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-TÆ-acute;L - TÆ-acute;NEL
-tæ-acute;l. v. leóf-tæ-acute;l.
tæ-acute;lan; p. de. I. to blame, rebuke, reprove, reproach, censure, accuse. (1) to blame a person for what is wrong :-- Ne ðreáþ ús nán monn ne furðum áne worde ne tæ-acute;lþ ne verbi quidem ab aliquo invectione laceramur, Past. 17; Swt. 117, 22. Télaþ ðegnas accusant (pharisaei) discipulos, Mk. Skt. p. 3, 14. Ðú mé tæ-acute;ldesð and ðú me cíddesð me reprehendis, Past. proem.; Swt. 23, 10. Ða scamleásan Galatas suíðe openlíce Paulus tæ-acute;lde (increpat), 31; Swt. 207, 14. Hé læ-acute;rde and tæ-acute;lde ealle men ðe worulde welan gaderiaþ mid unrihte, Ps. Th. 38, arg. Hí tæ-acute;ldon hí vituperaverunt, Mk. Skt. 7, 2. Ðætte hiæ-acute; téldun (accusarent) hine, Mk. Skt. Rush. 3, 2. Ðæt hié ongieten ðæt hié mon tæ-acute;le that they may know that they are censured, Past. 21; Swt. 151, 14. Se ðe óðerne tæ-acute;lan wille, ðonne gange hé æ-acute;rest on dígle stówe and besceáwige hine sylfne, Wulfst. 233, 20. (2) to blame what is wrong in a person :-- Ne tæ-acute;le ic ná micel weorc ne ryhtne onwald ac ic tæ-acute;le ðæt hine mon forðý up áhebbe on his móde non potestatem reprehendimus, Past. 4; Swt. 41, 2-3. Ðonne gé eów selfum ondræ-acute;daþ ðæt ðæt gé on óþrum tæ-acute;laþ dum sibi, quod increpat, timet, 21; Swt. 159, 16. Hé tæ-acute;lde (exprobravit) hyra ungeleáffulnesse, Mk. Skt. 16, 14. Ða bóceras ðæt tæ-acute;ldon, Homl. Th. i. 338, 20. Gif hé gesceádelíce hwilcu þing tæ-acute;le si qua rationabiliter reprehenderit, R. Ben. 109, 9. Leahtras tæ-acute;lan, 135, 18. Ðæt ðæt him mon on tæ-acute;lan wille quod in eis reprehenditur, Past. 31; Swt. 206, 6. Unþeáwas tæ-acute;lan and góde herian, Bt. 38, 3; Fox 200, 7: Met. 19, 39. Tó tæ-acute;lenne, Bt. 27, 4; Fox 100, 19. II. to speak evil of, blaspheme, revile, slander, calumniate, backbite :-- Eorl óðerne mid teónwordum tæ-acute;leþ behindan, spreceþ fægere beforan, Fragm. Kmbl. 7; Leás. 4. Tæ-acute;leþ blasvemiat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 73, 21. Ðis weorc heora ðe tæ-acute;laþ (télaþ, Ps. Surt.) mé þe werke of pa þat bacbite me (Ps. 108, 20), Ps. Spl. 108, 19. For ðara stemne ðe mé hyspaþ and tæ-acute;laþ a voce exprobrantis et obloquentis, Ps. Th. 43, 18. Of ðæm cristendóme ðe hié nú swíþost tæ-acute;laþ, Ors. 2, 1; Swt. 64, 19. Ðú sæ-acute;te ongeán ðínne bróþor and tæ-acute;ldest (téldes, Ps. Surt., detrahebas) hine, Ps. Th. 49, 21. Hé his godu tæ-acute;lde, Exon. Th. 278, 16; Jul. 598. Hí tæ-acute;ldon (téldon, Ps. Surt. detrahebant) mé me bakbate, þai (Ps. 108, 4), Ps. Spl. 108, 3. Hí mé tæ-acute;ldon exprobaverunt animam meam, Ps. Th. 34, 8. Hig tæ-acute;ldon ðæt land mid heora teónwordum they brought up an evil report of the land (A. V.), Num. 13, 33. Forðan ðe hig