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1028 TWUWA -- TYHTEN[N].

variance in what is said :-- Hié swá twywyrdige sindon they disagree in what they say (ille promisit futura meliora, isti asserunt meliora praeterita), Ors. 2, 5; Swt. 86, 8. Hé com tó Róme and diégellíce geceápede ðæt hié ealle wæ-acute;ron ymb hiene twywyrdige cum Romam ipse venisset, omnibus pecunia corruptis seditiones dissensionesque permiscuit, 5, 7; Swt. 228, 18. [Cf. Icel. tví-mæli a dispute, a discordant report, one saying this, another that.]

twuwa, -twux, twý, twy-, twycene, twy-iccende, twýn, twýnian, twýnigend-líc, twýnol, twýnung. v. twiwa, be-twux, tweó, twi-, twicene, twi-hycgan, tweón, tweónian, tweónigend-líc, tweónol, tweónung.

tý; indic., imper. subj. of týn to instruct.

tyccen, v. ticcen.

tycgan; p. togde (?) To move quickly, quiver, palpitate :-- Tolcetende, brottetende (v. brogdettan palpitare, vibrare), ticgende infruticans, Hpt. Gl. 435, 37. [Cf. O.H. Ger. zucchen; p. zuhta rapere, eruere: Ger. zucken to shrug, writhe, palpitate: Icel. tyggja to chew: Dan. tugge.] Cf. togian, togung, togettan.

týd time, tydder-, tyddre, tyddrian, tyddrung. v. tíd, tíder-, tídre, týdran, týdrung.

týdran, týdrian; p. ede To propagate :-- Ic tyddrige (teddrige, MS. D.) propago, Ælfc. Gr. 36; Zup. 216, 14. I. trans. (a) To bring forth, produce :-- Se godcunda foreþonc geedníwaþ and týdreþ (tídreþ, Cott. MS.) æ-acute;lc túdor and hit eft gehýt nascentia occidentiaque omnnia per simileis foetuum seminumque renovat progressus, Bt. 39, 8; Fox 224, 10. (b) to propagate, nourish, foster :-- Ðin hand plantode and týdrede úre foregengan plantasti eos. Ps. Th. 43, 3. Hér seó gálnese týdrode (týtrode, MS.) hir[e] cyn on hire sylfre multitudinem vitiorum avaritia nigro lacte nutrit, Gl. Prud. 57 b. Æ-acute;lces landes gecynd is, ðæt hit him gelíce wyrta týdrige (týdre, Cott. MS.); and hit swá déþ; friþaþ and fyrþraþ swíþe georne, Bt. 34, 10; Fox 148, 29. Wyrd seó swíðe ... heó wile late áðreótan, ðæt heó fæ-acute;hðo ne týdre it will be long before she is weary of fostering hate, Salm. Kmbl. 898; Sal. 448. Telgran tídrian surculos pastinare (plantare, nutrire), Hpt. Gl. 433, 48. Týdriende pastinantem, rigantem, 454, 13. Tytdriendum propaganda, Anglia xiii. 30, 75. Fácn wiþinnan tyddriende dolum intus alentes, Coll. Monast. Th. 32, 33. II. intrans. To be prolific, (a) absolute :-- Týmaþ and tiédraþ, Cd. Th. 91, 14; Gen. 1512. Feoh sceal on eorðan týdran and týman, Menol. Fox 557; Gn. C. 48. Melce and týdrende foetas, Wrt. Voc. ii. 36, 32. (b) with dat. (inst.) of that in which anything is prolific:-- Wæstmum týdreþ, Exon. Th. 493, 18; Rä. 81, 32. Wudubearwas tánum týdraþ, 191, 6; Az. 84. Wæstme týdraþ cederbeámas, Ps. Th. 103, 16. Tyddraþ, 64, 11. [Þenne men michel tuderið ... and here tuder swiðe wexeð, O.E. Homl. ii. 177, 16. Þe&yogh;&yogh;re time wass all gan to tiddrenn and to tæmenn, Orm. 18307. Of hem ben tudered manig on, Gen. and Ex. 630.] v. á-, on-týdran, ge-tyddrian; týdred, un-týdrende, týdriend, túdor.

týdre weak, -týdre. v. tídre, on-, un-týdre.

týdred adj. (ptcpl.) Provided with offspring :-- Heora sceáp wæ-acute;ron swylce tydred oves eorum foetosae, Ps. Th. 143, 17. v. týdran.

týdrian to bring forth, týdrian to get weak. v. týdran, tídrian.

týdriend, es; m. One that brings forth :-- Týdriend (týdriende ?) fecundus, i. copiosus, fructuostus, vel habundans, Wrt. Voc. ii. 148, 47. [Cf. (?) Þe fule tuderende of flesliche lustes, O.E. Homl. ii. 55, 9.]

