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ládigend-líc; adj. Excusable :-- Ládiendlíce excussabile, Wrt. Voc. ii. 146, 19.

lád-mann, es; m. A leader, guide :-- Ðú canst wegas geond ðæt wésten beó úre ládmann thou knowest the ways through the desert; be our guide; eris ductor poster, Num. 10, 31. Abram férde of Egipta lande and Farao him funde ládmen præcepit Pharao super Abram viris et deduxerunt eum, Gen. 12, 20. [Cf. Laym. &yogh;e scullen habben lædesmen and forð &yogh;e scullen liðen (2nd MS. lodesmen forþ &yogh;ou to lede): Ayenb. Þe ssipnen yhyerþ þane smite of þe lodesmanne: Prompt. Parv. p. 311, n. lodesman pilot.]

lád-rinc, es; m. A word of uncertain meaning occurring in the following passage :-- Gif cyninges ambihtsmiþ oððe laadrinc mannan ofslehþ meduman leódgelde forgelde if the king's smith or 'ládrinc' kill a man, let him pay for it with a half fine [cf. § 21; Th. i. 8, 3), L. Ethb. 7; Th. i. 4, 8. The word, as Schmid observes, might have the same meaning as lád-mann q. v. just as Layamon uses the compound lod-cniht, 'biforen rad heore lod-cniht' 25730; or taking lád in the sense of journey the reference may be to a messenger of the king, cf. L. In. 33; Th. i. 122, 13 where it speaks of 'Cyninges horswealh se ðe him mæ-acute;ge geæ-acute;rendian.' But there is another use of lád [v. lád, III) which perhaps is that in the passage; then the lád-rinc would be the king's carrier, one who did for the king similar service to that which the geneát does for his lord. In the Prompt. Parv. lodysmanne is rendered by vector, lator, vehicularius.

ladsar laserwort; laserpitium :-- Nint ladsar, Lchdm. iii. 88, 20.

lád-scipe, es; m. Leadership, command; ducatus, Wrt. Voc. ii, 72, 70.

lád-teáh, lát-téh; gen. -teáge, -tége: f. A leading-rein :-- Láttéh ducale, Ælfc. Gl. 21; Som. 59, 64; Wrt. Voc. 23, 24.

lád-teów, es; m. A leader, guide, conductor, a leader in war, general :-- Æ-acute;Anne of þám þrím englum ða ðe him on æ-acute;ghwæðere gesihþe ládteów wæs unum de tribus angelis, qui sibi in tota utraque visione ductores adfuerunt, Bd. 3, 19; S. 548, 31. Ðæt hé his ládteów beón sceolde on Breotone ut ipse eum perduceret Brittaniam, 4, 1; S. 564, 15. Hengest se ðe wæs æ-acute;rest ládteów and heretoga Angelcynnes on Breotene Hengist qui Brittaniam primus intravit, 2, 5; S. 506, 34. Hé sende fyrd ðære wæs Beotht ládteów and heretoga misso cum exercitu duce Bercto, 4, 26; S. 602, 5. Ládteáw, Bt. tit. 36; Fox xviii. 4. Láteáu, Kent. Gl. 131. Ládtow dux, Ps. Surt. 30, 4: 54, 14. Mín ládþeów dux mihi, Ps. Th. 30, 4: Ps. Spl. C. 54, 14. Dú eart æ-acute;gðer ge weg ge ládþeów tu semita, dux, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 132. 37. Látteów dux, Ælfc. Gr. 33; Som. 37, 49. Heretoga and látteów dux, Bd. 1, 16; S. 484, 18. Látteów wæs ðara leóda duces eorum, Ps. Th. 67, 25. Ic eom ealdor and látteów drihtnes heres sum princeps exercitus domini, Jos. 5, 14. Wilferþ bæd ðæt hé him ðæs siiþfætes látteów wæ-acute;re Vilfridum ducem sibi itineris fieri rogaret, Bd. 4, 5; S. 571, 35: 2, 20; S. 521, 41. Látteów ðæs weges, Ælfc. T. Grn. 18, 11. God, lífes látteów, Elen. Kmbl. 1037; El. 520: 1794; El. 899. Lífes látþeów, Cd. 147; Th. 184, 8; Exod. 104. Wæs ðæt se mín látþeów se ðe mé æ-acute;r læ-acute;dde ille erat ipse qui me ante ducebat, Bd. 5, 12: S. 629, 8. Látþeów ductor, S. 629, 40. Látþeów dux, Ps. Spl. 54, 14. Lífes láððeów the guide of life, Dóm. L. 52, 9. Ðes and ðeós láteów oððe heretoga hic et hæc dux, Ælfc. Gr. 9; Som. 14, 9: Wrt. Voc. 72, 60. Drihten ðe eówer láteów ys dominus qui ductor est vester, Deut. 31, 8. Ðæt hé ðæs látteówes lárum hýre that he listen to the guide's instructions, Exon. 37 b; Th, 124, 5; Gú. 335: Elen. Kmbl. 2417; El. 1210. Hé sóhte hine him tó látðeówe on ðæm wege ducem requirebat in via, Past. 41, 5; Swt. 305, 5. Seó leó gif heó blódes onbirigþ ábít æ-acute;rest hire ládteów the lioness, if she tastes blood, will first rend her keeper; primusque lacer dente cruento domitor rabidas imbuit iras, Bt. 25; Fox 38, 14. Þurh sume ða Wyliscean ðe him tó wæ-acute;ron cumen and his læ-acute;dteówas wæ-acute;ron by means of some of the Welsh who had come to him and were his guides, Chr. 1097; Erl. 233, 39. Hig synt blinde and blindra látteówas (Lind. látuas) cæci sunt, duces cæcorum, Mt. Kmbl. 15, 14. Wæ-acute;ron heora látteówas and heretogan twegen gebróðra Hengest and Horsa, Bd. 1, 15; S. 483, 27. Ic mé ðá mid genom .cc. ládþeówa and eác. l. ðe ða génran wegas cúðan ðara síðfato acceptis .cl. ducibus qui brevitates itinerum noverant, Nar. 6, 7. Gé preóstas synd gesette tó láðþeówum and tó láreówum ofer Godes folc. L. Ælfc. P. 5; Th. ii. 366, 4. Him ðá Rómáne æfter ðæm ládteówas gesetton, ðe hie consulas héton, Ors. 2, 2; Swt. 68, 2. Ealle míne ládþeówas ðe mec on swelc earfeðo gelæ-acute;ddon locorum demonstratores qui nos in insidias deducebant, Nar. 16, 25. In Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 2, 6: Rtl. 38, 15: 193, 15, the form látwa with pl. látuas, Mt. 15, 14, occurs; also látwu, Rtl. 193, 17, 19; and in 2, 5 látuan glosses ducere. [O. E. Homl. latteu a guide: Jul. lauerd, lines lattow: cf. Icel. leið-togi a guide.] v. under-ládteów.

