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-neah. v. be-, ge-neah.

neáh-búend, es ; m. A near-dweller, a neighbour :-- Ic eom neáh-búendum nyt, Exon. Th. 407, 8; Rä. 26, 2.

neáh-búr. v. neáh-gebúr.

neáh-dún, e; f. A neighbouring hill :-- Of ðæ-acute;m neáhdúnum and scrafum ex vicinis montium speluncis, Nar. 14, 6.

neáh-eá; f. A neighbouring river :-- Hié of ðæ-acute;m neáhéum and merum ða hronfiscas up tugon and ða æ-acute;ton, Nar. 22, 9.

neáh-eáland, es ; n. A neighbouring island : - On ðysum neáheá-lande ðæt is nemned Ulcani, Shrn. 86, 1.

neáh-freónd, es ; m. A near friend or relation :-- Ðæ-acute;r wæs mycel menigo manna gegaderod his mága and eác óðra his néhfreónda, Guthl. 12; Gdwin. 56, 22. [Icel. ná-frændi a near kinsman.]

neáh-, néh-gebúr, néhche-, néhhe-, néche-, néhe-búr, es; m. A neighbour :-- Néhgebúr adfinis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 9, 68 : convical, 135, 56. Míne frýnd and míne miáas and míne neáhgebúras amici mei, et proximi mei, Ps. Th. 37, 11. His neáhgebúras (néhebúras, Lind.: néhgibúras, Rush.) vicini, Jn. Skt. 9, 8. Hyre néhchebúras (néhhebúras, MS. A.: néhebúras, Lind.: néhgibúras, Rush.), Lk. Skt. 1, 58, 65. Néhhebúras, 14, 12 : 15, 6. Neapolite ða heora néhgebúras, Blickl. Homl. 201, 19. Néchebúrena gefeoht intestinum bellum, Wrt. Voc. i. 35, 16. V. men his neáhgebúra (néhbúra), L. Ath. i. 9 ; Th. i. 204, 11. On his néhebúra gewitnesse, v. 8, 7 ; Th. i. 238, 3. Se ðe æfter æ-acute;negum ceápe ríde, cýþe his neáhgebúrum ymbe hwæt hé ríde, L. Edg. S. 7; Th. i. 274, 20 : Ps. Th. 30, 13. Ne laða ðú ðíne welegan neáhgebúras, Past. 44; Swt. 323, 21. [Cf. Icel. ná-búi a neighbour.] v. next two words.

neáh-gebýrild, es; m. A neighbour :-- Néhebýrildas vicinas, Lk. Skt. Lind. 15, 9. v. next word.

neáh-gebýren, e; f. A neighbour :-- Heó clypaþ hyre frýnd and néhhebýryna (-byrna, MS. A.) convocans amicas et vicinas, Lk. Skt. 15, 9. v. neáh-gebúr.

neáh-gehúsa, an ; m. A neighbour :-- Néhgehúsum mínum vicinis meis, Ps. Surt. 30, 12 : 78, 4, 12 : 79, 7.

neahhige; adv. Abundantly, frequently, Ps. Th. 138, 9. v. geneahhie.

neáh-, neá-læ-acute;can; p. -læ-acute;hte, -læ-acute;cte To draw nigh, approach :-- Ðis fýr mé swíðe neálæ-acute;ceþ ignis mihi adpropinquat, Bd. 3, 19; S. 548, 24 : Exon. Th. 164, 4; Gú. 1006. Deáþ neálæ-acute;cte, 170, 16; Gú. 1112. Hé neálæ-acute;hte accessit, Gen. 27; 27. On ðære tíde ðe neálæ-acute;hte niðða bearnum, Cd. Th. 77, 32; Gen. 1284 : Judth. Thw. 21, 25; Jud. 34. Hí neáhlæ-acute;hton tó ðære ceastre adpropinquantes civitati; Bd. 1, 25; S. 487; 21. Hí ðam mynstre neálæ-acute;ctan, 4, 25; S. 600, 28. Tó him neálæ-acute;can, 4, 3; S. 567, 43. v. ge-, tó-neáhlæ-acute;can.

neáh-, neá-læ-acute;cung, e ; f. A drawing nigh, approach :-- Ðá ðá hé gefrédde his deáþes neálæ-acute;cunge when he was sensible of the approach of his death, Homl. Th. i. 88, 8. Hý sylfe fram manna gesyhþe áscyriende ðara manna neálæ-acute;cynge ná underfóþ cutting themselves off from the sight of men they do not admit the approach of men, R. Ben. 135, 1. v. ge-neálæ-acute;cing.

