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má; indecl. cpve. used as subst. and adj. More. I. as subst. :-- Sume naman sind omonima; ða getácniaþ má þinga mid ánre clypunge, Ælfc. Gr. 5 ; Som. 4, 13. Seó þridde declinatio hefþ eahta and hundseofontig geendunga oððe má, 9; Som. 8, 15 : Elen. Kmbl. 1264; El. 634. Hé hæfþ weána má ðonne æ-acute;niges mannes gemet sý ðæt hié áríman mæ-acute;ge, Blickl. Homl. 61, 36 : 213, 28. Æ-acute;ghwylcum men biþ leófre swá hé hæbbe holdra freónda má, 123, 1. Mid ðý eówer má is cum sitis numero plures, Bd. 2, 2 ; S. 503, 13. Ne gehérde ða ondsware má manna ðonne ða míne getreówestan freónd, Nar. 32, 15. Má ðæra Iudéiscra ealdra embe Cristes cwale smeádon, Homl. Th. i. 88, 28. Næfde hé má ðonne twentig swýna, Ors. 1, 1 ; Swt. 18, 14. Nó ðé láðes má gedón móton no worse may they do thee, Andr. Kmbl. 2885; An. 1446. Ða habbaþ twegen mislíce casus and ná má on gewunan ... nis ðæ-acute;r ná má mislícra casa they have two different cases, and no more generally .. . there are no more different cases, Ælfc. Gr. 14; Som. 17, 3-7 : 15; Som. 17, 38 : Blickl. Homl. 35, 24. Donatus téþ gyt má tó ðysum . . Gyt synd má ðyssera æfter Priscianus, Ælfc. Gr. 44; Som. 46, 6-10. Gyt má wæs ðe ðæt dón ne wolde there were yet more who would not do that, Bd. 1, 14; S. 482, 17. Swá ðæ-acute;r má beáh tó ðam sóðan geleáfan, Homl. Th. ii. 540, 27. Ðá geneálæ-acute;hton má hine meldigende, 248, 32. Nabbaþ syððan hwæt hig má dón non habent amplius quod faciant, Lk. Skt. 12, 4. Hwæt sceal ic ðonne má secgean fram Sancte Johanne, Blickl. Homl. 169, 24 : Bd. 3, 27; S. 559, 22 : Ps. Th. 125, 2. Gif hé má wille, drince hé hát wæter, L. M. 2, 59; Lchdm. ii. 284, 5. Be ðam man mæg gecnáwan and be má þinga, Wulfst. 5, 4. Swá mid læs worda, swá mid má, Bt. 35. 5; Fox 166, 12. Hé ne úde ðæt æ-acute;nig óðer man æ-acute;fre mæ-acute;rða ðon má gehédde ðonne hé sylfa he would not allow that any other man should have any more distinctions than he himself had, Beo. Th. 1012 ; B. 504. Wát ic sorga ðý má, Cd. 42; Th. 54, 33; Gen. 886. Mæ-acute; wundra plura signa, Jn. Skt. Lind. 7. 31. II. as adj. :-- Seó sáwul ys má ðonne se líchama and se líchama má ðonne ðæt reáf anima plus est quam esca, et corpus quam vestimentum, Lk. Skt. 12, 23. Má wén is ðæt ðú onsende ðínne engel there is more hope if you send your angel, Blickl. Homl. 231, 23. Má wæter of ðínum múþ ðú ne send, 247. 7. Ic nelle nán word má of ðínum múþe gehýran, Nar. 45, 23. Ic wæs sixtýne síðum on sæ-acute;báte . . . is þys áne má I have been sixteen times in a sea boat ... this is once more, Andr. Kmbl. 984; An. 492. Ðæt wæs má cræft ðonne hit eorþbúend ealle cúþan [cf. use of mikil in O.Sax. kúðean kraft mikil], Exon. 13 b; Th. 26, 24; Cri. 421. Ne synd ná má namanspeligende bútan ðás fífténe there are no more pronouns than these fifteen, Ælfc. Gr. 15 ; Som. 17, 46. v. next word, and mæ-acute;st.
