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In verticem ejus, Ps. Spl. 7, 17: 67, 23. [Wick. nol cervix: O. H. Ger. hnol culmen, cacumen, vertex, sinciput.]
hnoppa, an; m. Nap of cloth; villus, Som. [Prompt. Parv. noppe of a clothe villus, tomentum, see note.]
hnossian; p. ode To beat, strike :-- Mec hnossiaþ homera láfe swords shall strike me, Exon. 102 b; Th. 388, 13; Rä. 6, 7. [Cf. Icel. hnoss an ornament.]
hnot; adj. Bald, shaven, close-cut :-- Calu oððe hnot glabrio, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 3; Som. 8, 37. Hnot mutilum, mutilatum, Cot. 131, Lye. Tó ðon hnottan seale to the pollard-willow, Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. v. 193, 35. On ða hnottan díc of ðære hnottan díc the dike without turf (f), iii. 211, 24. [Chauc. not-heed, Prol. 109: Dep. Rich. not of his nolle, 3, 46: Halliwell Dict. not smooth, without horns; to shear, poll: see Nares' Gloss. nott, nott-pated, -headed.]
hnut-beám, es; m. A nut tree; corylus avellana :-- Hnutbeám nux vel nucarius, Ælfc. Gl. 47; Som. 65, 38; Wrt. Voc. 33, 35. Hnutbeámes rind, L. M. i. 3, 6; Lchdm. ii. 42, 3; 52, 1. Hnutbeámes leáf, Lchdm. iii. 6, 15. [O. H. Ger. hnuz-boum amygdalus, nux, nucus, corylus: Ger. nuss-baum.]
hnut-cyrnel, es; m. n. A nut kerne :-- Genim hnutcyrnla, L. M. 1, 2; Lchdm. ii. 34, 19.
hnutu, e; f. A nut :-- Hnutu juglantis vel nux, Ælfc. Gl. 45; Som. 64, 97; Wrt. Voc. 32, 32. For æppla and hnuta æ-acute;te from eating of apples and nuts, L. M. 2, 39; Lchdm. ii. 246, 21. Hnute hula culliole, Ælfc. Gl. 31; Som. 61, 105; Wrt. Voc. 27, 34. Óðera hnutena cyrnlu kernels of other nuts, iii. 134, 23. Of frencissen hnutu[m] made of French nuts, 122, 28. Cyrnlu of píntrýwenum hnutum kernels out of pine tree nuts, Herb. 134, 2; Lchdm. i. 250, 9. Gif heó gelóme eteþ hnyte if she is often eating nuts, iii. 144, 20. Hnyte somnian, gaderian to gather nuts, 174, 5: 208, 18. On ðam óðrum dæge wæs Aarones gyrd gemétt grówende and berende hnyte on the next day Aaron's rod was found growing and bearing nuts, Homl. Th. ii. 8, 16, 18. Bringaþ ðam men lác sumne dæ-acute;l tyrwan and hunig and hnite deferte viro munera, modicum resinæ et mellis et amygdalarum, Gen. 43, 11. [Ayenb. nhote: Prompt. Parv. note nux, nucleus: Icel. hnot; f. pl. hnetr:. O. H. Ger. hnuz, nuz nux, migdola: Ger. nuss.] DER. hæsel-, pín-hnutu.
hnygela [or hnigela ?], hnygele, an; m. f. A shred, clipping :-- Hnygela tomentum; seolce hnygele platum [ = placium, Som.] Ælfc. Gl. 64; Som. 69, 3, 4; Wrt. Voc. 40, 37, 38. Hnyglan putamina, Cot. 152, Lye. [Cf (?) nig the clippings of money: niggling clipping: niggler a clipper, Gross's Slang Dict: see also Halliw. Dict. niggle, niggling.]
hnýlung, e; f. A kneeling, reclining; accubitus, Ælfc. Gl. 65; Som. 69, 52; Wrt. Voc. 41, 9.
hnyte. v. hnutu.
hó. v. hóh.
hó-banca, an; m. A couch, sofa; sponda, Wrt. Voc. 290, 13. v. hóh.
hoc; gen. hocces Hock, mallow :-- Hocces leáf, L. M. 3, 37; Lchdm. ii. 330, 3. Hocces moran, 41; Lchdm. ii. 334, 27. Hoc, Lchdm. iii. 22, 2. [In E. D. S. Plant Names 'hock althæa rosea, malva sylvestris, malva rotundifloria.' Skeat, Etymol. Dict. supposes the word was borrowed from Celtic: Welsh hocys mallows.]
