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up, upp; adj. That is above, that is on high :-- Neoman ús tó wynne weoroda Drihten, upne écne gefeán, Cd. Th. 277, 4; Sat. 199. Gé synd uppe godu (uppe-godu? v. up-godu), ealle upheá and æðele bearn dii estis et filii excelsi omnes, Ps. Th. 81, 6. v. up-ness.
up-áhafenness, e; f. Uplifting, elevation. I. literal :-- Up-áhafenes handa mínra eleuatio manuum mearum, Ps. Lamb. 140, 2. Seó symbelnyss ðære hálgan róde upáhefennysse, Homl. Skt. ii. 23 b, 399. II. metaphorical, (a) exaltation :-- Drihten ys mín upáhafenys Dominus exaltatio mea, Ex. 17, 15. His mód bið áfédd mid ðære smeáunga ðære wilnunga óðerra monna hiérnesse and his selfes upáhæfenesse, Past. 8; Swt. 55, 6. (b) exultation :-- Welerum upáhafennysse labiis exultationis, Ps. Spl. 62, 6. (c) arrogance, pride :-- Hwæt is ðonne forcúðre ðonne sió upáhæfennes (-hæfenes, Hatt. MS.)? ... Hwæt mæg hiérre bión ðonne sió sóðe eáðmódnes? quid elatione dejectius ... Quid humilitate sublimius? Past. 41; Swt. 300, 18. Ðá wæs gehroren sió upáhæfenes Paulus,... and sóna æfter ðæm hryre ðære upáhaefennesse hé ongan timbran eáðmódnesse, 58; Swt. 443, 29. Hér is úres módes upáhafennes; ac ðæ-acute;r is ðære þýstro dymnes, L. E. I. proem.; Th. ii. 394, 12. Élc upáhafenes omnis arrogans (cf. 242), Kent. Gl. 547. Ðonne ðæt mód ðenceþ gegrípan him tó upáhæfenesse (-hef-, Hatt. MS.) ða eáðmódnesse, Past. 8; Swt. 54, 12. For gilpe and for upáhafenesse elationis intentione, 9; Swt. 55, 21. For his (Haman) upáhafennysse, Homl. Ass. 96, 135. Ða upáhafenesse (Nebuchadnezzar's) God getæ-acute;lde, Past. 4; Swt. 39, 20. Upáhefenysse insolentiam, superbiam, Hpt. Gl. 526, 73. v. up-áhefedness, -hefness.
up-áhefedlíce; adv. Proudly, arrogantly :-- Upáhefedlíce arroganter, superbe, Hpt. Gl. 422, 8.
up-áhefedness, e; f. Elevation. I. literal :-- Exaltatio sancte crucis, ðæt is on Engliscre spræ-acute;ce upáhefednyss ðære hálgan róde, for ðan ðe heó wæs áhafen on ðam dæge, Homl. Skt. ii. 27, 140. II. metaphorical, (a) exaltation :-- Þurh ðás clypunge is gesweotolad, ðæt æ-acute;lc upáhefednes ásprincð of módignesse cynrene ostendit nobis omnem exaltationem genus esse superbie, R. Ben. 22, 13. (b) exultation :-- Upáhæfdnes mín exaltatio mea, Ps. Lamb. 31, 7. (c) arrogance, pride :-- Ðisses mannes (Dives') uncyst and upáhefednys, Homl. Th. i. 328, 22: ii. 560, 20: Homl. Skt. i. 16, 163. Aman wearð gehýnd for his upáhefednysse, Homl. Ass. 101, 322. Hé (Lucifer) wæs fordón þurh ða miclan upáhefednysse, Homl. Th. i. 12, 21. Upáhefednesse forfleón elationem vel jactantiam fugere, R. Ben. 18, 23: L. E. I. 21; Th. ii. 418, 12. v. up-áhafenness.
up-áspringness, e; f. Uprising :-- Upáspringness &l-bar; eástdæ-acute;l ortus, Ps. Lamb. 102, 12.
