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&l-bar; á clypode se eádiga Godes ðeów him tógeánes the blessed servant of God cried out addressing him, Homl. Th. ii. 168, 17. Hí biton heora téð him tógeánes they gnashed on him with their teeth (Acts 7, 54), i. 46, 28. Hnigon mid heáfdum heofoncyninge tógeánes, Cd. Th. 16, 3; Gen. 238. Ðæt hé gewyrce deórum dæ-acute;dum deófle tógeánes, Exon. Th. 310, 18 ; Scef. 76. Ne underféhþ hé ná gerýnu for him sylfum ac gecýðnysse tógcánes him sylfum, Homl. Th. ii. 276, 35. Hí cwæ-acute;don gefeoht tógeánes ðære burhware they declared war against the citizens, i. 504, 13. (d) marking time, on the approach of, towards :-- Tógeánes Eástron com ðæs pápan sande the pope's legate came towards Easter, Chr. 1095 ; Erl. 232, 27. (e) marking comparison or contrast :-- Hú mæg manna eádmódnys beón mycel geþúht tógeánes his eádmódnysse ðe ælmihtig God is, Homl. Skt. i. 12, 288. (2) with acc. ; instances of this government are rare, and the two following are doubtful :-- Tógeánes his fýnd (feónd, MSS. C. U. W. : feónde, MS. D. ) hé gæ-acute;þ adversum inimicum pergit, Ælfc. Gr. 47; Zup. 269, 6. Ðá geopenode seó sæ-acute; tógeánes Moysen (the declension of the word in the translation of Exodous is dat, Moise; acc. Moise, Ex. 8, 8. Moises, 8, 25: 4, 27 : 16, 2, etc. ), Ælfc. T. Grn. 5, 26. II, adv. (l) again, in return :-- Ic him óðerne (gár) eft wille sændan, fleógende fláne forane tógeánes, Lchdm. iii. 52, 25. Ðá hét se wiðersaca onfón ðæra hláfa, and ágifan ðam biscope tógeánes gærs . . . Basilius underféng ðæt gærs ðus cweðende; 'Wé budon ðé ðæs ðe wé sylfe brúcaþ, and ðú ús sealdest tó edleáne (cf. ðú sealdest ús tógeánes, Homl. Skt. i. 3, 220) ungesceádwísra nýtena andlyfene' then bade the apostate to take the loaves, and to give the bishop grass in return . . . Basilius took the grass saying: ' We offered thee what we ourselves use, and Ihou hast given us as requital (thou hast given us in return) the sustenance of irrational beasts,' Homl. Th. i. 450, 2-8: Homl. Skt. i. 3, 215. Cúðberhtus him tógeánes cwæð Cuthbert said to them in reply, Homl. Th. ii. 138, 34. Hió him andsware æ-acute;nige ne meahton ágifan tógénes, Elen. Kmbl. 333 ; El. 167. Him tógénes ðá gleáwestan mæ-acute;ldon in reply the wisest said to him, 1069 ; El. 536. (2) marking position or direction:-- Heó giáp tógeánes she made a clutch at him, Beo. Th. 3006; B. 1501. Hé árás tógénes, Andr. Kmbl. 2021; An. 1013. [Laym, tó-&yogh;eines, -Sænes: Orm. to-&yogh;ænes: Ayenb. to-yens: O. Sax. te-gegnes.] v. þæ-acute;r-tógeánes.

tó-gecorenness, e; f. Adoption :-- Tógicorenisse gást adoptionis spiritum, Rtl. 29, 28.

tó-gegnes. v. tó-geagnes.

to-gehlytto fellowship: -- Tógihlytto consortio, Rtl. 109, 31.

tó-gelcendlíc; adj. Adjective :-- Ða óðre naman synd adjectiva, ðæt synd tógeícendlíce, Ælfc. Gr. 8 ; Zup. 29, 4: 9, 18; Zup. 44, 4.

tó-geíht; adj. (ptcpl. ) Added :-- Interpolares vel additi, ðæt synd ða tógeíhte dagas, Anglia viii. 306, 44. v. next word.

tó-geíhtness, e; f. An addition, increase :-- Adjectiones, ðæt synt tógeíhtnyssa, Anglia viii. 302, 32.

tó-génes, togenness. v. tó-geagncs, for-togenness.

tó-gengan ; p. de To go different ways, to separate :-- Hie tógengdon on ðone grénan weald, sæ-acute;ton on sundran, Cd. Th. 52, 9 ; Gen. 841. v. tó-gán, -gangan.

