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from which measurement is made, after:--Sume men secgen ðæt hire æ-acute;wielme sié on westende Affrica, and ðonne folraðe ðæs (very soon after) sié eást irnende on ðæt sond, Ors. 1. 1; Swt. 12, 21. Fulraðe ðæs ic clipode tó him, Bt. 22, l; Fox 76, 8. Ðæs on morgen the next morning, Ors. 3, 4; Swt. 104, 5. Ðæs on ðæ-acute;m æfterran geáre anno ab hoc proximo, 4, 6; Swt. 172, 17. Ðæs ymb iii geár tertio anno, Swt. 176, 24. Ðæs ymb iii niht, Chr. 871; Erl. 74, 6, 14, 25. Wífes wer gif hé forþfærþ ymbe xii mónaþ ðæs heó mót niman óðerne mortuo viro, post annum licet mulieri alium accipere, L. Ecg. C. 19; Th. ii. 146, 10. ¶ Ðæs ðe:--Ðæs ðe ðá seó costung gestilled wæs, ðá wæ-acute;ron forþgongende ða geleáfsuman, Bd. 1, 8; S. 479, 19: 3, 22; S. 552, 39. Sóna ðæs ðe hí on ðis eálond cómon, ðá compedon hí, 1, 12; S. 480, 29. Ðæs ðe . . . ðá sóna, 5, 6; S. 620, 11. Æfter siextegum daga ðæs ðe ðæt timber ácorfen wæs intra sexagesimum diem quam arbores caesae erant, Ors. 4, 6; Swt. 172, 4. Hé ðá gyt lifde æfter ændlefan geárum ðæs ðe [hé] wæs bebyrged, Shrn. 82, 15. Ðæt wæs ymb twelf mónaþ ðæs ðe hié æ-acute;r hider cómon, Chr. 894; Erl. 93, 14: 895; Erl. 93, 32: 896; Erl. 94, 23. (b) marking degree, proportion, so (cf. colloquial use of that=so, with adjectives):--Næ-acute;re flód ðæs deóp, merestreám ðæs micel, ðæt his mín mód getweóde, Cd. Th. 51, 26, 27; Gen. 832, 833. Nó ðæs fród leofaþ gumena bearna ðæt ðone grund wite (so wise as to know), Beo. Th. 2737; B. 1366. Wurde ðú ðæs gewitleás, ðæt ðú þonc ne wisses, Exon. Th. 90, 12; Cri. 1473. Nis æ-acute;nig ðæs horsc ne ðæs hygecræftig ðe ðín fromcyn mæ-acute;ge geséþan, 15, 24; Cri. 241. Wé ús wið him sceldan ðæs ðe wé mihton we protected ourselves against them as far as we could, Nar. 14, 29: Ps. Th. 10, 3: Homl. Th. ii. 550, 20: L. Eth. v. 23; Th. i. 310, 11: vi. 1; Th. i. 314, 6: Lchdm. ii. 86, 23. Næs ic næ-acute;fre git náne hwíle swá emnes módes, ðæs ðe ic gemunan mæ-acute;ge (from what, or as far as, I can remember), Bt. 26, 1; Fox 90, 25. ¶ with comparatives:--Ðá clypodon hig ðæs ðe má (so much the more), Mt. Kmbl. 20, 31: Mk. Skt. 10, 26. Sió wund biþ ðæs ðe wierse and ðý máre, Past. 17; Swt. 123, 18: 18; Swt. 131, 16. Ðæt hié wénden ðæt hié ðæs ðe (tanto) untæ-acute;lwyrðran wæ-acute;ren ðe (quanta) hié wénden ðæt hé nyste hira leóhtmódnesse, 32, 2; Swt. 215, 1. (b I) with tó:--Tó ðæs mycel ðæt . . . so great that . . . , Bd. 1, 1; S. 474, 13. Wæs seó eorþe tó ðæs heard and tó ðæs stánihte ðæt . . . , 4. 28; S. 605, 27. Nis nán tó ðæs lytel æ-acute;welm, ðæt hé ða sæ-acute; ne geséce, Bt. 24, 1; Fox 80, 24. Hé him ðæs leán forgeald tó ðæs ðe hé in ræste geseah Grendel lícgan he gave him reward for that so, or to such a degree, that he saw Grendel lie dead, Beo. Th. 3175; B. 1585. (c) marking agreement, according to what, as:--Wé him andswaredon ðæs ðe hé ús áxode respondimus juxta id quod fuerat sciscitatus, Gen. 43, 7. Hú hé him ondwyrdan sceolde ðæs hé hiene