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un-beboht; adj. Unsold :-- Hé hæfde tamra deóra unbebohtra syx hund, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 18, 10.

un-bebyriged; adj. Unburied :-- Ðín módor ligeþ unbebyriged mater tua sepultura carebit, Nar. 31, 30: Shrn. 40, 4. Heora líchaman licgaþ unbebyrgede (-byrigde, MS. F.), Wulfst. 199, 10. [Unbiburiet inhumatus, Kath. 2243.]

un-beceás; adj. Not giving occasion to litigation, indisputable, incontestable :-- Bidde hé ða hond ðe ðæt ierfe hafaþ, ðæt hé him gedó ðone ceáp unbeceásne (that he shew the chattel to be his by incontestable right), L. In. 53; Th. i. 136, 7.

un-becrafod; adj. Not subjected to claims :-- Ðæ-acute;r se bónda sæt unbecrafod where the husband dwelt without having had any claims made upon him, L. C. S. 73; Th. i. 414, 22. v. un-crafod.

un-becweden; adj. Unbequeathed, not left by will :-- On æ-acute;lcum þingum ðe ðær unbecweden bið, on bócum and an swilcum lytlum, Chart. Th. 538, 24. Ðæt land æt Sendan and æt Sunnanbyrg unbecwedene and unforbodene wið æ-acute;lcne man, 208, 38.

un-beden; adj. Unbidden, unasked :-- Sume preóstas ... unbedene gaderiaþ hí tó ðam líce, swá swá græ-acute;dige ræmmas ðár ðár hí hold geseóð, L. Ælfc. P. 49; Th. ii. 386, 2. [Toc Crist unnbedenn and unnbonedd to mælenn, Orm. 17081.]

un-befangenlíc; adj. Incomprehensible :-- God is unásecgendlíc and unbefangenlíc, Homl. Th. i. 286, 27.

un-befliten; adj. Uncontested, undisputed :-- Ðá wæs hígen and hláforde lond unbefliten éghwæs and seoððan á óð his daga ende, Chart. Th. 48,1: 481, 14: 483, 3.

un-befohten; adj. Unfought, unopposed :-- Ðá wénde se here ... ðæt hié mehten faran unbefohtene ðæ-acute;r ðæ-acute;r hié wolden, Chr. 911; Erl. 100, 23: Byrht. Th. 133, 28; By. 57.

un-befóndlíc (?). v. un-beseóndlíc.

un-begán; adj. I. uncultivated :-- Unbegánum incultis (arvis, Ald. 200), Wrt. Voc. ii. 96, 2: 47, 38. Ðeós wyrt byþ cenned on dúnum and on unbegánum stówum, Lchdm. i. 230, 4: 238, 17. II. unadorned :-- Unbegán inculta, non ornata, Hpt. Gl. 435, 26.

un-begrípendlíc; adj. Incomprehensible :-- Se myccla mægenþrym and se unbegrípendlíca, Blickl. Homl. 179, 9. Unbegrípendlíc and ungesýnelíc God, 185, 31.

un-begunnen; adj. Without beginning :-- Sum ic eom is edwistlíc word and gebyraþ tó Gode ánum synderlíce, forðan ðe God is æ-acute;fre unbegunnen and ungeendod on him sylfum and ðurh hine sylfne wunigende, Ælfc. Gr. 32; Zup. 201, 9: Wit. Voc. i. 70, 1: Homl. Th. ii. 204, 12: Homl. Skt. i. 1, 16: Homl. Ass. 25, 25. Hé wæs æ-acute;fre unbegunnen Scyppend, Hexam. 1; Norm. 4, 3.

un-beheáfdod; adj. Unbeheaded :-- Ic eów læ-acute;te unbeheáfdod, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 185.

un-behéfe; adj. (or subst.?) Unsuitable, inconvenient, unprofitable :-- Unbehéfe incommodum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 85, 35. [Al þat ure sowle and ure lichame beð unbiheue, O. E. Homl. ii. 7, 30. Also subst. Hie turnden fro him hem seluen to unbihefe, 121, 26.] Cf. un-brýce.

un-behelendlíce; adv. Without the possibility of concealment :-- Ðæt bið eallum open unbehelendlíce, ðæt man æ-acute;r hæl, Wulfst. 138, 3.

un-behelod; adj. Uncovered, naked :-- Hé læg on his getelde unbehelod (nudatus), Gen. 9, 21, 22.

un-behreówsigende; adj. Unrepenting, impenitent :-- Se ðe mid unbehreówsigendre heortan þurhwuttaþ on mándæ-acute;dum, Homl. Th. i. 500, 15.

un-belimp, es; n. Mischance, accident :-- Of unbelimpum (fortunae) casibus (oppressos, Ald. 42), Hpt. Gl. 478, 25.

