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STR&I-long;CAN -- STR&Y-long;NAN. 929

atrica o&d-bar;&d-bar;e &a-long;n stæf &d-bar;ære ealdan æ-long; ne biþ forgæ-long;ged iota unum aut unus apex non praeteribit (Mt. 5, 18), Homl. Th. ii. 200, 1: Jud. 15. Strican &l-bar; mærcunge characteres, Hpt. Gl. 473, 13. Stricena apicum, stricum characteribus, notis, 512, 23, 52. Stricum apicibus literarum, 501, 56. II. a streak, tract :-- Hit get&i-long;maþ hw&i-long;lt&i-long;dum &d-bar;onne se m&o-long;na beyrnþ on &d-bar;æm ylcan strican &d-bar;e seó sunne yrnþ, &d-bar;æt his trendel undersc&y-long;t &d-bar;ære sunnan t&o-long; &d-bar;am sw&i-long;&d-bar;e &d-bar;æt heó eall &a-long;þeóstraþ, Lchdm. iii. 242, 19. [Longe, croked strykes, Chauc. Astrolabe. Strek or poynt betwyx ij clausys yn a boke liminiscus, Prompt. Parv. 479. Goth. striks κepsilon;ραiota-oxia;α : O. H. Ger. strich linea, nota, zona. Cf. Icel. stryk a stroke, dash.]

str&i-long;can; p. str&a-long;c, pl. stricon; pp. stricen. I. to stroke, smooth, rub, wipe :-- Ne delfe h&y-long; n&a-long;n man mid &i-long;sene and mid wætere ne þweá, ac

str&i-long;ce h&y-long; mid cl&a-long;&d-bar;e clæ-long;ne, Lchdm. iii. 30, 24. [Baldulf lette striken to þan bare lichen his bærd and his chinne had his beard shaved of quite smoothly. Laym. 20303. To make murrour bry&yogh;t. Stryke theron blak sope, Rel. Ant. i. 108, 23 (15th cent.). StrekyUNCERTAIN or make pleyne complano, slrekyUNCERTAIN or make playne by mesure hostio, strekyUNCERTAIN, as menn do cattys palmito, Prompt. Parv. 479, col. 2. To stryke a buschelle hostiare, Cath; Ang. 369. This pecke to conteyne stryken with a strykell as mutche as cur standerd pecke holdeth upheaped, ib. note I. To stryke a bed=to make it smooth, is quoted by Halliwell, who gives strike as a Devonshire word for to rub gently. O. H. Ger. str&i-long;hhan linere, fovere. Cf. Icel. strjúka to stroke, rub, wipe: Dan. stryge.] v. ymb-str&i-long;can. II. to make a stroke, v. be-str&i-long;can; strica. III. to go, move, run :-- B&u-long;lon &d-bar;æm rodere &d-bar;e &d-bar;&a-long;s r&u-long;man gesceaft æ-long;ghwylce dæge &u-long;tan ymbhwyrfeþ, str&i-long;ceþ ymb&u-long;tan, Met. 20, 140. [Strike&d-bar; a stream ut of þ-bar; stanene þruh, Kath. 122, 2479. Comen alle strikinde of eauer euch strete fit ex omni civitate concursus, 35, 732. Hamun him to strac (wende to, 2nd MS.), Laym. 9318. Faraon strac inn affterr Godes follc, Orm. 14810. þ-bar; blod strac adun of hire bodí, Marh. 5, 34: 11, 7. Striken men þiderward, 17, 31. Þe strunden þe striken (ran) adun of þine fet, O. E. Homl. i. 187, 28. A mous . . . stroke forth sternly and stode biforn hem alle, Piers P. prol. 183. See also Halliwell, strike, strike (2). The word is still used of motion as in to strike across a country. O. H. Ger. str&i-long;hhan ire, meare: Ger. streichen to move, rush, rove. Cf. Icel. strjúka to go, rush: Dan. stryge to go, stryge Landet orn to stroll about the country.]