má, mæ-acute;; adv. More, rather, further :-- Mæ-acute; amplius, Ps. Surt. 50, 4. Gáþ má tó ðám sceápum potius ite ad oves, Mt. Kmbl. 10, 6 : 28. Æ-acute;lces monnes æþelo bióþ má on ðam móde ðonne on ðam flæ-acute;sce, Bt. 30, 1; Fox, 110, 2: Past. 17, 9; Swt. 121, 22. Nis him blód tó læ-acute;tanne ac má hira man sceal tilian mid wyrtdrencum he is not to be let blood, but rather the symptoms are to be treated with drinks made from herbs, L. M. 1, 35 ; Lchdm. ii. 82, 16. Hé ðone ná eft ne wyrge, ac hine má bletsige, L. E. 1. 21 ; Th. ii. 416, 12. Forðon ðe Godes willa is ðæt tó Columban mynstre hé má fære and læ-acute;re Dei enim voluntatis est ut ad Columbæ monasteria magis pergat docenda, Bd. 5, 9; S. 622, 39. Hé má geceás ðæt hé wæs eft hám hweorfende he preferred to return home, 5, 2 ; S. 615, 33. Him wíslícre and gehyldre wæ-acute;re ðæt hí má hám cyrdan ðonne hí ða eallreordan þeóde gesécan sceoldan, 1, 23 ; S. 485, 32. Ðæt hié má mehten heora weras wrecan that they might better avenge their husbands, Ors. 1, 10; Swt. 46, 4. Gyt má oððe gyt swíðor immo, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 42, 18 : Bt. 32, 1; Fox, 114, 17. Ne ðonne má nor further, 16, 3; Fox, 54, 29. Ongunnon hí Moyses má bysmrian, Ps. Th. 105, 14. Se má eallum Angelcyningum Brytta þeóde fornom qui plus omnibus Anglorum primatibus gentem vastavit Brittonum, Bd. 1, 34; S. 499, 19. Wénestú recce hé hire æ-acute;fre má numquid revertetur ad eam ultra, Past. 52, 3 ; Swt. 405, 12 : Cd. 216; Th. 273, 21; Sat. 140. Ne synga ðú næ-acute;fre, má, Jn. Skt. 8, 11. Ðæt ðú má ne síe mínra gylta gemyndig, Elen. Kmbl. 1630; El. 817. Má of heora múþe hit ne eode it (water) no longer came out of its mouth, Blickl. Homl. 247, 9. Sægdon ðæt hí nó má ne mihton swencte beón they said that they could not be troubled any more, Bd. 1, 12 ; S. 481, 3. Ðam mycle má hé scrýt eów quanto magis vos vestit, Mt. Kmbl. 6, 30. Mycle má, 7, 11. Swá mycele má, Lk. Skt. 12, 28. Hwæt is ðæt ðé má ðæt æ-acute;nig man mæ-acute;ge óðrum dón ðæt hé ne mæ-acute;ge him dón ðæt ilce quid autem est, quod in alium facere quisquam potest, quod sustinere ab alio ipse non potest; Bt. 16, 2; Fox 52, 27. Ðá clypodon hig ðæs ðé má [so much the more, cf. O. H. Ger. des diu mér : Ger. desto mehr], Mt. Kmbl. 20, 31 : Mk. Skt. 6, 51 : 10, 48. Hit ðæ-acute;r ne weaxt ðé má ðe gimmas weaxaþ on wíngeardum it does not grow there any more than jewels grow in vineyards, Bt. 32, 3; Fox 118, 10 : 34, 1 : Fox 134, 15. Ðæra máðma ne róhte ðé má ðe reócendes meoxes, Homl. Skt. 7, 20 : L. Edg. C. 7; Th. ii. 280, 6. Gelpan ne þorfte Costontinus ne Anláf ðý má no need had Constantine to boast, no more had Anlaf, Chr. 937 ; Erl. 114, 12; Æðelst. 