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ufan-cund; adj. Heavenly, celestial; supernus :-- Segnbora ðæs ufancundan kyninges, Blickl. Homl. 163, 22. Ufancundes eagles word, Exon. Th. 169, 19; Gú. 1097. Engel ufancundne, 176, 26; Gú. 1216. Ufancundne ege fear from heaven, 143, 8; Gú. 658. Ðonne hé ongiete ðone ufancundan willan cum superna voluntas agnoscitur, Past. 7; Swt. 51, 8. Áras ufancunde celestial messengers, Exon. Th. 31, 29; Cri. 503.

ufan(-en(n)e); adv. I. from above, down, (1) where motion is expressed or implied :-- Hié sæ-acute;don ðæt hit ufane of ðære lyfte cóme, Ors. 3, 6; Swt. 108, 30. Hé déð ðæt fýr cymð ufene, Wulfst. 97, 21. Steorran hreósaþ ufene of heofonum, 93, 8. (2) where an action is directed from a higher to a lower point :-- Ufone sceal ðæt heáfod gíman ðæt ða fét ne áslíden caput debet ex alto providere, ne pedes torpeant, Past. 18; Swt. 131, 25. Clypigende ufenne, Homl. Skt. i. 9, 25. I a. from above, from heaven :-- Ic eom ufane ego de supernis sum, Jn. Skt. 8, 23. Óð gé sýn ufene (ex alto) gescrýdde, Lk. Skt. 24, 49. II. marking position, above :-- Ne hire on nánre ne mót neár ðonne on óðre stówe gestæppan, stríceþ ymbútan ufane and neoðane efenneáh gehwæðer, Met. 20, 141. [O. Sax. o&b-bar;ana from above: O. H. Ger. obana desuper, superne, super, supra.] v. ufan.

ufan-weard; adj. The word may be translated by top of (the noun with which it agrees) :-- Sóna wæ-acute;ron wit on his heánesse on ðam wealle ufanweardum statim fuimus in summitate ejus (i. e. muri), Bd. 5, 12; S. 629, 18. On ðysse dúne ufanweardre in hujus (montis) vertice, 1, 7; S. 478, 25. Ðá gesáwon wé westan ðone leóman sunnan and se leóma gehrán ðæ-acute;m treówunt ufonweardum videmus ab occidente jubare fulgentibus Phebi radiisque percussa arborum cacumina, Nar. 28, 25. [Icel. ofan-verðr. Cf. O. Sax. o&b-bar;an-wardan; adv.] v. ufe-weard.

ufemest. v. ufera and ufor.

ufenan. I. adv. From above :-- Se ðe ufenan com qui desursum uenit, Jn. Skt. 3, 31. Hé déð ðæt fýr cymð ufenon, Wulfst. 97, 21 note. Seó landfyrd com ufenon and trymedon big be ðam strande, Chr. 1052; Erl. 184, 24. II. prep. with acc. Above, besides :-- Ufenan eall ðis insuper, Dom. L. 10, 144: 18, 271. Ufenon eal ðis, 14, 212. Hé ða bóc hire tó lét..., and ufenan ðæt hire áð sealde, Chart. Th. 203, 1. ¶ Þæ-acute;r on ufenan thereupon :-- Hé cwæð, ðæt án culfre him fluge wið ðæt heáfod, swilce heó ðær on ufenan settan wolde, Homl. Ass. 198, 112. [Þe munt þe Vther wes ufenan (þar Vther lay ouenan, 2nd MS.), Laym. 18337. Swá deð ælc witer mon þa neode cumeð uuenan, 28501. He smat hire uuenen (ouenon, 2nd MS.), þat hæued, 18090. Þe eotend smat þer an ouenan (ouenan, 2nd MS.), 26051. He smat in enne stane þer Locrin stod vuenan, 2314. O. H. Ger. obenan.]

ufene. v. ufane.

