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clavo . . . Quasi clavum gubernator amittit, Past. 56, 3; Swt. 431, 30-36. Gelíc ðam scipe búton æ-acute;lcum steóran, Basil admn. 6; Norm. 46, 21. (b) fig.:--God is steóra and steórróþer, forðæm hé reht and ræ-acute;t eallum gesceaftum, swá swá gód steóra (stióra, Cott. MS.) ánum scipe, Bt. 35, 3; Fox 158, 25. [Ilc ðhusent adde a meister wold, and under ðis t&yogh;en steres ben, Gen. and Ex. 3413. O. H. Ger. stiuro gubernator, nauclerus: Icel. stjóri a ruler (poet.).] v. fore-, scip-steóra.

steóran, stióran, (and with umlaut) stiéran, stéran, stíran, stýran; p. de. I. to steer, guide a vessel:?-Sum [on] fealone wæ-acute;g stefnan steóreþ, Exon. Th. 296, 20; Crii. 54. Ic æ-acute;fre ne geseah æ-acute;nigne mann ðé gelícne steóran ofer stæfnan, Andr. Kmbl. 989; An. 495. Swíðe eáðe mæg on smyltre sæ-acute; ungelæ-acute;red scipstiéra genóh ryhte stiéran, Past. 9; Swt. 59, 2. Ia. fig. to steer, guide, rule, direct:?-Se stiórþ ðam hrædwæ-acute;ne eallra gesceafta volucrem currum regit, Bt. 36, 2; Fox 174, 20. Swá déþ ðæt mód, ðonne hit wacorlíce stiéreþ ðære sáwle cum mens vigilanter animam regit, Past. 56, 3; Swt. 433, 4. Stýrþ regit, Wülck. Gl. 254, 29. Steórdes gubernasti, Ps. Surt. ii. p. 188, 5. Se stýrde Dæ-acute;re mæ-acute;gþe qui Deirorum provinciam gubernaret, Bd. 4, 12; S. 581, 19: 5, 23; S. 645, 38. Steóran and reccan ðone anweald ðe mé befæst wæs, Bt. 17; Fox 58, 27. Ða geornfulnesse ðe hé mid stióran scolde ðære sáwle and ðæm líchoman, Past. 56, 3; Swt. 431, 34. Þurh ðé ic ðys eówde stýran and rihtan [mihte], Blickl. Homl. 191, 28. Hé ða cyricean wæs reccende and stýrende ecclesiam regens, Bd. 5, 19; S. 639, 13. II. to correct, restrain a person (dat.) from wrong, (gen. or prep.) give a right direction to what is wrong:--Ic béte sume leáse bóc oððe ic stýre (steóre, MS. H.) sumum stuntum menn corrigo, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 5; Zup. 173, 10. Se micla cræftiga hiertende tóscýfþ and egesiende stiérþ ofermétta mid ðære tæ-acute;linge his hiéremonnum ðæt hé hié gebringe on lífe magnus regendi artifex favoribus impellit, terroribus retrahit, ut auditores suos et descripto irreprehensibilitatis culmine restringat a superbia, et officium laudando, quod quaeritur componat ad vitam, Past. 8, 1; Swt. 53, 16. Gif hé ðám réceleásum stýrþ, ðonne sceal his steór beón mid lufe gemetegod. . . Wel déþ se ðe ungewittigum stýrþ mid swinglum, gif hé mid wordum ne mæg. Hit is áwriten: 'Ne biþ se stunta mid wordum gerihtlæ-acute;ced,' Homl. Th. ii. 532, 11-15. Gif hé him sylfum stýrþ fram eallum stuntnyssum, Homl. Skt. i. 17, 22. Ðæt stýrþ (checks) ðam þurste, Lchdm. ii. 192, 11. Hé missenlíce monna cynne gielpes stýreþ, Exon. Th. 299, 20; Crä. 105. Swá biþ geóguðe ðeáw, ðæ-acute;r ðæs ealdres egsa ne stýreþ, 127, 25; Gú. 391. Gif bisceopas forgýmaþ, þæt hí synna ne stýraþ ne unriht forbeódaþ if bishops neglect to restrain from sins and to forbid wrong, Wulfst. 176, 29. Gif hé hit herede and on tyhte eft hé stiérde ðære gewilnunge qui tamen laudans desiderium in pavorem&dash-uncertain;vertit protinus, Past. 8, 1; Swt. 53, 9. Iacobus his stírde Jacobus prohibet, 3, 1; Swt. 33, 10. Ðæt hé fram synnan gecyrre and óðrum mannum unrihtes stýre, L. Eth. vi. 42; Th. i. 326, 9: Wulfst. 