týdrung, e ; f. I. propagation :-- Uneácniendlícre tédrunge infecunda sterilitate, Hpt. Gl. 430, 61. Ic ongite ðæt æ-acute;lc gesceaft willnaþ simle tó biónne; ðæt is swíþe swital on ðære týdrunge. Bt. 34, 12; Fox 152, 25. [Cf. (?) Þis woreld ebbeð þenne hit þat tuderinde wiðteoð withholds its productivity, O.E. Homl. ii. 177, 23.] II. a branch :-- Tyddrung (týdrung, MS. T.: tiddrung, MS. V.) oððe bóh propago, Ælfc. Gr. 36; Zup. 216, 15.

tyge, tige (v. double forms togen, tigen, pp. of teon), es; m. I. a pull, tug :-- Gange him tó mínre byrgene and áteó áne hringan up, and gif seó hringe him folgaþ æt ðam forman tige, ðonne wát hé ðæt ic ðé sende tó him. Gif seó hringe nele up þurh his ánes tige, ðonne ne sceall hé ðínre sage gelýfan. Homl. Skt. i. 21, 43-48. Árena tíum remorum tractibus, Hpt. Gl. 406, 70. II. a dragging :-- Valerianus hine hét teón geond ðornas, and hé mid ðam tige his gást ágeaf, Homl. Th. i. 432, 35. III. leading, conducting :-- Ðone weterscype ðe hé intó Níwan mynstre geteáh, and him se tige sume mylne ádilgade (the diverting of the water had ruined his mill), Chart. Th. 232, 7. Tiga aquae ductuum, Hpt. Gl. 418, 49. IV. a draught of drink :-- Hálwende tige drincan, Anglia viii. 321, 32. V. a drawing of an inference, etc., a deduction :-- Wé wyllaþ embe ðone geleáfan swíðor sprecan, forðan ðe ðises godspelles traht hæfþ gódne tige much good may be drawn from an examination of this gospel, Homl. Th. i. 248, 21. Ðis godspel hæfþ langne tige on his trahtnunge the exposition of this gospel might be drawn out to a great length, ii. 72, 22. Petrus áwrát twégen pistolas, hig hebbaþ langne tige tó geleáfan trimminge much matter for the confirmation of belief may be drawn from them, Ælfc. T. Grn. 14, 8. [Ete nu enes o dai and drinke o tige atte mete, O.E. Homl. ii. 67, 11. O.H. Ger. zug, zugi (in cpds.) ductus, motus.] v. of-, on-, wæter-tyge.

tyge-hóc, es; m. A hook to pull with, the word occurs in a list of implements :-- Scafan, sage, cimbíren, tigehóc, Anglia ix. 263, 2.

tyge-horn, es; m. A cupping-glass :-- Mid tigehorne. Lchdm. ii. 120, 17.

tygel, es; m. A strap to draw with, a trace :-- Tigel tractorium (cf. tractorium a trays, Wülck. Gl. 617, 7), Ælfc. Gl. Zup. 314, 16. [Ti&yogh;el tractorium, Wrt. Voc. i. 92, 74. Þe reines oþer þe tiels. Trev. 4, 77. O.H. Ger. zugil habena, lorum: Icel. tygill a strap, thong.]

tygele (?), an; f. A lamprey :-- Tigle murenula (the word occurs in a list of the names of fishes; murenula is elsewhere glossed by æ-acute;l, 66, 5: 281, 66; sæ-acute;-æ-acute;l, q.v.), Wrt. Voc. i. 55, 66. Cf. (?) preceding word.

tygele a tile, tyhhian. v. tigele, teohhian.

tyht, es; m. I. way, manner of conducting one's self, usage, practice :-- Ic ðé giungne underféng untýdne and ungelæ-acute;redne and mé tó bearne genom and tó mínum tyhtum getýde ... Ðú mé wæ-acute;re leóf æ-acute;r ðon ðe ðú cúþest mínne tyht and míne þeáwas I received thee young, uninstrucíed and untaught, and took as my child and brought thee up to my ways ... Thou wast dear to me before thou knewest my way and my customs, Bt. 8; Fox 24, 23-27. [Þat (moderation) is þeaw ant tuht forte halden, O.E. Homl. i. 247, 32. Cf. For þere ilke tuhtle (þinge, 2nd MS.) cnihtes weoren ohte, Laym. 24675. Elche untuhtle heo talden unwurðe, 24655.] II. motion, move, march, v. teón, IV, tohte, and see passages from Layamon under tyhtan, I :-- Werod wæs on tyhte the army was on the march, Elen. Kmbl. 106; El. 53. Líg scríþeþ ... brond biþ on tyhte, Exon. Th. 51, 7; Cri. 812. Fýr biþ on tihte, 233, 16; Ph. 525. III. in ofertyht (?) a covering, what is drawn over. v. ofer-teón ; and cf. Ger. über-zug :-- Þrong niht ofetiht londes frætwa night, the covering drawn over the land's decorations, pressed on, Exon. Th. 179, 3; Gú. 1256. [Goth. us-tauhts a carrying out, completion: O.H. Ger. zuht disciplina, eruditio, nutrimentum.]