áscade quid sibi tamquam consulenti responderi velit, Ors. 3, 9; Swt. 126, 30. Ðæs ðe (ut) mé gesawen is, Bd. 1, 25; S. 487, 12: Bt. 24, 3; Fox 84, 10. Swá efne ðæs ðe ita ut, Bd. 1, 34; S. 499, 20. And se mon biþ ðæs ðe swá tó cweþanne sí æ-acute;ghwæðer ge gehæfted ge freó itaque homo est, ut ita dixerim, captivus et liber, 1, 27; S. 497, 40. Ðæs ðe béc secgaþ as books say, St. And. 26, 6. (d) because, since:--Waa mé ðæs ic swigode vae mihi quia tacui, Past. 49, 2; Swt. 379, 24. (3) Ðæm, ðam, ðan, ðon (ðe). (a) with a comparative:--Gif hé ne biþ ðon raþor gelácnod, Lchdm. ii. 200, 20. (b) with prepositions:--Æfter ðæm ðe Rómeburg getimbred wæs urbe condita, Ors. 4, 6; Swt. 170, 19 (and often). Æfter ðæm ðe Cartainiense gefliémde wæ-acute;ron hié wilnedon friþes Carthaginenses, fracti bellis, pacem poposcerunt, Swt. 174, 23. Æ-acute;r ðæm ðe Rómeburh getimbred wæ-acute;re, 1, 3; Swt. 32, 1 (and often) Æ-acute;r ðam ðe donec, Mt. Kmbl. 12, 20. Æ-acute;r ðon, Past. 33, 1; Swt. 215, 15. Wurdon viiii folc&dash-uncertain;gefeoht gefohten . . . and bútan ðam ðe him cyninges þegnas oft ráde onridon ðe mon ná ne rímde there were nine pitched battles . . . and besides king's thanes often made raids upon them, that were not counted, Chr. 871; Erl. 76, 10. For ðæm ðe (1) for, because:--Eádige synt ða líðan; for ðam ðe (quoniam) hí eorþan águn, Mt. Kmbl. 5, 4. For ðam, 5, 3. For ðon ðe quia, 7, 13. Ða Deniscan sæ-acute;ton ðæ-acute;r behindan, for ðæm hiora cyning wæs gewundod, Chr. 894; Erl. 91, 2. For ðæm ðe, 91, 28. For ðam, Ps. Th. 9, 13. Ðý . . . for ðam therefore . . . because, Bt. 36, 7; Fox 184, 15. (2) therefore:--Hé for ðæm nolde, ðý hé mid his folce getrúwode ðæt hé hiene beswícan mehte, Ors. 2, 4; Swt. 76, 8: Bt. 38, 2; Fox 188, 16. For ðon (therefore) ic ðé bebióde, Past. pref.; Swt. 5, 1. (3) for the purpose, in order:--Geþence gé hwæt gé sién; for ðæm ðæt gé eówer mód gemetgien pensa, quod es; ut se spiritus temperet, Past. 21, 4; Swt. 159, 14. Mid ðæm ðe whilst, when, as, of simultaneous events:--Mid ðæm ðe ða burgware swá geómorlíc angin hæfdon ðá com se cyning self mid his scipe inter haec procedit ipse de navi sua imperator, Ors. 4, 5; Swt. 166, 14. Mid ðam ðe se apostol stóp intó ðære byrig, ðá bær man him tógeánes ánre wydewan líc, Homl. Th. i. 60, 11. Ongemang, onmang ðam (ðe) whilst, meanwhile:--Ongemang ðæm ðe hié wilniaþ ðæt hié gifule byncen, Past. 45, 3; Swt. 339, 24. Seó sunne sáh tó setle onmang ðam ðe hí on wópe wæron, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 246: Chr. 1105; Erl. 240, 4. Ongemang ðam (interea) his leorningcnihtas hine bæ-acute;don, Jn. Skt. 4, 31. Tó ðam (1) marking degree so, to such a degree:--Ðá wæ-acute;ron hié tó ðæm gesárgode, ðæt hié ne mehton Súð-Seaxna lond útan berówan, Chr. 897; Erl. 96, 8. Men tó ðam dyrstige ðæt hí ðæt gold nimen men so bold as to take the gold, Nar. 35, 9: Bt. 11, 1; Fox 32, 32. Nis nán tó ðam ungelýfedlíc spel . . . ðæt ic hym ne gelífe, Shrn. 196, 18. Tó ðam ðú mé hæfst gerétne ðæt . . . , Bt. 