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un-gesceádwíslíc; adj. Indiscreet, imprudent, unreasonable, extravagant :-- Ðætte hé ne ðóhte náwuht ungesceádwíslíces ne unnetlíces nec indiscretum quid vel inutile cogitet, Past. 13; Swt. 77, 12. Gif wé hwæt ongietaþ on him ungesceádwíslíces gedoon si qua ab eis inordinate gesta sunt, 32; Swt. 211, 22. v. un-sceádwíslíc.

un-gesceádwíslíce; adv. Indiscreetly, unreasonably, foolishly :-- Ða ðe hiora ágen ungesceádwíslíce healdaþ qui sua indiscrete tenuerunt, Past. 44; Swt. 329, 11. Se gítsere and se ðe wotuldwelan lufaþ ungesceádwíslíce. Swt. 331, 8. Ðonne wé biddaþ ongeán úre ágenre þearfe, ðonne forwyrnð God ús ðæs ðe wé ungesceádwíslíce biddaþ, Homl. Th. ii. 528, 9. Ongesceádwíslíce inrationabiliter, R. Ben. Interl. 61, 11.

un-gesceádwísness, e; f. Unreasonableness, foolishness :-- Hwæt segst ðú ðæt sié forcúþre ðonne sió ungesceádwísnes? hwí geþafiaþ hí ðæt hí bióð dysige? hwí nyllaþ hí spyrigan æfter cræftum and æfter wísdóme? quid enervatius ignorantiae caecitate? an sectanda noverunt? Bt. 36, 6; Fox 180, 31, 35. Hé læ-acute;t his mód tóflówan on ðæet ofdele giémeliéste and ungesceádwísnesse æfter eallum his willum anima neglectam se inferius per desideria expandit, Past. 39; Swt. 283, 15.

un-gesceapen; adj. I. unshapen, unformed :-- Interjectio is án dæ-acute;l spræ-acute;ce getácniende ðæs módes gewilnunge mid ungesceapenre stemne (voce incondita), Ælfc. Gr. 48; Zup. 277, 17. Hé is sóð Scyppend, ðe ða ungesceapenan eáhhringas (the eyes of the man who was born blind) geopenode, Homl. Th. i. 474, 8. II. uncreated :-- Ungesceapen (increatus) is se Fæder, ungesceapen is se Sunu, and is ungesceapen se Hálga Gást, Ath. Crd. 8.

un-gescended; adj. Uninjured :-- Ungiscended inlessa, Rtl. 146, 23.

un-gesceþþed; adj. Uninjured, entire :-- Wæs his líchama geméted ungesceþþed corpus inventum est inlesum, Bd. 3, 19; S. 550, 11.

un-gescrépe, -gescræ-acute;pe; adj. Inconvenient, unfit, useless :-- Unbriéce, ungescræ-acute;pe incommodum, inutile, Wrt. Voc. ii. 44, 76. Æ-acute;ghwylcre menniscre eardunge ungescræ-acute;pe humanae habitationi minus accommodus, Bd. 4, 28; S. 605, 20.

un-gescrépness, e; f. Inconvenience :-- Seó ungescrépnes ðæs sáres fram heora eágan gewát doloris incommodum ab oculis amoverent, Bd. 4, 19; S. 589, 37.

un-gescrépu(-o); f. or un-gescrépe; n. Inconvenience, an inconvenient thing :-- Mid ðý ðá se foresprecena bróþor langre tíde ðyllíc ungescræ-acute;po woon (ðyllíce ungéscræ-acute;po wonn ?) cum tempore non pauco frater praefatus tali incommodo laboraret, Bd. 4, 32; S. 611, 22.

un-gesegnod, -gesénod; adj. Not marked with the sign of the cross :-- Gif ðæt deófol méteþ ungesénodes mannes múð and líchoman, and hit ðonne on forgitenan mannes innelfe gewíteþ, Salm. Kmbl. p. 148, 10.

un-geséne. v. un-gesíne.

un-geseónde; adj, Not seeing, blind :-- Gyf ðú on foreweardon sumera þigest hwylcne hwelpan ðonne gyt ungeseóndne, ne ongitest ðú æ-acute;nig sár, Lchdm. i. 368, 26.

un-gesewen, -gesawen; adj. Unseen, invisible :-- Ðá ðá ða tungel-wítegan ðone cyning gecyrdon, ðá wearð se steorra him ungesewen, Homl. Th. i. 108, 29. Ðone ungesewenan (invisibilem) engel, Past. 36; Swt. 257, 8. Óðre ungesawene þing mon mót mid áðe gewyrðan, L. O. D. 7; Th. i. 356, 6.

