apt to laugh, Lye.
hlám-mæsse. v. hláf-mæsse.
hlanc; adj. Lank, lean, gaunt: -- Ðæs se hlanca gefeah wulf in walde at that rejoiced the gaunt wolf in the wood, Judth. 11; Thw. 24, 25; Jud. 205. Swá ðú on hrime setest hlance cylle sicut uter in pruina, Ps. Th. 118, 83.
hland, hlond, es; n. Urine, Lchdm. i. 362, 18: ii. 40, 20: 156, 14. [Icel. hland.]
hláw. v. hlæ-acute;w.
hleahtor, hlehter, es; m. Laughter :-- Hleahter risus, Wrt. Voc. 83, 35. Ða gesíðas wóp and hleahtor the comrades weeping and laughter, Salm. Kmbl. 695; Sal. 347: Beo. Th. 1226; B. 611. Hie habbaþ suá micle méde óðerra monna gódra weorca suá wé habbaþ ðæs hleahtres ðonne wé hliehaþ gligmonna unnyttes cræftes sic eis virtutum sanctitas, sicut stultis spectatoribus ludicrarum artium valutas placet, Past. 34, 2; Swt. 231, 6. Ðú ús gesettest tó hleahtre and tó forsewennesse eallum ðæ-acute;m ðe ús ymbsittaþ posuisti nos derisu et contemptu his qui in circuitu nostro sunt, Ps. Th. 43, 15. Hé wæs heáfde becorfen for scondfulles gebeórscypes hleahtre he [John the Baptist] had his head cut off for the amusement of a shameful feast, Shrn. 123, 8. Be hleahtre ðe of milte cymþ of laughter that cometh from the spleen, L. M. 2, 36; Lchdm. ii. 142, 21. Hé ne sceal sprecan ýdelu word ða ðe unnytte hleahtor up áhebben ne hé eác sceal lufigean micelne and ungemetlícne cancettende hleahtor, L. E. I. 21; Th. ii. 416, 35. Se herewísa hleahtor álegde the host's leader hath put away laughter [is dead], Beo. Th. 6033; B. 3020. Hleahtor álegdon dá hí swíðra oferstág weard they put away laughter when a stronger guard had overcome them, Exon. 35 b; Th. 116, 1; Gú. 200. God mé worhte hlehter risum fecit mihi deus, Gen. 21, 6, Hwæ-acute;r beóþ ða ungemetlícan hleahtras where are the immoderate laughings, Blickl. Homl. 59, 18: 195, 15. [Laym. lehtre: A. R. leihtres, pl: Icel. hlátr: O. H. Ger. hlahter risus.]
hleahtor-bæ-acute;re; adj. Given to laughter, Lye.
hleahtor-full; adj. Scornful, derisive :-- Geþence æ-acute;lc ðara tæ-acute;lendra and hleahterfulra let every one that blames and derides reflect, Guthl. prol.; Gdwin. 2, 14.
hleahtor-líc; adj. Ridiculous :-- Gif hé hér hwylc hleahterlíc word onfinde if he here find any ridiculous word, Guthl. prol.; Gdwin. 2, 12.
hleahtor-smiþ, es; m. One who causes laughter, mirth, joy :-- Wóp wæs wíde worulddreáma lyt wæ-acute;ron hleahtorsmiþum handa belocne widespread was the wailing and little of this world's joys, the hands of those who wrought laughter were closed, Cd. 144; Th. 180, 10; Exod. 43.
hleápan; p. hleóp, pl. hleópon and hlupon [cf. Icel. hlupu]; pp. hleápen To LEAP, jump, dance, run :-- Ic hleápe salio, Ælfc. Gr. 30; Som. 34, 45. Ðonne hleápþ se healta swá swá heort the lame shall leap as a hart, Homl. Th. ii. 16, 18. Se ðe hleápeþ he who dances, Exon. 88 b; Th. 332, 11; Vy. 83. Hé hleóp on ðæs cyninges stédan ascendens emissarium regis, Bd. 2, 13; S. 517, 9: 3, 9; S. 534, 3. Roger hét án of heom se hleóp into ðam castele æt Norþwíc Roger was the name of one of them, he threw himself into the castle at Norwich, Chr. 1087; Erl. 224, 34. Hér Eádwine eorl and Morkere eorl hlupon út and mislíce férdon on wuda and feldon in this year earl Edwin and earl Morcere fled away and went different ways through wood and open country, 1072; Erl. 210, 26. Ðæt hie ne hliépen unwillende on ðæt scorene clif unþeáwa per multa, quæ non appetunt, iniquitatum abrupta rapiuntur, Past. 33, 1; Swt. 214, 7. Lege on ða wunde gyf heó tósomne hleápan wolde lay on the wound if it be ready to close up [cf. Icel. sárið var hlaupit í sundr], Herb. 90, 13; Lchdm. i. 198, 2. Hwílum hleápan léton on geflit faran fealwe mearas at times they made their fallow steeds run, contend on the course, Beo. Th. 1733; B. 864, Hé á wæs gangende and hleápende ambulans et exsiliens, Bd. 5, 2; S. 615, 23. Heó him beforan hleápende wæs the hind kept running before them, Lchdm. iii. 426. 32. Herodes swór ðæt hé wolde ðære hleápendan déhter forgyfan swá hwæt swá heó bæ-acute;de Herod swore that he would give the dancing daughter whatever she asked, Homl. Th. i. 452, 34. [Laym. lepen; p. pl. leopen, lupen: Orm. læpen; subj. p. lupe: Ayenb. lheape; p. lhip: Piers P. lepen; p. pl. lope: Chauc. lepe; p. lep, leep: Goth. us-hlaupan to leap up: O. Sax. a-hlópan: O. Frs. hlápa; Icel. hlaupa to leap; also to run: O. H. Ger. hlaufan currere: Ger. laufen.] DER. á-, æt-, be-, ge-, ofer-hleápan.