stricel, es; m. I. a strickle, an implement for smoothing corn in a measure, v. str&i-long;can, I :-- Stricilum trocleis, rotis modicis, Txts. 100, 994. [Hic modius a buschylle, hic corus a mesur, hoc os[t]orium a strikylle, Wrt. Voc. i. 233, col. 2 (15th cent.). Strykylle hostorium, Cath. Ang. 369. In note I on this page are given the following: 'Rouleau the round pin, stritchell, or strickle used in the measuring of corn, etc. Lorgaulté the strickle used in the measuring of corne' Cotgrave. 'When wee goe to take up come for the mill, the first thinge wee doe is to looke out poakes, then the bushel and strickle.' Farming Books of H. Best, 1641. II. that from which liquid flows (? v. str&i-long;can, II), a breast that gives milk, a fount :-- Of stricele ubere, Germ. 390, 67. Of feówer stricelum bis binis de fontibus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 12, 39. v. tit-stricel.

strician to knit, net. [O. H. Ger. stricchen nectere: Ger. stricken.] v. ge-strician. S

str&i-long;dan; p. str&a-long;d, pl. stridon. I. to stride :-- -Str&i-long;dit varicat, Txts. 105, 2078. II. to get by force (?), pillage, rob :-- Str&a-long;d (streád ? from str&u-long;dan) conpilat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 20, 14: 96, 74. [Cf. O. Sax. str&i-long;dian to dispute, contend; str&i-long;d contest, strife: O. Frs. str&i-long;da (wk.) to contend; str&i-long;d strife: O. H. Ger. str&i-long;tan; p. streit pugnare, contendere, obtinere; str&i-long;t pugna, certamen.] v. be-str&i-long;dan, and next word.

stride, es; m. A stride, pace :-- Fae&d-bar;m vel tuegen stridi passus, Txts. 85, 1510. [Stryde clunicatus, strydyUNCERTAIN or steppyUNCERTAIN ovyr a thynge clunico, Prompt. Parv. 480.]

striénan. v. streónan.

str&i-long;man to resist, oppose :-- Str&i-long;mendi innixus, Txts. 71, 1132: ob-nixus, 81, 1404. [In some dialects, e. g. Northants, to strime= to stride. Could the verb have existed with the same double meaning as str&i-long;dan, q.v.?]

str&i-long;me, streme; adj. Having a current. [Icel. streymr having a current, running.] v. sw&i-long;þ-str&i-long;me.

str&i-long;nan. v. streónan.

str&i-long;nd, str&y-long;nd, e; f. A generation, stock, race, kin, tribe :-- H&e-long; ne wæs of &d-bar;earfendum folce ac wæs æþelre str&y-long;nde non erat de paupere vulgo, sed de nobilibus, Bd. 4, 22 ; S. 591, 34. Wæs h&e-long; of æþelre str&y-long;nde Angel-&d-bar;eóde de nobilibus Anglorum, 5, 19 ; S. 637, 40. Of &d-bar;ære cynel&i-long;can str&y-long;nde de stirpe regia, 5, 7; S. 621, 8. Of W&o-long;denes str&y-long;nde (stirpe) monigra mæ-long;gþa cyningcynn fruman læ-long;dde, I. 15 ; S. 483, 30. Hié wæ-long;ron of Dauides cynnes str&y-long;nde. Blickl. Homl. 23, 28. His cynnes l&a-long;twua from &d-bar;on &d-bar;æt fore biþ his str&y-long;nde tribunus, ab eo quod praessit tribui, Rtl. 193, 15. In str&y-long;nd twoelfa in tribus duodecim, 78, 26. Doemende twoelf str&y-long;nda, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 19, 28. Str&y-long;ndum, Lk. Skt. Lind. 22, 30. [Of heore strund (owene streone, 2nd MS.), Laym. 2736. Strend toward generatio futura, Ps. 21, 32. Streon of a swuch strunde, Jul. 55, 17. Þet tu wite me wi&d-bar; ham (deadly sins) and alle heore strunden, A. R. 28, 7.] v. eormen-str&y-long;nd; streónan, streón.

