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rárung, e; f. Roaring, loud cry; barritus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 10, 68 : 79, 29 : 125, 18.

rásettan; p. te To move impetuously, to rage (of fire) :-- Hé (Nero) wolde fandian, gif ðæt fýr (at the burning of Rome) meahte swá longe reád rásettan, swá hé secgan gehérde, ðæt Troia burg ofertogen hæfde léga leóhtost, Met. 9, 14. Blác rásetteþ reáda líg, reðe scríþeþ, Exon. Th. 51, 1; Cri. 809. Cf. ræ-acute;s.

rásian; p. ode To explore :-- Ðá wæ-acute;s hord rásod, onboren beága hord, Beo. Th. 4556; B. 2283. v. á-rásian.

raðe (aspirated and unaspirated forms occur, and each can alliterate; the two forms are given separately. v. hraðe); adv. Quickly, soon, at once, directly, without hesitation :-- Raðe ilico, Wrt. Voc. ii. 44, 68 :

ocius, 64, 47. Ræðe ultro, 90, 8. Heó nam raðe (cito) hyre wæ-acute;fels, Gen. 24, 65. Cwelle hig man raðe (statim), L. Ecg. C. 39; Th. ii. 164, 1. Ðæt hine mon slóge swá raðe swá mon hiora fiénd wolde that they should kill him as soon (with as little compunction) as they would their enemies, Ors. 1, 12; Swt. 52, 35. Ða men wæ-acute;ron swá raðe deáde swá ðæt yfel him an becom, 4, 5; Swt. 166, 7. Raðe ðæs directly afterwards, 3, 10; Swt. 138, 33. Héht lífes brytta leóht forþcuman ofer rúmne grund; raðe wæs gefylled heáhcininges hæ-acute;s, Cd. Th. 8, 13; Gen. 123 : 95, 26; Gen. 1584 : Exon. Th. 93, 15; Cri. 1526 : Beo. Th. 1453; B. 724. Ðæs cymþ raðor iste egredietur prius, Gen. 38, 28. Ne þincþ eów nó ðý raðor (none the sooner) heora genóh, Bt. 13; Fox 38, 31 : 30, 1; Fox 108, 9. Nán man hit náh tó geáhnianne raðost þinga (at the earliest), æ-acute;r syx mónþum æfter ðam ðe hit forstolen wæs, L. C. S. 24; Th. i. 390, 13. Swá ðæt cild raðost æ-acute;nig þing specan mæ-acute;ge as soon as ever the child can speak, Wulfst. 39, 8. Ðonne mágon wé hí swá raðosð (in the quickest manner possible) tó ryhte gecierran, Past. 32; Swt. 209, 21.

ráw. v. ræ-acute;w.

ráwan (?) to cut in strips (?) (v. ræ-acute;w.) Cf. Geráwende infindens, Wrt. Voc. ii. 91, 24. Geráwende slítende and ceorfende infindens, 47, 22. Geræ-acute;wen hrægel segmentata vestis, i. 40, 10.

rawe, Wrt. Voc. ii. 128, 39. v. rupe.

reád; adj. Red :-- Reád deáh coccus, Wrt. Voc. i. 40, 40. Reád teafor minium, 46, 74. Se reáda telg, Exon. Th. 408, 21; Rä. 27, 15. Reád ruber, Wrt. Voc. ii. 119, 35 : flavum, fulvum, 108, 70 : roseus, vel rubeus, vel pheniceus, i. 46, 50 : croceus, Hpt. Gl. 524, 37. Reádde læ-acute;mene fatu alsierina, Wrt. Voc. i. 41, 47. (a) Of plants or fruit :-- Reáde, wínberige ceraunis, 38, 62. Reáde clefre calta, 67, 72. Ræ-acute;de clæfer, 288, 49. Reád clæfre, Lchdm. ii. 312, 19. Rósena reáde heápas, Dóm. L. 18, 286. Mid reádum rósum cum purpureis rosis, Hpt. Gl. 511, 4. (b) of gold :-- Reád gold aurum obrizum, Wrt. Voc. i. 38, 33 : Met. 19, 6 : Cd. Th. 219, 24; Dan. 59. (c) of fire, sky :-- Reád líg, Dóm. L. 10, 149, 152 : Exon. Th. 51, 2; Cri. 810. Ðes heofon ys reád (rubicundum), Mt. Kmbl. 16, 2. (d) of blood :-- Sió reáde ród the bloodstained cross, Exon. 68, 11; Cri. 1102. [Goth. rauds : O. Sax. ród : O. Frs. rád : O. H. Ger. rót : Icel. rauðr.] v. bleó-, geolu-, weolc-reád ; reód.