un-gesewenlíc; adj. Invisible :-- Seó eorðe wæs æt fruman eall ungesewenlíc, for ðam ðe heó eall wæs mid ýðum oferðeht, Hexam. 5; Norm. 10, 17. Heora (angels) ungesewenlíce gecynd, Homl. Th. i. 538, 28. Se ungesawenlíca feónd, Wulfst. 52, 8. Unisæwenlícere mihte invisibili potestate, Hpt. Gl. 482, 69. God menniscum eágum ungesewenlícne, Bd. 3, 22; S. 552, 17. Ða óðre heofenan synd ungesegenlíce, Lchdm. iii. 232, 23. Mid ðære gewilnunge ðara ungesewenlícra ðinga, Past. 16; Swt. 98, 3: Bt. 21; Fox 72, 30: Met. 11, 5. Wið mínum wiþerwinnam gesewenlícum and ungesewenlícum, Bt. 42; Fox 260, 11. Hé offrige ða ungeswenlícan lác, Homl. Th. i. 584, 3.

un-gesewenlíce; adv. Invisibly, without being seen :-- God cymð ungesewenlíce tó geswæ-acute;sre heortan, Homl. Th. ii. 316, 4.

un-gesib[b]; adj. I. not related, strange :-- Hé bið fremede Freán ælmihtigum, englum ungelíc (ungesibb, MS. B.) ána hwearfaþ, Salm. Kmbl. 69; Sal. 35. Ic (the cuckoo) under sceáte ungesibbum wearð eácen gæ-acute;ste, Exon. Th. 391, 20; Rä. l0, 8. II. not at peace at variance :-- Ða twá mæ-acute;gþa ða ðe betwih him ungeþwæ-acute;re and ungesibbe wæ-acute;ron provinciae quae ab invicem discordabant, Bd. 3, 6; S. 528, 32: Blickl. Homl. 225, 6. [Cf. Betere weare sæhte þene swulc unisibbe, Laym. 9845.]

un-gesibsum; adj. Prone to discord, quarrelsome :-- Lóca hwylc cristen man sý ungesibsum, man áh on ðam dæge hine tó gesibsumianne, Wulfst. 295, 4. On óðre wísan sint tó manigenne ða gesibsuman, on óðre ða ungesibsuman aliter admonendi sunt discordes, atque aliter pacati, Past. 46; Swt. 345, 6. Ðæ-acute;m ungesibsumum is tó cyðanne admonendi sunt dissidentes, Swt. 348, 5.

un-gesibsumness, e; f. Proneness to discord, quarrelsomeness, discord :-- Wé magon gecnáwan on ðara ungesceádwísra niétena gesibsumnesse hú micel yfel sió gesceádwíslíce gecynd ðurh ða ungesibsumnesse gefremeþ si solertes aspicimus, concordando sibi irrationalis natura indicat, quantum malum per discordiam rationalis natura committat, Past. 46; Swt. 351, 1.

un-gesilt; adj. Unsalted :-- Swínen smeru ungesylt, Lchdm. i. 146, 20. v. un-silt.

un-gesíne; adj. Invisible :-- Ungeséne wearþ disparuit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 106, 43.

un-gesínelíc; adj. Invisible :-- Seó ungesýnelíce sáwl, Blickl. Homl. 21, 25. Ungesýnelícne God, 185, 31. Flæ-acute;sclíce men ða ungesýnelícan ne magon angytan, Wulfst. 2, 4.

un-gesoden; adj. Unsodden :-- Nim ðú ða ylcan wyrte ungesodene, Lchdm. i. 92, 29.

un-gesóm; adj. At variance :-- Æfter sumum fyrste wurdon hí ungesóme, Philippus and Arethe, Homl. Th. i. 478, 25. [Hit itit þat wif and were beoþ unisome, O. and N. 1522.]

un-gestæððig; adj. Inconstant, unstable :-- Ðæt ungestæððige folc mobile vulgus, Bt. 39, 3; Fox 216, 2. Ðam ungestæþþegan and ðam gálan ðú miht secgan ðæt hí biþ gelícra unstillum fugelum ðonne gemetfæstum monnum levis atque inconstans studia permutat? nihil ab avibus differt, 37, 4; Fox 192, 22. Ða gesceaftas ðe wé embe sprecaþ, ðæt heó ús þince ungestæðþie, hý habbaþ sumne dæ-acute;l gestæþinesse, Shrn. 168, 30. Ða ungestæððegan and unfæsðræ-acute;dan inconstantes, Past. 23; Swt. 177, 3. Ninwuht nis on ús unstilre and ungestæððigre ðonne ðæt mód nil in nobis est corde fugacius, 38; Swt. 273, 11.

