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þurh-þeówan, -þían, -þýgan, -þýn to thrust through, pierce through, transfix :-- Ic ðurhðý (-þýge, MS. J.) perfodio, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 6; Zup. 179, l0. Seó clæ-acute;nnys ðurhðýð (transfigit) ða gálnysse mid swurde, Gl. Prud. 13 b. Hé siwode scós and ðurhþíde his hand, Homl. Skt. i. 15. 24. Ðurhðýde, Homl. Th. i. 452, 14. Hí þurhðýdon (ðurhðýgdon, Ps. Lamb. 21, 17) míne handa foderunt manus meas, ii, 16, 23. Dauides þegnas hine (Absalom) þurhðýdon, Homl. Skt. i. 19, 223. Ðá wolde hé þurhþýn hí mid swurde, 12, 225. Þurhþíende transverberans, transfigens, Hpt. Gl. 411, 66. Þurhþéd confossa, transfixa, 501, 29. Mín bán bið mid sárnysse þurhðýd os meum perforatur doloribus (Job 30, 17), Homl. Th. ii. 456, 12. Óþre wæ-acute;ron mid stengum þurhðýde, i. 542, 28. v. þeówan, and þurh-þyddan.

þurh-þráwan to twist through [ :-- Se wæ-acute;te of húse dropaþ on stán ... and ðane stán þurhþurleþ and þurhþreáwþ, Lchdm. iii. 104, 11].

þurh-þyddan to thrust through, pierce through :-- Ðá com sum cempa swíþe gewæ-acute;pnod, and hyne sóna þurhþydde, Homl. Skt. i. 3, 273. v. þyddan, and þurh-þeówan.

þurh-þýn. v. þurh-þeówan.

þurh-þyrel; adj. Pierced through, perforated :-- Gif hrif wund weorðeþ, .xii. sci&l-bar;&l-bar;. gebéte. Gif hé þurhþirel weorðeþ, .xx. sci&l-bar;&l-bar;. gebéte, L. Ethb. 61; Th. i. 18, 7. Gif sió lendenbræ-acute;de biþ on bestungen, geselle .xv. sci&l-bar;&l-bar;. tó bóte; gif hió biþ þurhþyrel (-þyrl, MS. B.), ðonne sceal ðæ-acute;r .xxx. sci&l-bar;&l-bar;. tó bóte, L. Alf. pol. 67; Th. i. 98, 3. Cf. þurh-wund.

þurh-þyrelian, -þyrlian to pierce through, make a hole through, perforate :-- [Se wæ-acute;te of húse dropaþ on stáne ... and ðane stán þurhþurleþ, Lchdm. iii. 104, 11.] 'Ðurhðyrela ðone wág.' Ðá ic ðone wáh ðurhðyreludne hæfde 'fode parietem.' Cum fodissem parietem, Past. 21; Swt. 153, 17. Ðæt mon ðurhðyrelige ðone weall ... Hé cuæð: 'Ðá ic hæfde ðone weall ðurhðyrelod, Swt. 155, 1-3. Þurhþyrlige his hláford his eáre dominus perforabit aurem ejus (Ex. 21, 6), L. Alf. 11; Th. i. 46, 10. Wæ-acute;ron ða eáran him þurhþyrelode perforatis auribus, Nar. 26, 30.

þurhtogenness, e; f. A religious reading in monasteries, especially after meals; collatio :-- Þurhtogenessa and gesetnessa heora lífes conlationes patrum et instituta vile eorum, R. Ben. Interl. 118, 7. Cf. þurh-togen conlatum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 134, 41.

þurh-trymman to confirm thoroughly, corroborate :-- Werc cýðnisse ðerhtrymmaþ of mé opera testimonium perhibent de me, Jn. Skt. Rush. Lind. 10, 25.

þurh-út; prep. adv. Throughout, quite through :-- Ðæt spere him eode þurhút, Homl. Skt. i. 12, 55. Hé fór þuthút Eoferwíc, Chr. 1066; Erl. 200, 33. [Mid helle sweordes al snesien ham þuruhut, A. R. 212, 23. He sahede hire þurhut, Marh. 22, 11. Ðis lond ðurgut he charen, Gen. and Ex. 3704. Ane stræte þurhut al þis kinelond, Laym. 4826. Sunne þurhut forleten, O. E. Homl. i. 23, 10. Þurhut gode and þurhut clene on mode, O. and N. 879. Ger. durch-aus.]