reáda glosses tolia vel porunula :-- Smæle þearmas ilia, reáda tolia vel porunula, bæcþearm entales, Wrt. Voc. i. 44, 46-48.

reádan. v. on-reádan.

reád-basu; adj. Reddish purple :-- Ðæ-acute;r synt ða reádbeswean blóstman grówende, L. E. I. prm. ; Th. ii. 400, 5.

reádda, an; m. The robin redbreast :-- Raedda rubisca, Wrt. Voc. ii. 119. 38. Cf. rudduc.

reáde; adv. Redly, in red :-- Hire andwlita biþ reáde wan livid with a red tinge, Lchdm. ii. 348, 19. Ðá wearþ beám monig blódigum teárum birunnen reáde and þicce, Exon. Th. 72, 22; Cri. 1176. Ic eom reáde bewæ-acute;fed I am clothed in red, 484, 2; Rä. 70, 1.

reád-fáh; adj. Red-stained, having patches of red colour :-- Wág reádfáh, Exon. Th. 476, 19; Ruin. 10.

reádian; p. ode To be or become red :-- Ic reádige rubeo, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 2; Som. 28, 42. Reádaþ þe heofun rutilat coelum, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 16, 3. Reádode purpurescit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 67,

8. Reádede, Hpt. Gl. 503, 51. Reádodon rubescunt, Hymn. Surt. 52, 31. Æppel ðe ðonne gyt ne reádige, Lchdm. i. 330, 22. Smire ða ófras ðæ-acute;r hit reádige, ii. 108, 20. Reádian rubescere, Hymn. Surt. 49, 17. Reádiendum rubente, 91, 33. [O. H. Ger. róten rutilare, rubere, erubescere.] v. reódian.

reád-leáf (?); adj. Having red leaves :-- On ða hreádleáfan æ-acute;c, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. v. 179, 26.

reádness, e; f. Redness :-- Reádnyss rubor, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 21; Som. 10, 28. Seó reádnes ðære rósan, Blickl. Homl. 7, 29. Seó reádnes ðæs swyles rubor tumoris, Bd. 4, 19; S. 589, 31. Reádnysse ostro, purpura, vermiculo, Hpt. Gl. 503, 49 : 522, 6.

reád-staled; adj. Having a red stale or stalk :-- Reádstalede hárhuna, Lchdm. i. 378, 19.

reád-stán (?), es; m. Ruddle, red ochre :-- Rédestán sinopide, Wrt. Voc. ii. 120, 63. [O. H. Ger. rót-stein sinopis, Grff. 6, 688.]

reáf, es; n. I. spoil, booty :-- Reáf exuviae, spolia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 146, 33 : exuvias, 31, 56 : 93, 1. Weorðlíc reáf spolia, Ps. Th. 67, 12. Se ðe beorna reáf manige (spolia multa) méteþ, 118, 162. Seó gýtsung hyre reáf (spolia) on ðære wynstran sídan scylt, Gl. Prud. 56 a. Hý ðý reáfe ræ-acute;dan mótan, Exon. Th. 110, 5; Gú. 103. II. raiment, a garment, robe, vestment :-- Reáf vestis vel vestimentum vel indumentum, Wrt. Voc. i. 81, 40 : cultus, 39, 70. Heó æthrán his reáfes (vestimenti) fnæd. Heó cwæþ sóðlíce : Ic beó hál gyf ic hys reáfes æthríne, Mt. Kmbl. 9, 20-21. Tó hwí sint gé ymbhýdige be reáfe ? 6, 28. Twegen weras on hwítum reáfe in veste fulgenti, Lk. Skt. 24, 4. Ne scríde nán wíf hig mid wæ-acute;pmannes reáfe ne wæ-acute;pman mid wífmannes reáfe, Deut. 22, 5. Hé scrýdde hine mid línenum reáfe cum stola byssina, Gen. 41, 42. Hláf tó etenne and reáf tó werigenne, 28, 20. Ðæt hálie reáf ðæt Aaron wereþ, Ex. 29, 29. Johannes hæfde reáf of olfenda hæ-acute;rum, Mt. Kmbl. 3, 4. His reáf (vestimenta) wæ-acute;ron swá hwíte swá snáw, 17, 2. Hí sæ-acute;ton on blacum reáfum weán on wénum, Cd. Th. 191, 10; Exod. 212. Ðá dyde heó of hire wydewan reáf depositis viduitatis vestibus, Gen. 38, 14. [Laym. reaf, ræf a robe : O. Sax. nód-róf rapine : O. Frs. ráf robbery, booty; also a pledge : O. Du. roof : O. H. Ger. roub spolia, praeda : Icel. val-rauf spoils taken from the slain.] v. bed-, búr-, deáþ-, gúþ-, heaðo-, here-, lenden-, síd-, wæl-reáf.

