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4. Ðú seofone genim tudra gehwilces, Cd. Th. 80, 27; Gen. 1335. Geseh hé hyrdas standan seofone ætsomne. Andr. Kmbl. 1987; An. 996. Syfone, Beo. Th. 6235 ; 8. 3122. [Goth. sibun: O. Sax. si&b-bar;un: O. Frs. saven, sigun : O. H. Ger. sibun : Icel. sjau.]

seofon-feald; adj. Sevenfold:-- Seofonfeald wracu biþ sealde for Cain and hundseofontig seofonfeald for Lamech, Gen. 4, 24. Hé onbryrt úre mód mid seofonfealdre gife, Homl. Th. i. 326, 12. Gyld seofonfealde wrace, Ps. Th. 78, 13 : Gen. 4, 15. Him ofer wacedon syfanfealde weardes, Homl. Skt. i. 3, 271.

seofonfealdlíce; adv. Sevenfold, seven times:-- Geclásnad seofenfaldlíce purgatum septuplum, Ps. Surt. 11. 7: 78, 12.

seofon-leáfe, an; f. Seven-leaves, setfoil; potentilla tormentilla :-- Seofenleáfe. Ðeós wyrt ðe man eplafilon and óðrum naman septifolium nemneþ and eác sume men seofenleáfe. Lchdm. i. 232, 1-3. [Cf. O. H. Ger. sibun-blat heptaphyllon.]

seofon-nihte; adj. Seven days old:-- Se .vii. nihta móna is gód on tó fixiane, Lchdm. iii. 178, 13. On .vii. nihtne mónan, 178, 9.

seofon-stirre, es; n. The Pleiades:-- Sifunsterre (sibun-) pliadas, Txts. 86, 762. [Cf. O. H. Ger. sibun-stirni, -stirri, es; n. pliades, orion: Ger. sieben-gestirn : Icel. sjau-stirni; n. the Pleiades,]

seofonteópa, -teogoþa seventeenth:-- Se wæs seofonteogeþa fram Agusto, Bd. 1. 5; S. 476, 6. Ðý seofonteóþan dæge, 3, 24; S. 557, 12. On ðone seofenteóþan dæge ðæs mónþes, Gen. 7, 11. Seofontegðan, Shrn. 91, 32.

-seofontig. v. hund-seofontig.

seofon-tíne seventeen:-- Æfter seofentýnum nihtgerímes, Menol. Fox 50; Men. 25. Hé lyfode seofentýne gér, Gen. 47, 28. Seofontýne, Bd. 1. 5; S. 476, 7: 2, 15; S. 519, 13.

seofontíne-nihte; adj. Seventeen days old:-- On .xvii, nihte móne, Lchdm. iii. 180, 7.

seofon-wintre; adj. Seven years old:-- Mid ðý ic wæs seofonwintre cum essem annorum septem, Bd. 5, 23; S. 647, 21. Ic wæs syfanwintre, Beo. Th. 4847; B. 2428. Ðá ðá hé syfonwintre wæs, Homl. Skt. i. 3, 5. [Icel. sjau-vetra seven years old.]

seofoþa seventh:-- Tó ðære seofoþan (ðió seofunda, Lind.: ðý siofunda, Rush. ) tíde, Jn. Skt. 4, 52. Óþ ðone seofoþan (tó ðæm seofunda, Lind.: siofund, Rush.), Mt. Kmbl. 22, 26. On ðone seofeþan dæg, Gen. 2, 2.

seofoþa bran. v. sifeþu.

seófung, e; f. Lamenting, complaining, complaint:-- Hwí biþ elles swelc seófung and swelce dómas unde forenses querimoniae ? Bt. 26, 2; Fox 92, 16. Ðis is seó ealde siófung ðe ðú longe siófodost (siófodes, Cott. MS.) vetus haec est querela, 41, 3 ; Fox 246, 25. Ne beó dó tó ceástful; of irsunge wyxt seófung. Prov. Kmbl. 23. Ic ne mæg ádreohan ðíne seófunga for ðam lytlan ðe ðú forlure. Bt. 11. 1; Fox 30, 20. Forlæ-acute;tan ða seófunga his eormþa miseras fugare querelas, 29, 3; Fox 106, 20: Met. 16, 7. v. sár-seófung; seófian.

seohhe, an; f. A strainer:-- Seohhe colatorium, Wrt. Voc. i. 24, 52. Man sceal habban seohhan, Anglia ix. 264, 18. [A mylke syne colum, Prompt. Parv. 79, note 1. A sigh-clout, Halliwell Dict. (under sie). Sye-dish a milk-strainer, E. D. S. Pub. country words, 6. Cf. O. H. Ger. sína colum, colatorium: Ger. seche: Icel. sía a strainer.] v. seón to strain, seohtre.

seoh-tor[r] (?), es; m. A look-out place (?) :-- Ofer ðone cnol tó ðæn seohtore (-torre?), Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 451, 14.