HÓC, es; m. A HOOK :-- Hooc arpago vel palum, Ælfc. Gl. 3; Som. 55, 71; Wrt. Voc. 16, 43. Ic eom swá swá fisc on hóce I am as the fish on the hook, Nar. 40, 33. Ðonne biþ hé geteald tó dære fýrenan eá and to ðam ísenan hóce then shall he be assigned to the fiery river and the iron hook, Blickl. Homl. 43, 25, 27. Wíngearda hócas ðe hí mid bindaþ ðæt him néhst biþ capreoli vel cincinni vel uncinuli, Ælfc. Gl. 59; Som. 68, 9; Wrt. Voc. 38, 59. Ðá sóhtan heora gewinnan him sarwe and worhtan him hócas at contra non cessant uncinata hostium tela, Bd. 1, 12; S. 481, 21: Homl. Th. i. 362, 27. v. hinder-hóc.
hóced; adj. Shaped like a hook, curved :-- Óþ ðat hit cymþ tó ðan hókedan gáran until it comes to the curved strip of land, Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. iii. 434, 10.
hócer. v. hócor.
hociht; adj. Full of mallows :-- Æ-acute;rest onlong Foss on ða hocihtan díc of ðere hocihtan díc on ðone brádan þorn to the mallowy ditch, Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. ii. 365, 25. [So Cockayne, Lchdm. iii. 332, col. i. translates the word; or should the word be written hóciht = with many bends? Cf. hóced.]
hóciht. v. heoru-hóciht.
hoc-leaf, es; n. Mallow :-- Hocleáf malva, Wrt. Voc 79, 11. Hocleáf. Ðeós wyrt ðe man maluæ erraticæ and óðrum naman hocleáf nemnep/ byþ cenned æ-acute;ghwæ-acute;r on begánum stówum this plant, which is called malva erratica, and by another name hockleaf, is produced everywhere in cultivated places, Herb. 41, 1; Lchdm. i. 142, 4: L. M. 3, 8; Lchdm. ii. 312, 17. Hoclæ-acute;f, Lchdm. iii. 48, 18.
hócor, es; m. [?] Mockery, scorn, insult, derision :-- Tó oft man mid hócere góddæ-acute;da hyrweþ too often good deeds are depreciated with derision, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 110, 162. [O. E. Hom. to lusten hoker: Laym. hoker and scarn: Chauc. hoker and bissemare.]
hócor-wyrde; adj. Using scornful, mocking language :-- Hér sind on earde hócorwyrde æ-acute;ghwæ-acute;r there are in the land here everywhere men of scornful speech, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 109, 156. [Cf. Laym. Sexisce men mine unhæle me atwiten mid heore hokerworden.]
hód, es; m. A hood; cucullus, caputium, Cot. 31, Lye. [Laym. A. R. hod: O. H. Ger. huot, hót; m. mitra, tiara, cidaris: Ger. hut.]
hoeg. v. heg.
hoelan = hélan to speak evil of, calumniate :-- Hoelende calumniantes, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 5, 44. [Icel. hæla to praise, flatter, boast.] v. hól, hólian.
hof, es; n. A house, hall, dwelling, building; ædes, domus :-- Lytel hof ædicula, Ælfc. Gl. 107; Som. 78, 84; Wrt. Voc. 57, 60. Cinges hof basilica, Som. 78, 86; Wrt. Voc. 58, 1. Hof séleste dwelling most excellent [the ark], Cd. 69; Th. 84, 6; Gen. 1393: 66; Th. 79, 25; Gen. 1316: 67; Th. 81, 15; Gen. 1345: 73; Th. 90, 2; Gen. 1489. Gif hwá hwylce hefige yfelnysse on his hofe geseó genime mandragoran on middan ðam huse swá mycel swá hé ðonne hæbbe ealle yfelu hé út ánýdeþ if any one see some grievous evil in his home, let him take mandragora into the middle of the house, as much as he has at the time, he will drive out all evils, Herb. 132, 7; Lchdm. i. 248, 11: Cd. 76; Th. 94, 29; Gen. 1569: 112; Th. 148, 13; Gen. 2456. Hé gewát from his ágenum hofe isaac læ-acute;dan he departed from his own house leading Isaac, 139; Th. 173, 32; Gen. 2870. Him Hróðgár gewát tó hofe sínum ríce tó reste Hrothgar had gone to his sleeping-chamber, Beo. Th. 2477; B. 1236. Tó hofe sínum to her dwelling, 3019; B. 1507: 3953; B. 1974. Se hálga wæs tó hofe læ-acute;ded in ðæt dimme ræced the saint was led to the building [prison] into that dark house, Andr. Kmbl. 2616; An. 1309. Of ðam engan hofe, Exon. 73 b; Th. 274, 12; Jul. 532: Elen. Kmbl. 1420; El. 712. Tó hofe to the [queen's] house, 1111; El. 557. In ðam reónian hofe underground, 1664; El. 835. Him hof tæ-acute;hte pointed out to them the dwelling [of Hrothgar], Beo. Th. 630; B. 312. Ðæt ræ-acute;dleáse hof hell, Cd. 2; Th. 3, 32; Gen. 44: 217; Th. 276, 23; Sat. 193. Hofa ædes, Ælfc. Gl. 107; Som. 78, 83; Wrt. Voc. 57, 59. Hé ða hofa gehealdeþ and begýmeþ qui illa oppida maritima observat, Nar. 37, 26. Hofu, Andr. Kmbl. 1676; An. 840: Exon. 124 a; Th. 477, 26; Ruin. 30. On Faraones hofun in domos Pharaonis, Ex. 8, 24. Hofum, Beo. Th. 3677; B. 1836. [O. Sax. O. Frs. hof: Icel. hof a temple: O. H. Ger. hof curtis, curta, atrium, aula, domus; Ger. hof.] DER. ceaster-, gæst-, gnorn-, grorn-, heolstor-, mearc-, morþor-, sand-, stán-, súsl-, ýþ-hof.