reáfere, es; m. A reaver, robber, spoiler :-- Reáfere raptor vel praedo, vel spoliator, Wrt. Voc. i. 47, 49 : raptor, 76, 8 : agressor, 19, 7. Hreáfere praedo, raptor, Hpt. Gl. 501, 34. Gif hwilc þeóf oððe reáfere gesóhte ðone cyning, ðæt hé hæbbe nigon nihta fyrst, L. Ath. iv. 4; Th. i. 222, 26. Ueriatus wæs micel þeófmon and on ðære stalunge hé wearð reáfere Viriathus latro, primum infestando vias, deinde vastando provincias, Ors. 5, 2; Swt. 216, 8. Git ðú on hwilcum men ongitst ðæt hé byþ gítsere and reáfere, ne scealt ðú hine ná hátan man, ac wulf, Bt. 37, 4; Fox 192, 15. Ne sæ-acute;de ðæt godspel ðæt se ríca (Dives in the parable) reáfere wæ-acute;re, ac wæs uncystig, Homl. Th. i. 328, 18. Scyld sceal cempan, sceaft reáfere, Exon. Th. 341, 23; Gn. Ex. 130. Ic ne eom swylce óðre men, reáferas (raptores), Lk. Skt. 18, 11. Rýperas and reáferas and ðás woruldstrúderas, L. I. P. 2; Th. ii. 304, 19 : Wulfst. 165, 35 : L. C. S. 7; Th. i. 380, 5. [O. E. Homl. reaferes, reveres; pl. : A. R. reavares : Laym. ræveres : Piers P. reveres : O. H. Ger. roubari raptor, predo : Ger. räuber : Icel. raufari, reyfari.]

reáfian; p. ode. I. to plunder, rifle, spoil, waste, rob (1) a person :-- Úte hí reáfaþ (vastabit) swurd, Deut. 32, 25. Se ðe reáfaþ man leóhtan dæge he who robs a man by daylight, L. Eth. iii. 15; Th. i. 298, 11. Æ-acute;ghwá mec reáfaþ, Exon. Th. 482, 4; Rä. 66, 2. Gé reáfiaþ (spoliabitis) Egipte, Ex. 3, 22. Ðenden reáfode rinc óðerne, Beo. Th. 5962; B. 2985. Wígfrecan wæl reáfedon, 2429; B. 1212. Reáfodon (diripuerunt) hine ealle oferfarende wæg, Ps. Spl. 88, 40. Reáfa vastes, Kent. Gl. 936. Gif hwylc man reáfige (spoliaverit) óðerne æt his dehter, L. Ecg. P. iv. 13; Th. ii. 208, 7. Swíðor ðonne hié reáfian earme and unscyldige, Blickl. Homl. 63, 17. (2) a place :-- Ic folcsalo bærne, ræced reáfige, Exon. Th. 381, 4; Rä. 2, 6. Ic lond reáfige, 394. 7; Rä. 13, 14. Se snáw gebryceþ burga geatu, reáfaþ swíðor mycle ðonne se swíðra níð, Salm. Kmbl. 65; Sal. 307. Reáfiaþ hine (the vineyard) ealle ða farende, Ps. Spl. 79, 13 : Blickl. Gl. Hý hergiaþ and heáwaþ, rýpaþ and reáfiaþ and tó scipe læ-acute;daþ, Wulfst. 163, 12. Rib reáfiaþ réðe wyrmas, Soul. Kmbl. 220; Seel. 113. Ic reáfode beám and ða blæ-acute;da æt, Cd. Th. 55, 28; Gen. 901. Ðonne man his hús reáfige (diripiet), Mk. Skt. 3, 27. Hord reáfian, Beo. Th. 5540; B. 2773. Helle weallas forbrecan, ðære burge þrym reáfian, Exon. Th. 461, 15; Hö. 36. II. to seize, take as a robber takes :-- Reáfiaþ rapiunt, Kent. Gl. 4. Ic forþ ágef ða ðe ic ne reáfude æ-acute;r quae non rapui tunc exolvebam, Ps. Th. 68, 5. [Goth. bi-raubon : Icel. raufa : O. Frs. rávia : O. Du. róven; O. H. Ger. roubón.] v. á-, be-, ge-reáfian.

