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524. Se wyrm onwóc, Beo. Th. 4563; B. 2287. Ða men onwócan, and út urnon, Ors. 4, 2; Swt. 160, 22. II. to arise, spring, be derived, be born :-- Ðú wást ðæt ðú of mínre (the speaker is Eve) dehter, Drihten, onwóce, Blickl. Homl. 89, 20: Cd. Th. 292, 12; Sat. 439. Hér Ida féng tó ríce, ðonon Norþanhymbra cynecyn onwóc, Chr. 547; Erl. 16, 8. Him onwóc heáh Healfdene, Beo. Th. 112; B. 56. Beornas onwócan, cynn æfter cynne cende wæ-acute;ron, Ps. Th. 104, 11. Hwæ-acute;r ús hearmstafas onwócan, Cd. Th. 58, 2; Gen. 940. Hié begeton feówertíg bearna ðæt ðonon menio onweócon, 294, 25; Sat. 476.

on-wacan, -waccan, e; f. An awakening, arousing, incentive :-- Onwaccano mægna incitamenta virtutum, Rtl. 74, 24. v. wacan.

on-wacnian; p. ode To wake up, rouse one's self :-- Onwacnigeaþ nú, wígend míne, Fins. Th. 28; Fin. 10. v. on-wæcnan.

on-wadan. I. to make one's way into, to penetrate :-- Oft hira mód onwód under dimscúan deófles lárum, Andr. Kmbl. 280; An. 140. II. to enter with irresistible force, to make one's self master of, take possession of :-- Wífa wlite onwód folcdriht wera the beauty of the women made its way to the hearts of the men, Cd. Th. 76, 20; Gen. 1260, Hié wlenco onwód, 155, 27; Gen. 2579. v. an-wadan.

on-wæ-acute;can to soften, mollify, cause relaxation of severity :-- Ðæt wé mihtiges Godes mód onwæ-acute;cen, Cd. Th. 26, 7; Gen. 403.

on-wæcnan; p. ede. I. to awake :-- Hit ne onwæcneþ tó ðon ðæt hit eft on ierne mid hreówsunga. Ac hit wilnaþ dæt hit tó ðon onwæcne, ðæt hit mæ-acute;ge eft weorþan oferdruncen, Past. 56; Swt. 431, 22-25. Ðonne onwæcneþ eft winleás guma, Exon. Th. 289, 8; Wand. 45. Ðá hí onwæcnedun vigilantes, Lk. Skt. 9, 32. 'Nú us is tíma ðæt wé onwæcnen of slæ-acute;pe.' Ond eft hé cwiþ: 'Onwæcnaþ, gé ryhtwísan,' Past. 63; Swt. 459, 33-461, 1. Fordytte ðæt eáre mid ðære wulle ðonne ðú slápan wille, and dó eft of ðonne ðú onwæcne, Lchdm. ii. 42, 26. II. to rise, spring, be derived :-- Ðonne hé (the Phenix) of ascan onwæcneþ, Exon. Th. 240, 34; Ph. 648. Monig sceal siððan wyrt onwæcnan, 191, 4; Az. 83. Ðanon æ-acute;torcyn æ-acute;rest gewurdon onwæcned, Salm. Kmbl. 439; Sal. 220. v. next

on-wæcnian, -wecnian; p. ode To awake, arise, be roused, be raised :-- Of mistlícum dryncum onwæcnaþ sió wóde þrág ðære wræ-acute;nnysse, Bt. 37, 1; Fox 186, 17. Ðonne (at the sound of the archangel's trumpet) of ðisse moldan men onwecniaþ, deáde of duste árísaþ, Cd. Th. 302, 23; Sat. 604. v. on-wacnian, -wæcnan.

on-wæmme. v. un-wemme.

on-wæ-acute;re (?) unripe :-- Genim onwæ-acute;re sláh ðæt seáw, and wring þurh cláþ on ðæt eáge, sóna gæ-acute;þ of (the white spot will go off) gif sió sláh biþ gréne, Lchdm. ii. 32, 18.

on-wæstm increase, increment :-- Onwæstem incrementum, Rtl. 69, 19.

on-wæterig. v. un-wæterig.

on-wald, -walh. v. on-weald, -wealh.

on-wealcan; v. trans. To roll :-- Dryhtnes bibod geofonflóda gehwylc georne behealdeþ ðonne merestreámas wæter onwealcaþ each ocean flood carefully observes the Lord's command, when the sea-streams make the water roll, Exon. Th. 193, 25; Az. 127. Cf. Sóna swá ðú geseó ðæt ðú hyre (the mandrake) geweald hæbbe, genim hý sóna on hand, swá andwealc hí, and gewring ðæt wós of hyre leáfon, Th. An. 116, 22.