308, 19. Mánfulra dæ-acute;da on æ-acute;ghwilcan ende stýre man swýðe, 309, 27. Gif seó wyrd swá hweorfan mót and ðú heore nelt stíran (steóran, Met. 4, 49), Bt. 4; Fox 8, 19. Stiéran sceal mon strongum móde, Exon. Th. 312, 13; Seef. 109. Stýran, 336, 18; Gn. Ex. 51. Ðæm sacerde náht ne fremaþ ðæt hé rihtwís beó gif hé ðám unrihtwísan nele hyra unrihtes stýran (cf. preósta nán ne wandige, ðæt hig ne bodigan æ-acute;lcum men, hwæt him sig tó dónne and hwæt tó forgánne, Th. ii. 202, 11-13) sacerdoti nihil prodest, quod ipse justus sit, si injustos pro injustitia eorum corrigere nolit, L. Ecg. P. iii. 15 tit.; Th. ii. 196, 10. Se ðe wylle eard clæ-acute;nsian, ðonne mót hé georne ðyllíces stýran (steóran, MS. B.) restrain such crimes, L. C. S. 7; Th. i. 380, 9. Hé wolde ús mid líðnysse stýran, Homl. Th. i. 320, 10: Blickl. Homl. 63, 22. Him stýran cwom stefn a voice came restraining Abraham from sacrificing Isaac, Cd. Th. 204, 8; Exod. 416. Stýran his módes styrunge mid singalre gemetfæstnesse, Homl. Th. i. 360, 15. II a. to keep back from what is good:--Ic dysge dwelle and óðrum stýre nyttre fóre I (night) lead the foolish astray and keep back others from a useful course, Exon. Th. 393, 3; Rä. 12, 4. III. to reprove, chide, rebuke:?-Se ðe steórþ þeóda qui corripit gentes, Ps. Lamb. 93, 10. Stiórde &l-bar; stiórend wæs him comminatus est eis, Mk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 8, 30. Seó menigo stýrde ðæm blindan ðæt hé cleopode the multitude rebuked him for calling out, Blickl. Homl. 19, 5: 191, 12. Se hálga wer wordum stýrde unryhtre æ-acute; (cf. Herod being reproved by John for Herodias his brother Philip's wife, Lk. 3, 19), Exon. Th. 260, 13; Jul. 296. Steórdon increpabant, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 19, 13. Stiórdun comminabantur, Mk. Skt. Rush. 10, 13, 48. Swá hié him swýðor stýrdon, swá hé hlúdor cleopode, Blickl. Homl. 15, 21. Ná on ðínum yrre stýr ðú mé neque in ira tua corripias me, Ps. Lamb. 6, 2: Mt. Kmbl. 18, 15. God wolde stýran ðære nytennyse Cúðberhtes, and ásende án cild, ðæt hit his dyslícan plegan wíslíce ðreáde, Homl. Th. ii. 134, 5. IV. to punish:?-Ðonne hý ágyltaþ him man stýre oðþe mid swíðlícum fæstenum oðþe mid teartum swingellum hý wylde dum delinquunt, aut nimiis jejuniis affligantur, aut acribus verberibus coherceantur, R. Ben. 54, 3. Ðonne beóde ic mínum geréfan ðæt hí stýran æ-acute;lcum ðara ðe ðis ne gelæ-acute;ste . . . and on ðære steóre ne sý nán forgifnes, L. Edg. S. 1; Th. i. 272, 6. Swá hwilc ðissa (various punishments) swá man geræ-acute;de; swá man mæg stýran, and eác ðære sáwle gebeorgan, L. C. S. 30; Th. i. 394, 16. Hí sceoldan ðæ-acute;m unrihtdóndum mid grimnesse stéran; þeófum and mánswarum . . . sceolan ða déman grimlíce stýran, Blickl. Homl. 63, 12-15. [Iesu Crist shall ben hæfedd to steorenn hemm, Orm. 1559. In yherde irened salt þou stere (reges) þa, Ps. 2, 9. Þu steorest te sea stream þ-bar; hit fleden ne mot fir þan þu markedest, Marh. 9, 34. Goth. stiurjan to establish: O. Frs. stiora, stiura to steer; to hinder: O. H. Ger. stiuren gubernare, fulcire: Icel. stýra, to steer; to direct, govern.] v. ge-, on-steóran (-stíran, -stýran); steór, steórend.