þurh-wacol; adj. Very watchful, vigilant :-- Wacul vigil vel vigilans, ðurhwacul pervigil, Wrt. Voc. i.46, 3. Þurhwacol, 75, 66. Þurhwacol pernox, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 65; Zup. 71, 15. (1) in reference to persons:Þurhwacol emhídignys pervigil sollicitudo, Hpt. Gl. 426, 51. Hé ábád on ðam legere ... Þurhwacol on gebedum, Homl. Th. ii. 516, 30. Wé hálsiaþ eów ðæt gé beón on gebedum þurhwacule hortamur vos orationibus pervigiles existere, Cod. Dip. B. i. 154, 36. Hí on heora gebedum wunodon þurhwacole óð midde niht, Homl. Skt. i. 11, 44. Hí ealle ða niht mid hálgum spræ-acute;cum ðæs gástlícan lífes ðurhwacole áspendon, Homl. Th. ii. 184, 14. Hí heom weardas setton, þurhwacole menn, Homl. Skt. i. 11, 147. (2) in reference to time, very wakeful, quite sleepless :-- Hine gedrehte singal slæ-acute;pleást, swá ðæt hé þurhwacole niht búton slæ-acute;pe ádreáh, Homl. Th. i. 86, 17. [Cf. Goth. þairh-wakan pernoctare, vigilare: O. H. Ger. durh-wahhén; durh-wacha pervigilium.]

þurh-wadan. I. to pass through :-- Ða hyssas þrý wylm þurhwódon, Cd. Th. 245, 16; Dan. 464. II. of a weapon (lit. or fig.), to pierce through, penetrate :-- Ðæt swurd þurhwód wyrm, ðæt hit on wealle ætstód, Beo. Th. 1785; B. 890: 3139; B. 1567: Byrht. Th. 140, 31; By. 296. For ðám næglum ðe ðæs Nergendes fét þurhwódon, Elen. Kmbl. 2139; El. 1066. Swylce hit seaxes ecg þurhwóde, Exon. Th. 70, 21; Cri. 1142. Ða syngan flæ-acute;sc, scandum þurhwaden, 78, 32; Cri. 1283. [O. H. Ger. durh-watan pertransire.]

þurh-wæccendlíc; adj. Very vigilant :-- Mid þurhwæccendlícan móde, Homl. Skt. ii. 23 b, 43.

þurh-werod (?); adj. Very sweet :-- Hwylc manna þurhwerodum (dulcibus; perhaps þurh is an error of the scribe brought about by the þurh of the following word) þurhbrýcþ mettum búton swæcce sealtes, Wrt. Voc. i. 9, 21.

þurh-wlítan to look through, penetrate with the sight :-- Glæs ðæt mon mæg eall þurhwlítan, Exon. Th. 79, 2; Cri. 1284. Wé ne magun hygeþonces ferð eágum þurhwlítan, 82, 1; Cri. 1332.

þurh-wrecan to thrust through :-- Sumne heó mid sweorde ofslógen, sumne mid spiten betweón felle and flæ-acute;sce þurhwræ-acute;con, Homl. Ass. 171, 39. Óð hielt þurhwrecen (ense) capulo tenus (per utraque latera) adacto, Wrt. Voc. ii. 86, 69.

þurh-wund; adj. Wounded by a weapon which has passed quite through :-- Gif mon biþ on hrif wund, geselle him mon .xxx. sci&l-bar;&l-bar;. tó bóte; gif hé þurhwund biþ, æt gehweðerum múðe .xx. sci&l-bar;&l-bar;., L. Alf. pol. 61; Th. i. 96, 11. [Cf. Sinness þatt stinngenn and þurrhwundenn all þatt bodig and tatt sawle, Orm. 17443.] Cf. þurh-þyrel.