tyhtan; p. te. I. to draw, stretch [:-- Oferbræ-acute;dels onbútan getint velamen in gyro tensum, Anglia xiii. 421, 806]. [Tuhten is used in Layamon with the meaning of teón, IV :-- Ure drihten heo bilæueð, and to Mahune heo tuhteð, Laym. 27321. Troynisce tuhten (to&yogh;e, 2nd MS.) to þon Gricken, 810.] II. but mostly in a metaphorical sense, to draw the mind to something, to incite, exhort, provoke, solicit, prompt, urge, persuade, (1) where the construction is uncertain :-- Ic tyhte ortor, Ælfc. Gr. 25; Zup. 144, 18: suadeo, 26; Zup. 155, 6. Tyhto sollicito, tyhteþ, tyhtit sollicitat, tyhtan sollicitare, Txts. 97, 1887-3-9. Hé tihte persuadet, docet, Hpt. Gl. 491, 43: incitavit, 511, 28. Tyhton irridabant, Txts. 73, 1152: Wrt. Voc. ii. 45, 73. Tyctende (-i) adridente, Txts. 37, 70. Tyctendi inlex, 69, 1063. Tyhtende adridens, Wrt. Voc. i. 287, 70: ii. 4, 39. (2) where the object to which a person (acc) is exhorted, etc., is (a) marked by prep, on or :-- Ne tyht nán mon his hiéremonna mód ne ne bielt tó gæ-acute;stlícum weorcum nulla subditorum mentes exhortatio sublevat, Past. 18; Swt. 129, 10. Deófol tiht ús tó yfele, Homl. Th. i. 174, 31. Óðer hine tyhteþ and on tæso læ-acute;reþ, Salm. Kmbl. 983; Sal. 493. Hí (devils) on teosu tyhtaþ, Exon. Th. 362, 9; Wal. 34. God selfa tyhte (suadente Deo) Moyses on ðone folgoð, Past. 7; Swt. 51, 21. Heó hyre leófe bearn georne læ-acute;rde and tó góde tihte, Lchdm, iii. 428, 29. Hine his yldran tó woruldfolgaðe tyhton and læ-acute;rdan his parents urged him to temporal service, Blickl. Homl. 211, 28. Hine tihtan tó his sáwle þearfe eum hortari ad animae suae necessitatem, L. Ecg. C. prm.; Th. ii. 130, 40. Ðreátian and tihtan (tyhtan, Cott. MS.) tó gódum ðeáwum, Bt. 38, 3; Fox 200, 8. Tyhtan and gremian tó spíwanne to provoke to vomit, Lchdm. ii. 184, 1. (b) expressed by a clause :-- Iohannes ðæt folc tihte, ðæt hí ufor eodon fram ðam deófles temple John urged the people to go further away from the heathen temple. Homl. Th. i. 70, 35. Ðá tihte (or III) heora sum, ðæt man ðæs cnapan líc smyrian sceolde, ii. 28, 3. (c) not expressed :-- Ðú on ús sáwle gesettest and hí styrest and tihtest. Met. 20, 178. Læ-acute;ran sceal mon geongne monnan, trymman and tyhtan. Exon. Th. 336, 10; Gn. Ex. 46. Ðæt se Iáreów sceolde beón miehtig tó tyhtanne on hálwende láre ut potens sit exhortari in doctrina sana, Past. 15; Swt. 91, 15. III. to suggest, bring to the mind :-- Swá hwæt swá þurh unclæ-acute;nnysse on þeáwum hit tiht (se suggerit), Hymn. Surt. 28, 31. Gif mid rícan mannan wé wyllaþ sum þinc tihtan (suggerere), R. Ben. Interl. 53, 6. IV. to instruct, teach, v. ge-tyhtan. [Þe deofel heom tuhte to þan werke, O.E. Homl. i. 121, 33. A þet wit cume forð ant tuhte ham þe betere, 247, 6. Tuhten and teachen, 267, 15. Þet tu ne schuldest nout tuhten ne chasten þi meiden uor hire gult, A.R. 268, 21. Tihhtenn and turrnenn folc to lefenn uppo Criste, Orm. 7048. O.H. Ger. zuhten, zuhtón nutrire, erudire: Ger. züchten, züchtigen to chastise: Dan. tugte to chastise, discipline.] v. á-, for- (fær-), ge-, leás-, mis-, on-tyhtan, and following words.

tyhten[n], e; f. An incitement, inducement, allurement, incentive, enticement :-- Tyhten, tyctin, thyctin lenocinium, Txts. 73, 1199. Tyhtend (tyhtenn ?) allectio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 9, 38. Tyhtinne, tyctinnae incitamenta, Txts. 69, 1074. Tyhtenne lenocinia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 50, 14: incitamenta, 48, 70. Tihtennum inlecebris, 48, 67. Tyctinnum, Txts. 68, 513.