steór-bord, es; n. Star-board, the right side of a ship looking forward:?-Hé lét him ealne weg ðæt wéste land on ðæt steórbord and ða wídsæ-acute; on ðæt bæcbord, Ors. 1. 1; Swt. 17, 10, 25. [Cf. Icel. stjórn&dash-uncertain;borði: Da. Swed. styr-bord; Du. stuur-boord.]

steóre, an: f. A regulation:?-Gif eóver hwilc forgýmeleásaþ and mé hýran nelle and emban ða steóran (steóra ?) swá beón nelle swá ic beboden hæbbe and on úrum gewritum stent, L. Ath. v. 11; Th. i. 240, 17. v. steór.

steórend, stýrend, es; m. I. a ruler, governor:?-God, staðulfæst steórend, Andr. Kmbl. 2673; An. 1338. Stýrend, 241; An. 121. Drihten, ealra sceafta reccend and stýrend, Wulfst. 255, 18. II. one who corrects, one who reproves:?-Stýrend corrector, increpator, Wrt. Voc. ii. 135, 82. v. steóran.

steórere, es; m. A steerer:?-Hit wæ-acute;re swelce se stióra slépe on midre sæ-acute; . . . Ðæm stiórere biþ gelícost se mon ðe ongemong ðisses middan&dash-uncertain;geardes costungum hine ágímeleásaþ, Past. 56, 3; Swt. 431, 31. [O. H. Ger. stiurari gubernator, recuperator.] v. steóra.

steóres-mann, es; m. A steersman, one who guides a vessel, the captain of a vessel:?-Be ðon ðe mon on scipe bereáfod sý. Gif man beó æt his æ-acute;htan bereáfod, and hé wite of hwilcum scipe, ágyfe steóresman ða æ-acute;hta, L. Eth. ii. 4; Th. i. 286, 17. [Steres-men rulers of ten men, Gen. and Ex. 3417. Twelue scipen weoren forloren, þa oðere weoren al todriuen, nes þer na steoresmon þat æuere aht cuðe þer on, Laym. 11985. Þe steoressmann a&yogh;&yogh; lokeþþ till an steorrne, Orm. 2135. Swed. styres&dash-uncertain;man a chief, ruler.] v. steór-mann.

