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þingan; p. de To invite, address :-- Hé him thinget invitat se, Wrt. Voc. ii. 49, 39. Þinge interpella, Hymn. Surt. 127, 14. [Cf. O. H. Ger. dingen; p. dingta conducere, convenire; gi-dingen appellare.] v. ge-þingan; un-þinged.
þingere, es; m. I. an advocate, intercessor :-- Þingere advocatus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 99, 39. Ðingere, 4, 48: interventor, Rtl. 79, 36. Beón ðingere for óðerra scylde intercessor fieri pro culpis aliorum, Past. 10; Swt. 63, 20. Ðæs wordes (Paraclete) andgit is swá mon cweþe þingere, Blickl. Homl. 135, 33. Ðæt heó ús sý niilde þingere wið úrne Drihten, 159, 33. Ic beó eówer þyngere tó Gode, Shrn. 155, 2: Homl. Ass. 137, 701. Mid ða gife his ðingeres gratia suo intercessori, Bd. 4, 29; S. 608, 3. Mid þingere cum advocato, Wrt. Voc. ii. 79, 56: advocato, interpellatore, Hpt. Gl. 466, 72. Hí noldon næ-acute;nne þingere sécan defensorum operam repudiarent, Bt. 38, 7; Fox 210, 13. Ða þingeras (oratores) þingiaþ nú ðæ-acute;m ðe læssan þearfe áhton, Fox 208, 25. Þingeras wið Drihten, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. i. 114, 18: Wulfst. 240, 10. II. a priest, who in his office intercedes for the people. v. þingian, 1 a :-- Preóst vel þingere clericus, Wrt. Voc. i. 42, 24. [O. Frs. thingere: O. H. Ger. dingari advocatus.] v. cyrc-, fore-, ge-þingere.
þingestre, an; f. A female advocate :-- Ðæt heó ús beó þingestre tó ðam heofenlíce mægenðrymme, Homl. Ass. 137, 698.
þing-gemearc, es; n. Measuring (time) by events (? cf. other compounds of gemearc, e.g. fót-, geár-gemearc, where the first part determines the character of the measurement, measurement by feet, by years; in the case of almost all such compounds it is an (adverbial) genitive that is found) :-- Ðá wæs ágangen tú hund and þreó geteled rímes swylce þrittig eáe þinggemearces wintra measuring by the events that had happened two hundred and thirty-three years would be counted as past, things had been going on for two hundred and thirty-three years, Elen. Kmbl. 6; El. 3. Ðá wæs first ágán þinggemearces bútan þrím nihtum things had gone on till there remained only three days of the allotted time, Andr. Kmbl. 295; An. 148.
þingian; p. ode. I. to intercede, ask favour, supplicate, plead, intervene, (1) absolute :-- Ðæ-acute;r Satanus þingaþ, Cd. Th. 292, 28; Sat. 447. (2) to intercede for a person (dat. or for with dat. or acc.) :-- Ic for mínes Godes húse þingie, Ps. Th. 121, 9. Ða þingeras þingiaþ ðæm ðe læssan þearfe áhton; þingiaþ ðæ-acute;m ðe man yflaþ, and ne þingiaþ ðám ðe ðæt yfel dóþ oratores pro his, qui grave quid perpessi sunt, miserationem judicum excitare conantur, Bt. 38, 7; Fox 208, 26. Ic (Christ) eów þingade, ðá mé on beáme beornas sticedon, Cd. Th. 296, 29; Sat. 509. Him (himself) ðingode David, and tó Drihtne gebæd, Ps. C. 26: Elen. Kmbl. 985; El. 494. Gif hé wyle him sylfum þingian si pro seipso supplicare velit, L. Ecg. P. iv. 62; Th. ii. 222, 25. Hwæðer his mágas him fore þingian willon num amici ejus pro eo intervenire vellent, L. Ecg. P. addit. 29; Th. ii. 236, 32. (3) to ask for (for with acc.) a person that some favour may be granted (clause) :-- Ðæt hé sceolde for hí ðingian (supplicatu obtineret) ðæt hí ne ðorftan féran, Bd. 1, 23; S. 485, 36. (4) to intercede, plead before a person :-- Þinga for ðeódne æ-acute;r ðam seó þráh cyme, ðæt hé ðec áworpe of woruldríce, Cd. Th. 252, 33; Dan. 588. (5) to intercede for a person (dat. or for with dat. or acc.) to or with another (tó, mid, wið) :-- Ðá spæc ic him fore and þingade him tó Ælfréde tinge, Ðá lýfde hé ðæt hé móste beón ryhtes wyrðe for mínre forspæ-acute;ce, Chart. Th. 169, 30. Wæ-acute;re þearf ðæt him mon þyngode tó ðam rícum, Bt. 38, 7; Fox 208, 29. Se ðe bitt ðone monn ðæt him ðingie wið óðerne ðe hé biþ eác ierre cum is, qui displicet, ad intercedendum mittitur, Past. 10; Swt. 63, 12. Hú mæg æ-acute;nig man tó his hláforde óðrum þingian, gif hé his hláforde sylf hæfð ábolgen, L. I. P. 21; Th. ii. 332, 5. Earmum ðingian tó ðam rícan; Homl. Th. ii. 558, 2. Tó