seohtre, sihtre, an ; f. A pipe through which a small stream is directed, a drain:-- Andlang seohtran, Cod. Dip. B. i. 295, 11. Tó ðare reádan sihtran, 296, 28. In wæ-acute;tan sihtran (cf. síce, 382, 7); of ðam wæ-acute;tan síce, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 386, 10. Ad locum qui dicitur hylsan seohtra, 373, 12.

seol, seolc, seolcan, seolcen, seolc-wyrm, seolf. v. seolh, seoluc, á&dash-uncertain;seolcan, seolucen, seoluc-wyrm, self.

seolfor, siolufr, silofr, sylfor (-er, -ut), es; n. Silver:-- Seolfor argentum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 8, 52. Seolfer, i. 85, 7. Seolfur, Ps. Th. 134, 15. Feówer hund scillinga seolfres. Gen. 23, 16. Fiftig yntsena seolfres, Deut. 22, 29. Hwítes seolfres. Jos. 7, 21. Silofres, Salm. Kmbl. 62, MS. B. ; Sal. 31. Siolufres (siolofres, Cott. MSS.), Past. 37; Swt. 269, 4. Tó siolofre, Swt. 266. 10. Ic sealde siolfor (sylofr, Cott. MSS.), 48; Swt. 369, 6. Silofr, Swt. 368, 20. Hwítan seolfre bétan, Cd. Th. 165, 14; Gen. 2731. Sylfore, Exon. Th. 395, 4; Rä. 15, 2. Næbbe gé seolfer (sulfer, Lind.: sylfur, Rush.), Mt. Kmbl. 10, 9. Wénst dú ðæt wé ðínes hláfordes seolfor stæ-acute;lon, Gen. 44, 8. Sealde him tó bóte gangende feoh and glæd seolfor, Cd. Th. 164, 24; Gen. 2719. [Goth. silubr : O. Frs. selover, selver, silver: O. Sax. silu&b-bar;ar, silo&b-bar;ar: O. H. Ger. silabar, silbar: Icel. silfr.] v. cwic-seolfor.

seolfor-fæt, es; n. A vessel of silver:-- Seolforfatum argenteis vasis, Bd. 4, 1; S. 563, 21. [O. H. Ger. silbar-faz. Cf. Icel. silfr-bolli, and many similar cpds.]

seolfor-gewiht, es; m. Silver-weight, the scale of weight by which silver is weighed, where the pound is of sixteen ounces :-- Se sester sceal wegan twá pund be sylfyrgewyht, Lchdm. iii. 92, 14. v. sester, II.

seolfor-hammen; adj. Silver-coated:-- Æ-acute;nne seolforhammenne blæ-acute;d&dash-uncertain;horn. Chart. Th. 559, 24.

seolfor-hilt; adj. Silver-hilted:-- Ic geann mínon bréðer ánes seolfer-hiltes swurdes, Chart. Th. 560, 10. Ðæs sealferhiltan swurdes ðe Ulfcytel áhte, 559, 13.

seolfor-hilted; adj. Silver-hilted:-- Twá seolforhilted sweord, Chart. Th. 544, 4.

seolfor-smiþ, es; m. A silver-smith, worker in silver:-- Seolforsmiþ argenlarius, Wrt. Voc. i. 73, 31. Seolfersmiþ, 47, 13. Ic hæbbe smiþas . . . seolforsmiþ habeo fabros . . . argentarium, Coll. Monast. Th. 29, 35. [O. H. Ger. silbar-smid: Icel. silfr-smiðr.]

seolfor-stycce, es; m. A piece of silver, a coin:-- Ðæt þrítig seolfor-sticca the thirty pieces of silver (given to Judas), Anglia xi. 8, 3.

seolfren, seolofren, seolfern, silfren, sylofren, sylfren; adj. Silvern, of silver:-- Sylofren sinc, Met. 21, 21. Glæsen fæt on seolfrenre racenteáge, Blickl. Homl. 209, 4. In seolfren fæt belúcan. Elen. Kmbl. 2050; El. 1026. Hafaþ silfren (seolofren, MS. B.) leáf, Salm. Kmbl. 129; Sal. 64. Nim mínne sylfrenan læfyl. Gen. 44, 2 : Bd. 1. 25 ; S. 487, 3. Seolferne silver coins, Mt. Kmbl. p. 20, 2. Sylfrenu (selfrenu, Cott. MS.) fatu, Bt. 36, 1 ; Fox 172, 19. Ða seolfrenan stánas, 34, 8; Fox 144, 31. Sweopum seolfrynum, Salm. Kmbl. 287; Sal. 143. Sylfrenum. Homl. Th. ii. 212, 30. Ne wyrce gé sylfrene godas, Ex. 20, 23: 3, 22. [Goth. silubreins: O. Frs. selvirn: O. Sax. silubrin: O. H. Ger. silbarín.]

seolfrian. v. be-, ofer-seolfrian.

