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self-bana, an; m. One who kills himself, a suicide:-- Selfbona bictonatus (l. biothanalus, qui mortem sibi ipsi consciscit aut qui violenta morte peril). Wrt. Voc. ii. 126, 10. Selfbonan biolhanatas, 11. 69. Seolfbonan (-boran, MS.), 101, 74. Selfbanan biothanatos, Hpt. Gl. 469, 26.
self-cwalu, e; f. Self-slaughter, suicide:-- Sum sceal ful earmlíce ealdre linnan . . . and hine tó sylfcwale secgas nemnaþ speak of him as committing suicide, Exon. Th. 330, 24; Vy. 56. [Cf. We scole witan, þet nan seolfcwale, þet is a&yogh;enscla&yogh;a, ne cumeð to godes riche, O. E. Homl. i. 103, 3.]
self-, selfe-déma, an; m. One who depends upon his own judgment [cf. æ-acute;lc ídel mon liofaþ æfter his ágenum dóme, Past. 39; Swt. 283, 21], used of a certain kind of monks called sarabaitae, monachi qui nulla regula approbati . . . proprio arbitratu vivunt :-- Þridde cyn is muneca ealra atelucost, sylfdémena (sarabaitarum), ðe nó on regules and láreówa tæ-acute;cinge ne beóþ áfandode, swá swá gold on heorðe . . . Ðæt feórþe muneca cyn ðe is wídscriþul genæmned . . . hié synt wyrsan ðænne ða sylfedéman (sylf-, MS. T.), R. Ben. 9, 10-10, 2. Hý áscyriaþ hý sylfe fram mynsterlícum þeáwum and heora ágenum lustum filiaþ, hý sint Egyptiscan gereorde genemnede sarabagite oððe renuite, ðæt ys sylfedéman and wiðersacan, 136, 12. [Cf. Icel. sjálf-dæmi judgment given in a case by one of the parties themselves.]
selfe; adv. In the same way, in combination with swá: cf. gelíce, same :-- Hé forlæ-acute;t lífes frumsceaft and his ágene æðelo swá selfe. Met. 17, 25. Hæfþ ða wilnunga welhwilc néten and ða yrsunga eác swá selfe, 20, 192, 199. [Cf. O. Sax. só self also, likewise; O. H. Ger. só selp (só), selp só sic, sicut.]
self-lic; adj. Of one's own accord, spontaneous, voluntary:-- Selflíces spontaneae, ultroneae, voluntariae, Hpt. Gl. 436, 75.
self-líce, es; n. Self-love, self-complacency, self-satisfaction, -conceit, arrogance:-- Ðonne ðæt selflíce gegriépþ ðæt mód þæs recceres amor proprius cum rectoris mentem ceperit, Past. 19, 1; Swt. 143, 5. Ðonne áhefþ hé hine on his móde . . . mid ðý selflíce se Déma biþ geniéded tó ðæm ierre, 4, 2; Swt. 39, 10. Ðæm lytegan is æ-acute;resð tó beleánne hiera selflíce ðæt hié ne wénen ðæt hié sién wiése . . . hé biþ æ-acute;r úpáhæfen on selflíce for his lotwrencium in sapientibus hoc primum destruendum est, quod se sapientes arbitrantur, 30, 1; Swt. 203, 9, 18. Ðýlæs hé sié áhafen on his móde and on oferméttum áþunden and þurh ðæt selflíce his gódan weorc forleóse ne perfecta opera tumor elationis extinguat, proem.; Swt. 25, 7. Hé hiene up áhefeþ on his móde on suelc gielp and on suelc selflíce se apud se per arrogantiam exaltat, 11, 4; Swt. 71, Ðæt freódóm ne gewende on selflíce and on ofermétto at libertas in superbiam non erumpat, 19, 3; Swt. 147, 3. Upáhafene þurh selflíce. Bt. 3, 4; Fox 6, 25.
self-líce; adj. Self-satisfied, self-complacent, conceited, arrogant:-- Oft se welega and se wædla habbaþ suá gehweorfed hira þeáwum ðæt se welega biþ eáðmód and sorgfull and se wædla biþ upáhæfen and selflíce plerumque personarum ordinem permutat qualitas morum, ut sit dives humilis, sit pauper elatus, Past. 26, 2; Swt. 183, 11. Selflícne secg the self-satisfied man, Met. Introd. 7.
self-myrþe (?); adj. Self-destructive:-- Betweónan sylfmyrþe inter biothonatas, Wrt. Voc. ii. 80, 2. v. next word.
self-myrþere (?), es; m. One who destroys himself, a suicide:-- Betweónan selfmyrþras (-an ? but cf. Icel. myrða to murder: O. H. Ger. murdit jugulal: Ger. morden) inter biolhanatas, Wrt. Voc. ii. 46, 61. Cf. self-bana.
self-sceaft, es; m. Self-shaping, spontaneous generation, applied to Adam, who had not father and mother :-- Adam maþelode ðæ-acute;r hé on eorþan stód selfsceafte guma a man by spontaneous generation. Cd. Th. 33, 20; Gen. 523.