up-ásprungenness, e; f. Uprising, origin :-- Ymbe ðiscs bissextus upásprungnysse wé wyllaþ rúmlícor iungum cnihtum geopenian, Anglia viii. 306, 14.
up-ástigenness and -ástígness, e; f. An ascent, (1) a going up, an ascension :-- Be ðisse drihtenlícan upástigennesse, Blickl. Homl. 117, 6. Æt ðære upástígnesse, 121, 13: 171, 9: Shrn. 78, 10: 79, 29: Nar. 39, 14. Ða hálgan upástigenesse on heofonas, Blickl. Homl. 119, 36. Upástígnesse, 81, 11. (2) a means of going up :-- Ic on ðam wealle næ-acute;nige duru ne eághþyrl ne uppástígnesse geseon mihte, Bd. 5, 12; S. 629, 15. Ðú ðe setst genipu upástígnesse ðínne qui ponis nubem ascensum tuum, Ps. Lamb. 103, 3. Stapas &l-bar; upástigenesse ascensiones, 83, 6.
up-cund; adj. Supernal, celestial :-- Onæ-acute;led mid ðý upcundan leóhte illustrates superno lumine, Past. 49; Swt. 379, 24. Cuman tó ðam upcundan æþelan ríce, Exon. Th. 17, 10; Cri. 268. Ðæt wé magon upcund ríce gestígan, 348, 27; Sch. 34. Upcundra ceastergewarena supernorum civium, Hpt. Gl. 423, 5. Upcundra eádegum setlum sedibus superum beatis, Dóm. L. 303. [In Bd. 4, 23; S. 595, 40 for upcundne swég read uppe cúðne swég; v. Bd. M. 340, 5.]
up-cyme, es; m. Up-coming, rising, up-springing :-- Upcyme wylla the springing up of the fountains, Cd. Th. 240, 12; Dan. 385. From sunnan upcyme a solis ortu, Ps. Surt. 49, 1: 106, 3. Naehte upcyme noctis exortum (l. exortu, v. Hymn. Surt. 2, 21), ii. p. 202, 1. Ic monnum sceal ýcan upcyme eádignesse for men I shall increase the upspringing of happiness, Exon. Th. 413, 3; Rä. 31, 9.
up-eard, es; m. A dwelling on high :-- Ic eom síþes fús upeard niman, Exon. Th. 166, 31; Gú. 1051.
up-ende, es; m. The upper end, top end :-- Se steorra Ursa is swíþe neáh ðam upende ðære eaxe summo vertice mundi flectit rapidos Ursa meatus, Bt. 39, 13; Fox 232, 13: Met. 29, 18. At ðas akeres upende, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 434, 2. Óð ðære foryrðe upende, 419, 33.
up-engel, es; m. An angel of heaven :-- Upengla fruma, Andr. Kmbl. 451; An. 226. Upengla weard, Menol. Fox 417; Men. 210.
up-færeld, es; n. (m.?) A journey up, an ascension :-- Eal heofonwaru wundrode ðysre fæ-acute;mnan upfæreldes, Homl. Th. i. 444, 1.
up-feax; adj. Having hair at the top, bald in front; recalvus, Wrt. Voc. i. 288, 57.
up-fléring, e; f. I. an upper floor :-- Seó upfléring tóbærst under his fötum, Homl. Th. ii. 164, 3. II. an upper chamber :-- Hí ástigon upp on áne upfléringe (coenaculum, Acts 1, 13), Homl. Th. i. 296, 9: 314, 7.