un-gestæððiglíce; adv. Unsteadily, without stability :-- Ðonne mon ða fæstræ-acute;dnesse his módes innan forlíst, ðonne bið hé hwílum swíðe ungestæððiglíce ástyred útane on his limum qui statum mentis perdidit, subsequenter foras in inconstantiam motionis fluit, Past. 47; Swt. 359, 7. Hié beóð suá micle ungestæððelícor tóflówene on hiera móde suá hié wénaþ ðæt hié stilran and orsorgran beón mægen quae tanto latius diffluunt, quanto se esse securius aestimant, 38; Swt. 271, 17.

un-gestæððigness, e; f. Unsteadiness, levity, want of firmness :-- Se hæfð singalne sceabb se ðe næ-acute;fre ne blinð ungestæððignesse jugem habet scabiem, cui carnis petulantia sine cessatione dominatur, Past. 11; Swt. 70, 3. Gif hé eallunge forberan ne mæg for hira ágnum unðeáwum and for hiera ungestæððignesse qui pro infermitate sese abstinere vix possunt, 28; Swt. 199, 9.

un-gestreón, es; n. Ill-gotten treasure :-- Ða wóhgeornan woruldrícan mid heora golde and seolfre and eallum ungestreónum, Wulfst. 183, 9.

un-gestroden; adj. Not subjected to forfeiture or confiscation of goods :-- Swæ-acute;se mæn ciriclícæs gemánan ungestrodyne þoligen natives shall forfeit the communion of the church but without being subjected to forfeiture of goods [cf. gestrod proscriptionem (the passage in Aldhelm is: Proscriptionem rerum et patrimonii jacturam), Wrt. Voc. ii. 81, 67], L. Wih. 4; Th. i. 38, 3.

un-geswége; adj. Dissonant, discordant :-- Ungeswége dissona, Hpt. Gl. 513, 51. Ungeswége sang diaphonia, Wrt. Voc. i. 28, 34. Ungeswégre dissona, Hpt. Gl. 505, 76. Ungeswéga vel ungehleóþre dissona, i. discordantia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 141, 36. Ungeswégium absonis, Germ. 392, 12.

un-geswencedlíc; adj. Unwearied, indefatigable :-- Mid ungeswencedlíce luste heofonlícra góda infatigabili coelestium bonorum desiderio, Bd. 5, 12; S. 631, 35.

un-geswícendlíce; adv. Unceasingly, incessantly :-- Ungeswícendlíce indesinenter, Scint. 28, 7: incessanter, jugiter, 131, 8: incessabiliter, R. Ben. 19, 4 note.

un-geswuncen; adj. Unlaboured :-- Ungeswuncenre inelaborate, Wrt. Voc. ii. 49, 59.

un-gesýnelíc. v. un-gesínelíc.

un-getæ-acute;se; adj. Inconvenient, disagreeable, troublesome, obnoxious :-- Ungetæ-acute;se infestus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 45, 46. Oððe hit ðé deraþ oððe hit ðé unwynsum biþ, oððe ungetése (-getæ-acute;se, Cott. MS.) oððe frécenlíc aut injucundum, aut noxium, Bt. 14, 1; Fox 42, 13. Gilpes ðú girnest? ac ðú hine ne miht habban orsorgne, for ðam ðú scealt habban simle hwæthweg wiþerweardes and ungetéses (-getæ-acute;ses, Cott. MS.) gloriam petis? sed per aspera quaeque distractus, securus esse desistis, 32, 1; Fox 114, 20. Ða cyningas ðe æfter Rómuluse rícsedon wæ-acute;ron forcúðran ðonne hé wæ-acute;re, and ðæ-acute;m folcum láðran and ungetæ-acute;sran, Ors. 2, 2; Swt. 66, 26.

un-getæ-acute;se, es; n. An inconvenience, a trouble :-- Gif hé ðæ-acute;m gehiérsuman mannum næfde geteohchad his éðel tó sellanne, hwié wolde hé hié mid æ-acute;negum ungetæ-acute;sum læ-acute;ran? nisi correctis haereditatem dare disponerit, erudire eos per molestias non curaret, Past. 36; Swt. 251, 24. Mid hú monigfaldum ungetæ-acute;sum and mid hú heardum brocum ús swingaþ and ðreágaþ úre worldcuude fædras quam dura carnales filios disciplinae flagella castigent, Swt. 253. 24.