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Som. 59, 119; Wrt. Voc. 23, 37. Hundes fleógan muscam caninam, Ps. Th. 77, 45: Ors. 1, 7; Swt. 38, 1. [Wick. hound-fle&yogh;e: O. H. Ger. hunt-, huntes-fliuge cynomia, musca canina.]

hundes heáfod snapdragon, Lchdm. ii. 395, col. 2.

hundes lús a dog-fly; cinomia, Wrt. Voc. 77, 54. [Cf. Ger. hunds-laus.]

hundes micge cynoglossum officinale, Lchdm. ii. 333, col. 2.

hundes tunge hound's tongue; cynoglossum officinale, Lchdm. ii. 333, col. i. [O. H. Ger. huntes-zunga cynoglossa.] v. E. D. S. Plant Names, hounds-tongue.

hundes wyrm a dog-worm; ricinus, Ælfc. Gl. 24; Som. 60, 33; Wrt. Voc. 24, 33.

HUND; n. A HUNDRED; centum :-- Gyf hwylc mann hæfþ hund sceápa si fuerint alicui centum oves, Mt. Kmbl. 18, 12. Hund sestra ... hund mittena hwæ-acute;tes, Lk. Skt. 16, 6, 7. Senatum ðæt wæs án hund manna ðéh heora æfter fyrste wæ-acute;re þreó hund, Ors. 2, 4; Swt. 70, 36. Mid án hund scipa, Bt. Met. Fox 26, 30; Met. 26, 15. Sum hund scipa some hundred ships, Chr. 894; Erl. 91, 5. Ðæt flód stód ðá swá án hund daga and fíftig daga obtinuerunt aquæ terram centum quinquaginta diebus, Gen. 7, 24. Æfter óðer healf hund daga post centum quinquaginta dies, 8, 3. Mið penningum twæ-acute;m hundum denariis ducentis, Mk. Skt. Lind. 6, 37. Ðæ-acute;r wæ-acute;ron twá hund and eahta and feówertig wera, Blickl. Homl. 239, 14. Mid ccl hunde [þridde healf hund, MS. E.] scipa, Chr. 893; Erl. 88, 25. Ðá geceás Gedeon þreó hund manna, Jud. 7, 6. Þreó hund manna and eahtatýne men, Gen. 14, 14. Geseald tó þrím hunde penega sold for three hundred pence, Blickl. Homl. 69, 8: 75, 22. Þriim hundum peninga, Jn. Skt. Lind. 12, 5. Feówer hund geára, Gen. 15, 13. Ðá ðá hé wæs fíf hund geára, 5, 32. Nigon hund wintra and lxxi, Blickl. Homl. 119, 2. Hira monig hund ofslógon slew many hundreds of them, Chr. 895; Erl. 93, 28. Hund síðon on dæge a hundred times a day, Homl. Th. i. 456, 21. [Goth. hund: O. Sax. hund: O. H. Ger. hunt. This word is the representative of a fuller form which is seen in Gothic as taihun-téhund, -taihund [Lk. 15, 4: 16, 6], and which points to a primitive dakan-dakanta = ten-tenth = hundred. The Latin centum shews a similar modification.] v. next word.

hund- as a prefix to numerals from 70 to 120 is a shortened form of the word which appears, in Gothic as téhund, taihund [v. preceding word], and may be explained decade. O. Sax. prefixes ant [ = hund?], in O. Frs. the prefix is t, and a trace of such forms is yet left in the Modern Dutch t-achtig = 80. On these numerals March remarks 'Gothic has sibun-téhund. The Anglo-Saxon form was once hund-seofonta [decade seventh], like O. Sax. ant-sibunta. The -ta changed to -tig through conformation with the smaller numbers, and hund-, whose meaning had faded, was retained as a sign of the second half of the great hundred.' Grammar, p. 75. See also Helfenstein's Comparative Grammar, p. 229. For the great hundred [120] cf. Icel. tólfrætt hundrað as distinguished from tírætt hundrað. See Cl. and Vig. Dict. hundrað.

hund-eahtatig; num. Eighty :-- Hundeahtatig octoginta, Ælfc. Gr. 49; Som. 49, 44. Heó wæs wudewe óþ feówer and hundeahtatig geára hæc vidua usque annos octoginta quatuor, Lk. Skt. 2, 37. Mid hundehtatigum scipum, Chr. Erl. 5, 2. Æ-acute;r ðæm ðe Rómeburg getimbred wæ-acute;re iiii hunde wintrum and hundeahtatigum anno ante urbem conditam cccclxxx, Ors. 1, 10; Swt. 44, 4.