ufer(r)a; cpve.: ufemest; spve. I. local, upper, higher; upmost, highest :-- Ufre scrúd an upper garment; ependeton, Wrt. Voc. i. 59, 52. Ðæt uferre hrif, Lchdm. ii. 224, 8. On ðam uferan dæ-acute;le ðæs heáfdes in superiore parte capitis, Bd. 5, 2; S. 614, 45. Ðone wisdóm ðara uferrena gásta supernorum spirituum scientism, Past. 3; Swt. 32, 13. Ðám uferum (uferrum, Ps. Surt.) superioribus, Ps. Spl. 103, 14. Ða uferan (uferran, Ps. Surt. 103, 3) superiora, Blickl. Gl. On ðam ufemystan windle in uno canistro quod erat excelsius, Gen. 40, 17. On midne dæg bið seó sunne on ðam ufemestum ryne stígende, Homl. Th. ii. 76, 18. II. temporal, later, after. v. uferian, II, ufeweard, II :-- Oððe eft uferran dógore oððe ðonne either at a later day or at the time, Past. 38; Swt. 281, 12. Hé ðé teóþan dæge him ðone Hálgan Gást onsende ... on ðás hálgan tíde ðe nú ðýs uferan Sunnandæge bið he sent them the Holy Ghost on the tenth day ... at the holy time which will be on the Sunday after next, Blickl. Homl. 119, 15. Ðý læs hit mono uferan dógore wræ-acute;ce ne quis eum umquam ulcisci meditaretur, Ors. 4, 5; Swt. 168, 6. Gif eówre bearn eów befrínaþ eft on uferum dagum quando interrogaverint vos filii vestri cras, Jos. 4, 6. On uferan dagum, Wulfst. 88, 20: Chart. Th. 356, 7. Uferan dógrum, Beo. Th. 4407; B. 2200: 4773; B. 2392. On uferum tídum, Lchdm. iii. 438, 15. On uferan tídan, Wulfst. 89, 1. [Þe ufere (ouere, and MS.) hond habben of þan kinge, Laym. 1520. An uuere da&yogh;e (þar after, 2nd MS.), 27794. Þe huuemeste bou, O. E. Homl. ii. 219, 15. O. H. Ger. obero, oberoro: Icel. efri upper; of time, later.] v. yfemest.

uferian; p. ode. I. to elevate, make higher :-- Ufered (uffred, MS.) sublimatus, Hpt. Gl. 473, 42. II. to make later, to delay. v. ufera, II :-- Mín hláfurd uferaþ hys cyme moram facit dominos meus venire, Mt. Kmbl. 24, 48: Lk. Skt. 12, 45. [O. H. Ger. obarón differre.] v. ge-uferian.

ufe-weard, uf-weard; adj. I. local, upper; generally may be translated by upper part of (the noun which it qualifies); used substantively, upper part :-- Is se hals gréne nioþoweard and ufeweard the lower and upper parts of the neck are green, Exon. Th. 218, 23; Ph. 299. Ufeweard swer epistilia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 30, 29. Ufeweard eáre pinnula, i. 282, 62. Ufweard eáre, 43, 15. Uleweard lippa labium, niðera lippe labrum, 43, 24-5. Ufeweard exle ðæs æftran dæ-acute;les ola, 43, 46. Eal ufweard nosu columna, 43, 18. Up tó ánre dúne tó ufeweardum ðam cnolle ad verticem montis, Jud. 26, 3. Ða eágan bióð on ðam líchoman foreweardum and ufeweardum oculi sunt in ipsa honoris summi facie positi, Past. 1; Swt. 29, 13. Þreó stódon æt ufeweardum ðæm múðan, Chr. 897; Erl. 95, 23. Fram his hnolle ufewerdan, Homl. Th. ii. 452, 26. Hé geseah Drihten on ufeweardre ðære hlæ-acute;dre vidit Dominum innixum scalae, Gen. 28, 13. Seó stów is on Oliuetes dúne ufeweardre, Blickl. Homl. 125, 19. Fram ufeweardon óð nyþeweard a summo usque deorsum, Mt. Kmbl. 27, 51: Mk. Skt. 15, 38. On ufeweardum at the top. Gen. 6, 16. On ufeweardan, Homl. Th. i. 536, 9. Fram ufeweardan óð neoþeweardan, ii. 496, 26. Bútan ðam heáfde ufweardum except the upper part of the head, Homl. Skt. i. 18, 353. Of ufeweardum bergum de vertice, Wrt. Voc. ii. 27, 74. Se móna gehrán mid his scíman ðæ-acute;m triówum ufeweardum, Nar. 30, 8. II. temporal, later, latter part of a time. v. ufera, II :-- On foreweardne sumor and eft on ufeweardne hærfest in the early part of the summer and again in the latter part of autumn, Chr. 913; Th. i. 186, col. 2.

ufon. v. ufan.

