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þurhwunigendlíce; adv. Perseveringly, persistently, continuously :-- Þurhwunigendlíce begýman hit gedafenaþ mód úre perseveranter intendere oportet animum nostrum, Scint. 33, 18.
þurh-wunung, e; f. I. continued dwelling, residence :-- Óþer cyn is muneca, ðæt is wéstensetlan, ðe feor fram mannum gewítaþ ... geefenlæ-acute;cende Élian and Ióhannem, ða þurhwununge on wéstenes innoþe heóldon, R. Ben. 134, 14. II. perseverance, persistence, constancy :-- Be þurhwununge ... Mægen gódes weorces þurhwunung ys de perseverantia ... Virtus boni operis persenerantia est, Scint. 90, 1-14. Gif hé behæ-acute;t staðolfæste þurhwununge si promiserit de stabilitate sua perseuerantiam, R. Ben. 97, 20.
þurruc. I. a small ship :-- Þurruc cumba vel caupolus (the word occurs in a list of names for different kinds of ships), Wrt. Voc. i. 56, 30. II. the bottom part of a ship(?) :-- Se æften-stemn puppis, þurruc cumba (cf. scipes botm cimba vel carina, 56, 32), bytme carina, scipes flór tabulata navium, Wrt. Voc. i. 63, 37-40. In this instance the word seems to mean rather part of a ship than the whole, and in this sense it is used later. It occurs in the Persones Tale: 'Smal dropes of water, that enteren thurgh a litel crevis in the thurrok, and in the botonr of a ship.' Tyrwhitt in explanation quotes the following: 'Ye shall understande that there ys a place in the bottome of a shyppe, wherin ys gathered all the fylthe that cometh into the shyppe, and it is called in some contre of thys londe a thorrocke ... Some calle yt the bulcke of the shyppe.' See also thurrok of a shyppe sentina, Prompt. Parv. 493.
þúrs-dæg. v. Þúr.
þurst, es; m. Thirst (lit. and fig.) :-- Ne biþ ðæ-acute;r hungor ne þurst, Blickl. Homl. 65, 19: Exon. 101, 20; Cri. 5661. Beóð ðé hungor and þurst hearde gewinnan, 118, 27; Gú. 246. Hungorse háta ne se hearde þurst, 238, 33; Ph. 613. Se háta þurst, 430, 6; Rä. 44, 3. Ne biþ se ðurst gefýlled heora gítsunga, Bt. 7, 4; Fox 22, 31. Ðú woldest ús ofsleán mid þurste (siti), Ex. 17, 3. On ðurste mínum hí drencton mé mid ecede, Ps. Spl. 68, 26: 103, 12. On hungre and on þurste hé biþ áféded, Blickl. Homl. 59, 35: Homl. Th. i. 392, 7. Drihten ásent hungor on eów and þurst and næcede, Deut. 28, 48. Ðeós wyrt þyrstendon ðone þurst gelíþigaþ, Lchdnt. i. 268, 12. [Goth. þaurstei; f.: O. Sax. O. L. Ger. thurst: O. H. Ger. durst: Icel. þorsti.] v. ungemet-þurst, þyrst.
þurstig; adj. Thirsty (lit. and fig.) :-- Hé sylfa þursti wæs ipse sitiens, Nar. 8, 4. Þurstig wyll bibulus fons, Scint. 13, 12. Swá swylgþ seó gítsung ða dreósendan welan, for ðam hió hiora simle biþ ðurstegu, Bt. 12; Fox 36, 14. Swá hwá swá sylþ ceald wæter drincan ánum þurstigan menn, Homl. Th. i. 582, 24: ii. 106, 15: Wulfst. 287, 20. Hwænne gesáwe wé ðé þurstine? 288, 21. Þurstige múðe, Ps. Th. 61, 4. Þurstige þræcwíges, Cd. Th. 189, 9; Exod. 182. Heolfres þurstge, Exon. Th. 373, 24; Seel. 114. [O. H. Ger. durstig.] v. þyrstig.
þuruh. v. þurh.