þurh-wunian. I. to continue, last, not to come to an end, not to pass away :-- Godes ege þurhwunaþ á worlda world timor Domini permanens in seculum seculi, Ps. Th. 58, 8. His ríce þurhwunaþ on écnesse, Blickl. Homl. 65, 16. Hús rihtwísra þurhwunaþ (permanebit), Scint. 73, 2, 16. Heora gemyud þurhwunaþ á tó worulde, Ælfc. T. Grn. 1, 11. God, se ðe æ-acute;fre þurhwunode búton æ-acute;lcum anginne, 2, 3. Þurhwunedan duraverunt, Wrt. Voc. ii. 28, 58: Wülck. Gl. 256, 2. Úre ná þurh-wunedun fæderas nostri non mansere parentes, 6. Þa leornian on eorþan ðæra ús cýþ þurhwunige on heofenum illa discere in terris quorum nobis notitia perseueret in coelis, Scint. 218, 13. Lang mid þingum úrum þurhwunian (durare) wé ná magan, 183, 4. Ádl þurhwunigende languor perseuerans, 153, 17. II. to continue in a place, with a person, to remain, not to leave :-- Ic þurhwunode (perseveravi) on ðam munte feówertig daga and feówertig nihta, Deut. 9, 9. Gé synt ðe mid mé þurhwunedon (ðerhwunadon(-un) permansistis, Lind., Rush.) on mínum geswincum, Lk. Skt. 22, 28. Þurhwunedan munecas on Xpes cyrican monks have continued to live (permanserunt) in Christchurch, Chr. 995; Th. 1. 244, 29. Ðæt hé symle on ús eardige, and wé on him þurhwunian (permaneamus), Scint. 16, 11. Ðæt gé þuthwunion lange on ðam lande, Deut. 4, 40. Eálá wæ-acute;ran ða ancras swá trume and swá þurhwuniende, ðonne mihte wé ðý éþ geþolian swá hwæt earfoþnessa swá ús on becóme haereant ancorae, precor; illis namque manentibus, utcumque se res habeant, enatabimus, Bt. 10; Fox 30, 10. III. to continue in a condition, not to change; where purpose or effort is implied, to persevere, persist, hold out, (1) absolute :-- Se þurhwunaþ (ðerhwunes &l-bar; ðerhwunia wælla, Lind.) óð ende, se byþ hál qui perseveraverit usque in finem, hic salvus erit, Mt. Knbl. 10, 22: Scint. 90, 2: Blickl. Homl. 21, 36. Se ðe óð ende þurhwunaþ (sustenuerit), Mk. Skt. 13, 13. Ná ongynnendum méd ys beháten ac þurhwunigendum (perseverantibus) ys geseald, Scint. 91, 3, 1. (2) where the condition is given by a complementary noun or adjective :-- Æ-acute;fre hé biþ ánes módes, and glæd þurhwunaþ, Homl. Th. i. 456, 25. Heó þurhwunode mæ-acute;den, 24, 27. Heó onwealg on hiere onwalde æfter þurhwunade manet adhuc et regnat incolumis, Ors. 2, 1; Swt. 62, 24. Heó á clæ-acute;ne þurhwunode, Blickl. Homl. 3, 18. Hé þurhwunode unspecende and mihteleás forð óð ðone Ðunresdæg, Chr. 1053; Erl. 186, 23. Is rihtost ðæt hé ðananforð wydewa þurhwunige, L. I. P. 22; Th. ii. 332, 32. (3) where the condition is given in a phrase :-- On góde on ðam hé ongan óþ ende hé þurhwunaþ in bono quo coepit usque in finem perdurat, Scint. 227, 55. Gyt git þurhwuniaþ on incre ánwilnesse ye still persist in your obstinacy, Blickl. Homl. 187, 33. His (Adam's) bendas wæ-acute;ron onlýsde ... Eua ðágyt on bendum þurhwunode, 89, 6. Hié þurhwunian on rihtum geleáfan, 77, 19. Hé nolde þurhwunian on ðære sóðfæstnisse ðæs sóðfæstan Godes sunu, Ælfc. T. Grn. 2, 41. Se ðe on ðám gesæ-acute;lþum ðurhwunian ne mót, Bt. 2; Fox 4, 15. IV. to continue an action, persevere with or in, not to desist from, not to leave off :-- Eua ðágyt on wópe þurhwunode, Blickl. Homl. 89, 6. Hié forþ on heora yfelum þurhwunedon, 79, 8. Ðá hig þurhwunedon (perseuerarent) hine áxsiende, Jn. Skt. 8, 7. On ðam gewinne þurhwunian, Bt. 37, 1; Fox 186, 31: Met. 25, 70. Þurhwunian on fulfremedlícum weorcum, Blickl. Homl. 77, 19. Þurhwunian his béne persistere petitioni sue, R. Ben. Interl. 95, 16. Hé þurhwunigende mid gebedum wæs Drihtnes lóf singende, Blickl. Homl. 231, 9. Drihten eallum mannum þurhwuniggendum on sóþre andetnesse cwæþ, 171, 15. [An lond þer he mihte þurhwunian (wonie, 2nd MS.), Laym. 5384. Þu wið Godd þurhwunest in alre worlde world, Kath. 663. Cf. Goth. þairh-wisan manere, permanere.]