ðæt land tæ-acute;ldon by bringing up a slander upon the land (A. V.), 14, 36. Ne hine ne tæ-acute;l, ne ne ter mid wordum, Basil admn. 5; Norm. 46, 11. Ne tæ-acute;l ðú ðínne Dryhten thou shalt not revile the gods, L. Alf. 37; Th. i. 52, 29: Ex. 22, 28. Þreora cynna syndon morþras; ðæt is ðæt æ-acute;rest, ðæt man tó óþrum læ-acute;þþe hæbbe, and hine hatige, and tæ-acute;le behindan him sylfum; forðon seó synn biþ swíþe mycel, ðæt man óþerne hatige and tæ-acute;le, Blickl. Homl. 65, 1-2. Télan carpere, Wrt. Voc. ii. 19, 23: 90, 11. Underfóh mé nú behreówsiendne, ðone ðe ðú óð ðis audigendne and tæ-acute;lendne forbæ-acute;re, Homl. Th. ii. 418, 10. Télendne wið ðæm néstan his dégullíce dernlike his neghburgh bakbitand (Ps.), Ps. Surt. 100, 5. Gebiddaþ for eówre ehteras and tæ-acute;lendum eów (calumniantibus vos), Mt. Kmbl. 5, 44. III. to treat with contempt, to scorn, despise, insult, mock, deride, jeer at :-- Se stunta tæ-acute;lþ (inridet) láre, Scint. 113, 18. Ðæt fæsten tæ-acute;lþ God, Homl. Th. i. 180, 10. Se ðe téleþ (spernit) mec, Jn. Skt. Rush. 12, 48. Téld deridet, Kent. Gl. 718. Ða unrihtwísan tæ-acute;laþ (cf. habbaþ on hospe, Met. 4, 44) ða rihtwísan, Bt. 4; Fox 8, 15. Tæ-acute;lde hé Rómáne and hié swíþe bismrade mid his wordum Romam infami satis notavit elogio, Ors. 5, 7; Swt. 228, 19. Télde (sprevit) hine Heródes, Lk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 23, 11. Tæ-acute;ldon sugillent, Wrt. Voc. ii. 92, 18. Ðá tæ-acute;ldon hí hine inridebant eum, Mk. Skt. 5, 40. Tæ-acute;ldon deridebant, Lk. Skt. 8, 53. Hié hine on ðæm tæ-acute;ldon and bismrodan, ðæt hé his swá ánfealdne gegyrelan tósníðan sceolde, Blickl. Homl. 215, 9. Ealle ágynnaþ hine tæ-acute;lan (inludere ei), Lk. Skt. 14, 29. Sellas hine hæ-acute;ðnum tó télenne (ad deludendum), Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 20, 19. Héhsacerdas télende (ludentes) cuoedon, Mk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 15, 31. Tæ-acute;lende cavillantes, Wrt. Voc. ii. 3, 60. Téled is calcatur, 18, 48: 83, 46: detractatur, Kent. Gl. 924. Hé biþ tæ-acute;led fram swylcum mannum swylce ðære wyrte mihta cunuun he is laughed at by such men as know the virtues of the plant, Lchdm. i. 164, 6. [He is cnihtscipe tælden they blamed his want of manhood, Laym, 3801. Tælen to reproach, 3334. Giff mann wollde tælenn þatt (reprove the sin), Orm. 2033. Swuch he may telen of golnesse, O. and N. 1415. Icel. tæla to delude, mock.] v. be-, ge-tæ-acute;lan; tæ-acute;lende, un-tæ-acute;led.
tæl-cræft, es; m. Arithmetic :-- Mæg geseón æ-acute;lc man ðe telcræftas æ-acute;nig gesceád can (that knows anything of arithmetic), ðæt hit máre is ðonne þreó hund geára syððan ðyllíc feoh wæs farende on eorðan, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 699. v. getel-cræft; rím-cræft.