steorfa, an; m. I. mortality, pestilence:?-Sceal áspringan wíde and síde stric and steorfa and fela ungelimpa, Wulfst. 86, 12: 159, 10. Gif hit geweorðe ðæt folce mislimpe þurh here oðþon hungor, þurh stric oððe steorfan, L. P. 18; Th. ii. 324, 29. II. flesh of animals that have died a natural death:?-Se ðe steorfan ete qui morticinam ederit, L. Ecg. P. iv. 27; Th. i. 212, 3. III. a place where death has taken place(?):--Andlang móres tó síferþingcsteorfan, Cod. Dip. B. i. 296, 34. [Stala and steorfa swiðe eow seal hene, O. E. Homl. i. 13, 29. O. Sax. man-ster&b-bar;o: O. H. Ger. sterbo pestis, cladis, pestilentia.] v. fæ-acute;r-steorfa.

steorfan; p. stearf, pl. sturfon; pp. storfen To die:?-Se ðe gelíð raðe hé styrfþ oððe génunge hé áríseþ he that takes to his bed (on the tenth day of the moon), soon will he die or he will be up again directly, Lchdm. iii. 188, 21. Gif hrýðera steorfan, 54, 30. Annanias and Saphira mid fæ-acute;rlícum deáðe ætforan ðám apostolum steorfende áfeóllon, Homl. Th. i. 398, 34. [Se man þe nán gód ne heafde stærf of hunger, Chr. 1124; Erl. 253, 22. Wrecce men sturuen of hungær, 1137; Erl. 262, 27. Hi sturfe hungre, O. E. Homl. i. 233, 5. Caim starf (died), Gen. and Ex. 481. Summe storuen, 2975. Ilc was storuen, 3162. Steruy&n-long;, idem quod deyy&n-long;, Prompt. Parv. 474, col. 2. O. Sax. ster&b-bar;an: O. L. Ger. steruan: O. Frs. sterva: O. H. Ger. sterban] v. á-steorfan.

steor-gleáw; adj. Skilled in a knowledge of the stars:?-Steorgleáwra, tuncgelwítegana mathematicorum, Hpt. Gl. 467, 75.

steór-leás; adj. I. without restraint, ungovernable, fierce:?-Sió réþe oððe sió steórleáse efferra, Wrt. Voc. ii. 31, 16. II. without regulation, profligate:?-Ðú cýþdest ðæt ðú nestest hwelces endes æ-acute;lc angin wilnode ðá ðú wéndest ðæt steórleáse men and réceleáse wæ-acute;ron gesæ-acute;lige and wealdendas ðisse worulde quis sit rerum finis, ignoras, nequam homines atque nefarios, potentes felicesque arbitraris, Bt. 5, 3; Fox 12, 35. III. without instruction, foolish, ignorant:?-Þeáh hió (the earth) unwísum wídgel þince, on stede stronglíc steórleásum men, Met. 10, 11. IV. without rule, not living under rule:?-Gif bescoren man steórleás (not living under the rule of any religious house) gange him on gestlíðnesse, L. Win. 7; Th. i. 38, 12. [Gif þu uuel were, iwend þe from uuele, þi les þe ðú steorles losie on ende, O. E. Homl. i. 117, 35. Cf. Goth. libands usstiuriba GREEK, Lk. 15, 13. Icel. stjórn-lauss unruly.]

steór-mann, es; m. A steersman, pilot, captain:?-Steórman gubernio, Wrt. Voc. i. 56, 18: gubernator vel nauclerus, 73, 79. Hera ðone steórman ac ná æ-acute;rðan ðe hé becume gesundful tó ðære hýðe, Homl. Th. ii. 560, 22. [Stereman proreta, Wrt. Voc. i. 274, col. 2. He nom alle þa scipen and þa steormen alle, Laym. 28436. Du. stuur-man: Icel. stýri-maðr a skipper, captain: Dan. styr-mand a mate: Swed. styr-man.] v. steóres-mann, steór-réþra.

steorn (?), e; f. The forehead. [O. H. Ger. stirna frons.] v. steornede.

steór-nægl (?), es; m. The handle of a helm:?-Steórsceofol oððe [steór- ?]nægl clavus, Wrt. Voc. i. 74, 3. [O. H. Ger. stiur-nagal clavus.]