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gecorenan tó ðam écan lífe, for ðan ðe hé wiste hí swilce tówearde he knew they were to become such, Homl. Th. i. 112, 32, 34. Drihten ealle gód him symle fremfullíce tówearde dyde the Lord ever had in store for him all good things to his advantage, Lchdm. iii. 436, 23. Sometimes the word occurs without the inflexion that seems required, v. also II. 2 a; but perhaps in these cases the word should not be considered adjective. v. next word :-- Wítgan hine tóweard sæ-acute;don, Blickl. Homl. 71, 29. Ealle ða tácno & ða forebeácno ía ðe úre Drihten æ-acute;r tóweard sægde, 117, 31. Hí geseóþ heora wuldor and heora wlite and blisse hym tóweard, Wulfst. 238, 21. (b) of an immediate future :-- Her is úre sylfra forwyrd tóweard getácnod here is our own destruction shewn to be imminent, Judth. Thw. 25, 30 ; Jud. 286. Se engel him sige tóweardne gehéht the angel promised them that victory should be theirs (on the morrow). Blickl. Homl. 201, 33: 117, 14. Aidan dam scypfarendum ðone storm tówardne sægde (cf. sóna ðæs ðe gé on scyp ástígaþ ofer eów cymeð mycel storm, 32), Bd. 3, 15 ; S. 541, 16. Hé foreseah Godes mynstrum micle frécnesse tówearde monasteriis periculum imminere praevidens, Bd. 3, 19; S. 549, 46. Hé wiste heora forwyrd hrædlíce tóweard, Homl. Th. i. 402, 12. (2) marking motion :-- Ða leóde flugon ðá hié ðone here tóweardne wiston on ða burh Gerusalem the people fled when they knew that the Roman army was on the march to Jerusalem, Blickl. Homl. 79, 13. Hí gewunodon on gehwilcere byrig, óð dæt hí geáxodon ða apostolas tówearde they stopped in every town until they learned that the apostles were on the way thither, Homl. Th. ii. 494, 2. [O. Sax. tó-ward.]

tó-weard; prep. Toward, in the direction of. I. with gen. :-- Ða ðe gáþ on ryhtne weg tóweard ðæs hefonríces, Past. 9; Swt. 59, 19. Hé wæs hym syððan tóweard hys scypes farende, Homl. Ass. 190, 258. II. with dat. or uncertain, (1) preceding the governed word :-- Ðonne ærnaþ hý ealle tóweard ðæm feó, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 20, 36. Hí torfedon tówærd ðam weofode . . . and scotedon tóweard ðam hálig-dóme, Chr. 1083 ; Erl. 217, 17, 19. Crist wæs tóweard ðære róde gelæ-acute;d, Btwk. 214, 27. (2) following the governed word :-- Hé eów onet tóweard mors propinquat, Met. 27, 8. (3) where precedes and weard follows (cf. to God ward, to us ward in A. V. ) :-- Hé hine bær tó mynstre weard, Homl. Th. i. 336, 12: Wulfst. 302, 26. Hé went æ-acute;fre ðone hricg tó ðære sunnan weard, Lchdm. iii. 266, 24. Tó scipan weard, Chr. 1009 ; Erl. 143, 11. Hí wendon him tó ðære burge weard, 1048 ; Erl. 178, 1. Hí wæ-acute;ron heom tó Lundene weard, 1052; Erl. 185, 4. Hé hét ðæt hé biheólde tó his Drihtne werd. Homl. Skt. ii. 31, 78.

tó-weardes ; prep, with dt. Towards. I. preceding the case :-- Hí férdon tówardes Ou, Chr. 1094; Erl. 230, 31. II. following the case :-- Míne frýnd standaþ ongeán me and synt me tóweardes amici mei adversum me appropinguaverunt et sieterunt, Ps. Th. 37, 11. Deáð eów tóweardes onet. Bt. 39, I; Fox 210, 27. Eów neálæ-acute;cþ se deáð tóweardes, Wulfst. 231, 34. [O. Sax. tó-wardes.]

tóweard-líc; adj. Future :-- Me þincþ ic stande and his ágene stefne gehýre swá swá hit tóweardlíc is tó gehýranne, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 831. Ðæt tácnaþ tóweardlíce firhto and brógan, Lchdm. iii. 156, 10. God forgefe alle synne ðíno ondweardlíca and tóweardlíca (futura), Rtl. 170, II.

tóweardlíce; adv. In the future, in time to come :-- Hé forecwæþ ðæt hé tówardlíce biscop beón sceolde antistitem eum futurum esse prae-dixerat, Bd. 4, 28; S. 606, 21.

tóweardness, e; f. I. the time to come, the future :-- Ðæt hé on tóweardnesse (in futuro saeculo) écelíce mid Criste rícsian móste, Bd. 3, 29; S. 561, 22. Swá ðú on ðisum andweardum lífe má earfoða drígast, swá myccle ðú eft on tóweardnysse geféhst. Guthl. 5; Gdwin. 32, 13. II. a future coming :-- Úre Drihten ðæt gefylde, ðæt hé þurh his ða hálgan tóweardnesse gehét, Blickl. Homl. 119, 28.