str&i-long;pan; p. te To strip. [Erest he (the devil) strepte of him (Job) his shep, O. E. Homl. ii. 195, 28. Heo hane&d-bar; istruped mine figer sterc naked, A. R. 148, 24. Þu struptest and herhedest helle, Jul. 63, 16. Het strupen hire steortnaket, Kath. 1537. O. H. Ger. stroufen stringere.] v. be-str&i-long;pan (-str&y-long;pan).

stri&d-bar;, es; m. I. struggle, fight, contest :-- Strange geneátas &d-bar;a ne willaþ m&e-long; æt &d-bar;am str&i-long;&d-bar;e gesw&i-long;can, Cd. Th. 19, i; Gen. 284. II. contention, dispute, strife of words :-- Hwæt scal &d-bar;&e-long; sw&a-long; l&a-long;&d-bar;l&i-long;c str&i-long;&d-bar; wi&d-bar; &d-bar;&i-long;nes hearran bodan? 41, 28; Gen. 663. Ðone l&a-long;&d-bar;an str&i-long;&d-bar;, yfel and-wyrde, 36, 16; Gen. 572. [The word seems to occur only in that part of the Genesis which is supposed to be derived from an Old Saxon original, and to be a form borrowed from Old Saxon str&i-long;d. In the Liber Scintillarum str&i-long;þl&i-long;ce glosses districte, 132, 9, and str&i-long;&d-bar;nysse glosses districtionis, 123, 18; but these may be explained as errors for st&i-long;þl&i-long;ce, st&i-long;&d-bar;nysse: the nominative of the latter glossing districtio occurs 123, 9.]

str&i-long;þ-l&i-long;ce, -ness. v. preceding word.

str&o-long;d (strod ?), es; n. ?: -- Andlang d&i-long;ces on &d-bar;æt str&o-long;d; eást andlang str&o-long;des; of &d-bar;am str&o-long;de on scagan, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. v. 230, 4. &U-long;tt þurh Wynnawudu on str&o-long;&d-bar; nor&d-bar;weard (the reference is to the same place in both charters), 334, 32. On secgl&a-long;ges str&o-long;d; of secgl&a-long;hes str&o-long;de, iii. 79, 17. The word occurs in local names, Str&o-long;dw&i-long;c Strudwick (Northants), ii. 318, 30. Ðæt land æt Str&o-long;&d-bar;ist&u-long;ne, iv. 288, 18. Perhaps it is left in Strood (Kent). [O. H. Ger. struot silva, Grff. vi. 751, Grmm. R. A. 635.]

-strod. v. ge-strod.

strogdness, e; f. Scattering; aspersio, Rtl. 122, 3. v. ge-strogdness.

strong, v. strang.

strop[p] a strap, strop: -- Strop vel &a-long;rwi&d-bar;&d-bar;e struppus, Wrt. Voc. i. 56, 37. [From Latin.]

-strowenness. v. &a-long;-strowenness.

str&u-long;dan; p. streád, pl. struden; pp. sfroden To spoil, ravage, plunder, pillage, defraud :-- Hwæt is &d-bar;is manna &d-bar;e m&i-long;nne folgaþ wyrdeþ, æ-long;hta str&u-long;deþ, Elen. Kmbl. 1807; El. 905. Ðonne w&e-long; &u-long;s for n&o-long;wiht d&o-long;þ &d-bar;æt w&e-long; earme menn reáfiaþ and str&u-long;daþ in heora æ-long;htum and heora g&o-long;dum cum infirmiores spoliare et eis fraudem facere pro nihilo ducimus, Bd. 3, 19 ; S. 548, 19. F&y-long;nd gold strudon. Cd. Th. 121, 7; Gen. 2006: Exon. Th. 436, 7; Rä. 54, 10. Hié tempel strudon, Cd. Th. 260, 18; Dan. 711. Hw&a-long; &d-bar;æt hord strude, Beo. Th. 6244; B. 31. 26. Se &d-bar;one wong strude (MS. strade), 6139; B. 3073. Iudas hæfde onl&i-long;cnesse &d-bar;ara manna &d-bar;e willaþ Godes cyricean yfelian and str&u-long;dan, Blickl. Homl. 75, 24. Str&u-long;d-ende f&y-long;r, Cd. Th. 154. 15 ; Gen. 2556. [Cf. O. H. Ger. strutit fraudat, zi-strudida destruxit.] v. be-, ge-str&u-long;dan; str&y-long;dan, and following words.