ðingienne þiódum sínum wið ðane Sceppend, Ps. C. 7. (6) to make intercession to (tó) a person that something may be granted (clause) :-- Þingode Dauid tó Dryhtne, ðæt..., Ps. C. 146. I a. referring to intercession to the Deity. v. þingere, II :-- Ða ðe on heofenum syndon, hí þingiaþ for ða ðe ðyssum sange fylgeaþ, Blickl. Homl. 45, 36. Swá oft swá hig clypiaþ tó Criste, and for folces neóde þingiaþ, L. C. E. 4; Th. i. 362, 4. Ic for ðé þingode, Homl. Skt. i. 5, 416. Búton sum hálga me þingie tó ðam Hæ-acute;lende, ii. 26, 255. Ðingige, Homl. Th. ii. 518, 34. Hé cleopie tó Godes hálgum, and bidde ðæt hig him tó Gode þingien, L. E. I. 23; Th. ii. 420, 10. Hú dearr hé ðingian óðrum monnum, and nát hwæ-acute;ðer him selfum geðingod bið quomodo aliis veniam postulat qui, utrum sibi sit placates, ignorat? Past. 10; Swt. 63, 9: Homl. Th. ii. 388, 4: 528, 15: i. 174, 10: L. I. P. 21; Th. ii. 332, 6. For heora campwered gebiddan and tó Gode ðingian ad exorandum Deum pro milite, Bd. 2, 2; S. 503, 40. For hine ðingian and for sibbe his ðeóde ad supplicandum pro pace gentis ejus, 3, 24; S. 556, 43. Ðæt hí for mínum untrunmessum ðingian mid ða upplícan árfæstnesse ut pro meis infirmitatibus apud supernam clementiam intervenire meminerint, pref.; S. 472, 35. II. to make terms, settle, (1) absolute :-- Áge hé þreora nihta fierst him tó gebeorganne, búton hé þingian wille, L. Alf. pol. 2; Th. i. 62, 2. (2) to settle a dispute :-- Siððan ic ða fæ-acute;hðe feód þingode, Beo. Th. 945; B. 470. Feorhbealo feó þingian, 315; B. 156. (3) to settle the terms of an agreement, to agree that ... :-- Búton hiora hwæðer æ-acute;r þingode ðæt hé hit ángylde healdan ne þorfte, L. Alf. pol. 19; Th. i. 74, 11. (4) to settle with (wið) a person, to come to terms, be reconciled. v. (6) :-- Heom man raþe ðæs wið þingode soon after people came to terms with them, Chr. 100l; Erl. 136, 32. Hé sceal þingian wið ðone ðe hé ábylgþ debet reconciliari ci quem offendebat, L. Ecg. P. addit. 19; Th. ii. 234, 27. (5) to make terms for :-- Be ðæ-acute;m ðe for ordále ðingiaþ. Gif hwá þingie for ordál, þingie on ðam ceápgilde, and náht on ðam wíte, L. Ath. i. 21; Th. i. 210, 15. Weorpe ðæt neát tó honda oþþe fore þingie let the beast be handed over, or terms settled for it, L. Alf. pol. 24; Th. i. 78, 10. (6) to make terms for a person (dat. or for) with (wið) another, to reconcile. v. (4) :-- Gif gesíðcund mon þingaþ wið cyning for his inhíwan, oððe wið his hláford for þeówe, L. In. 50; Th. i. 134, 2. Þinga þé wið God concilia tibi Deum, L. Ecg. P. iv. 66; Th. ii. 226, 17. Ðæt wé ús beþencan and wið God sylfne þingian, Wulfst. 166, 35. (6 a) where the person with whom is not stated :-- Ne sié him nó ðý þingodre none the more shall the case be settled for him, L. In. 22; Th. i. 116, 12. III. to settle to do something, to determine. v. ge-þingan, geþingian, II :-- Hú hé him on ðás world þingian ongan how he settled for himself to come into this world, Blickl. Homl. 105, 8. IV. to speak, discourse :-- Ðú ða wordcwydas wittig Drihten on sefan sende; ne hýrde ic snotorlícor, on swá geongum feore, guman þingian, Beo. Th. 3691; B. 1843. IV a. with geán, ongeán, wið, to address, accost. v. þingan :-- Him brego engla geán þingade, Cd. Th. 62, 5; Gen. 1009. Iudas hire ongén þingode, Elen. Kmbl. 1214; El. 609: 1330; El. 667: Exon. Th. 116, 20; Gú. 210. Hyre se wræcmæcga wið þingade, 258, 5; Jul. 260: 268, 9; Jul. 429: Andr. Kmbl. 612; An. 306: 1264; An. 632; Elen. Kmbl. 154; El. 77. [Do we mid ere weldede þingen us wið ure helende, O. E. Homl. ii. 43, 30. To þingenn uss wiþþ ure Godd, Orm. 8997. O. Sax. thingón: Hie géng im wið thena heritogon mahlian, thingón wið thena thegan késures, Hél. 5725. O. Frs. thingia placitare: O. H. Ger. dingón concionare, judicare, disceptare, pacisci: Ger. dingen to bargain for, agree on: Icel. þinga to hold a meeting; to consult about, discuss.] v. for-, fore-, ge-, óþ-þingian.
þingiend. v. fore-þingiend.
þing-leás; adj. Exempt :-- Unscyldigo and ðingleáso from ðissum synne innocentes et immunis ab hoc crimine, Rtl, 114, 7. [O. Frs. thing-lós.]