tó-weccan; p. -wehte To wake (trans. ) up, stir up, arouse :-- ða folc mid him fæ-acute;hþe tówehton how they stirred up strife amongst themselves, Beo. Th. 5889, ; B. 2948.

tó-wegan; p. -wæg, pl. -wæ-acute;gon ; pp. -wegen To disperse, dispel :-- Heofones gim scíneþ, beóþ wolcen tówegen neu concreta nubes summo-veat radios solis, Exon. Th. 210, II; Ph. 184.

toweht a basket for putting wool in(?) :-- The word occurs among terms connected with spinning and glosses calatum ( =calathus ? Calatum is explained in Du Cange by lignum piscatorum seu piscama e lignis con-fecta, a meaning which seems not to belong to the word here). Wrt. Voc. i. 282, 17: ii. 16, 35.

tówenden; p. de To overthrow, upset, subvert, overturn :-- Hé tówende evertit, Hpt. Gl. 459, 52. Tówendum erutis, subversis, 433, 44. I. with reference to material objects, (a) where the object is not of great extent, to overthrow, demolish :-- Ðá tówende se hálga wer ðæt deófolgild grundlunge, Homl. Th. ii. 164, 16. Ðá tówende se biscop ð æt weofod, 508, 5. Hæfde se deófol tówend ðone weall the devil had thrown down the wall, 166, 19. Heora deófolgild wearð tówend, Homl.

Skt. i. 22, 158. (b) where the object is of great extent, to overthrow, destroy :-- God ealne ðone eard tówende Dominus subvertit omnem regionem, Gen. 19, 25. Ðá tówænde se cyning heora winsuman burh, Homl. Ass. 102, 8. Hí tówendou ðæt tempel, 68, 83. Hig heora burga

tówendon subversis urbibus, Num. 21, 3. Ðæt ic ða burh ne tówende ut non subvertant urbem. Gen. 19, 21. II. with reference to non-material objects, to destroy by changing, to repeal a law, abrogate, abolish, overthrow, destroy :-- Crist tówyrpþ ðás stówe and tówent ða gesetnysse ðe ús Moyses tæ-acute;hte, Homl. Th. i. 46, 3. Hí woldon tówendon ealle ða gesetuessa ðe Domicianus hæfde æ-acute;r geset, Ors. 6, 10; Bos. 120, 32 note. III. in a figurative sense :-- Háwa ðæt se inra wind ðe ne tówende, Homl. Th. ii. 392, 32. [A sutare þet haueð forloren his el, he towent euerich strea uort he beo ifunden, A. R. 324, 18. Mid þusend-feld wrenches he þe herte towendeð, O. E. Homl. ii. 191, 26.]