22, 1; Fox 76, 11. (2) marking purpose, to the end (that):--Tó ðæm ðæt (ut) hé forleóse heora gemynd, Ps. Th. 33, 16: 10, 2. Ne com hé ná tó ðam on eorþan ðæt him mon þénade, Past. 17; Swt. 121, 8. Tó ðæm ðæt, pref.; Swt. 5, 3. Ða cwóman tó ðon ðæt hié woldan ús wundigan nos adlacessere temptabant, Nar. 22, 17. Wið ðam ðe in return for, on condition (that), connecting two clauses containing mutual concessions, v. wið:--Se cyng and his witan him (the Danes) gafol and metsunga behétan wið ðam ðe hí heora hergunga geswicon, Chr. 1011; Erl. 144, 22: Past. 36, 6; Swt. 255, 3, 9. (4) Ðæt in óþ ðæt. v. óþ, II. 2. (5) Ðý, ðí, ðig (1) therefore, so:--Ðý him is micel þearf, ðonne hé tela læ-acute;rþ, ðæt hé eác tela doo, Past. 28; Swt. 193, 12; Bt. 36, 7; Fox 184, 14. Ðý ideo, L. Ecg. P. i. 15; Th. ii. 178, 29. Ðig itaque, Th. ii. 176, 15. (2) because:--Wénst ðú, ðæt ealle ða þing ðe góde sint, for ðý góde sint, ðý hí habbaþ hwæthwegu gódes on him, 34, 9; Fox 146, 30: Ors. 2, 4; Swt. 76, 8. (3) with comparatives, the, any:--Búton ðú mé ðý gesceádlícor óðer gerecce, Bt. 39, 2; Fox 214, 7. Hió ne biþ ðý neár ðære sæ-acute; ðe hió biþ on midne dæg, 39, 3; Fox 214, 28. Ðæt hié hira selfra ne ágon ðý máre geweald ðe óðerra monna, Past. 33, 1; Swt. 215, 13. Hié woldon ðæt hér ðý mára wísdóm on londe wæ-acute;re ðý wé má geþeóda cúðon, Past. pref.; Swt. 5, 24. (2) with prepositions. For ðý (ðe), (a) therefore:--For ðý . . . ðý therefore . . . because, Bt. 34, 9; Fox 146, 30. For ðý . . . for ðæm therefore . . . because, Past. 21; Swt. 157, 10. (b) because:--Ðæt wæs for ðý ðe hié wæ-acute;ron benumene ðæs ceápes, Chr. 895; Erl. 93, 17. Mid ðý (ðe) (a) of time, when, as:--Mid ðý ðe hé ðis gebed gecweden hæfde, Blickl. Homl. 229, 27: 231, 7. Sumre tíde mid ðý ðe wé wæ-acute;ron mid úrum Drihtne, 235, 2. Mid ðí ðe, 237, 17. Mid ðí hé ðis cwæð, hé ástáh on heofonas, 237, 15. Mid ðý cum, Bd. 4, 24; S. 598, 33. Mið ðý cum, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 24, 15 (and often). (b) denoting a cause or consequence, when, as, since:--Mid ðý Peohtas wíf næfdon, hí bæ-acute;don him wífa fram Scottum, Bd. 1, 1; S. 474, 19. (c) though:--Gif hé eów forhogige and eów ne wylle árísan tógeánes mid ðý eówer má is sin autem vos spreverit, nec coram vobis adsurgere voluerit, cum sitis numero plures, 2, 2; S. 503, 13. Tó ðý . . . ðæt to the end that:--Ne com hé for ðý ðæt hé wolde his eorþlíce ríce mid riccetere him tó geteón; ac tó ðí hé com ðæt hé wolde his heofenlíce ríce geleáffullum mannum gyfan, Homl. Th. i. 82, 20-24: ii. 226, 9. Ne dó ná se Godes þeówa Godes þénunge for sceattum, ac tó ðý ðæt hé geearnige ðæt éce wuldor þurh ðæt, L. Ælf. C. 27; Th. ii. 352, 23. [Gothic and Icelandic have forms corresponding with the nom. m. f. se, seó, and O. Sax. also has a masculine se; in other dialects the dental forms prevail throughout. In the Lindisfarne Gospels ðe (=ipse, Mt. Kmbl. 15, 24), ðiú (=quae, 24, 15) are used, but also se ðe (=qui, 6, 4). In later English þe, þeo replace se, seó.]