HÓF, es; m. A HOOF :-- Hóf ungula, Ælfc. Gl. 72; Som. 71, 6; Wrt. Voc. 43, 59: Wrt. Voc. 71, 76. Hors hófum wlanc the horse proud of hoofs, Runic pm. Kmbl. 343, 5; Rún. 19. [Icel. hófr: O. H. Ger. huof ungula: Ger. huf.]
hofding, es; m. A chief, captain, principal, ringleader :-- Rawulf eorl and Rogcer eorl wæ-acute;ron hofdingas [cf. yldast tó ðam unreode, l. 13] æt ðisan unræ-acute;de earl Ralph and earl Roger were ringleaders in this evil counsel, Chr. 1076; Erl. 213, 31. [Borrowed from Icel. höfðingi a chief, leader, ringleader.]
hofe. v. dim-hofe.
hófe, an; f. Hove, alehoof [v. English Plant Names. E. D. S.]; glechoma hederacea :-- Hófe viola, Ælfc. Gl. 41; Som. 63, 132; Wrt. Voc. 31, 13. Genim hófan take hove, L. M. 1, 1; Lchdm. ii. 20, 5. Brúne hófe, Lchdm. iii. 292, 9. Genim ða reádan hófan, L. M. i. 2; Lchdm. ii. 34, 14. Mersc-hófe, i. 38; Lchdm. ii. 94, 10. Túnhófe, 3, 60; Lchdm. iii. 344, 2.
hofer, es; m. [?] A hump, swelling :-- Hofer gibbus vel struma, Wrt. Voc. 86, 71. [O. H. Ger. houar, houer gibbus.]
hoferede; adj. Humpbacked :-- Hoferede gybberosus vel strumosus, Wrt. Voc. 86, 70: 49, 7. Ðæt cild biþ hoforode the child is humpbacked, Lchdm. iii. 144, 26. Hoferede gibbus, Past. 11, 1, 3; Swt. 65, 4; 66, 12. [O. H. Ger. houaradi gibbus; hofaroht gibberosus.]
hoffing, es; m. A circle; orbis :-- Hoffingas orbes, Lye. [Leo, 40, 20; 197, 12, gives a gloss hóf-ring, hóf-hring orbis, explaining the word as a horse-shoe.]
hóf-rec, -ræc, es; n. Hoof-track :-- Sing on ðæt hófrec sing over the hoof-track, Lchdm. i. 392, 9. Dryp on ðæt hófræc ðæt wex drop the wax into the hoof-track, iii. 286, 4.
hof-rede; adj. Confined to the house; clinicus, Ælfc. Gl. 77; Som. 72, 30; Wrt. Voc. 45, 62.
hof-þela tesqua, Lye.
hof-weard, es; m. An ædile; ædilis, Ælfc. Gl. 8; Som. 56, 105; Wrt. Voc. 18, 54.
hog-, v. hoh-.
hoga; adj. Careful, thoughtful, prudent :-- Hoga prudens, Rtl. 105, 1. Geleáffull þegn and hoga fidelis servus et prudens, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 24, 25. Wosas gé hogo estote prudentes, 10, 16. Hogum prudentibus, 11, 25. Gearnfulle &l-bar; hogo wosa solliciti esse, Lk. Skt. Lind. 12, 11.
hoga, an; m. Care, R. Ben. 53, Lye. v. ymb-hoga.
hoga-fæst; adj. Careful, prudent :-- Hogofæste, prudentes, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 25, 2, 4. v. hoh-fæst.
hoga-scipe, es; m. Prudence, carefulness, thoughtfulness, wisdom :--