46. Næs him se swég tó sorge ðon má ðe sunnan scíma the noise (of the flames) was not troublesome to them any more than sunshine, Cd. 187; Th. 232, 23; Dan. 264. Hié ðæs ne onmunden ðon má ðe eówre geféran, Chr. 755; Erl. 50, 25. Ðá ne wolde se pápa ðæt geþafigean ne ða burhware ðon má then the pope would not permit it, no more would the citizens; et si pontifex concedere illi quod petierat voluit, non tamen cives potuere permittere, Bd. 2, 1 ; S. 501, 33 : Ps. Th. 93, 13 : Salm. Kmbl. 436; Sal. 218. Má and má magis magisque, Bd. 4, 29; S. 607, 15. Weaxan á má and má, Past. 37, 1 ; Swt. 263, 18. Se wela ðe [hí] him dæghwamlíce gesamnodan má and má, Blickl. Homl. 99, 29. [Mo, moe remains down to Shakspere's time. O. Frs. má; adv. and subst.; other dialects have forms which contain the comparative suffix : Goth. mais : adv.; ni þana mais no more; O. Sax. mér; subst. and adv.; þan mér any more : Icel. meir : adv.; O. H. Ger; mér; adv.]
maca, an; m. A make, mate, match :-- Fadores æc gimaca ðæm maca patrisque compar unice (the glosser seems to have misunderstood unice), Rtl. 165, 11. [Make is used by Ben Jonson. Icel. maki a match, mate : Dan. mage.] v. ge-maca, ge-mæc.
maca-, macca-líc; adj. Fit, suitable, convenient :-- Mið ðý dæg maccalíc [macalíc, Rush.] gecuom cum dies opportunus accidisset, Mk. Skt. Lind. 6, 21 [Scot. makly seemly : Icel. mak-ligr meet, becoming, fitting.] v. ge-mæc, and preceding word.
MACIAN; p. ode To MAKE, do, act :-- Ic macige ðé mycelre mæ-acute;gþe faciam te in gentem magnam, Gen. 12, 2. Seó forme declinatio macaþ hire genitivum on ae, Ælfc. Gr. 7; Som. 6, 4 : 24; Som. 24, 24. Ðæt is ðæt héhste gód ðæt hit eall swá mehtiglíce macaþ that is the highest good, which does everything so mightily, Bt. 35, 4; Fox 162, 1. Ne swincaþ á ymbe æ-acute;nige þearfe ac maciaþ eall be luste and be éþnesse ... Ðæt is láþlíc líf ðæt hí swá maciaþ they never labour at any necessary matter, but do all for pleasure and ease . . It is a detestable life, that they act so, L. I. P. 14; Th. ii. 322, 23-26. Sweriaþ mé ðæt gé dón wið mé swilce mildheortnisse, swá ic macode wið eów, Jos. 2, 12. Ðá befrán heó ðæt cild hú hit macode on eallum ðam fyrste then she asked the child what it had been doing in all the time, Homl. Th. i. 566, 20. Swá hé hit macode on his lífe such was his practice in his life, ii. 354, 24. Jubal wæs fæder ðæra ðe organan macodun, Gen. 4, 21. Forðan hí macodon mæ-acute;st ðet unseht betweónan Godwine eorle and ðam cynge, Chr. 1052; Erl. 187, 27. Ðæt ic macige mete ðínum fæder ðæ-acute;r of, Gen. 27, 9. Ðæt ða cristenan hine tó martyre ne macion that the Christians may not make a martyr of him, Homl. Skt. 5, 460. Hé (Lucifer) wolde hine macian tó gode, Ælfc. T. Grn. 2, 43. Bæ-acute;don sume ðæt Samson móste him macian sum gamen some asked, that Samson should make sport for them, Jud. 16, 25. Riht is ðæt mynecena mynsterlíce macian it is right that nuns that should practise the rules of their monasteries, L. I. P. 15; Th. ii. 322, 32. Gestihtode hú men sceoldon ðæ-acute;rinne hit macian qualiter debeant conversari dispensat, Past. 16, 1; Swt. 98, 11. Se wísdóm sæ-acute;de him hú hé hit macian sceolde gif hé heora þegen beón sceolde, Bt. tit. 7; Fox x, 16. [O. Sax. makón : O. Frs. makia : O. H. Ger. machón Ger. machen.] v. ge-macian.