þus; adv. Thus, in this manner, degree, etc. I. where the manner, etc., is determined by what precedes, (1) with verbs :-- 'Mín Drihten, gestranga míne heortan. Ðus gebiddende ðam hálgan Andrea Drihtnes stefn wæs geworden, Blickl. Homl. 245, 3: Exon. Th. 236, 6; Ph. 570: 43, 9; Cri. 686. Ðus (sic) unc gedafnaþ ealle rihtwísness gefyllan, Mt. Kmbl. 3, 15: Lk. Skt. 24, 46. Hú mæg ðis ðus geweorþan? Blickl. Homl. 7, 21. Ðás dæ-acute;da þus gedóne from Drihtne, 31, 20. Cucler fulne þus geworhtes drincan, Lchdm. ii. 182, 23. Læ-acute;taþ þus sinite usque huc, Lk. Skt. 22, 51. (2) with adjectives :-- Ðis wíf wæs áfundyn on unrihton hæ-acute;mede. Moyses ús bebeád ðæt wé sceoldon þus geráde mid stánum oftorfian, Jn. Skt. 8, 5: Deut. 4, 32. Þuss gerádum ádle, Anglia xiii. 434, 995. Þus manige men, Beo. Th. 679; B, 337. Ic næ-acute;fre ðé gemétte þus méðne, Exon. Th. 163, 3; Gú. 988: 376, 19; Seel. 376: 447, 4; Dóm. 34. (3) with adverbs :-- Nó wé ðé þus swíðe swencan þorftan, Exon. Th. 129, 58; Gú. 423: 268, 16; Jul. 433: Judth. Thw. 22, 36; Jud. 93. II. where the manner, etc., is determined by what follows, (1) with verbs :-- God spræc þus: 'Ic eom Drihten þín God,' Ex. 20, 1. Se engel þus cwæþ: 'Wes ðú hál,' Blickl. Homl. 5, 3: Andr. Kmbl. 124; An. 62: Mt. Kmbl. 2, 5. Þus sindon háten fæder and módur, ðæs wé gefrægen habbaþ ... Maria and Ióseph, 1371; An. 686. Sóðlíce þus wæs Cristes cneóres now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise, Mt. Kmbl. 1, 18. Ic wéne þus, ðæt..., Exon. Th. 468, 8; Phar. 4. Ðú ða sáwle þus gesceópe, ðæt hió hwearfode on hire selfre (cf. swá ðú gesceópe ða saúle, ðæt hió sceolde hwearfian on hire selfre, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 132, 11), Met. 20, 205. Þuss, Gen. 2, 16. (2) with adjectives :-- Ic wéne ðæt ðú næ-acute;fre tó ðus mycles mægnes læ-acute;cedómum becóme swylcum swá ic gefregn ða ðe fram Æscolapio férdon, Lchdm. i. 326, 5. III. used in place of a definite expression :-- Ðá cwæð Petrus: 'Beceápode gé ðus micel landes?' Heó andwyrde: 'Geá, leóf, swá micel' Peter answered unto her, Tell me whether ye sold the land for so much? And she said, Yea, for so much (Acts 5, 8), Homl. Th. i. 316, 32. [O. Sax. O. Frs. thus.]