-tæ-acute;le. v. leóúf-, un-tæ-acute;le.
tæ-acute;lend, es; m. I. a reprover :-- Ðæ-acute;m télendum reprehensoribus, Mk. Skt. p. 2, 17. II. a slanderer, backbiter, detractor :-- Swíþe seldon æ-acute;nig man wile beón andetta, ðæt hé æféstig sý oððe tæ-acute;lend, Blickl. Homl. 65, 4. Ðone tæ-acute;lend detrahentem, Ps. Lamb. 100, 5. Mid télendum cum detractoribus, Kent. Gl. 938. III. a scorner, mocker, derider :-- Sécþ tæ-acute;lend (derisor) wísdóm ... gearwe synd tæ-acute;lendum (derisoribus) dómas, Scint. 171, 13-14. Nelle ðú þreágean tæ-acute;lend (derisorem), 113, 12. Télend, Kent. Gl. 289.
tæ-acute;lende; adj. (ptcpl.) I. prone to blame, censorious :-- Ne beó hé tó tæ-acute;lende, L. E. I. 21; Th. ii. 416, 17: Exon. Th. 305, 18; Fä. 90. Cf. Uton beorgan ús wið tæ-acute;lnysse and wið twyspræ-acute;cnysse caveamus nobis a vituperatione et a biloquio, L. Ecg. P. iv. 66; Th. ii. 226, 31. II. slanderous, backbiting :-- Ða aefstigan men and ða tæ-acute;lendan, Blickl. Homl. 65, 10.
tæ-acute;lere, es; m. A scorner, scoffer, mocker :-- Télerum derisoribus, Kent. Gl. 721.
tælg. v. telg.
tæ-acute;l-hleahtor, es; m. Scornful laughter, derision :-- Tæ-acute;lhlehter derisio, Wrt. Voc. i. 51, 4.
tæ-acute;ling, e; f. I. reproof, rebuke :-- Hé egesiende stiérþ ofermétta mid ðære tæ-acute;linge, Past. 8; Swt. 53, 16. Petrus anféng Paules tæ-acute;linge (increpationem), 19; Swt. 145, 18. Hié forberaþ æ-acute;ghwelce unryhte tæ-acute;linge ... hié forberaþ ðæt hié mid ðæm sweorde hiera tungna tæ-acute;linge ne sleáþ hira hláfurdes ðeáwas piae subditorum mentes ab omni se peste obtrectationis abstinentes praepositorum vitam nullo linguae gladio percutiunt, 28; Swt. 199, 4. Hiera geférena tæ-acute;linge reprehensionem proximorum, 38; Swt. 273, 8. II. evil-speaking, slander, calumny :-- Gif ðú gesihst fæla penega tæ-acute;lincga oððe wærginga getácnaþ if you see many pennies, it betokens calumnies or curses, Lchdm. iii. 214, 16.
tælla ( = telga? q. v.) :-- Tællan tyrso, vitibus, Germ. 394, 280.
tæ-acute;l-leás; adj. Blameless :-- Biscepe gedafnaþ ðæt hé sié tæ-acute;lleás oportet episcopum irreprehensibilem esse, Past. 8; Swt. 53, 10.
tæ-acute;lleáslíce; adv. Blamelessly :-- Ðonne stæpþ se sacerd suíðe tæ-acute;lleáslíce on ðone weg tunc sacerdos irreprehensibiliter graditur, Past. 13; Swt. 77, 19.
tæ-acute;l-líc; adj. Blasphemous :-- Tæ-acute;llíce word blasphemiae, Mt. Kmbl. 15, 19, MS. A. v. tál-líc.
tæ-acute;llíce; adv. Blasphemously, calumniously :-- Hé Criste wiðsóc and be ðam sóðan Gode tæ-acute;llíce sprecþ, Homl. Skt. i. 3, 249. v. un-tæ-acute;llíce; tállíce.
tæl-mearc, e; f. A date :-- Sume æ-acute;r sume síð sume in úrra æfter tælmearce tída gemyndum some early, some late, some by the date in the memory of our times, Exon. Th. 154, 27; Gú. 849.
tæl-met, es; n. A measure expressed by number :-- Is tó ðære tíde tælmet hwíle seofon and twentig nihtgerímes there is to that season a space of time expressed by the number twenty-seven if the reckoning be by days, Andr. Kmbl. 226; An. 113.
