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under-þeódness, e; f. Subjection, submission :-- For yrmþo ðære underþeódnysse ob aerumnam subjectionis, Bd. 4, 16; S. 584, 41. Wite hé ðæt hé míne eáðmódra beón sceal on regoles underðeódnysse sciens se multo magis discipline regulari subditum, R. Ben. 112, 1. Micle swýþor is tó hálsienne Drihten mid ealre eáðmódnesse and mid ealre underðeódnysse (cum omni humilitate), 45, 18. Him gehýrsumiaþ óðra engla werod mid micelre underðeódnysse, Homl. Th. i. 342, 34: 346, 34: Ælfc. T. Grn. 1, 31. Hí him gehétan eáþmóde hýrnysse and singale underþeódnysse subjectionem continuam promittebant, Bd. 1, 12; S. 480, 27.
under-þeów, es, m. One reduced to slavery, one who serves under or is subject to another, a slave, servant :-- Hé geniédde Arhalaus ðone látteów ðæt hé wæs his underþeów, Ors. 5, 11; Swt. 238, 2. Ða burgware bæ-acute;don ðæt hié mósten beón hiera underþeówas ðá hí hié bewerian ne mehton petentes, ut quos belli clades reliquos fecit, saltem servire liceat, 4, 13; Swt. 212, 5: 2, 8; Swt. 92, 23. Ealle wurdon Iuliuse underþeówas Caesar omnes ad deditionem compulit, 5, 12, Swt. 242, 27.
under-þídan, -þiédan, -þýdan. v. under-þeódan.
under-tódál renders subdistinctio in: Subdistinctio, ðæt is undertódál, Ælfc. Gr. 50, 14; Zup. 291, 5.
under-tunge glosses sublingua in: Undertungan sublinguae, Wrt. Voc. i. 282, 79.
under-tungeþrum. v. tunge-þrum.
under-weaxan glosses succrescere in: Underwexaþ succrescunt, Scint. 104, 8.
under-wed[d], es; n. A pledge, security :-- 'Gif ðú mé sylst underwedd (arrhabonem), óð ðæt ðú mé sende ðæt ðú mé behæ-acute;tst' ... 'Hwæt wilt ðú tó underwedde (pro arrhabone) nyman?' ... Iudas sende án tyccen wið his hirde, ðæt hé fette ðæt underwedd, Gen. 38, 17-20. Gylde hé ðæt yrfe oþþe uuderwed lecge, L. O. D. 1; Th. i. 352, 8: 8; Th. i. 356, 10.
under-wendan glosses subvertere in: Hé underwende subuertat, Scint. 196, 6.
under-wræ-acute;del glosses subfibulum vel subligaculum, Wrt. Voc. i. 40, 61.
under-wreðian, -wreoðian, -wriðian to support, sustain :-- Ic underwreðige (-wreoðige, MSS. F. O.) fulcio, Ælfc. Gr. 30, 2; Zup. 190, 5. Underwreðie, Engl. Stud. xi. 65, 34. Ðú underwreððes sustentas, Rtl. 45, 9. Underwreoðaþ his untrumnesse sustentat inbecillitatem suam, Kent. Gl. 644. Ealle stówa Drihten ymbféhþ and neoþan underwreþeþ, Blickl. Homl. 23, 21. Man ða ræftras tó ðære fyrste gefæstnaþ and mid cantlum underwriðaþ, Anglia viii. 324, 10. Hé mid criccum his féðunge underwreðode, Homl. Th. ii. 134, 25. Hí underwriðedon his handa sustentabant manus ejus, Ex. 17, 12. Ðæt hí underwreþigen ut leuent, Germ. 390, 173. Ða ðe bet cunnon, sceolon gýman óðra manna, and mid heora fultume underwryðian, Homl. Th. ii. 282, 2. Sceancan míne mé tó underwreðigenne on yfel strange wæ-acute;ron crura mea ad me sustinendum in malum fortes fuere, Anglia xi. 117, 23. Mid gódum weorcum underwreðed bonis actis fultus, Past. 19; Swt. 141, 18: Homl. Skt. ii. 23 b, 228: Hpt. Gl. 430, 36: Rtl. 76, 3. Treów wyrtrumum underwreðyd, Runic pm. Kmbl. 341, 30; Rún. 13. Underwreoþod æ-acute;ghwanone circum fultus undique, Hymn. Surt. 46, 12. Hyt ys underwryðed mid þrím swerum, Anglia viii. 301, 37. Mid týn rihtingum underwriðode, 304, 32: Homl. Th. i. 444, 35. Urlderwreððedo suffulti, Rtl. 71, 17. ¶ The word glosses supponere in: Drihten underwriðaþ &l-bar; [under]set handa his Dominus supponet manum suam, Ps. Lamb. 36, 24.