þúsend. I. as a numeral noun, neuter and fem. (v. Ps. Th. 118, 72, and cf. cognates), a thousand; gen. þúsendes, pl. þúsendu (-o, -a,-e); also þúsend sometimes in the multiples, though, perhaps, in these cases the whole number is to be considered as singular, e.g. Tele ða lenge ðære hwíle wið tén þúsend wintra ... Tele nú ðæt tén þúsend geára wið ðæt éce líf, Bt. 18, 3: Fox 66, 6-10. Wæs þreó þúsend ðæra leóda álesen, Elect. Kmbl. 569; El. 285: Blickl. Homl. 119, 3. v. under (2) other examples. (1) without other numerals, (a) governing a genitive :-- Þúsend wintra biþ swá geostran dæg mille anni sicut dies hesterna, Ps. Th. 89, 4: Exon. Th. 223, 23; Ph. 364. Fealleþ ðé on ða wynstran wergra þúsend, Ps. Th. 90, 7. Mænigfeald þúsend módblissiendra millia laetantitium, 67, 17. Án þúsend manna, Ors. 1, 10; Swt. 46, 34. Ðeáh hé erige his land mid ðúsend sula, Bt. 26, 3; Fox 94, 14. Erigan æcera þúsend, Met. 14, 5. Óð ðæt hé þúsende ðisses lífes wintra gebídeþ postquam vitae jam mille peregerit annos, Exon. Th. 208, 5; Ph. 151. Hé ofslóg fela þúsend monna, 6, 13; Swt. 268, 17. Hé heora monig ðúsend ofslóg, Ors. 3, 7; Swt. 110, 33, Ðurh ðás bodunge gelýfdon fela ðúsend manna, Homl. Th. ii. 296, 22. Manega ðúsenda engla, 334, 16. Heora fela ðúsenda gefongen wæs, Ors. 3, 4; Swt. 104, 11. Ic ðé þúsenda þegna bringe, Beo. Th. 3662; B. 1829. (b) where the genitive of the objects numbered is not given :-- Hwæþer ðis þúsend sceole beón scyrtre ðe lengre, Blickl. Homl. 119, 6. Ðæt forme þúsend, ðæt ys seó forme yld, Anglia viii. 335, 45. Þúsendes ealdor ciliarcus, Wrt. Voc. i. 18, 10. Æfter ðam þúsende biþ se deófol unburden, Wulfst. 243, 23. On þúsende ðære cneórisse in mille generationes, Ps. Th. 104, 8. Hié ðone here gefliémdon and his fela þúsenda ofslógon, Chr. 911; Erl. 100, 28: Ors. 3, 7; Swt. 118, 8: Cd. Th. 289, 23; Sat. 402: 290, 26; Sat. 421. Hé fór mid monegum þúsendum, Ors. 5, 4; Swt. 224, 19. Ic me ná ondræ-acute;de þúsendu folces non timebo millia populi, Ps. Th. 3, 5. Betere ðonne mon mé geofe ðúsende goldes and seolfres super millia auri et argenti, 118, 72. (2) with other numerals as multipliers, (a) alone :-- Twá þúsend, Ælfc. Gr. 49; Zup. 282, 12: Ors. 2, 4; Swt. 76, 30. iiii þúsend monna, 2, 5; Swt. 80, 13. v þúsend wera, Chr. 508; Erl. 15, 18. Syx þúsend olfenda, Homl. Th. ii. 458, 18. Wæs Rómána eahta þúsend ofslagen, Ors. 4, 1; Swt. 158, 11: 4, 9; Swt. 192, 24. Týn þúsend punda, Mt. Kmbl. 18, 24. Tén ðúsend, Ps. Surt. 90, 7. Endlefan þúsend monna, Ors. 2, 5; Swt. 78, 24. Feówertýne þúsend sceápa, Homl. Th. ii. 458, 17. xvi þúsend punda, Chr. 994; Erl. 133, 27. Ðæt wæ-acute;re þrítig þúsend wintra, Exon. Th. 369, 5; Seel. 36: Salm. Kmbl. 544; Sel. 271. cxi þúsend, Chr. 71; Erl. 9, 2. Án hund þúsend manna and hundeahtatig ðúsend, Homl. Skt. i. 18, 403. Ðæt wæ-acute;ron fiéftiéne hund þúsend monna, Ors. 3, 9; Swt. 128, 22. Twá þúsendo, Mk. Skt. 5, 13: Cd. Th. 189, 14; Exod. 184. Twá ðúsendu swína, Chart. Th. 481, 5. Twá þúsenda, 