un-beorhte; adv. Not brightly :-- Ealle steorran weorþaþ gebirhte of ðære sunnan, sume þeáh beorhtor, some unbeorhtor (less brightly), Bt. 34, 5; Fox 140, 6. Sume beorhtor, sume unbyrhtor, 33, 4; Fox 132, 21.

un-bereáfigendlíc; adj. Not to be taken away :-- Syle mé ðæt unbereáfigendlíc gebæd ðínre fulfremednysse, Homl. Skt. ii. 23 b, 242.

un-berende; adj. I. not bearing, barren, sterile :-- Elizabeth wæs unberende (-berend, Lind. sterilis), Lk. Skt. 1, 7. Unbeorendu (sterilis) cende monige, Ps. Surt. ii. p. 186, 17. Ne biþ mid eów nán þing unberendes ne on mannum ne on nytenum, Deut. 7, 14. Ðæt unberende treó hé genimes palmitem non ferentem fructum tollet, Jn. Skt. Lind. 15, 2 margin. Unbeorende sterilem, Ps. Surt. 112, 9. Eádige syndon ða men ða ðe wæ-acute;ron unberende, Blickl. Homl. 93, 30. Unberende telgan spadones, Wrt. Voc. i. 38, 58. II. unbearable :-- Byrðenna unbærende onera importabilia, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 23, 4. [Goth. un-bairands barren.]

un-berendlíc; adj. Unbearable, intolerable :-- On ðam ne eardaþ nán eorðlíc mann for ðam unberendlícum bryne, Lchdm. iii. 260, 23.

un-berendness, e; f. Barrenness, sterility :-- Unberendnise sterilitas, Rtl. 118, 1. Unbeore[n]dnisse sterilitatem, Ps. Surt. 34, 12.

un-besacen; adj. I. of persons, unmolested by litigation :-- Ðæ-acute;r se bónda sæt uncwyd and unbecrafod, sitte ðæt wíf and ða cild on ðam ylcan unbesacen, L. C. S. 73; Th. i. 414 23. II. of things, not made the subject of litigation, uncontested :-- Ðæt ðæt land swá unbesæccen gange intó ðære cyrican swá hit ðá on dæg wes ðá hit man him tó læt that the land pass into the possession of the church as uncontested as it was on the day when it was let to him, Chart. Th. 159, 24. Ðá sealde hé Æþelrige unbesacen land on hand, ðæt hé þanonforð syþþan ðæ-acute;ron ne spræ-acute;ce he gave the land up to Æþelrige uncontested, so that thenceforth he would not lay claim to it, 289, 31. Hió ðæt land hæbben unbesacen wið æ-acute;lce hand (not liable to suits from any side) ða hwíle ðe hió lifgean, and gif Ælfw leng sió, ðonne sý hit hyre unbesacen, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. ii. 150, 22-25: L. C. S. 80; Th. i. 420, 21. Hé him gedó ðone ceáp unbesacene let him make the chattel secure from being the subject of litigation, L. In. 53; Th. i. 136, 7 note. v. un-forboden.

un-besceáwod; adj. Inconsiderate, heedless :-- Se ðe unbesceáwud ys tó specenne hé ongytt yfele qui inconsideratus est ad loquendum sentiet mala, Scint. 78, 7. Unbesceawad, Kent. Gl. 433. Unbesceáwode inprovida vel inconsiderata, Wrt. Voc. i. 55, 13.

un-besceáwodlíce; adv. Inconsiderately, heedlessly :-- God swýþor tó yrsunge unbesceáwudlíce forþclypian ðænne foresceáwudlíce tó synna forgyfenyssa innlaþian Deum potius ad iracundiam inconsiderate prouocare quam prouide ad peccaminum ueniam inuitare, Anglia xiii. 370, 76.

un-bescoren; adj. Unshorn, without the tonsure :-- Sume sídfeaxe gáþ, ðæt seó bescorene hálignes ne sý weorþre ðenne seó unbescorene, R. Ben. 135, 29.

un-besenged; adj. Unsinged, unscorched, unburnt :-- Se bið swýðe clæ-acute;ne æ-acute;lcere synne, se ðe ðæne bryne ðurhfærð unbesencged (-sænged, MS. C.), Wulfst. 25, 19.

un-beseóndlíc; adj. Incomprehensible :-- God on ðrymme unbeseóndlícne (-fóndlícne?) Deum majestate incomprehensibilem, Bd. 3, 22; S. 552, 16.

un-besmiten; adj. Undefiled, unpolluted, unsullied, pure :-- Unbesmiten weg impolluta via, Ps. Spl. 17, 32. Gif heó unbesmiten (impolluta) tó him cyrre, L. Ecg. Addit. 12; Th. ii. 234, 6: Nar. 41, 11. Ðæs unbesmitenan líchaman úres Drihtnes, Homl. Skt. ii. 23 b, 113: Blickl. Homl. 155, 32: 3, 15: Homl. Skt. i. 4, 69: 23 b, 503. Healdaþ eówre handa unbesmitene (innoxias), Gen. 37, 22.

