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unriht-cyst, e; f. Vice, excess :-- Ic andette ... unrihtgilp and ídel word and unrihtcysta and æ-acute;lcne glængc (cf. ic ondette ... unnyttes gilpes bigong and ídle glengas, uncyste..., Anglia xi. 98, 27) ðe tó mínes líchaman unræ-acute;de æ-acute;fre belimpe, L. de Cf. 7; Th. ii. 262, 28.

unriht-dæ-acute;d, e; f. Evil-doing :-- Hé eall ðurh his unrihtdæ-acute;de áþýstrade universa prove agendo obnubilavit, Bd. 5, 13; S. 633, 33. God wyle ðæt Sunnandæg freóls beó fram eallum unrihtdæ-acute;dum and þeówétlícum weorcum, Wulfst. 292, 7. Cf. yfel-dæ-acute;d.

unriht-dæ-acute;de; adj.: unriht-dæ-acute;da, an; m. Evil-doing; an evil-doer :-- Se synfulla and se unrihtdæ-acute;da peccator et iniquus, Ps. Lamb. 9 second, 3. Cf. yfel-dæ-acute;de, -dæ-acute;da.

unriht-déma, an; m. An unjust judge :-- Ða unrihtdéman, ðe démaþ æ-acute;fre be ðám sceattum and swá wendaþ wrang tó rihte, Wulfst. 203, 25: 298, 19.

unriht-dóm, es; m. Wrong, iniquity :-- Hié for ðam cumble on cneówum sæ-acute;ton, efndon unrihtdóm, swá hyra aldor dyde ... hyra freá unræ-acute;d efnde, Cd. Th. 227, 7; Dan. 183.

unriht-dónde; adj. Evil-doing; substantive, an evil-doer :-- Him wæs beboden ðæt hí sceoldan ðæ-acute;m unrihtdóndum stéran, Blickl. Homl. 63, 12. Cf. yfel-dónde.

un-rihte; adv. Not rightly, unjustly :-- Unrihte wé dydon injuste egimus, Ps. Spl. 105, 6: 118, 78. Heora sylh unrihte gangaþ aratra eorum non recte incedunt, Bd. 5, 9; S. 623, 12. [O. L. Ger. O. H. Ger. un-rehto injuste, improbe.]

unriht-feóung, e; f. Evil hatred, unjustifiable hate :-- Hwý ge æ-acute;fre scylen unrihtfióungum eówer mód dréfan? Met. 27, 1. v. fióung.

unriht-gestreón, es; n. Unrighteous gain :-- Ða ðe heora sylfra sáula forhycggaþ for feós lufan, and unrihtgestreón lufiaþ, Blickl. Homl. 63, 8.

unriht-gewil (? or unriht gewil). v. first passage under gewil.

unriht-gewilnung, e; f. Evil desire :-- Ða ðe swíðe hrædlíce beóð oferswíðde mid sumre unryhtgewilnunge (cf. l. 33: ða ðe mid fæ-acute;rlíce luste bióð oferswíðde qui repentina concupiscentia superantur) qui subito motu peccant, Past. 56; Swt. 429, 30.

unriht-gilp, es; m. n. Vainglory :-- Ic andette unrihtgilp and ídel word, L. de Cf. 7; Th. ii. 262, 27. Cf. ídel-, leás-gilp.

unriht-gítsung, e; f. Greed, covetousness :-- Ða welan, and ðæt mycele gylp, and seó unrihtgítsung, and ðæt man ðæm earman forwyrne, ðæt is eal swíþe mycel synn beforan Gode, Blickl. Homl. 53, 21: Wulfst. 290, 26. Hé woruldsæ-acute;lþa ðé onlæ-acute;nde æfter his bebodum tó brúcanne, nallas ðínre unrihtgítsunga gewill tó fulfremmanne, Bt. 7, 5; Fox 24, 10. Ðæt wé gescildan ús wiþ ða eahta heáhsynna ... ðæt is morþor and stala, máne áþas and unrihtgítsunge..., Engl. Stud. viii. 479, 96.