tó-geótan; p. -geát, pl. -gulon; pp. -goten. I. to diffuse, spread :-- Tógiót diffundet (verena), Kent. Gl. 914. Ðonne wé swíðe wíde út tógeótaþ ða láre quando exterius late praedicationem fundimus, Past. 48 ; Swt. 375, 10. Æ-acute;r ðon sió yfele wæ-acute;te, se de on wintra gesomnad biþ, hié tógeóte geond óþera lima, Lchdm. ii. 228, 9. Tógoten is geofu in weolerum ðínum diffitsa est gratia in tabus tuis. Ps. Surt. 44, 3. Mid ða Cristes cyricean, seó geond ealne middangeard tógoten is, Bd. 2, 4 ; S. 505, 26. II. to pour away, to exhaust: -- Ádrugod and tógoten dried up and exhausted (said of an ointment), Lchdm. ii. 28, 7. v. tó-gotenness.

tó-gesceádan to separate things from one another; metaph. to expound, interpret :-- Wæs ingunnen from Moyse and allum wítgum tógisceóde him in allum gewriotum ða ðe of him wérun incipiens a Mose et omnibus prophetis interpraelabatur illis in omnibus scripturis quae de ipso erant, Lk. Skt. Rush. 24, 27. v. tó-sceádan.

tó-geþeód[d] ; adj. (p/cpl.) Adjacent, contiguous, connected, adjoined : -- Ðæt eálond tósceadeþ Wantsumo streám fram ðam tógeþeóddan lande insnla, quam a continents terra secernit fluvius Vantsumu, Bd. I. 25 ; S. 486, 20.

tó-geþeódeude adhering :-- Tógeþeóden(d)ne adhaerentem, Hpt. Gl. 485, 29.

togettan; p. te (used impersonally) :-- Togetteþ betweox sculdrum there are spasms between the shoulders, Lchdm. ii. 216, 22.

tó-gewegen; adj. (ptcpl.) Applied :-- Ðæt se bisceop ðæt tógeweghene fýr ðære cynelícan burghe onweg gewende ut episcopus admotum ab hostibus urbi regiae ignem amoverit, Bd. 3, 16 ; S. 542, 12.

togian; p. ode To tug, (drag, pull :-- Ða Godes wiðerwinnan ða fæ-acute;mnan genámon, út of ðære byrig ungeræ-acute;delíce hí togoden. Homl. Ass. 178, 308. [Cf. toggen to toy, A. R. 424, 27; Marh. 14, 6. Toggyñ idem quod strogelyn, toggyñ or drawyñ tractulo, toggynge, drawynge altractulus, Prompt. Parv. 495. O. Frs. toga to pull about, treat roughly : O. H. Ger. zocchón rapere; zucchen rapere: Icel. toga to draw, pull. ] v. for-togian; togung.

tógian. v. tóan.

tó-gínan; p. -gán ; pp. -ginen To yawn, gape, open as the monen does :-- Eorðe tógaan and eall forswealh Dathanes weorod aperta est terra, et deglutivit Dathan, Ps. Th. 105, 15. Se stán tógán, stream út áweóll. Andr. Kmbl. 3044; An. 1525. Biþ ðæt heáfod tóhliden, handa tóliðode, geaglas tóginene. Soul Kmbl. 215; Seel. 100.

tó-glídan; p. -glád; pp. -gliden To glide in different directions, glide away. I. of a fluid :-- Synt geárdagas forð gewitene, lífwynne geliden, swá lagu tóglídæþ, Elen. Kmbl. 2536 ; El. 1269. II. of smoke, cloud, or the like, to be dissipated, dispersed, dispelled, to disappear, vanish, pass away :-- Ða gedwinon his drýcræftas, swá swá rec ðonne hé tóglídeþ, oððe weax ðonne hit for fýre gemelteþ. Shrn. 135, 3. Hit biþ gelíc réna scúrum, ðonne hí of heofonum swýðost dreósaþ and eft raðe eall tóglídaþ, Wulfst. 149, 7 : 264, 2. Ðæt wolcn tóglád, Homl. Th. ii. 242, II : Chr. 979 ; Erl. 128, 7. Nihthelm tóglád, lungre leórde, Andr. Kmbl. 246 ; An. 123 : Elen. Kmbl. 156; El. 78. II a. metaph. of pain, care, or the like :-- Sele drincan, sóna ðæt sár tðglít. Lchdm. ii. 356, 21. Ðenden him hyra torn tóglíde. Exon. Th. 345, 3; Gn. Ex. 182. Hyge wearð mongum blissad, sáwlum sorge tóglidene, 71, 31; Cri. 1164. III. to fall to pieces, collapse :-- Grundweal gearone, se tó-glídan ne þearf, ðeáh hit wecge wind. Met. 7, 34. IV. to slip away :-- Ðeáh ðe ðás cáseras him háton gewyrcean heora byrgene of marmanstáne and útan emfrætewian mid reádum golde, ðeáhhwæðere se deáð hit eal tódæ-acute;lþ ; ðonne biþ ðæt gold tósceacen, and ða gymmas tóglidene (the gems have slipped from their setting s), Wulfst. 148, 18-24: 263, 8. Gúðhelm tóglád, gomela Scylfing hreás the war-helm slipped off, the aged Scylfing fell. Beo. Th. 4967; B. 2487. [Þeo luue þat ne may her abyde . . . hit schal toglide, Misc. 94, 43. O. Sax. te-glídan to pass away, come to nought

tó-gotenness, e ; f. Diffusion, spreading, effusion :-- Wyþ æ-acute;wyrdlan ðæs líchoman ðe cymeþ of tógotennysse ðæs geallan, Lchdm. i. 262, II : 270, 5. v. tó-geótan.