se so:--Se ðeáh yet, still, Exon. Th. 13, 31; Cri. 211: 159, 30; Gú. 934: 328, 24; Vy. 22: 454, 6; Hy. 4, 28: 455, 12, 18; Hy. 4, 48, 51: 495, 13; Rä. 84, 7. Hwæðre se ðeáh, 417, 27; Rä. 36, 11. Efne se ðeáh, 421, 33; Rä. 40, 27: 482, 2; Rä. 66, 1. Se ðeána, 127, 3; Gú. 380. Sete hí samod anlíce swá se wægnes hweól pone ilos ut rotam, Ps. Th. 82, 10. [Hi rihtleceden þat folc swa se hi mihten, O. E. Homl. i. 235, 32. Se in combinations hwat se, alse is frequent in later English.] v. swá, nese (?).

seád, seáda, seáfian, seaht, seal, sealcan, seald. v. seód, seáða, seófian, seht, sealh, á-sealcan, solcen, sellan.

sealdness, e; f. Giving:--Sealdnesse dandi, Wrt. Voc. ii. 28, 7. v. ge-saldniss.

sealf, e: sealfe, an (?); f. Salve, ointment:--Salf, salb malagma, Txts. 77, 127. Sealf, Wrt. Voc. i. 68, 6. Smyrels vel sealf unguina vel unguenta, 49, 29. Fota, i. confortata vel sealf, ii. 149, 76. Smyrels oððe sealfe unguentum, i. 74, 8. Sealfe nardi, Hpt. Gl. 517, 28. For hwí wæs ðisse sealfe forspillednes? Ðeós sealf mihte beón geseald, Mk. Skt. 14, 4, 5: Jn. Skt. 12, 3, 5. Wyrc tó salfe (sealfe, MSS. H. B.), Lchdm. i. 110, 18. Sealfe fotu, Wrt. Voc. ii. 90, 74. Læ-acute;cedómnessa oððe sealfe cataplasma, 18, 31. [O. Sax. sal&b-bar;a: O. H. Ger. salb and salba (gen. -a and -un) unctio, unguentum, malagma, cataplasma.] v. bæþ-, bán-, ciper-, cú-, dolh-, eág-, eár-, ele-, múþ-, sceáde-, smeoru-, tóþ-, weax-, weax&dash-uncertain;hláf-, wen-sealf.

sealf-box, es; m.? n.? A box for ointment:--Án wíf hæfde hyre sealfbox deórwyrþes nardes, and tóbrocenum sealfboxe ofer his heáfod ágét, Mk. Skt. 14, 3: Lk. Skt. 7, 37.

sealf-cynn, es; n. An ointment:--Sealfcyn (seals-, Wrt.) amaracium (cf. Span, unguento amaracino a sort of ointment made of marjoram), Wrt. Voc. ii. 7, 74.

sealflan; p. ode To salve, anoint:--Sealfode fotam, Wrt. Voc. ii. 37, 16: 85, 22. Gisalbot delibutus, Txts. 56, 325. [Salue me mine wunden, Marh. 5, 30. E&yogh;hesallfe to sallfenn þe follkes herrtess e&yogh;he, Orm. 9427. Þatt mann þatt smeredd iss and sallfedd, 13243. Buten &yogh;if heorte wunden beon isalued, A. R. 274, 30. Goth. salbón to anoint: O. Sax. sal&b-bar;ón: O. H. Ger. salbón ungere, fovere, impinguare.]