unriht-hæ-acute;man; p. de To cohabit unlawfully, to commit adultery or fornication :-- Hé déð ðæt heó unrihthæ-acute;mð; and se unrihthæ-acute;mð ðe forlæ-acute;tene genimð facit eam moechari; et qui dimissam duxerit, adulterat, Mt. Kmbl. 5, 32. Se unrihthæ-acute;mð moechatur, Lk. Skt. 16, 18. Heó unrihthæ-acute;mð, Mk. Skt. 10, 12, Ne unrihthæ-acute;m ðú non adulteris, l0, 19: Homl. Th. ii. 208, 15. Ne unrihthæ-acute;me ðú non moechaberis, Deut. 5, 18: Mt. Kmbl. 5, 27. Fram unrihthæ-acute;mendum mæssepreóste a fornicante presbytero, L. Ecg. C. 17, tit.; Th. ii. 128, 29.

unriht-hæ-acute;mdere, es; m. An adulterer :-- Mid unrehthæ-acute;mderum cum adulteris, Ps. Surt. 49, 18. v. unriht-hæ-acute;mend, -hæ-acute;mere.

unriht-hæ-acute;med, es; n. Unlawful cohabitation, illicit intercourse, adultery, fornication :-- Cwéna geligr vel unrihthæ-acute;med adulterium, Wrt. Voc. i. 21, 33. Forligr flæ-acute;sces unrihthæ-acute;med is fornicatio carnis, adulterium est, Scint. 87, 14. Unrihthæ-acute;med wífes fornicatio mulieris, 86, 15: Met. 9, 6. Mid ðý sweorde unryhthæ-acute;medes (-hæ-acute;mdes, Cott. MSS.) luxuriae mucrone, Past. 43; Swt. 313, 9. On ðæt hnesce bedd ðæs gesinscipes, næs on ða heardan eorðan ðæs únryhthæ-acute;mdes, 51; Swt. 397, 23. Ne ða unfæsðrádan ðe ne magon hira unryhthæ-acute;mdes geswícan neque adulteri, neque molles, neque masculorum concubitores, Swt. 401, 28. Se yfela willa unrihthæ-acute;medes (voluptas) gedréfð fulneáh æ-acute;lces monnes mód ... sceal æ-acute;lce sáwl forweorðan æfter ðam unrihthæ-acute;mede, Bt. 31, 2; Fox 112, 24: Met. 18, 10. On unrihthæ-acute;mede in adulterio, Jn. Skt. 8, 3. Be mónaðádles hæ-acute;mede and be óþrum unrihthæ-acute;mede (de alio pravo coitu), L. Ecg. C. 16, tit.; Th. ii. 128, 26: Shrn. 99, 4. Monige hié gehealdaþ wið unryhthæ-acute;med multi scelera carnis deserunt, Past. 51; Swt. 399, 7. Hé onscunede unrihthæ-acute;med recusabat stuprum, Gen. 39, 10. Gif wer unrihthæ-acute;med fremeþ wiþ óþer wíf, Blickl. Howl. 185, 25. Unrihthæ-acute;medu adulteria, Mt. Kmbl. 15, 19: Bt. 16, 4; Fox 58, 1.

unriht-hæ-acute;med; adj. Adulterous :-- Unrihthæ-acute;mede mæn tó rihtum lífe mid synna hreówe tó fón, L. Wih. 3; Th. i. 36, 18. Mid unrihthæ-acute;medum cum adulteris, Ps. Spl. 49, 19.

unriht-hæ-acute;mend, es; m. An adulterer :-- Þeófum and mánswarum and unrihthæ-acute;mendum, Blickl. Homl. 63, 13.