tæ-acute;lness, e: f. Reproach, slander, calumny, detraction :-- Télnesse sugillationis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 87, 76. Sceomaes &l-bar; télnisses confusionis, Mt. Kmbl. p. 3, 10. Ða ðe mé tæ-acute;lnysse teónan ætfæstan qui detrahunt mihi, Ps. Th. 108, 28. Télnysse, 108, 3. Uton beorgan ús wið tæ-acute;lnysse (vituperatione), L. Ecg. P. iv. 66; Th. ii. 226, 31: Wulfst. 233, 19. Tó niomanne télnisse (opprobrium) míne, Lk. Skt. Rush. 1, 25. Télnise &l-bar; sceoma calumniam, Lind. 3, 14. Tæ-acute;lnysse detractio, L. Ecg. C. proem.; Th. ii. 132, 7. Télnisse weorlde aerumnae saeculi, Mk. Skt. Rush. 4, 19. Ða ðe tæ-acute;lnessa teónan wið heora ðam néhstan níð áhófan detrahentem adversus proximum suum, Ps. Th. 100, 4. Ðú tæ-acute;lnissum wiþ ða sélestan sacan ongunne, Exon. Th. 254, 31; Jul. 205. Tæ-acute;lnyssa (télnisse, Ps. Surt.) vituperationem, Ps. Spl. 30, 16.
tælsum; adj. Numerous. harmonious, rhythmic :-- On tælsumum leóðe carmine rythmico (numerali), Hpt. Gl. 415, 55.
tæ-acute;lweorðlícness, e; f. Blameworthiness :-- Gé sweotolran gedóþ eówre tæ-acute;lweorðlícnesse (-wierð-, Cott. MSS.) foedior vestra reprehensibilitas appareat, Past. 8; Swt. 53, 15.
tæ-acute;l-wirðe, -wierðe, -wyrðe; adj. Blameworthy, reprehensible :-- Gecnáwan hwæt tæ-acute;lwierðe biþ quae reprehendenda sunt cognoscere, Past. 28; Swt. 195, 8. Tæ-acute;lwyrðes (-wierðes, Cott. MSS.), 195, 24. v. untæ-acute;lwirðe.
tæ-acute;lwirð-líc; adj. Blameable, reprehensible :-- Ðæt on óðrum lande betst lícaþ ðæt biþ hwílum on ðam óþrum tæ-acute;lwyrþlícost and eác miceles wítes wyrþe quod apud alios laude, apud alios supplicio dignum judicetur, Bt. 18, 2; Fox 64, 24. v. un-tæ-acute;lwirðlíc.
tæ-acute;lwirðlíce; adv. In a way that deserves censure, reprehensibly :-- Tæ-acute;lwyrðlíce notabiliter, Wrt. Voc. ii. 61, 16.
tæ-acute;lwirðlícness. v. tæ-acute;lweorðlícness.
tæ-acute;man, tæmes-píle. v. téman, temes-píle.
tæ-acute;nel, es; m. A wicker basket :-- Taenil, ténil fiscilla (-ella), Txts. 62, 403. Tæ-acute;nel, Wrt. Voc. ii. 35, 36: canistrum, vas vinetum, 128, 18: cistella, capsilla, cartellum, 131, 20: corbis vel qualus, i. 24. 57. Litel tæ-acute;nel quasillus, 25, 6. Hé him on hand genam æ-acute;nne lytelne tæ-acute;nel mid caricum gefylledne, Homl. Skt. ii. 23 b, 661, 714. Tæ-acute;nelas fiscellos, tæ-acute;nel fiscellus, Hpt. Gl. 497, 42. 43. Tæ-acute;nelum fiscellis, 468, 25: Wrt. Voc. ii. 34, 4. [Tenel or crele cartallus, Prompt. Parv. 489. Cf. Goth. tainjó κ&omicron-tonos;φινos: O. H. Ger. zeinna canistrum, calathus, cartallus, fiscella; zeinnilí cartallus: Icel. teinur; pl. f. a basket, creel.] v. stic-tæ-acute;nel; tán; and cf. wilige, windel.