seolh; gen. seoles; m. A seal, sealgh, selcht (v. Jamieson's Dict.), sea-calf:-- Seolh focca, Wrt. Voc. ii. 149, 81: bromus marinus, i. 22, 54: focus, 281, 58. Seol foca, 55, 79: focus, ii. 38, 48. Ðás wyrt onsænde seolh ofer sæ-acute;s hrygc. Lchdm. iii. 34, 15. Of seoles hýde, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 18, 18. Sioles, 18, 23. Seolas vituli marini, Bd. 1, 1; S. 473, 16. [O. H. Ger. selan : Icel. selr.]

seolh-bæþ, es; n. The seal's bath, the sea (cf. fisces, ganotes bæþ) :-- Mec wind wíde bær ofer seolhbaþo, Exon. 392, 21; Rä. 11, 11.

seolh-wæd (?), -pæð (?), es; n. The seal's ford, path, the sea:-- Hié on ýðum æðelinga wunn ofer seolhwaðu (-wadu ?, -paðu ?) geseón mihton, Andr. Kmbl. 3424; An. 1716. Cf. preceding word and mearc-pæð, -wæd.

seolh-ýða (?); pl. The waves where the seal swims:-- Oferswam ðá sioleða (siolýða ? cf. flóda, holma begang. Or (?) sioleþ still water. Cf. Goth. ana-silan : Swed. dial. sil still water. v. Heyne's note) bigong sunu Ecgþeówes, Beo. Th. 4723; B. 2367.

seolofren. v. seolfren.

seoluc (-oc), seolc, es; m. Silk:-- Seolc sericum, Wrt. Voc. i. 40, 2. Gód geolo seoluc, Lchdm. ii. 10, 16 : 106, 22. Seowa mid seolce fæste, smire mid ðære sealfe æ-acute;r se seoloc rotige, 56, 7-8: 358, 25. Heora wæ-acute;da sioloce siowian, Met. 8, 24. Gyf man mæ-acute;te ðæt hé seoluc oððe godweb hæbbe, Lchdm. iii. 174, 29. [Icel. silki. From Latin sericum (?). But see Kluge, Etymol. Wörterb. under seide.]

seolucen, seolcen ; adj. Silken, of silk:-- Seolcen bombicinum, Wrt. Voc. i. 39, 72. Siolcen, ii. 11, 67: 75, 74. Seolcen gegerla bombicinium, 126, 50. Seolcen áb tramasericum, i. 40, 4. Seolce[n] hnygele platum, 40, 38. Silcen serica, Hpt. Gl. 417, 37. Seolocenra hrægla, Bt. 15; Fox 48, 11. v. eal-seolcen.

seoluc-wyrm, es; m. A silk-worm:-- Siolucwyrm bombix, Wrt. Voc. ii. 12, 22. Seolcwyrm, i. 24, 6 : 40, 1.

seomian, siomian, semian; p. ode To rest, (1) to remain suspended, to hang, to lower as a cloud :-- Hit bærneþ boldgetimbru, seomaþ steáp, Salm. Kmbl. 827 ; Sal. 413. Deorc deáþscúa seomade the dark shadow of death hung over them, Beo. Th. 324; B. 161. Sum sceal on galgan rídan, seomian æt swylte, Exon. 329, 14; Vy. 34. Mæst sceal on ceóle segelgyrd seomian the mast shall be fixed in a boat and the yard hang from it, Menol. Fox 509; Gn. C. 25. Hé siomian geseah segn, Beo. Th. 5527; B. 2767. Geseah deorc gesweorc semian, Cd. Th. 7, 20; Gen. 109. (2) to remain supported, to lie so as to press, lie heavily, lie securely :-- Se wong seomaþ eádig and onsund, Exon. Th. 199, 2; Ph. 19. Seomaþ (-ad, MS.) wír ymbe ðone wælgim. 400, 19; Rä. 21, 3. Seomaþ sorgcearig lies troubled, 285, 4; Jul. 709. Hé siomode in sorgum seofon nihta fyrst, Elen. Kmbl. 1384; El. 694. Flota stille bád, seomode on sole scip, Beo. Th. 609; B. 302. Heó on wrace seomodon, Cd. Th. 5, 15; Gen. 72. Him on healfa gehwam hettend seomedon mægen oððe merestreám on each side of them lay foes pressing, the Egyptian force or the Red Sea, 191, 4; Exod. 209. Ðæ-acute;r ic seomian wát ðínne sigebróðor I know thy brother lies in prison there, Andr. Kmbl. 365; An. 183.

seó-mint, plant name, altea vel eviscus. Wrt. Voc. i. 32, 12. v. sæ-acute;minte.

seón to be:-- See esse, Mt. Kmbl. p. 1, 11. v. eom, sí.

seón; p. seah, pl. sáwon, sæ-acute;gon, ségon ; pp. sewen, sawen. I. to see with the eyes, (1) with acc.:-- Oft ic wíg seó, Exon. Th. 388, 6; Rä. 6. 3. Ic seah wundorlíce . wiht, 495, 1; Rä. 84, 1. Ne seah ic medudreám máran, Beo. Th. 4033; B. 2014. Hí wuldres þegn eágum