unriht-hæ-acute;mere, es; m. An adulterer, a fornicator :-- Unrihthémere adulter, Kent. Gl. 169. Se ðe wífaþ on ðam forlæ-acute;tenum wífe bið unrihthæ-acute;mere geháten fram Gode, Homl. Th. ii. 322, 35. Unrihthæ-acute;meras adulteri, Lk. Skt. 18, 11: Wulfst. 298, 16: Homl. Th. ii. 324, 7: Homl. Ass. 147, 94: fornicarii, Homl. Skt. i. 17, 38.

un-rihtlíc; adj. Unrighteous, unjust, wicked, wrongful :-- Unryhtlícu iersung, ðæt is ðæt mon iersige on óðerne for his góde (on account of his prosperity), Past. 27; Swt. 189, 8. Hié him andwyrdon ðæt hit gemálíc wæ-acute;re and uuryhtlíc ðæt swá oferwlenced cyning sceolde winnan on swá earm folc responderunt, stolide opulentissimum regem adversus inopes sumsisse bellum, Ors. 1, 10; Swt. 44, 11. Gif æ-acute;lces mannes líf æ-acute;fre sceole swá gán ðæt hé mæge forbúgan bysmorlíce dæ-acute;da, ðonne bið unrihtlíc ðæt ða unrihtwísan onfón wítnunge for heora wóhnysse, Homl. Skt. i. 17, 231: Homl. Th. i. 292, 5. Ne lufa ðú gítsunga ne unrihtlíce welan ... Beó ðé swíðe ælfremed æ-acute;lc unrihtlíc gestreón, Basil admn. 9; Norm. 52, 18-21. For ðinum gódan willan ðú wéndest ðæt ðé nánwuht unrihtlíces on becuman ne mihte, Bt. 7, 3; Fox 22, 15. Þing unrihtlíc rem injustam, Ps. Spl. 100, 3. Hé ne mæg ðurhteón ðæt unryhtlíce weorc nequaquam usque ad opus nefarium rapitur, Past. 11; Swt. 73, 6. Mé egleþ swýðe ða unrihtlícan gefeoht ðe betwux ús sylfum syndan, L. Edm. S. prm.; Th. i. 246, 24. Be unrihtlícum hæ-acute;medum de pravis coitibus, L. Ecg. C. 21, tit.; Th. ii. 130, 4. [O. H. Ger. un-rehtlíh: Icel. ú-réttligr.]

un-rihtlíce; adv. Unrighteously, unjustly, wickedly, wrongfully :-- Unrihtlíce injuste, Ps. Spl. 68, 6: 118, 78. Nóht unryhtlíce non injuste, Past. 39; Swt. 285, 3. Gé unrihtlíce libbaþ inique agetis, Deut. 31, 29. Wé syngodon, wé dydon unrihtlíce, Homl. Th. ii. 420, 26: Wulfst. 160, 4: Blickl. Homl. 89, 19. Unrihtlíce hí mé hatiaþ odio iniquo oderunt me, Ps. Th. 24, 17. Se wæs unrihtlíce ofslagen ofer áþas and treówa, Bd. 2, 20; S. 521, 27. Se wæs unrihtlíce ádræ-acute;fed, Chr. 1022; Erl. 161, 36. Hé næ-acute;nigne man unrihtlíce fordémde, Blickl. Homl. 223, 32. Se ðe unwærlíce and unryhtlíce gewilnige qui incaute expetiit; Past. proem.; Swt. 23, 15. For ðam sceatte ðe hé lufode unrihtlíce, Basil admn. 9; Norm. 54, 15. Æ-acute;lc ðe hæ-acute;mð búton rihtre æ-acute;we, hé hæ-acute;mð unrihtlíce, Homl. Th. ii. 208, 16. [O. H. Ger. un-rihtlíhho: Icel. ú-réttliga.]

unriht-lust, es; m. Improper desire :-- Ðú eart scyldigra ðonne wé for ðínum ágnum unrihtlustum, Bt. 7, 5; Fox 24, 7.