on-weald, es; m. Power :-- Sý him ár and onwald to him be honour and power, Exon. Th. 241, 28; Ph. 663. Hié hiere onwaldes hié (Rome) beniman woldon; and heó hwæðere onwealg on hiere onwalde æfter þurhwunade, Ors. 2, 1; Swt. 62, 22-24. Se geeode ðæt eálond and Rómána onwealde underþeódde, Bd. 1, 3; S. 475, 18. Ne læ-acute;t áwyrgde ofer ús onwald ágan, Exon. Th. 10, 28; Cri. 159. Ða kyningas ðe ðone onwald hæfdon ðæs folces ... hié heora onweald gehióldon, Past. pref.; Swt. 3, 5-7. Ðú áhtest alra onwald (power over all), Cd. Th. 268, 24; Sat. 60. Ðæt gé mín onweald ágan mósten, Exon. Th. 131, 9; Gú. 453. Ús áléfan écne onwald, Cd. Th. 272, 11; Sat. 118. Wé hine oferswýðdon and ús in onweald geslógon eal his londríce regi superato acceptaque in conditiones omni ejus regione, Nar. 3, 22. Wé ealle his þeóde on onwald onféngon, 4, 6. v. an-, and-weald, on-wealda.

on-weald (?); adj. Powerful :-- Ðá Dryhten of deáþe árás onweald (-wealh?) of eorþan, Exon. Th. 168, 9; Gú. 1075.

on-wealda, an; m. One who has power, a ruler :-- Ic gelýfe in écne onwealdan ealra gesceafta, Exon. Th. 140, 14; Gú. 610. [O. H. Ger. ana-walto: Ger. an-walt. In O. H. Ger. ana-walton (gen. dat. pl.) also translates potestatum, potestatibus, v. Grff. i. 813. Cf. on-weald.] v. an-wealda.

on-wealg. v. next word.

on-wealh, -walh; adj. Whole, entire :-- Onwalh integer, Wrt. Voc. ii. 44, 25. Of anwealhre integro, Hpt. Gl. 525, 61. I. literal, sound, uninjured, uncorrupted :-- Ealne his líchoman gemétton onwealhne and gesundne (integrum), Bd. 4, 30; S. 608, 37. Ealle ða scýtan ðe se líchoma mid bewunden wæs onwealge ætýwdon linteamina omnia quibus involutum erat corpus integra apparuerunt, 4, 19; S. 589, 21. Ða lástas á onwalge beóþ and on ðære ilcan onsýne ðe hié on forman on ða eorþan bestapene wæ-acute;ron, Blickl. Homl. 127, 20. II. metaph. :-- Heó onwealg on hiere onwalde æfter þurhwunade regnat incolumis, Ors. 2, 1; Swt. 62, 23. Wæs hyre mægdenhád onwalg, Exon. Th. 87, 6; Cri. 1421. Ðæt gecyndelíce gewitt biþ anwalg untósliten, Past. 52, 2; Swt. 405, 5. Ða óðre stondaþ on anwalgre hæ-acute;lo, Swt. 403, 23. Andswarede ðæt hé on ðyssum hæfde fæstne geleáfan and onwalhne integram se in hoc habere fidem respondebat, Bd. 3, 13; S. 539, 4. Geleáfan onwealhne and unwemmedne heóldan, 1, 4; S. 475, 33: 4, 10; S. 578, 27. III. of time, whole, entire :-- Onwalhge wican ebdomade integra, 4, 27; S. 604, 31. Geár onwealh anno integro, 3, 1; S. 523, 28. Onwalhge niht noctes integras, 4, 25; S. 599, 30. [O. H. Ger. ana-walg absolutus.]

on-wealhlíce; adv. Entirely :-- Ða mægenu ðæs gódes weorces ðe hé Gode útan anwealglíce forgeaf tantae virtutis sacrificium, quod integrum foras immolant, Past. 33, 5; Swt. 220, 22.

on-wealhness, e; f. Wholeness, soundness, integrity. I. literal :-- Þurh ða heora onwalhnesse gecýðed is it is made evident by the unchanged condition of the footsteps, Blickl. Homl. 127, 27. II. metaph. purity, chastity, integrity :-- Andwealhnys integritas, religio sanctitas, Hpt. Gl. 433, 50. Andhwælhnysse integritatis, 414, 74. Andwealcnysse, 432, 47. Andwealhnysse, 452, 32. Anhwealhnysse, 461, 46, Andwealhnysse integritatis, castitatis, 465, 71. Onwealhnesse integritatis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 44, 24. Mid écre onwalhnesse (integritate) mægþhádes, Bd. 4, 19; S. 587, 25. Anwalhnysse, Homl. Th. ii. 564, 6. Andwælhnysse integritatem, pudicitiam, Hpt. Gl. 463, 57.

on-weard; adj. Proceeding against, taking action against :-- Warnige se abbod ðæt hé þurh andan ne sý onweard ðam profaste let the abbot take heed that he be not acting against the provost from hatred, R. Ben. 126, 11.

on-wecnian. v. on-wæcnian.