neáh-líc; adj. Near :-- Unrótnysse neáhlíce tribulatio proxima, Ps. Lamb. 21, 12. [Icel. ná-ligr near, close at hand.] v. next word.

neáh-, neá-líce ; adv. Nearly, about :-- Hié neálíce swá fela (tot pene) þearfena ofsleáþ swá hié ídelíce mid hiera ælmessan gehelpan meahton, Past. 45, 1 ; Swt. 335, 15. Hý blówaþ ðonne neálíce (just about when) óðre wyrta scrincaþ, Lchdm. i. 204, 13. [Icel. ná-liga nearly, almost : O. H. Ger. náh-lícho ferme.] v. ge-néhlíce.

neáh-, neá-, néh-mæ-acute;g, es; m. A near kinsman :-- His gebróðru and his neámágas fratres ejus omnisque cognatio illa, Ex. 1, 6. Neáhmága adfinium, Wrt. Voc. ii. 3, 8. His néhmága sum and his worldfreónda, Blickl. Homl. 113, 9. Se man leóf his néhmágum and his worldfreóndum, 111, 27. Wífe and cildan and néhmágon (MS. B. neáhmágum), L. C. S. 71 ; Th. i. 414, 1. [Icel. ná-mágr a near kinsman by marriage.]

neáh-mæ-acute;gþ, e ; f. A neighbouring province (v. mæ-acute;gþ, IV. c) :-- On ða neáhmæ-acute;gþe in proximam provinciam, Bd. 4, 16; S. 584, 23. Ðæra neáhmæ-acute;gþa finitimarum provinciarum, 3, 24; S. 557, 15.

neáh-, néh-mann, es; m. A neighbour :-- Him se gesíþ eác fultumade and ealle ða neáhmenn juvante etiam comite ac vicinis omnibus, Bd. 4, 4 ; S. 571, 14. Ða néhmen vicini, 1, 33; S. 499, 10. Úrum neáhmannum

vicinis nostris, Ps. Th. 79, 6: Shrn. 73, 35.

neáh-munt, es ; m. A neighbouring mountain :-- Of ðæm neáhmunte (ex vicino monte) wealleþ wæter, Nar. 31, 7.

neáhness, e; f. Nearness, neighbourhood :-- Hwylc tóweard yfel ðú ðé on neáhnysse forhtast quae ventura tibi in proximo mala formidas, Bd. 2, 12 ; S. 514, 1. On néhnesse his cytan in vicinia cellae illius, 5, 12; S. 630, 42.

neáh-nunnan-mynster. v. neáh, I.

-neáhsen. v. ge-neáhsen.

neáh-sibb, e ; f. Relationship :-- Néhsibbe propinquitatis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 66, 36.

neáh-sibb; adj. Related :-- Wé læ-acute;raþ ðæt æ-acute;nig cristen man æ-acute;fre ne gewífie on his mæ-acute;ges láfe ðe swá neáhsib (neáh sib, Th.) wæ-acute;re, L. C. E. 7; Th. i. 364, 24. Nán man ne wífige on neáhsibban (neáh sibban, Th.) nér (m', Th.) ðonne wiðútan ðam .iiii. cneówe let no one take a wife among his relations nearer of kin than beyond the fourth degree, L. N. P. L. 6, ; Th. ii. 300, 14.

neáhsta a neighbour. v. níhsta.

neáh-stów, e ; f. I. a neighbouring place :-- Ealle ða neáhstówa ðæ-acute;r ymbútan, Bt. 15; Fox 48, 22. II. neighbourhood :-- On ðære circean oððe on hire neáhstówe, Shrn. 81, 24.

neaht. v. niht.

neáh-þeód, e ; f. A neighbouring people :-- Europe ne Asia ne ealle ða neáhþeóda, Ors. 1, 10; Swt. 46, 28. Æ-acute;gðer ge hié self wéndon ge ealle ða neáhþeóda ðæt hié ofer hié ealle mehte anwald habban, 3, 1 ; Swt. 96, 6.

neáh-tíd, e ; f. A time close at hand :-- Ðæt heó tó ðon ðider com ðæt heó hire sæ-acute;de ða neáhtíde hire geleórnesse quod ipsa ei tempus suae transmigrationis in proximum nunciare venisset, Bd. 4. 9; S. 577, 33.