unriht-lyblác, es; n. m. Sorcery :-- Ne galdorsangas ne unrihtlyblác wé onginnen, Wulfst. 253, 11. v. lyb-lác.

un-rihtness, e; f. Iniquity, injustice, wrong :-- Unrehtnise iniquitatis, Rtl. 42, 27. Unrehtnises, 174, 10. Ðú heardeste stræ-acute;l tó æ-acute;ghwilcre unrihtnesse, Blickl. Homl. 241, 4. Ða ðe wyrcaþ unrihtnesse (injustitiam), Ps. Lamb. 93, 4. Unrehtnisse iniquitatem, Lk. Skt. Rush. 13, 27.

unriht-weorc, es; n. Improper work :-- Be Sunnandæges unrihtweorcum de profanis operibus die Dominico, L. Ecg. C. 35, tit.; Th. ii. 130, 25.

unriht-wíf, es; n. A woman of bad character :-- Godwine hæfð gelæ-acute;d fulle láde æt ðan unrihtwífe ðe Leófgár bisceop hine tihte, Chart. Th. 373, 32.

unriht-wífung, e; f. Unlawful matrimony :-- Hé forlét ða unrihtwífunge abdicato connubio non legitimo, Bd. 2, 6; S. 508, 30.

unriht-willend, es; m.: or -willende adj. (ptcpl.) An ill-disposed person, an unrighteous person :-- Ðæt hé wiðstande mid his spræ-acute;ce ðám unryhtwillendum ðe ðyses middangeardes waldaþ hujus mundi potestatibus contraire, Past. 15; Swt. 89, 22.

unriht-wilnung, e; f. Improper desire, cupidity, concupiscence :-- Ánra gehwylces unrihtwillnung (cupiditas) on ðyssum fýre byrneþ, Bd. 3, 19; S. 548, 27. Ða ðe mid sumere unryhtwilnunga beóð fæ-acute;ringa ofersuíðede qui repentina concupiscentia superantur, Past. 23; Swt. 179, 2.

un-rihtwís; adj. Unrighteous, unjust, evil :-- Unrihtwís injustus, Wrt. Voc. i. 75, 70. Unrihtwís dóm ðæt se hálga wet swá ðrowode, Homl. Th. i. 596, 24. Se ðe ys on lytlum unrihtwís (iniquus), se ys eác on máran unrihtwís (-rehtwís, Lind.), Lk. Skt. 16, 10. Se unrihtwísa injustus, Ps. Spl. 35, 1. Se unrihtwísa déma judex iniquitatis, Lk. Skt. 18, 6. Se unrihtwísa cásere Neron, Bt. 16, 4; Fox 58, 2: 28; Fox 100, 25: Met. 15, 1. Of handa unrihtwíses (iniqui), Ps. Spl. 70, 5. Cýðeras unrihtwíse testes iniqui, 26, 18. Unrihtwíse injusti, Lk. Skt. 18, 11. Ða unryhtwísan impii, Past. 11; Swt. 65, 12. Ða unrihtwísan tæ-acute;laþ ða rihtwísan justus tulit crimen iniqui, Bt. 4; Fox 8, 15. Ða unrihtwísan cyngas tyranni, 37, 1; Fox 186, 26: 36, 2; Fox 174, 26. Ic hatode ða gesamnunge unrihtwísra (malignorum), Ps. Th. 25, 5. Se áwyrgda gást is heáfod ealra unrihtwísra dæ-acute;da, swylce unrihtwíse syndon deófles leomo, Blickl. Homl. 33, 7. Hé wæs mid unrihtwísum (-rehtuísum, Lind.: -rehtwísum, Rush. iniquis) geteald, Mk. Skt. 15, 28. Be ðám ofermódum and ðám unrihtwísum cyningum, Bt. 37, 1; Fox 186, 1: Met. 25, 2. [Icel. ú-réttwíss.]