strude, Wrt. Voc. ii. 148, 26. v. next word.

str&u-long;dend, es; m. A spoiler, robber, usurer :-- Str&u-long;dend o&d-bar;&d-bar;e gr&i-long;pend raptor, Wrt. Voc. ii. 88, 69. Læ-long;nend vel str&u-long;de[nd] fenerator, 148, 26.

str&u-long;dere, es; m. A spoiler, robber :-- Str&u-long;dere vel reáfere agressor, Wrt. Voc. i. 19, 7. Str&u-long;deres grassatoris, Hpt. Gl. 513, 54. Str&u-long;derura praedonibus, raptoribus, 469, 74. [M. H. Ger. strudære.] v. woruld-str&u-long;dere; str&y-long;dere.

str&u-long;dung, e; f. Spoliation, robbery, pillage :-- Deófl&i-long;ce dæ-long;da on stalan and on str&u-long;dungan, L. Eth. v. 25 ; Th. i. 310, 16 : vi. 28; Th. i. 322, 16. Utan forfleón stala and str&u-long;dunga (str&u-long;tunga, MS. C.), Wulfst. 115, 9: 164, l: 129, 18.

str&u-long;ta. v. str&y-long;ta.

str&u-long;tian; p. ode To stand out stiffly or projectingly :-- Se h&a-long;lga wer hié (the robbers who were trying to break into the church) wundorl&i-long;ce geband, æ-long;lcne, sw&a-long; h&e-long; st&o-long;d, str&u-long;tiendne mid t&o-long;le, &d-bar;æt hiera n&a-long;n ne mihte &d-bar;æt moUNCERTAINþ gefremman . . . Menn &d-bar;æs wundrodon, h&u-long; &d-bar;a weargas hangodon, sum on hlæ-long;ddre, sum leát t&o-long; gedelfe, and æ-long;lc on his weorce wæs fæste gebunden, Swt. A. S. Prim. 87, 177. [Ne be þi winpil nevere so &yogh;elu ne so stroutende. Rel. Ant. ii. 15, 8 (13th cent.). His here strouted as a fanne, Chauc. C. T. 3315. StrowtyUNCERTAIN or bocyUNCERTAIN owte turgeo, Prompt. Parv. 480. M. H. Ger. striuzen. Cf. a-strout. ' A-strout. This word is still used in Somersetshire, explained by Mr. Norris, MS. Glossary, " in a stiff, projecting posture, as when the fingers are kept but stiff. " The word occurs in Wright's Political Songs: The knif srant astrout, 336, 3. Further instances are: Hys yen stode owte astrote, Le Bone Florence of Rome, 2029. Bothe his eghne stode one strowte, Sir Isumbras.' Halliwell's Dict. The word strut is also used in the sense of strife: þair strut (other MSS. strife) it was unstern stith, C. M. 3461. M. H. Ger. str&u-long;z: Ger. strauss strife, struggle.]

str&u-long;tung, strycel. v. str&u-long;dung, stricel.

str&y-long;dan to spoil, waste :-- Ðæs str&y-long;dendan (stryndedan, Wrt.) prodiga (cf. O. H. Ger. strutenti prodigus), Wrt. Voc. ii. 86, 51. v. ge-str&y-long;dan; str&y-long;dere.

str&y-long;dere, es; m. A waster, prodigal :-- Str&y-long;dere prodigus. Wrt. Voc. ii. 68, 49. Stryndere (str&y-long;dere?), 118, 28. v. preceding word.

str&y-long;nan, str&y-long;nd, stryndan, stryndere, str&y-long;pan. v. streónan, str&i-long;nd, str&y-long;dan, str&y-long;dere, str&i-long;pan.