under-wreðung, e; f. Support, sustentation :-- Underwreþung líchaman sustentatio corporis, Scint. 56, 10. Trumre underwreþincge firmo fulcimento, Wrt. Voc. ii. 148, 69.
under-wrítan to subscribe, sign :-- Wé ealle mid Cristes ródetácn fæstnedon and underwritan nos omnes subscripsimus, Bd. 4, 17; S. 586, 16.
under-wriðian. v. under-wreðian.
under-wyrtwalian glosses supplantare in: Ðú underwyrtwæledæst supplantasti, Ps. Spl. T. 17, 41.
un-dígollíce; adv. Not secretly, openly, clearly, plainly :-- Se dígla Déma him swíðe undígellíce (-deógollíce, Hatt. MS.) (aperte) geondwyrde, Past. 4; Swt. 38; 19. Þus spræc God gefyrn, hit is swá ðeáh swá gedón swýðe neáh mid ús ... and undígollíce, Homl. Skt. i. 13, 177.
un-dilegod; adj. Not blotted out, not effaced :-- Swá se wrítere, gif hé ne dilegaþ ðæt hé æ-acute;r wrát, ðeáh hé næ-acute;fre má náuht ne wríte, ðæt bið ðeáh undilegod, ðæt hé æ-acute;r wrát neque enim scriptor, si a scriptione cessaverit, quia alia non addidit, etiam illa, quae scripserat, delevit, Past. 54; Swt. 423, 33.
un-dirne, -dierne, -dyrne; adj. Not hidden, discovered, revealed, manifest :-- Gif mon áfelle on wuda wel monega treówa and wyrð eft undierne (-dyrne, MS. B.), L. In. 43; Th. i. 128, 20: 44; Th. i. 130, 3. Ðæt wearð underne eorðebúendum, ðæt Meotod hæfde miht, Cd. Th. 265, 1; Sat. 1. Wíde wearð wyrd undyrne, Apstls. Kmbl. 84; Ap. 42. Ðá wæs Grendles gúðcræft gumum undyrne, Beo. Th. 255; B. 127: 4004; B. 2000. Bið him synwracu andweard undyrne the punishment of sin shall stand revealed before them, Exon. Th. 94, 16; Cri. 1541. Nú is undyrne werum, hú ða wihte hátne sindon, 429, 19; Rä. 43, 15. Ic wordum wemde wyrd undyrne, Andr. Kmbl. 2959; An. 1482. Ic gearwe wát ðæt ðé (God) siendan ealle wísan (printed wifan) undierne and cúðe dínre ðære hálgan þrynesse, Anglia xi. 97, 7. Nuncupatio est undyrne yrfebéc, Wrt. Voc. ii. 62, 24.
un-dirne; adv. Openly, clearly, plainly :-- Wearð ylda bearnum undyrne cúð ðætte Grendel wan wið Hróðgár, Beo. Th. 303; B. 150: 825; B. 410.
un-dóm, es; m. Unjust judgement :-- Wá ðam ðe ræ-acute;reþ unriht tó rihte and undóm démeþ earmum tó hýnðe vae qui condunt leges iniquas; et scribentes, injustitiam scripserunt; ut opprimerent in judicio pauperes (Is. 10, 1-2), Wulfst. 47, 26: 128, 10: 268, 1. Se ðe unlage ræ-acute;re oþþe undóm gedéme for læ-acute;ððe oþþe for feohfange, L. C. S. 15; Th. i. 384, 9. Hí geútlageden ealle Frencisce men ðe æ-acute;r unlage ræ-acute;rdon and undóm démdon and unræ-acute;d ræ-acute;ddon, Chr. 1052; Erl. 186, 2. Wé cýðaþ déman and geréfan, ðæt hig ágan þearfe, ðæt hí unrihtes geswícan and náhwár þurh undóm for feó ne for freóndscipe forgýman heora wísdóm, Wulfst. 267, 28. Wearð ðes ðeódscipe swíðe forsingod þurh undómas, 130, 4.
un-dómlíce; adv. With bad judgement, indiscreetly :-- Hyrde oþþe unbindan undómlíce ondræ-acute;de oþþe gewríþan pastor vel absoluere indiscrete timeat uel ligare, Scint. 202, 14.