un-besorh; adj. Not the object of care, that one does not care about :-- Ðá hét se cyning clypian him tó unbesorge men (men that he didn't care about), Homl. Th. ii. 486, 9. v. be-sorg.

un-béted; adj. For which amends has not been made :-- Næ-acute;nig bihelan mæg on ðam heardan dæge wom unbéted, Exon. Th. 80, 25; Cri. 1312.

un-beþóht; adj. Unreflecting, inconsiderate :-- Micle hrædlícor hí wæ-acute;ren áðwægene ðæra scylda mid ðære hreówsunga, gif hí fæ-acute;rlecor syngoden unbeðóhte citius delicta poenitendo abluerent, si in his sola praecipitatione cecidissent, Past. 56; Swt. 435, 2.

un-beþirfe. v. un-biþirfe.

un-beweddod; adj. I. unbetrothed :-- Gif hwá líð mid unbeweddudre fæ-acute;mnan si quis dormierit cum virgine necdum desponsata, Ex. 22, 16. Gif hwá fæ-acute;mnan beswíce unbeweddode and hire mid slæ-acute;pe, L. Alf. 29; Th. i. 52, 5. Unbeweddod mæ-acute;den puellam virginem, quae non habet sponsum, Deut. 22, 28. II. unmarried :-- Unbeweddod innuba, Wrt. Voc. i. 52, 35. Mæ-acute;den seó ðe unbeweddud ys uirgo quae innupta est (1 Cor. 7, 34), Scint. 69, 3. Gif Maria unbeweddod wæ-acute;re and cild hæfde, ðonne wolde ðæt folc mid stánum hí oftorfian, Homl. Th. i. 196, 11.

un-bewilled; adj. Not boiled away :-- Seóþ on wætre óþ ðæt ðæs wætres sié þridda[n] dæ-acute;l unbewelled, Lchdm. ii. 248, 18.

un-biddende; adj. Not praying, without praying :-- Gif hé nele biddan ðæs écan leóhtes, hé sitt ðonne blind be ðam wege unbiddende, Homl. Th. i. 156, 4.

un-bildu(-o); indecl. f. Want of boldness, weakness, irresolution, inconstancy :-- Sió unbieldo and sió manðwæ-acute;rnes bióð swíðe anlíce weakness and gentleness are very much alike, Past. 40; Swt. 288, 1. Of ðære leohtmódnesse cymð sió twiefealdnes and sió unbieldo inconstantia ex levitate generator, 42; Swt. 307, 3. Sió unfæsðræ-acute;dnes and sió unbieldo ðara geðóhta cogitationum inconstantia, Swt. 308, 5. Ðonne hié of unwísdóme oððe of wácmódnesse and of unbieldo oððe of untrymnesse módes oððe líchoman gesyngaþ cum solo ignorantia vel infirmitate delinquitur, 21; Swt. 159, 1. Ða lytelmódan and ða unðrístan ðonne hié ongietaþ hiera unbældo and hiera unmiehte pusillanimes dum nimis infirmitatis suae sunt conscii, 32; Swt. 209, 7.

un-bindan; p. -band, pl. -bundon; pp. -bunden To unbind, untie :-- Ne eom ic wyrðe ðæt ic unbinde (soluam) his sceóþwang, Jn. Skt. 1, 27. 'Æfter his beháte ic ðé unbinde' ... Se engel hire ðá unband, Homl. Th. i. 466, 31. Swá hwæt swá ðú unbindst (solveres) ofer eorðan, ðæt byð unbunden (solutum) on heofonum, Mt. Kmbl. 16, 19: 18, 18. Ðæs fæder tungan his nama unband, Homl. Th. i. 352, 31. Álésde &l-bar; unband soluit, Ps. Lamb. 104, 20. Unband dissoluit, Cant. Abac. 6. Hiá onfundun fola gibundenne, and unbundun hine, Mk. Skt. Rush. 11, 4. Sceal se láreów hine unbindan fram ðam écum wíte, swá swá ða apostoli líchamlíce Lazarum álýsdon, Homl. Th. i. 234, 14, 9. Æ-acute;r ðon God heó ðæs wræces unbindan wolde, Anglia xi. 2, 24. Æfter þúsend geárum bið Satanas unbunden post mille annos soluetur Satanas, Wulfst. 83, 6. Beón unbunden dissolui (a peccato), Scint. 38, 12. Hí wurdon anbundene, Homl. Th. ii. 20, 8. From synna bendum unbundeno a peccatorum vinculis absolutos, Rtl. 7, 13. [Cf. Goth. and-bindan: O. Sax. ant-bindan: O. H. Ger. int-, in-bindan.] v. on-bindan.