self-will, es; n. (?) Self-will, one's own will, free-will:-- Be ðám ðe beóþ hyra sylfwilles (sua sponte) gefullode, L. Ecg. C. 17, tit. ; Th. ii. 128, 30. Be selfwille ultro, Wrt. Voc. ii. 73, 27. Getæ-acute;c mé sumne mann ðara ðe ðé gesæ-acute;legost þince and on his selfwille sý swíðost gewiten who most has had things his own way, Bt. 11. 1; Fox 32, 16. Gif ðú ne wilt wirde steóran ac on selfwille sígan læ-acute;test if thou wilt not guide fate, but lettest her go at her own will, Met. 4, 50. [Cf. O. H. Ger. (pí) selpwillin sponte, ultro; Icel. með, at sjálfvilja of one's own will.] v. self-willes.
self-wille; adj. Voluntary, spontaneous:-- Mid selfwilre spontanea, Hpt. Gl. 415, 11: spontaneo, volunlario, 439, 11. For ðan self-willan propter spontaneum, 413, 33. [Goth. silba-wiljós voluntarii, 2 Cor. 8, 3.]
self-willende; adj. Voluntary:-- Rén sylfwillendne pluviam voluntariam, Ps. Lamb. 67, 10 [Goth. silba-wiljandi galaith sua sponte profectus est,2 Cor. 8, 17: Icel. sjálf-viljandi.]
self-willes; adv. Voluntarily, of one's own accord:-- Selfwilles ultro, Wrt. Voc. ii. 92, 74. Sylfwilles sponte, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Zup. 234, 19: ultro, Zup. 237, 2. (1) of persons :-- Drihten ðe on róde Selfwilles þrowode, H. R. 17, 21. Ealle hyra unlustas hí sceolon gebétan sylfwylles on ðyssum lífe, oððe unþances æfter ðyssum lífe, Homl. Th. i. 148, 27, Wrýt nú sylfwylles ðæt ðú wiðsace Criste, Homl. Skt. i. 3, 379. Hé sylfwilles menniscnesse underféng, Wulfst. 15, 12. Hé gæ-acute;þ sylfwilles twá míla tó ánre geneádod, R. Ben. 28, 6. (2) of things :-- Ðonne his wæstmas weaxaþ sylfwilles quae sponte gignet humus, Lev. 25, 5. Sylfwilles (ultra) seó eorþe wæstm beraþ, Mk. Skt. 4, 28. v. self-will.
selian, sélla. v. sylian, sél.
sella, an; m. A giver:-- Ðone glædan syllan hilarem datorem, R. Ben. Interl. 25, 6.
sellan, sillan, sylian; p. salde, sealde; pp. sald, seald To give something (acc.) to somebody (dat.). I. of voluntary giving, to put. into the possession of a person, transfer ownership from one to another :-- Ic sello Werburge ðás lond, Chart. Th. 480, 30: 481, 5. Ðæt land ic sylle eów tó ágenne, Ex. 6, 8. Ealle ðás rícu ic sylle (sello, Lind.: selle, Rush.) ðé, Mt. Kmbl. 4, 9. Ðú sáwlum selest ginfæsta gifa, Met. 20, 226. Eówer Fæder syleþ (selleþ, Rush.) gód ðám ðe hyne biddaþ, Mt. Kmbl. 7, 11. Hig wæ-acute;ron ðíne, and ðú hý sealdest mé, Jn. Skt. 17, 6. Salde inpendebat (cf. geben wæs inpendebatur, 21), Wrt. Voc. ii. in, 24. Ecgbryht salde Basse mæsseprióste Reculf mynster on tó tymbranne, Chr. 669; Erl. 34, 25. Hié saldon hiera nefum Wichte eálond, 534; Erl. 14, 33. Ðeáh Balac mé sille goldes án hús full, Num. 22, 18. Hí ne mágon sellan ðæt hí gehátaþ, Bt. 16, 1; Fox 90, 16. Nelle gé syllan (sella, Lind.) ðæt hálige hundum, Mt. Kmbl. 7, 6. Gé cunnun góde sylena eówrum bearnum syllan (sellan, Rush.), 7, 11. Biþ sald dabitur, Kent. Gl. 338. II. to give what one is bound to give, to pay tribute, offer, dedicate to God :-- Sylle mé ðín forme bearn. Dó eall swá of hríðerum . . . syle (reddas) hit mé on ðam ehtuþan dæge, Ex. 22, 29, 30. Norþmonnum niéde sceoldon gombon gieldan and gafol sellan, Cd. Th. 119, 12; Gen. 1978. Gafol syllan, Chr. 1006; Ell. 141, 10. Hí willaþ eów tó gafole gáras syllan, Byrht. Th. 133, 7; By. 46. Hié næfdan for him lamb tó syllenne, Blickl. Homl. 23, 26. III. to give, furnish or supply with food, medicine, poison, etc. -- Hwá sylþ ús flæ-acute;sc ? . . . Drihten eów silþ flæ-acute;sc and gé etaþ, Num. 11. 