ládteów-dóm, es; m. Leadership, guidance, conduct :-- Mid engla ládþeówdóme ducentibus angelis, Bd. 4, 3; S. 568, 41. Ðýlæs hí underfó ðone ládteówdóm (Hat. MS. látteówdóm) ðæs forlores ne ducatum suscipiat perditionis, Past. 3, 1; Swt. 32, 9 Ðone ládteówdóm (Hat. MS. láttiówdóm) ðæs folces plebium ducatum, 7, 2; Swt. 50, 18. Ládteówdóm (Hat. MS. látteówdóm) geearwian ducatum præbere, 18, 7; Swt. 138, 16.

Ládteówdóm magisterium, pædagogium, Hpt. Gl. 477.

ládung, e; f. I. An excusing, a clearing of or defending against a charge, an apology, excuse, a defence, exculpation :-- Ládung apologia, Ælfc. Gl. 106; Som. 78, 64; Wrt. Voc. 57, 43: excussatio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 146, 15. God læ-acute;t him fyrst ðæt hé his mándæ-acute;da geswíce gif hé wile: gif hé nele ðæt hé beó bútan æ-acute;lcere ládunge swíðe rihtlíce tó deófles handa ásceofen God allows the wicked man time, that he may, if he will, cease from his wicked deeds: that, if he will not, he may, having nothing to plead in his defence, very justly be thrust into the hands of the devil, Homl. Th. i. 270, 1. Mód ymbtrymedu mid lytelícre ládunge mentes fallaci defensione circumdatæ, Past. 35, 5; Swt. 245, 8. Hí simle séceaþ endeleáse ládunga semper improbas defensiones quærunt, 35, 2; Swt. 239, 8. II. as a legal term, purgation, the clearing himself on the part of an accused person, by oath or by some form of ordeal, of the charge made against him :-- And stande betwux burgum án lagu æt ládunge, L. C. S. 34; Th. i. 396, 22. Bisceop sceall æt tihtlan, ládunge gedihtan ðæt æ-acute;nig man óðrum æ-acute;nig wóh beódan ne mæ-acute;ge áðor oððe on áþe oððe on ordále when accusation is made, the bishop shall so order the proceedings by which the accused is to clear himself, that no man may be able to offer wrong to another in the matter of taking oath or of undergoing the ordeal, L. I. P. 7; Th. ii. 312, 15. v. lád, ládian, be-ládung.