ufor; cpve.: ufemest; spve. adv. Higher; highest :-- Ufor superius, ufemest supreme, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Zup. 240, 10. I. local, (a) at or to a greater height :-- Seó sunne stígþ ufor and ufor, Bt. 25; Fox 88, 27. Saturnus wandraþ ofer óþrum steorrum ufor ðonne æ-acute;nig óþer tungol, 36, 2; Fox 174, 14. Seó sunne is micle ufor (furþor, MS. R.) ðonne se móna, Lchdrn. iii. 242, 11. Náþor ne ufor (ufror, MS. R.) ne nyðor, 254, 17: 266, 18. Swá hí ufor férdon, Homl. Th. ii. 548, 15. Gif se ord sié ufor ðonne hindeweard sceaft, L. Alf. pol. 36; Th. i. 84, 17. Se earn flýhð ealra fugela ufemest, Homl. Skt. i. 15, 198. (b) where distance rather than height is marked (cf. to go up country), farther from a coast, from a spot :-- Hér fór se here ufor on Fronclond in this year the Danes made their way further inland in France, Chr. 881; Erl. 82, 4: Beo. Th. 5895; B. 2951. Ðá hét ic hí hwæthwega ufor gán I bade them retire somewhat from the spot, Homl. Th. ii. 32, 22: i. 70, 35. (c) of position, higher, at or to a more honourable place :-- Lá freónd site ufur amice ascende superius, Lk. Skt. 14, 10. II. metaphorical, higher :-- Hé bið suá micle sél gehiéred suá hé ufor gestent on his lífes geearnungum, Past. 14; Swt. 81, 17. Nabbaþ hí nán gód ofer ðæt tó sécanne, ne hí nánwuht ne magon ne ufor ne útor findan, Bt. 34, 12; Fox 154, 16: Exon. Th. 427, 8; Rä. 41, 88. III. temporal, later. v. ufera, II :-- Fíf nihtum ufor five days later, Menol. Fox 355; Men. 179: 68; Men. 34. Ðonne ymb .iii. niht gesécæn hiom sæ-acute;mend, búton ðam ufor leófre sió ðe ða tihtlan áge then after three days let them seek themselves an arbitrator, unless the prosecutor would liever do it later, L. H. E. 10; Th. i. 30, 19. [All þiss icc se&yogh;&yogh;de her uferr mar, Orm. 1715. Icel. ofarr higher up; of time, later.]

uf-weard, uht. v. ufe-weard, wiht.

úht, es; m. The time just before daybreak :-- Ðá hit was foran tó úhtes antelucanum demum tempus, Nar. 15, 31. Gang eft tó ðonne dæg and niht furþum scáde on ðam ilcan úhte, Lchdm. ii. 346, 24. [O. Sax. adro an úhta primo mane (Mt. 20, 1).] v. next word.

úhta, an; m. I. the last part of the night, the time just before daybreak :-- Þis wæs on úhtan eall geworden æ-acute;r dægréde, Cd. Th. 294, 2; Sat. 465. On úhtan mid æ-acute;rdæge, Beo. Th. 252; B. 126: Andr. Kmbl. 469; An. 235: 2775; An. 1390: Elen. Kmbl. 209; El. 105. Syle drincan æ-acute;r úhton, Lchdm. iii. 20, 2. Cymð on úhtan eásterne wind, Cd. Th. 20, 26; Gen. 315: 289, 31; Sat. 406: Exon. Th. 443, 24; Kl. 35. On úhtan very early in the morning; ualde mane (Mk. 16, 2), ualde diluculo (Lk. 24, 1), Exon. Th. 459, 17; Hö. 1: 460, 14; Hö. 17. Úhtna gehwylce, 287, 3; Wand. 8: 471, 24; Rä. 61, 6. II. as an ecclesiastical term, the time at which the earliest of the seven canonical services was held, the time of nocturns :-- De nocturna celebratione. On úhtan wé sculon God herian, ealswá Dauid cwæð: 'Media nocte surgebam ad confitendum tibi,' Btwk. 220, 17. Hit gedafenaþ ðæt gehwylce cristene men on Sæternesdæg cume tó cyrcean, and ðæ-acute;r æ-acute;fensang gehýran, and on úhtan ðone úhtsang, L. E. G. 24; Th. ii. 420, 35. Eallum cristenum mannum is beboden ðæt hí ealne heora líchoman seofon síþum gebletsian mid Cristes róde tácne, æ-acute;rest on æ-acute;rnemorgen ... seofoþan síþe on úhtan, Blickl. Homl. 47, 19. [Godess enngell comm himm to onn uhhtenn þær he sleppte, Orm. 2484. Hi slo&yogh;en and fu&yogh;ten þe ni&yogh;t and þe u&yogh;ten, Horn 1376. Ruddon of þe dayrawe ros upon u&yogh;ten, when merk of þe mydny&yogh;t mo&yogh;t no more last, Allit. Pms. 64, 893. Goth. air úhtwón πρω&iota-tonos; &epsilon-tonos;ννυχα λ&iota-tonos;αν, Mk. 1, 35. O. Sax. adro an úhton primo mane, Mt. 20, 1. O. H. Ger. uohta diluculum: Icel. ótta the last part of the night.] v. mæsse-, sunnan-úhta; úht, and following words.