hundeahtatig-wintre; adj. Eighty years old :-- Hundeahtatigwintre and sixwintre wæs Abram ðá ðá Ager ácende Ysmael, Gen. 16, 16.

hunden; adj. Of a dog, canine :-- Hundene caninam, Blickl. Gloss. [O. H. Ger. huntin caninus.]

hund-endlefontig; num. One hundred and ten :-- Feówer and hundændlæftig ealdra swína one hundred and fourteen old swine, Chart. Th. 163, 3.

hund-endleftigoða; num. One hundred and tenth :-- On ðæm eahta and hundælleftiogoðan psalme in the hundred and eighteenth psalm, Past. 65, 5; Swt. 465, 23.

hundes beó, etc. See above after hund.

hund-feald; adj. Hundredfold :-- Hundfeald getel is fulfremed the number a hundred is perfect, Homl. Th. i. 338, 27. Swá hwæt swá wé be ánfealdan Godes þearfum syllaþ hé hit ús forgylt be hundfealdum, ii. 106, 2. Mid hundfealdum, i. 180, 26. Sealdon wæstm sum hundfealdne dabant fructum aliud centesimum, Mt. Kmbl. MS. A. 13, 8.

hund-líc; adj. Doglike, canine :-- Hundlíce [téþ] canini, Wrt. Voc. 282, 74. Nú sende hé hundas tó mé forðan ðe hé næfþ godcundlíce englas, ac hæfþ hundlíce now has he sent dogs to me, for he has not divine angels, but he has doglike ones, Homl. Th. i. 378, 3.

hund-nigontig; num. Ninety :-- Hundnigontig nonaginta, Ælfc. Gr. 49; Som. 49, 44. Se sumor hafaþ hundnygontig daga ... Se winter hæfaþ tú and hundnigontig daga, Shrn. 83, 33; 146, 7. Hundteóntig geára wæs Abraham and his gebedda hundnigontig Abraham was a hundred years old and his consort ninety, Homl. Th. i. 92, 21. Nigon and hundnigontig nonaginta novem, Lk. Skt. 15, 4. Mid þrím and hundnigentigon scipum, Chr. 993; Erl. 132, 2. Feówer hund geára and hundnigontig geára, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 71, 459.

hundnigontig-wintre; adj. Ninety years old, Gen. 17, 17.

hundred; pl. u; n. A hundred :-- Getalu vel heápas vel hundredu centurias, Ælfc. Gl. 96; Som. 76, 25; Wrt. Voc. 53, 34. Ðeáh ðe heora hundred seó though there be a hundred of them, Ps. Th. 89, 10. On lxv and þreó hundræd hi beóþ tódæ-acute;lede they are divided into three hundred and sixty-five, Nar. 49, 25. Seox hundred wintra and iii and hundseofenti wintra, Chr. 656; Erl. 33, 34. Hundrað scillinga centum denarios, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 18, 28. On twegera hundred penega wurþe. Jn. Skt. 6, 7. Wið þrím hundred penegon, 12, 5. Mid twám hundred penegon, Mk. Skt. 6, 40. Hí ðá sæ-acute;ton hundredon and fíftigon discubuerunt per centenos et per quinquagenos, 37. [O. Frs. hundred, hunderd: Icel. hundrað: O. H. Ger. hundert: Ger. hundert. Two etymologies are suggested for the word; according to one hunder- corresponds to Lat. centur-ia; according to the other -red (Icel. rað) is a suffix akin to the -ræðr which is found in Icel. átt-rædr, etc. v. Grmm. Gesch. D. S. 175-6.]

hundred, es; n. A hundred, a territorial division, the assembly of the men in such a division :-- Hú mon ðæt hundred haldan sceal. Æ-acute;rest ðæt hí heó gegaderian á ymb feówer wucan and wyrce æ-acute;lc man óðrum riht how the [assembly of the] hundred is to be held. First, they [the men of the hundred] are to assemble themselves every four weeks; and each man is to do justice to other, L. Edg. H; Th. i. 258, 2-4, and see the whole section. Fó se hláford tó healfan and tó healfan ðæt hundred let the lord take half, and the hundred half, L. Edg. 2, 7; Th. i. 268, 20. Gewitnys sý geset tó æ-acute;lcere byrig and tó æ-acute;lcum hundrode, L. Edg. S. 3; Th. i. 274, 8, 10. Twegen þegenas innan ðam hundrede, L. Eth. i. 1; Th. i. 280, 11: L. C. S. 17; Th. i. 384, 30: 19; Th. i. 386, 12. [Various explanations of the word have been given. 'It has been regarded as denoting simply a division of a hundred hides of land; as the district which furnished a hundred warriors to the host; as representing the original settlement of the hundred warriors; or as composed of a hundred hides, each of which furnished a single warrior,' Stubbs' Const. Hist. 1, 97; see also following pages and pp. 71-3: Grmm. R. A. 532 sqq: Kemble's Saxons in England, c. ix: Schmid A. S. Gesetz. p. 613-4.]