hleápere, es; m. A leaper, dancer, runner, courier :-- Hleápere saltator, Wrt. Voc. 73, 70. Tuegen hleáperas Ælfréd cyning sende mid gewritum king Alfred sent two couriers with letters, Chr. 889; Erl. 86, 23. [Prompt. Parv. lepare or rennare cursor: Scot. land-louper: Icel. hlaupari a courser, charger: O. H. Ger. loufari circumcellio, cursor: Ger. laufer.]
hleápestre, an; f. A dancer; saltatrix, Wrt. Voc. 73, 71.
hleápe-wince, an; f. The lap-wing :-- Hleápewince cucurata, Wrt. Voc. 62, 22: cucu, 280, 27. [Ayenb. lhap-wynche: Gower. lappe-winke: Prompt. Parv. lappe-wynge, lap-wynke upipa: Wick. lap-, leep-winke.]
hleáppettan; p. te To leap up: :-- Hé ongunne hleápettan exsiliens, Bd. 5, 2; S. 615, 22.
hleápung, e; f. Leaping, dancing :-- Herodias swá mæ-acute;res mannes deáþ to gife hire déhter hleápunge underféng Herodias received as a gift for her daughter's dancing the death of so illustrious a man, Homl. Th. i. 488, 3: 480, 35.
hlec; adj. Having cracks or rents :-- Hlec, rimosus, scissurosus, Hpt. Gl. 529. Swíðe lytlum síceraþ ðæt wæter and swíðe dégellíce on ðæt hlece scip, and ðeáh hit wilnaþ ðæs ilcan ðe sió hlúde ýþ déþ on ðære hreón sæ-acute; búton hit mon æ-acute;r útáweorpe hoc agit sentina latenter excrescens, quod patenter procella sæviens, Past. 57, 1; Swt. 437, 15.
hlecan; p. hlæc [?] To join, unite, cohere :-- Swá eác his folgeras swá hie unwiðerweardran and gemódran beóþ swá hie swíður hlecaþ tósomne and eác fæstor tósomne beóþ gefégde tó gódra manna hiénþe sequaces quippe illius, quo nulla inter se discordiæ adversitate divisi sunt, eo in bonorum gravius nece glomerantur, Past. 47, 3; Swt. 361, 20.
hléda, hléde; m. A seat :-- Ðes hléda, hléde sedile, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 2; Som. 8, 26.
hleglende [ = hlegiende, cf. (?) hlehhan or hlégiende, cf. (?) hlówan] sonans, Cot. 24, Lye.
hlehhan, hlæhan, hlihhan, hlichan, hlihan. hlihgan; p. hlóh; pl. hlógan To LAUGH [with gladness or contempt], to deride :-- Ic hliche rideo, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 3; Som. 28, 53: 47; Som. 47, 15. Hé gedép ðæt wé hlihhaþ on morgen ad matutinum lætitia, Ps. Th. 29, 5. Eádgo ða ðe nú gie woepeþ forðon gie hlæheþ beati qui nunc fletis quia ridebitis, Lk. Skt. Lind. 6, 21. Wæ-acute; iúh ða ðe hlæ-acute;has forðon gie woepaþ væ vobis qui ridetis nunc quia lugebitis, 25. Hlihgaþ, Homl. Th. i. 180, 14. Hlihaþ, Blickl. Homl. 25, 23. Hliehaþ, Past. 27; Swt. 187, 19. Ðonne wé hliehaþ gligmonna unnyttes cræftes when we laugh at the useless art of gleemen, 34, 1; Swt. 231, 7. Ne hlóh ic ná ... ac ðú hlóge non risi ... sed risisti, Gen. 18, 15. Ðú hlóge and ic weóp thou didst laugh and I wept, L. E. I. pref; Th. ii. 398, 15. Se eorl wæs ðé blíðra hlóh ðá, Byrht. Th. 136, 6; By. 147: Judth. 10; Thw. 21, 17; Jud. 23: Cd. 33: Th. 45, 10; Gen. 724. Hlógun &l-bar; téldon hine deridebant eum, Lk. Skt. Lind. 8, 53. Ða apostoli hlógon ðæra deófla leásunga and se ealdorman cwæþ mé stent ege ðysse andsware and ge hlihaþ the apostles laughed at the devils' lying words, and the general said 'Fear comes upon me at this answer, and you laugh,' Homl. Th. ii. 482, 25. Ealle geseónde mé hlógon on bysmor omnes videntes me deriserunt me, Ps. Lamb. 21, 8: Exon. 120 a; Th. 160, 22; Hö. 21. Ðeáh ðé mon hwylces hlihge and ðú ðé unscyldigne wite ne réhst ðú hwæt hý ræ-acute;don hý teóþ ðé ðæs ðe hý sylfe habbaþ though you are derided [or blamed?] for anything, and know yourself to be innocent, you shall not care what they say; they accuse you of what they have themselves, Prov. Kmbl. 12. Hé sæ-acute;de ðæt hé gesáwe crist selfne and ðæt hé him hlóge tó he said that he saw Christ himself, and that he smiled upon him, Shrn. 70, 9. Hlehhan ne þorftun they had no