on-weg; adv. Away, off. I. with verbs of motion :-- Óðer þing wiston ða wífmenn ðá hý onweg cyrdon when they went away (from the sepulchre), Exon. Th. 460, 13; Hö. 16. Gif ðú onweg cymest if you come away (alive from the fight), Beo. Th. 2769; B. 1382. Féran onweg, Exon. Th. 373, 4; Seel. 103. Onweg (áweg) fleon, Ors. 4, 2; Bos. 79, 15: Bd. 4, 22; S. 591, 11. Onweg gewítan, Blickl. Homl. 117, 1. Onweg hweorfan, Beo. Th. 534; B. 264. Hé onweg ðanon feorhlástas bær, 1693; B. 844. II. with verbs of taking, removing, separating, etc. :-- Onweg áceorfan amputare, Ps. Spl. T. 118, 39. Onweg ádon to put away, Bd. 3, 1; S. 524, 3. Onweg ádrífan to drive away, expel, 2, 5; S. 507, 28. Onweg áhebban to remove, 1, 27; S. 493, 7. Onweg álæ-acute;dan, 5, 3; S. 616, 36. Onweg ániman, Blickl. Homl. 55, 9. Onweg áteón to withdraw, subtract, Bd. 4, 17; S. 586, 9. v. á-weg.

onweg-ácirredness, e; f. A turning away (from right belief), apostasy :-- Seó onwegácerrednes fram Cristes geleáfan Angelcyninga apostasia regum Anglorum, Bd. 3, 9; S. 533, 8,

onweg-álæ-acute;dness, e; f. A taking away, removal :-- Ond for ðære gelómlícum onwegálæ-acute;dnesse (frequenti ablatione) ðære hálgan moldan wæs mycel seáþ geworden, Bd. 5, 18; S. 635, 31.

onweg-gewite, es; m. A going forth :-- In onweggewite in excessu, Ps. Surt. 115, 11.

onweg-gewitenness, e; f. Going forth, departure :-- Æfter his onweggewitenesse (abscessum) of Breotene, Bd. 3, 7; S. 530, 12. v. áweg-gewitenness.

on-wendan. I. to turn, change :-- Ðú hí onwendest mutabis ea, Ps. Th. 101, 23. Hé onwendeþ his hiw, Lchdm. ii. 204, 9. Werþióde his (the morning-star) noman onwendaþ, hátaþ hine æ-acute;fenstiorra, Met. 29, 29. Mé onhwyrfdon of ðære gecynde ðe ic æ-acute;r beheóld, onwendan míne wísan, Exon. Th. 485, 29; Rä. 72, 5. Onwend ðec in gewitte think differently, 251, 12; Jul. 144. On ðæs bisceopes anwealde ðæt biþ hwæðer hé hit onwende ðe ná utrum mutet an non, L. Ecg. C. 33; Th. ii. 158, 13. Ða menn ðeáh wisston ðæt hió mid ðam drýcræfte ne mihte ðara manna mód onwendan ðeáh hió ða líchoman onwende nec potentia gramina, membra quae valeant licet, corda vertere non valent, Bt. 38, 1; Fox 196, 8-10: Met. 26, 101-104. Ðú ne meaht hiora sidu and heora gecynd onwendan, 7, 2; Fox 18, 31. Nis mé tíd mín líf tó onwendenne non est mihi tempus vitam mutandi, Bd. 5, 14. S. 634, 32. Onwended ne biþ æ-acute;fre tó ealdre, Exon. Th. 203, 11; Ph. 82. Nán gewuna ne mæg nánum men beón onwended, Bt. 7, 1; Fox 16, 23. Gif ðú wénst ðæt hit on ðé gelong sé ðæt ða woruldsæ-acute;lþa on ðé swá onwenda sint ðonne eart dú on gedwolan tu, fortunam putas erga te esse mutatam? erras, 7, 2; Fox 16, 30. II. to change one thing for another, to exchange :-- Heó wæs genumen of middanearde and eall ðæt sár and ðone deáþ mid écre hæ-acute;lo and lífe onwende, Bd. 4, 19; S. 589, 7. III. to turn, change a direction, to avert, divert, turn aside :-- Næ-acute;fre gé mec of ðissum wordum onwendaþ ðendan mec mín gewit gelæ-acute;steþ, Exon. Th. 124, 33; Gú. 347. 'Onwend ðé tó ðé sylfum' ... Hé hine ðá onwende from ðisse worlde begangum, Blickl. Homl. 113, 26-30. Onwende hé his neb áweg, Lchdm. ii. 284, 15. Næ-acute;fre ðú ðæs swíðlíc sár gegearwast ðæt ðú mec onwende ðissa worda, Exon. Th. 246, 5; Jul. 57. Wénst ðú ðæt ðú ðæt hwerfende hweól, ðonne hit on ryne wyrþ, mæ-acute;ge oncyrran? Ne miht ðú ðon má ðara woruldsæ-acute;lþa hwearfunga onwendan, Bt. 7, 2; Fox 18, 37. Ne mihte