hundredes ealdor, es; m. I. a centurion :-- Ðá geneáhlæ-acute;hte hym án hundredes ealdor accessit ad eum Centurio, Mt. Kmbl. 8, 5. II. the presiding officer of the court of the hundred :-- Gif se hundrodes ealdor ðæt geáscoþ, L. Edg. S. 10; Th. i. 276, 8. Cýðan hit ðæs túnes men ðam hundredes ealdre, 8; Th. i. 274, 28.

hundredes man apparently the same as preceding word, II :-- Cyðe hit man ðam hundredes men, L. Edg. H. 2; Th. i. 258, 7. v. hundred-mann.

hundred-gemót, hundredes gemót, es; n. The assembly of the hundred [v. hundred] :-- Séce man hundredgemót swá hit æ-acute;r geset wæs and ðæ-acute;r beó on scirebisceop and se ealdorman let the hundredmoot be attended as was before appointed; and let the bishop of the shire and the alderman be there present, L. Edg. ii. 5; Th. i. 268, 2-5. Séce man hundredes gemót be wíte let the hundredmoot be attended under penalty of a fine, L. C. S. 17; Th. i. 386, 1.

hundred-mann, es; m. The chief of a hundred men, a centurion :-- Ðá clypode hé ðæne hundredman accersito centurione, Mk. Skt. 15, 44. Sette hig tó ealdrum and tó hundredmannum and tó fíftigesmannum and tó teóðingmannum constitui eos principes, tribunes et centuriones et quinquagenarios et decanos, Deut. 1, 15. Þúsendmen and hundrydmen and fíftiesmen and teóðingmen tribunos et quinquagenarios et decanos, Ex. 18, 21. [Cf. O. H. Ger. hunteri centurio.]

hundred-penig, es; m. 'A collection made for the support of his office by the sheriff or lord of the hundred:' -- Hundredpenegas, Chart. Th. 432, 25: 433, 29. v. Glossary.

hund-seofontig; num. Seventy :-- Hundseofontig septuaginta, Ælfc. Gr. 49; Som. 49, 43. Ealles hundseofontig manna seventy men in all, Homl. Th. ii. 190, 30. His suna gestríndon twá and hundseofontig suna his sons begot seventy-two sons, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 61, 154. Ne secge ic ðe óþ seofon síðas ac óþ seofon hundseofontigon síðon non dico tibi usque septies, sed usque septuagies seplies, Mt. Kmbl. 18, 22.

hundseofontig-feald; adj. Seventy-fold :-- Septuagesima is hundseofontigfeald getel, Homl. Th. ii. 84, 28: 86, 2.

hundseofontig-wintre; adj. Seventy years old :-- Ðá hé wæs seofonhundwintre and seofon hundseofontigwintre. Gen. 5, 31.

hund-teóntig; num. A hundred :-- Hundteóntig centum, Ælfc. Gr. 49; Som. 49, 44. Hundteóntig geára wæs Abraham Abraham was a hundred years old, Homl. Th. i. 92, 20. Joseph leofode hundteóntig geára and tín tó eácan Joseph lived a hundred and ten years, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 63, 208. Hundteóntig and twentig a hundred and twenty, Shr. 85, 12. Hundteóntig and þreó and fíftig, Jn. Skt. 21, 11. Fæder Abrahames wintra hæfde twá hundteóntig and fífe eác and the days of Terah were two hundred and five years, Cd. 83; Th. 104, 26; Gen. 1741.

hundteóntig-feald; adj. Hundredfold :-- Tó hundteóntigfealdre méde, Blickl. Homl. 41, 19.

hundteóntigfeald-líc; adj. Hundredfold :-- Ðæt hé ón ðyssum life hundteóntigfealdlíce méde onfénge ut in hoc vita centuplum acciperet, Bd. 5, 19; S. 636, 36.