reáfigend, es; m. A spoiler, a plunderer :-- Ic bidde míne æftergengan, ciningas and þeóde wealdendras, ðæt gé ne sýn cyrcean reáfgendras, ac ðæt gé sýn geornfulle bewerigendras Cristes ágenre landáre, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 350, 26.

reáfigende; adj. Ravening, rapacious; rapax, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 60; Som. 13, 42.

reáf-lác, es; n. m. I. rapine, robbery, spoliation, plundering : Ðis synt ða ídelnyssa ðysse worlde . . . gýtsung and reáflác (rapina) and manslihtas, L. Ecg. P. i. 8; Th. ii. 174, 34. Heáfodleahtras sind ... reáflác, gítsung ... , Homl. Th. ii. 592, 6. Ús rýpera reáflác derede swíðe, Wulfst. 159, 11. Gé synt innan fulle reáfláces pleni rapina, Mt. Kmbl. 23, 25. Full reáflace and unrihtwísnesse, Lk. Skt. 11, 39. Nellaþ gé tó reáfláce ræ-acute;da þencean in rapinis nolite concupiscere, Ps. Th. 61, 10. Hé wearð reáfere, and on ðæm reáfláce (in the course of his plundering) hé him geteáh tó micelne monfultum, and monege túnas oferhergeade, Ors. 5, 2; Swt. 216, 8. On reáflác in rapinam, Wrt. Voc. ii. 45, 20. Be reáfláce. Gif hwá binnan ðám gemæ-acute;rum úres ríces reáflác dó, L. In. 10; Th. i. 108, 8 (where see note). Gif ciricgrið ábrocen beó, sí hit þurh feohtlác, sí hit þurh reáflác, L. Eth. ix. 4; Th. i. 340, 22 : L. C. S. 48; Th. i. 402, 30. Gif hwá reáflác gewyrce, ágife and forgylde, 64; Th. i. 410, 2. Ðæt hé begange nán reáflác, Homl. Th. ii. 46, 4. Þurh rícra reáflác, Wulfst. 166, 23. [Unwrenches, stele oðer refloc oðer drunkenesse, O. E. Homl. ii. 79, 29. Þe vox of giscunge haueð þeos hweolpes ... þeofþe, reflac ... , A. R. 202, 19. Þe king his ræflac makede (his land al forverde, 2nd MS.), Laym. 9939. Ðeft and reflac ðhugte him no same, Gen. and Ex. 436.] II. what is taken, spoil, booty, plunder :-- Reáflác preda, Wrt. Voc. i. 35. 39 : ii. 146, 33. Æ-acute;lc bit ðæs reáfláces ðe him on genumen biþ, oððe eft óðres gítsaþ, Bt. 26, 2; Fox 92, 17. Man wolde biddan ðæs reáfláces ðæt hé hit sciolde ágyfan and forgyldan, Chart. Th. 289, 27. Ágife hé ðone reáflác he shall restore what has been seized, L. In. 10; Th. i. 108, 9. Tódæ-acute;lan reáflac dividere spolia, Ps. Spl. T. 67, 13.