togung, e; f. Spasm :-- Wið sina togunge, Lchdm. i. 136, 9, 19. v. togian.

tóh; adj. Tough, tenacious, holding fast together; lentus :-- Tóh, óoch, thóch lenta, Txts. 73, 1198. Tóh, Wrt. Voc. ii. 49, 64. Ðæm tón lento, 62. Ðæ-acute;m tón ab lentis, 3, 48. I. tough, pliant :-- Tóh (tóch, thóh) gerd lentum vimen, Txts. 75, 1207 : Wrt. Voc. ii. 50, 74. II. tough, sticky, glutinous, clammy :-- Nim hwetstán brádneand gní dða buteranon ðæm hwetstane mid copore ðæt heó beo wel toh, Lchdm. iii. 16, 22. [Makeþ &yogh;oure speres to&yogh;e and strang, Laym. 5865. Mid to&yogh;en his mæine, 9319. Thei hadden tow&yogh; cley for syment, Wick. Gen. 11, 3. Towhhe, not tender tenax, Prompt. Parv. 498. Du. taai pliant, lough, clammy, sticky : O. H. Ger. záhi tenax : Ger. záhe.] v. tóan, téan, tóhlice.

tó-haccian; p. ode To hack to pieces, cut to pieces : -- Sume hig wæ-acute;ron on feówer dæ-acute;ias tóhaccode, eall swá lug ðæs Hæ-acute;lendes tunecan on feówer tódæ-acute;ldon, Homl. Ass. 186, 166. [To smale peces ich hym wolde to-hakke, R. Glouc. 141, 14. O. Frs. tó-hakkia: M. H. Ger. Ger. zer-hacken.]

tó-heald; adj. Inclined :-- Tóhald adclinisvel incumbens, Txts. 37, 74. Tóheald adclinis. Wrt. Voc. i. 287, 74 : ii. 4, 41. Þeáh wuhta geliwílc wrigaþ tóheald, swíðe onhelded, wið ðæs gecyndes ðe him cyning engla æt trymðe getióde. Met. 13, 10. [Cf. O. H. Ger. zuo-hald futurus, ven-turus.]

tó-heáwan; p. -heów ; pp. -heáwen To hew to pieces, cut to pieces :-- Se cásere cwæd þaet Basilla sceolde gebúgan tó ðam cnihte, oþþe hí man tóheówe mid swurde on twá, Homl. Skt. i. 2, 360. Man sceolde ða scipu tóheáwan, Chr. 1004 ; Erl. 139, 26. Wé synd ealle beléwde tó úre lífleáste, dæt wé beón tóheáwene mid heardum swurdum, Homl. Ass. 99, 255. [Turnus feol mid mechen toheawen, Laym. 178. The helmes thei tohewen and toschrede, Chauc. Kn. T. 1751. To zenne ne ssel he wende ayeu, Þa&yogh; me ssolde hine al toheawe, Ayenb. 178, 7. O. Frs. tó-hawa: M. H. Ger. zer-houwen: Ger. zer-hauen.]

tó-higung, e ; f. The word glosses affectus, Ru. 18, 32 : 31, 40: 7, 27 : effectus, 35, 37 : 63, 20. v. higian.

tohl. v. tól.

tó-hladan; p. -hlód ; pp. -hladen To disband, disperse: -- -Ne meahte hié (the builders of the eower of Babel) gewurðan weall forð timbran, ac hié earmlíce heápum tóhlódon hleóðrunl gedæ-acute;lde they could not combine to carry on the building of the wall, but, divided in speech, they miserably dispersed in troops, Cd. Th. 101, 36 ; Gen. 1693.. Cf. 235, 6; Dan. 302. . tó-hlecan (Ρ); p. -hlæc; pl. -hlæ-acute;con; pp. -hlocen To disjoin, pull to pieces :-- Tóhlocene (tolocene? v. tó-lúcan ; but see also hlec, hlccan. In the glosses among which the word occurs initial h before a consonant does not seem to be inserted elsewhere, though it is twice omitted, in lecum rimosae, 400, 69, wisligendre sibilantis, 394, 278) diuulsa, Germ. 398, 112.

tó-hleótan ; p. -hleát, pl. -hluton ; pp. -hloten To divide into lots, to divide into parts for which lots are to be cast :-- gedæ-acute;ldan him mín