18. Byrelas sealdon wín of wunder&dash-uncertain;fatum, Beo. Th. 2327; B. 1161. Hié him sealdon áttor drinccan, Blickl. Homl. 229, 16: Ealle ða mettas ge drincan ða ðe habban hát mægen and scearp sele þicgean, Lchdm. ii. 184, 10 (often in Leechdoms). Him man metsunge syllan sceolde. Chr. 1006; Erl. 141, 10. Hé wolde syllan his assan fóddur, Gen. 42, 27. III a. with infin. instead of acc.:-- Hwílum ic deórum drincan selle. Exon. Th. 393, 25; Rä. 13, 5. Gehwylc mé drincan sealde, 484, 24; Rä. 71, 6. IV. to give one thing for another. (a) to sell for (wið) a price :-- Ic sylle wið wirðe vendo, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 8 ; Zup. 181, 17. Hwí ne sealde heó ðás sealfe wið þrím hundred penegon, Jn. Skt. 12, 5. Sume man wið feó sealde, Chr. 1036; Erl. 164, 34: Blickl. Homl. 79, 22. (b) to sell at (to) a price :-- Sélre ys ðæt wé hine syllon tó ceápe Ysmahélitum, Gen. 37, 27. (c) to sell:-- Hé sylþ (vendit) eall ðæt hé áh, Mt. Kmbl. 13, 44. Hé worhte his weorc tó seofon nihtum, and sealde on ðone Sæternesdæg, Homl. Th: ii. 356, 6. Hí sealdon heora gymstánas, i. 62, 21. Ne eów ne ofþince ðæt gé mé sealdon (vendidistis) on ðis ríce, Gen. 45, 5. Syllaþ (vendite) ðæt gé ágon, Lk. Skt. 12, 33. Nán man hig ná undeóror ne sylle (sille, MS. D.); and gif hwá hí undeóror sylle, gilde æ-acute;gðer .xl. scillinga, ge se ðe hí sylle ge se ðe hí bycge, L. Edg. ii. 8; Th. i. 270, 3-6. Móna se óðer on eallum þingum tó dóndum nytlíc ys, bicgan, syllan, scip ástígan, Lchdm. iii. 184, 13. Ða syllendan vendentes, Lk. Skt. 19, 45. (d) to give in payment :-- Hé sealde his ðone reádan gim, ðæt wæs his ðæt hálige blód, mid ðon hé ús gedyde dæ-acute;lnimende ðæs heofonlícan ríces. Blickl. Homl. 9, 36. Eall ðæt feoh ðe hié wið ðæm weorce sellan woldon, Ois. 4, 12; Swt. 210, 4. Syllan feoh wið freóde, Byrht. Th. 132, 58; By. 39. V. (a) to give into the keeping of, hand over, deliver, commit, entrust:-- Gif ðú mé sylst underwedd, Gen. 38, 17. Ic befæste ðé ðæt eówde ðæt ðú mé sealdest, Blickl. Homl. 191, 27. Hé hire sáule sealde Sarcte Michahele, 147, 13. Hé sealde his sweord ombihtþegne, Beo. Th. 1349; B. 672. Hié sealdon ánum unwísum þegne Miercna ríce tó haldanne, and hé him gíslas salde, Chr. 874; Erl. 76, 26-28. Hié sealdon hiera suna tó gíslum they gave their sons as hostages, Ors. 4, 11; Swt. 204, 4. Hí on wedde sealdon, hwæt hý hyre syllan woldon. Homl. As. 196, 24. Ðá wæs ic mid gýmenne mínra mága seald tó fédanne and tó læ-acute;ranne Abbude Benedicte, Bd. 5, 23 ; S. 647, 22. (b) to give a woman to be a man's wife :-- Ðá wolde se fæder hí sellan sumum æþelon men tó brýde. Shrn. 31, 6. Nyme hé hig tó rihtwífe. Gif se fæder hig him syllan nelle, Ex. 22, 17. (c) to give over to a hostile power, deliver up to. (1) with dat. :-- Ne syle (tradas) ðú unscyldigra sáwla deórum, Ps. Th. 73, 18. Ðý læs ðe ðín wiðerwinna ðé sylle ðám déman, and se déma ðé sylle ðam þéne, Mt. Kmbl. 5, 25. (2) without dat.:-- Ne syle mé ne ne send mé mid ðám synfullan ne tradas me cum peccatoribus, Ps. Th. 27, 3. (3) with prepositions :-- Hé sealde on edwít ðe mé æ-acute;r træ-acute;dan. Ps. Th. 56, 3. Hé sealde his folc sweordes under ecge, 77, 62. Ne syle mé tó ðara módes willan, 26, 14. Ne ðú mé ne syle on ðone biterestan deáþ, Blickl. Homl. 229, 26. Ne syle ðú mé in wíta forwyrd. Frag. Kmbl. 14; Leás. 9. Mannes sunu ys tó syllenne on manna handa, Mt. Kmbl. 17, 22. (4) with dat. and prep. :-- Drihten him sealde da burh on his