un-dón; p. -dyde; pp. -dón To undo. I. to undo that which is closed, to open :-- Ðá heó ðone windel undyde aperiens fiscellam, Ex. 2, 6. Ðá undyde hira án his sacc aperto sacco, Gen. 42, 27. Hé undyde his múð, Homl. Th. i. 548, 14. Ðá undydon wé úre saccas aperuimus saccos nostros, Gen. 43, 21. Ðæt hé undó his eágan, Anglia viii. 317, 5. II. to undo that which is bound, to release, (1) literal :-- Beón þreó niht æ-acute;r man ða hand undó, L. Ath. i. 23; Th. i. 212, 4. (2) figurative, to release, absolve :-- From allum úsig synnum undó ab omnibus nos peccatis absolve, Rtl. 42, 3. Ða ðe synna racentég gifæstnigaþ milsa ðínræ árfæstnisse undóe quos delictorum catena constringit miseratio tuae pietatis absolvat, 40, 23. Ðæs on .ix. nihton ðæt wed undó hé mid rihtan gylde nine days after let him release the pledge by lawful payment, L. O. D. 1; Th. i. 382, 9. III. to undo that which closes, to open a door, etc. :-- Undóð mé duru sóðfæstra aperite mihi portas justitiae, Ps. Th. 117, 19: 23, 7. Undónde reserando (valvam), Hpt. Gl. 473, 11. Ðá wearþ eft Ianes duru undón (andón, Swt. 254, 17) apertus est Janus, Ors. 6, 1; Bos. 116, 25. Undónum remmingum apertis obstaculis, Hpt. Gl. 489, 73. IV. to undo that which binds or fastens, to undo a bolt, a knot, etc. :-- Godes engel undyde ða loco ðæs cwearternes, Homl. Th. i. 572, 26. Ic ne am wyrðe ðætte ic undóe (soluam) his ðuong scóes, Jn. Skt. Lind. 1, 27. Undón (undóa, Lind.) &l-bar; loesan þwongas soluere corrigiam, Mk. Skt. Rush. 1, 7. V. to undo what has been done, to abrogate, destroy, (1) where the object is material :-- Ic undóe tempel ðis ego dissoluam templum hoc, Mk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 14, 58. (2) where the object is not material :-- Ðet hyra nán næ undó ðet ic tó ðám háligum mynstrum gedón hebbe, Chart. Th. 232, 28. Ne mæg undóa ða gewriota non potest solui scribtura, Jn. Skt. Rush. 10, 35. Nællas gié woenæ forðon is cuom tó undóenne (solvere) ae, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 5, 17. Ðætte ne sé undóen ae ut non soluatur lex, Jn. Skt. Lind. Rush. 7, 23. v. on-dón.
un-dréfed; adj. Untroubled, not made turbid :-- Gé gedréfdon hiora wæter mid iówrum fótum, ðeáh gé hit æ-acute;r undréfed druncen, Past. 2; Swt. 31, 3.
un-drifen; adj. Not driven :-- Æ-acute;lc ceápscip frið hæbbe, ðe binnan múðan cuman[mæg?], þéh hit unfriðscyp sý, gyf hit undrifen bið (si non sit abacta tempestatibus (Lat. vers.). For the fate of what was driven, cf. such a grant as the following :-- Ic cíðe eów ðæt Urk habbe his strand ... and eall ðæt tó his strande gedryuen hys, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iv. 221, 5-8), L. Eth. ii. 2; Th. i. 284, 21.
un-druncen; adj. Not drunk, sober :-- Hé suá micle bet his ágen dysig oncnéw suá hé undruncenra wæs he recognized his own folly so much better as he was more sober, Past. 40; Swt. 295, 8. [Icel. ú-drukkinn.]
un-drysnende inextinguishable; inextinguibilis, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 3, 12.
un-dyrne. v. un-dirne.
un-eácniendlíc; adj. Unproductive, sterile; infecundus, Hpt. Gl. 430, 57.
un-earh; adj. Undaunted, intrepid, fearless :-- Unærh impavidus, intrepidus, Hpt. Gl. 502, 61. Sum cásere wæs on ðám dagum unearh on gefeohtum, Homl. Skt. ii. 27, 47. Gif mane bið ákenned on .xxii. nihta ealdne mónan se bið unearh fihtling, Lchdm. iii. 158, 11. Ðæ-acute;r mihton geseón Winceastre leódan rancne here and unearhne, ðæt hí be hyra gate tó saé eodon, and mæte and midmas ofer .L. míla him fram sæ-acute; fættan, Chr. 1006; Erl. 140, 26. Wendon forð wlance þegenas, unearge men, Byrht.Th. 137, 54; By. 206.
un-earhlíc; adj. Intrepid, dauntless :-- Hé cwæð tó ðam cásere unearhlícere stemme, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 164.