tó-weorpan, -werpan, -worpan, -wurpan, -wyrpan; p. -wearp, pl. -wurpon; pp. -worpen. To throw in different directions, throw away, throw down, to scatter, disperse, destroy, overthrow :-- Tówearp discutit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 28, 70. Tówuorpon destituunt, toworpne destitutae, 105, 81, 82. Tówurpon, 25, 13. Tóworpenum eruta, 33, 16. Destitutae, desertae, i. derelictae, vel toworpne, 139, II. I. to scatter (lit. or fig. ), disperse :-- Se ðe ne gaderaþ mid mé, hé tówyrpþ (spargit), Mt. 12, 30. Hé sendeþ his stræ-acute;lo and hí tóweorpeþ (dissipavit), Bd. 4, 3 ; S. 569, 20. Ðú ús tódrife and ús tówurpe geond werþeóda, Ps. Th. 59, I. Hé ðæt fýr tósceáf and ðone líg tówearp, Exon. Th. 276, 15 ; Jul. 566. Tóweorp ðú ða ðeóda dissipa gentes, Ps. Th. 67, 28. Ðæt hé heora oferhýd tóweorpe ní superbiam eorum dissipet, Bd. 4, 3 ; S. 569, 24. Mid ðý ðe hé sceolde his gestreón tóweorpan, mid ðý hé hié gadraþ, Past. 8 ; Swt. 55, 11. Úre bán syndon tóworþene dissipata suní ossa nostra, Ps. Th. 140, 9. Ðætte suno Godes, ða ðe uoeron tóuorpen (dispersi), gesomnade in an. Jn. Skt. Lind. II, 52. I a. to break in pieces, scatter the parts of a connected whole :-- Hé heora bendas tówearp vincula eorum disrupit, Ps. Th. 106, 13. II. in a literal sense,to overthrow, (a) to overturn what is standing :-- Hé ágeát ðara mynetera feoh, and tówearp hyrá mýsan (mensas subvertit), Jn. Skt. 2, 15. (b) to throw down what is set up, destroy a building, demolish :-- Gif eówer godes miht ða cyrcan tówurpan ne mæg, ic tówurpe eówer tempel, Homl. Th. i. 70, 30. Ðes tówyrpþ (-wærpað, Lind. ) Godes templ, and hyt eft ge-timbraþ qui destruebat templum Dei, et illud reaedificabat, Mt. Kmbl. 2, 7, 40. Ðú tówurpe weallfæsten his deposuisti maceriam ejus, Ps. Th. 79, 12. Ceaster heora ðú tówurpe (destruxistí), Ps. Spl. 9, 6. God tówearp (subvertit) ða burga, Gen. 19, 25 : Ors. 3, 7 ; Swt. 114, 2. Hé tówearp ðæt templ Titus templum diruit, 6, 7 ; Swt. 262, 20. Se god&dash-uncertain;cunda anweald tówearp ðone torr (the eower of Babel), Bt. 35, 4 ; Fox 162, 25. Æþelburg tówearp Tántún ðe Ine æ-acute;r timbrede. Chr. 722 ; Erl. 44, 27. Hí tówurpon ða heargas destructis fanis, Bd. 3, 30 ; S. 562, 15. Englas ðæt hús tówurpon þurh gástlícne cræft, Homl. Th. ii. 510, 15. Ðý læs eówer hús windas tóweorpan, Exon. Th. 281, 22; Jul. 650. Hí mid æxum duru curfan, and teoled. in ðæt ht mid adesan ealle tówurpan (dejecerunt), Ps. Th. 73, 6. Tówurpan (-worpan, MS. A. : -weorpan, Rush. : -worpa, Lind. ) Godes templ destruere templum Dei, Mt. Kmbl. 26, 61: Homl. Th. ii. 510, 13. Tóworpon, Bd. 2, 13; S. 517, 14. Tówyrpan hira geweorc, Bt. 35, 4; Fox 162, 13. Ne bið hér læ-acute;fed stán uppan stáne ðe ne beó tóworpen, Mt. Kmbl. 24, 2: Mk. Skt. 13, a. Wearð Tirus seó mæ-acute;re burg eall tóworpenu Tyrus excisa est, Ors. 3, 9; Swt. 128, 28, Æfter tóworpenum templan post deruta sacella, Hpt. Gl. 467. 56. III. in a figurative sense, to overthrow, (a) where the object is a person, to destroy the power of a person, to destroy :-- Hí tóweorp destrue eos, Ps. Th. 58, Ðæt ðú tówurpe feónd ut destruas inimicum, Ps. Spl. 8, 3. Hí wolde tóweorpan wuldres Aldor . . . ðæt hé hí ne tówurpe geond werþeóda dixit ut disperderet eos . . . ne disperderet eos, Ps. Th. 105, 19. Swá sint tó teweorpanne ða ðe nán gód ne dydon ðurh ðreáunge qui nulla agere bona coeperunt, correctionis manu evertendi sunt, Past. 58 ; Swt. 443, 33. Ic wolde tówerpan bearn Hélendes, Cd. Th. 270, 4; Sae. 85. Noldan hí tóworpan þeóde non disperdiderunt gentes, Ps. Th. 105, 26. Wutan hí towyrpan dispsrdamus eos, 82, 4. (b) where the object is not a person, to overthrow an institution, a practice, regulation, law, etc. , to put down, put an end to, destroy, make void, break, dissolve :-- Se ðe tówyrpþ án of ðysum bebodum qui solvent unum de mandalis istis, Mt. Kmbl. 5, 19. Hé úre æ-acute;tówyrpþ. Pilatus hym cwæð: Hwæt ys ðæt hé déþ ðæt hé mæ-acute;ge eówre æ-acute; tówerpan ? Hí cwæ-acute;don: 'On restedagum hé hæ-acute;lþ, ' Nicod. 2; Thw. 1, 23-27. Hé com ðý ðæt hé wolde æ-acute;lc yfel tówurpan, and æ-acute;lc good áræ-acute;ran. Nú tówyrpþ hé on us leahtras . . . Hé tówyrpþ módignysse . . . and ealle unðeáwas hé tówyrpþ, Homl. Th. i. 144, 28-32. Se wind tóweorpþ ðære rosan wlite. Bt. 9 ; Fox 26, 19. Tóweorpeþ (-worpeþ, MS. B. ), Salm. Kmbl. 149; Sal. 74. Ða heargas áídlian and tóweorpan fana profanare, Bd. 2, 13; S. 516, 40. Hé wile úre wítu tóweorpan he will put an end to the pains we inflict, Cd. Th. 289, 5 ; Sat. 393. Míne are tóweorpan honorem meum repellere, Ps. Th. 61, 4. Wutun symbeldagas Drihtnes on eorðwege ealle tówurpan comprimamus omnes dies festos Domini a terra, 73, 8. Nelle gé wénan ðæt ic cóme tówurpan (solvere) ða æ-acute;; ne com ic ná tówurpan (-wearpan, MS. A. ), ac gefyllan, Mt. Kmbl. 5, 17. Uton tówurpan ðás geflitu dissolvamus has conlentiones, Coll. Monast. Th. 31, 23. Ælfhere hét tówurpon swýðe manig munuclíf, Chr. 975; Erl. 127, 5. Oft becymþ se anweald ðisse worulde tó swíþe gódum