neáh-tún, es ; m. A neighbouring town :-- Sum eald man wæs in ðam néhtúne ðæ-acute;r ic wæs ðæs nama wæs Malchus there was an old man in the town near where I was, whose name was Malchus, Shrn. 36, 6.

neáh-wæter,es; n. A piece of water that is near :-- Wé gewícodon be ðæ-acute;m neáhwætrum, Nar. 22, 24.

neáh-west, -wist, e ; f. : es ; m. I. nearness, neighbourhood :-- Hé ne dorste his neáwiste geneálæ-acute;can he dare not come into his neighbourhood, Homl. Th. i. 88, 21. Ungewuniendlíc for ðære sunnan neáweste uninhabitable on account of the nearness of the sun, Lchdm. iii. 260, 21. On ðære neáwiste næs nán wæterscipe, Jud. 15, 18. In ðara neáwiste in quorum vicinia, Bd. 5, 14; S. 634, 28. Hig on neáwiste (in vicino) eardodon, Jos. 9, 16: Elen. Kmbl. 133; El. 67. Wæs ðæ-acute;r on neáweste (in proximo) hús, Bd. 4, 24; S. 598, 27 : Blickl. Homl. 197, 20: Chr. 924; Erl. 110, 13. Ðá wícode se cyng on neáweste ðare byrig, 896; Erl. 94, 5. Swá feala earmra manna swá on ðæs rícan neáweste sweltaþ, Blickl. Homl. 53, 5. Ða ðe on hire neáwiste lifgeaþ, 43, 2. Ne [mágon] húse ðínum on neáweste náhwæ-acute;r sceþþan flagella non appropiabunt tabernaculo tuo, Ps. Th. 90, 10. Ealle ða wæ-acute;pnedmen ðe him on neáweste wæ-acute;ron, Ors. 1, 10; Swt. 46, 2. Ealle ða rícu ðe him under beóþ oððe on neáweste, Bt. 16, 1 ; Fox 50, 3. Tó ðæs ríces neáwiste belimpeþ seó stów ad cujus vicina pertinet locus ille, Bd. 5, 12 ; S. 630, 22. II. the being with another, presence, society, fellowship :-- Hwæt is betere ðonne ðæs cyninges folgaþ and his neáwest (cf. ðæs cyninges geférræ-acute;den, l. 2) what is better than to serve and be with the king ? Bt. 29, 1 ; Fox 102, 7. Hwelc is æ-acute;ngum men máre daru ðonne hé hæbbe on his geférræ-acute;denne and on his néweste feónd on freóndes anlícnesse, 29, 2 ; Fox 106, 14. Þincþ his neáwist (the presence of the dead body) láþlíco and unfæger, Blickl. Homl. 111, 30. Ne cume he ná on ðæs cyninges neáwiste (ansýne, MS. H.), L. Edm. E. 3 ; Th. i. 246, 3. Se sacerd démde ðæt hé sceolde beón áscyred fram manna neáwiste the priest judged that he (the leper) should be separated from the society of men, Homl. Th. i. 124, 25. Hé férde tó folces neáwiste and bodade, 352, 11. From alre néweste geleáfulra sýn heó ásceádene, Chart. Th. 29, 19. Mid ðý ic wæs him on neáwiste, hé ðus wæs sprecende, Bd. 3, 13 ; S. 538, 23. Forlæ-acute;t mec englas geniman on ðínne neáwest (into thy presence), Exon. Th. 455, 13 ; Hy. 4, 49. Ic forboden æ-acute;lcon bisceope and mæssepreóste ðæt hig nánes wífmannes neáweste mid him næbbon (ne mulieris alicujus societatem secum habeant), L. Ecg. P. ii. 6; Th. ii. 198, 8. Wé læ-acute;raþ ðæt æ-acute;nig preóst ne lufige wífmanna neáwiste, L. Edg. c. 60; Th. ii. 256, 21. Hí wífes neáwiste forléton, L. Ælfc. C. 1 ; Th. ii. 342, 14 : Homl. Skt. 10, 204. Libia and Agrippina wurdon swá gelýfede ðæt hí forbugon heora wera neáwiste, Homl. Th. i. 374, 33. Ne can ðara idesa ówðer þurh gebedscipe beorna neáwist, Cd. Th. 148, 36; Gen. 2467. [Laym. ne-, neo-weste (-uste) : Icel. ná-vist presence : O. H. Ger. náh-wist praesentia.]