up-flór, a, e: -flóre, an; f.: es; m. An upper floor or story, upper chamber :-- Upflór solarium Wrt. Voc. i, 83, 31. Heó hæfde big behíd on hire upflóra (solario domus suae), Jos. 2, 6. Gesamnodon hí on sumre upflóra (de tecto et solario spectantes) ealle ða heáfodmen, Jud. 16, 25. Wunigende on ánre upflóra (in coenaculo), Homl.Th. i. 314, 5: ii. 184, 26: 164, 2: Homl. Skt. i. 10, 58, 64, 81: 18, 341: ii. 27, 31, 67. Seó wudewe wunode on clæ-acute;nnysse æfter hire were on hyre upflóre, Homl. Ass. 108, 204. Ða yldestan Angelcynnes witan gefeóllan of ánre upflóran (solario), Chr. 978; Erl. 127, 10. Sume férde upp on ðone uppflóre, 1083; Erl. 217, 18.
up-gang, es; m. I. a going up, rising of a heavenly body :-- Sunnon upgong æt middan sumere ortus solis solstitialis, Bd. 5, 12; S. 627, 34. Æfter sunnan upgonge, L. Alf. 25; Th. i. 50, 20. Æ-acute;r sunnan upgange, Lchdm. ii. 306, 17. Æt sunnan upgonge, Nar. 27, 17. Fram sunnan upgange óð hire setlgang, Ps. Th. 49, 2: 112, 3. Uppgange, 106, 3. Tóforan mónan upgonge, Nar. 13, 9. Hí (the constellations of the zodiac) gefyllaþ twá tída mid hyra upgange oððe nyðergange, Lchdm. iii. 246, 8. II. a going up, (a) to land from sea, a landing. v. up, I. a 1 :-- Hí forwerndon heom æ-acute;gðer ge upganges ge wæteres, Chr. 1046; Erl. 171, 5. (b) from the coast inland, an incursion :-- Hí námon him wintersettl on Temesan ... Ðá æfter middan wintra hí námon æ-acute;nne upgang út þurh Ciltern and swá tó Oxneforda. 1009; Erl. 143, 9. III. a way of going up :-- Hié gerýmdon ðone upgang and geworhtan, Blickl. Homl. 201, 17. [O. H. Ger. úf-gang ortus: Ger. auf-gang: Icel. upp-gangr: Dan. op-gang ascent; stairs.] v. next word.
up-gange, an; f. Landing. v. up-gang, II. a :-- Hí bæ-acute;don ðæt hí upgangan ágan móston they asked for leave to land, Byrht. Th. 134, 20; By. 87. [Icel. upp-ganga; f. a going ashore; a landing-place.]
up-gemynd, es; n. Mindfulness of what is above, thought directed heavenward :-- Hé hæfde hlúttre lufan, éce upgemynd engla blisse, Andr. Kmbl. 2129; An. 1066.
up-godu(-o); pl. n. The gods above :-- Upgodo superi, Wrt. Voc. ii. 80, 19.
up-hafenness, e; f. Elevation :-- Uphefenes honda mínra elevatio manuum mearum, Ps. Surt. 140, 2. v. up-áhafenness.
up-heáfod, es; n. A top end(?) :-- Tó crofte tó ðan upheáfdan (to the croft, to the top end of it?); of ðan upheáfðan, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. vi. 79, 10. v. heáfod.
up-heáh; adj. I. tall, lofty :-- Wæs hé .x. fóta upheáh pedum non amplius decem statura altior, Nar. 26, 28. Ða trió meahte beón hundteóntiges fóta upheáh he pedum centum alte erant arbores, 27, 28. Sindon dúna upheá, Exon. Th. 443, 15; Kl. 30. Wæ-acute;ron hié swá greáte swá columnan, ge eác sume uphýrran (proceriores), Nar. 14, 5. II. fig. lofty, noble :-- Ealle upheá and æðele bearn filii excelsi omnes, Ps. Th. 81, 6. III. upright :-- Ðá genam Sanctus Martinus hine be his handa and upheáh áræ-acute;rde, Blickl. Homl. 219, 20. Ðám treówum ðe him gecynde biþ upheáh tó standanne, Bt. 25; Fox 88, 22. [Icel. upp-hár high, tall.] v. up-lang.