má-cræftig; adj. Very (?) skilled or powerful :-- Hwanon cómen gé ceólum líðan mácræftige menn, Andr. Kmbl. 513; An. 257. Næ-acute;fre ic sæ-acute;lidan sélran métte, mácræftigran, 943; An. 472. [Grimm in a note on the former passage suggests that má in this compound may be a substantive from the same root and with the same meaning as mere.]
macung, e; f. Making, doing, action :-- Þurh ðes macunge mæ-acute;st se eorl Rotbert ðises geáres ðis land mid unfriþe gesóhte it was mostly his doing that Earl Robert attacked this country in the course of this year, Chr. 1101; Erl. 238, 1.
mád (v. ge-maad vecors, Wrt. Voc. ii. 123, 36); adj. Unreasoning, foolish, mad :-- Þrinteþ him on innan ungeméde mád mód within him (one guilty of oferhygd) swells a mind displeasing by its folly, Exon. 83 b; Th. 315, 2; Mód. 25. v. ge-mæ-acute;d.
mádm. v. máðm.
mæ-acute;, more. v. má.
mæc; adj. Well-matched, equal, agreeable(?) :-- Hár hildering hréman ne þorfte macan (other MSS. mecca, meca, mecga) gemæ-acute;nan the grey-haired warrior had no need to boast of well-matched intercourse, i. e. would not boast of being a match for those against whom he fought, and by whom he had been defeated, Chr. 937; Erl. 114, 6; Ædelst. 40. [Prompt. Parv. make or fyte and mete; mak, fyt, esy aptus, conveniens : Icel. makr suitable, easy to deal with.] v. ge-mæc.
mæced [ = má-éced? cf. má-geéct] glosses mactus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 79, 53.
Mæcedonie; pl. The Macedonians :-- Philippus Mæcedonia cyning, Ors. 4, 11; Swt. 204, 5. Gewin wið Mæcedonie, Swt. 202, 33.
Mæcedonisc; adj. Macedonian :-- Ðæt Mæcedonisce gewin, Ors. 4, 11; Swt. 208, 5.
mæ-acute;ce-fisc. v. méce-fisc.
mæcg,mecg, es; m. A man :-- Ic meþelcwide mæcges (the angel that visited Guthlac) ongeat, Exon. 50 b; Th. 175, 9; Gú. 1192. Mægþ and mæcgas, 45 a; Th. 153. 29; Gú. 833 : 113 a; Th. 434, 7; Rä. 51, 7. Fréfra ðíne mæcgas (the disciples of St. Andrew), Andr. Kmbl. 843; An. 422. Mæcga misgehýd men's evil intent, 1543; An. 773. Mæcgea (mecga, MS. C.) mundbora (Edmund), Chr. 942; Erl. 116, 8, Mecga (those in hell) gnornunge,Cd. 220; Th. 285, 8; Sat. 334. Mæcgum (the children in the fiery furnace), 187; Th. 232, 24; Dan. 265. Adam iécte siððan mægþum and mæcgum mæ-acute;gburg síne Adam afterwards increased his family with daughters and sons, 55; Th. 68, 26; Gen. 1123. DER. ambeht-, earfoþ-, eóred-, Geát-, gigant-, here-, hilde-, oret-,wræc-mæcg.