læ-acute; hair :-- Læ-acute; wíffex cæsaries, Wrt. Voc. ii. 16, 46. [ cf. ló, lóð shagginess; also a flock of wool.] Perhaps we may compare here lee of threde, Prompt. Parv. 291, where the following note is given. 'Forty threads of hemp-yarn are termed in Norfolk a lea. The "lea" by which linen yarn was estimated at Kidderminster, contained 200 threads.' Halliwell gives as a northern word 'lea the seventh part of a hank or skein of worsted.'

læ-acute;c a gift. v. lác.

læc; adj. The word, if this be the true form of it, occurs only once, in the following passage :-- Gárulf gecrang ealra æ-acute;rest ... ymb hyne gódra fela hwearf lacra hræ-acute;r hræfn wandrode sweart and sealobrún, Fins. Th. 64-70; Fin. 33-5. All the editors for hrær, which Hickes gives, read hræ-acute;w, but in the MSS. r (η) and s (Γ) are so nearly alike that perhaps hræ-acute;s, the genitive of hrá, was the original word. With regard to lacra various explanations have been given. Kemble and Conybeare print hwearflacra, Ettmüller reads hwearflicra, Thorpe hwearf láðra, Grein hwearf lacra. Taking the word to be independent, and retaining the reading of Hickes, we may compare it with Icel. lakr lacking, defective, and render it by weak, failing (from wounds), wounded. Another form that attracts comparison is given by Graff ii. 200, lah, which has reference to cutting, and this suggests the rendering wounded. With the reading hræ-acute;s for hrær the passage might be translated 'first of all sank down Garulf ... around him moved many a stout man weak or wounded in body: the raven wheeled round swart and dusky.' Ettmüller p, xxiv, giving a meaning to wandrian which it will hardly bear, translates the doubtful part of the passage 'volubilium ( = mortuorum) cadavera corvus conculcavit.' Similarly, as regards the first part, Conybeare has 'circa illum fortes multi caduci moriebantur.'

læ-acute;ca, an; m. A leech, doctor, physician :-- Se læ-acute;ca ðe sceal sáre wunda wel, gehæ-acute;lan hé mót habban góde sealfe ðæ-acute;rtó the doctor who has to make a good cure of painful wounds, must have good salve for the purpose, L. Pen. 4; Th. ii. 278, 15: 5; Th. ii. 278, 20. v. læ-acute;ce.

-læ-acute;ca. v. ag-, ellen-, lyb-, scín- læ-acute;ca.

læ-acute;can; p. læ-acute;hte, læ-acute;cte To move quickly, spring, leap [as flame] :-- Hwílum se wonna lég læ-acute;hte wið ðes láþan at times the lurid flame leaped towards the fiend, Cd. 229; Th. 309, 25; Sal. 716. DER.Æ-acute;fen-, dyrst-, ed-, efen-, geán-, gedyrst-, geneá-, geriht-, geþríst-, lof-, neá-, riht-, sumor-, þríst-, winter-læ-acute;can; and see lácan.

læccan, læccean; p. læhte; pp. læht To take, grasp, seize, catch, apprehend, capture :-- Læ-acute;deþ hine and læceþ and hine geond land spaneþ leadeth and taketh him, and through the land lures him, Salm. Kmbl. 989; Sal. 496. Hí læccaþ of manna begeatum hwæt hí gefón mágen eallswá gýfre hremnas of holde dóþ they seize of men's gettings what they can grasp, just as greedy ravens do from a corpse, L. I. P. 19; Th. ii. 328, 4. Hí

gærs æ-acute;ton georne and æ-acute;lc læhte of óðrum gif hé hwæt litles hæfde they eagerly ate grass, and each seized from the other, if he had any little bit, Ælfc. T. Grn. 21, 10. Heora æ-acute;gðer uppon óðerne túnas bærnde and eác menne læhte in their struggle they burned one another's towns and captured one another's men, Chr. 1094 ; Erl. 230, 13. Ðætte ðióstro iuih ne læcga ut non tenebræ vos compræhendant, Jn. Skt. Lind. 12, 35. Allswæ-acute; tó þeáfe gié foerdon mið suordum and stengum tó læccanne mec tamquam ad latronem existis cum gladiis et lignis comprehendere me, Mk. Skt. Lind. 14, 48. Ðæt wíf wearþ ðá læht and gelæ-acute;d tó ðam cininge sublata est mulier in domum Pharaonis, Gen. 12, 15. [Orm. to lacchenn þurrh trapp; bikahht and lahht (pp.): A. R. lecche; p. lahte: O. and N. grine þe for to lacche: Piers P. to lacche foules; p. lau&yogh;te: Gen. and Ex. lagt pp.] v. ge-læccan.