471, 22: Jos. 7, 3. Ðá férdon þreó þúsenda feohtendra wera, 7, 4. iii þúsendo (-a, MS. E.) londes, Chr. 648; Erl. 26, 16. Ágefe hé feówer ðúsendo, Chart. Th. 471, 24. v þúsendu wera, Chr. 508; Erl. 14, 17. Fíf þúsendo. Andr. Kmbl. 1181; An. 591. Hé him gesealde seofon þúsendo, Beo. Th. 4397; B. 2195. Týn þúsendo, Ps. Th. 90, 7: 67, 17. Téno ðúsendo (þúsende, Rush.), Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 18, 24. Geselle et ðem londe .x. ðúsenda, Chart. Th. 465, 30. Cantwara him gesealdon xxx þúsenda, Chr. 694; Erl. 43, 21. Ðæ-acute;r wæs ofslagen eahtatig þúsenda, Ors. 5, 8; Swt. 232, 2. Hundeahtatig þúsenda, 2, 5; Swt. 78, 17. Án hund þúsenda gehorsedra, 3, 9; Swt. 124, 34: Cd. Th. 310, 9; Sat. 723. Hund þúsenda landes and locenra beága, Beo. Th. 5981; B. 2994, cxi þúsenda, Chr. 71; Erl. 8, 2. Ðone sang ðe nán mon elles singan ne mæg, búton ðæt hundteóntig and feówertig and feówer ðúsendo, Past. 52; Swt. 409, 10. Wearð ðú hund þúsenda ofslægen, Ors. 2, 5; Swt. 78, 28. Ðá com him ongeán twá hund þúsenda monna, 3, 9; Swt. 132, 30. His heres wæs seofon hund þúsenda, 2, 5; Swt. 78, 10. viii c þúsenda, Swt. 80, 4. Ðæt wæs nigon x hund þúsenda, Swt. 84, 29. Þúsend ðúsenda ðénodon him, Homl. Th. i. 348, 2. Tó twæ-acute;m ðúsendum, Mk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 5, 13. Tén ðúsendum, Ps. Surt. 67, 18. Mid týn þúsendum cuman ágén ðone ðe him ágén cymþ mid twéntigum þúsendum, Lk. Skt. 14, 31. Fíf hund þúsendum quinquagenis milibus, Hpt. Gl. 426, 11. (b) in combination with hundreds, tens, units :-- Twá þúsend wintra and twá hund and twá and feówertig geára gerímes, Anglia viii. 336, 1. Feówer þúsend wintra and feówer hand and twá and hundeahtatig, Ors. 1, 14; Swt. 58, 9. Wæ-acute;ron ágán .v. þúsend wintra and .cc. wintra, Chr. 11; Erl. 7, 2. v. þúsend wintra and cc. and xxvi, 33; Erl. 7, 10. Gersones hírédes wæ-acute;ron seofon þúsenda and fíf hundredu ... Gaathes hírédes wæron eahta þúsendo and six hundredu ... Meraries hírédes wæ-acute;ron six þúsendo and twá hundrydo ... ðá wæ-acute;ron hira twá and twéntig þúsenda, Num. 3, 21-39. Rómána wæs án C and án M ofslagen Romanorum mille centum periere milites, Ors. 4, 6; Swt. 176, 14. Ðæt wæs v hund monna and án M, 5, 12; Swt. 240, 34. II. as an adjective indecl. :-- Þúsénd getýme oxena and þúsend assan, Homl. Th. ii. 458, 18. Mid þúsend gemetum mille modis, Wülck. Gl. 254, 44. On hund þúsend wintrum ... on syx þúsend wintrum, Anglia viii. 335, 46-336, 20. Ott six þúsend wintrum, Wulfst. 244, 2. Tén ðúsend síðan hundfealde ðúsenda, Homl. Th. i. 348, 3. III. the word is sometimes used of value without expressing the unit (cf. the Icelandic use of hundrað); see the passages (quoted above), Chr. 648; Erl. 26, 16: 694; Erl. 43, 21: Beo. Th. 4397; B. 2195: 5981 ; B. 2994: Chart. Th. 465, 30: 471, 22, 24: Ps. Th. 118, 72. [Goth. þúsundi; f. n.: O. Frs. thúsend: O. L. Ger. thúsint: O. Sax. thúsundig: O. H. Ger. dúsunt, túsunt; f. n.: Icel. þúsund; f. (later f. and n.)]