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Wælgryre weroda, Cd. Th. 186, 11; Exod. 137. Ðú cásere . . . hyt byþ gód ðé and ðínum weorudum (werudum, v.l.), Lchdm. i. 330, 11. Hí ofslógon .iiii. werad (UNCERTAIN wera, feówer werod, v.ll.), Chr. 456; Erl. 13, 28. ¶ in epithets applied to the Deity, the Lord of hosts :-- Weoruda Dryhten, Andr. Kmbl. 345; An. 173: 869; An. 435. Weorada, Ps. C. 17: Hy. 8, 1. Drihten weoroda, Cd. Th. 301, 14; Sat. 581 : Exon. Th. 27, 10; Cri. 428. Weoroda ealdor, 15, 1; Cri. 229. Weoroda God, 332, 31; Vy. 93. (The passage is printed weorod anes God . . . monna cræftas; Mr. Bradley suggests that nes is merely an alternative inflexion for the na of monna, aud written above it. v. Academy, 1893, p. 83.) Weoruda God, 293, 19; Crä. 3: 126, 5; Gú. 366: 273, 13; Jul. 515. Weruda, Ps. Th. 76, 11. Weoruda helm, byrnwíggendra, Elen. Kmbl. 446 ; El. 223. Weoruda waldend, Exon. Th. 96, 6; Cri. 1570 : 137, 28; Gú. 566: Andr. Kmbl. 775; An. 388. Sigora waldend, weoruda wilgiefa, Exon. Th. 229, 34; Ph. 465: Andr. Kmbl. 123; An. 62 : 2565; An. 1284. Weoroda wuldorcyning, Exon. Th. 10, 32; Cri. 161. Weroda, Cd. Th. 213, 4; Exod. 547. Wereda, 1, 3; Gen. 2. Weoruda wuldorgeofa, Elen. Kmbl. 1358; El. 681. Wereda, Hy. 10, 48. (2) where a large number is arranged in regular companies :-- Hé gesceóp týn engla werod, ðæt sind englas . . . seraphim. Hér sindon nigon engla werod . . . Ðæt teóðe werod ábreáð, Homl. Th. i. 10, 12-18. (3) a body of servants, retainers, followers, associates :-- Ðis is hold weoiod. Beo. Th. 586; B. 290. Gif se getihtloda man máran werude beó ðonne twelfa sum, ðonne beó ðæt ordál forad, L. Ath. i. 23; Th. i. 212, 8. Ðá geáscode hé ðone cyning lytle werode (wyrede, v.l.) æt Merantúne, Chr. 755; Erl. 48, 29. Reste hé ðæ-acute;r mæ-acute;te weorode, Rood Kmbl. 138; Kr. 124. Ðá gesamnodan hié (Peter and Paul) heora weorod wiþ Simone, Blickl. Homl. 173, 9. Ðá gesamnode hé mycel weorod his manna, 199, 12. Hwyder gewiton ða mycclan weorod ðe him (the rich) ymb férdon and stódan? 99, 25. Oft wæ-acute;ron teónan weredum (the servants of Abraham and those of Lot), Cd. Th. 114, 1; Gen. 1897. (4) a company, assembly :-- Wealhþeów fore ðæm werede (the company in the hall) spræc, Beo. Th. 2435; B. 1215. Werede sinagoge, Kent. Gl. 101. (5) a crew of a ship, ship's company. v. scip-weorod :-- Sum streámráde con, weorudes wisa ofer wídne holm, Exon. Th. 296, 22; Crä. 55. [He &yogh;escop tyen engle werod oðer hapes, O. E. Homl. i. 219, 9. Niene englene ordres (weoredes, v.l.). A. R. 30, 19. Heouene riche wordes, Marh. 22, 25. Bruttene weored (ferde, 2nd MS.), Laym. 19922. Engel wird agen him cam, als it were wopnede here, Gen. and Ex. 1786.] v. burh-, eorl-, eorþ-, fird-. flet-, hell-, heofon-, heorþ-, leód-, lind-, man-, scip-, þegen-, þegnung-, wuldor-, wyn-weorod.
weorod, werod (-ed); adj. Sweet :-- Werod (word, v.l. late) dulcis, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 28 ; Zup. 54, 5. Wæter . . . werod on swæcce, Homl. Th. ii. 144, 4. Hwæðer hit bið ðe wered ðe biter ðe wé ðicgaþ, 372, 29: Ex. 15, 25. Weredre mulsae, Hpt. Gl. 413, 40. Þurh weredre pro dulci, 462, 66. Weredre itel wynsumre dulcisone, i. blanda, weredum beóbreáde vel swæ-acute;sum dulci favo, Wülck. Gl. 225, 17, 20. Werede ðigene nectareum edulium, Hpt. Gl. 413, 38: mulsum, 417, 56. Werede mulsa, 408, 32 : dulcia, Kent. Gl. 179. Ða leáf beóð werede on swæcce, Lchdm. i. 302, 21. Heó is weredre (rather sweet) on byrincge, 108, 2: 276, 10. Æ-acute;lcum men þincð huniges biobreád ðý weorodra, gif hé hwéne æ-acute;r biteres onbirigþ. Bt. 23; Fox 78, 25. Weorodran ofer hunig dulciora super mel, Ps. Lamb. 18, 11. v. þurh-, un-werod, and next word.
weorod, wered, es; n. A sweet drink :-- Hé scencte scír wered, Beo. Th. 996 ; B. 496. v. preceding word, and weorod-ness.
weorodian; p. ode To grow sweet :-- Hé is swíðe biter on múþe, and hé ðé tirþ on ða ðrotan, ðonne ðú his æ-acute;rest fandast; ac hé werodaþ (-edaþ, v.l.) syðþan hé innaþ, and biþ swíþe líþe on ðam innoþe (interius recepta dulcescant), Bt. 22, 1; Fox 76, 30.
weorodlæ-acute;can. v. ge-weorodlæ-acute;can.
weorodlíce; adv. Sweetly :-- Uton singan werodlíce canamus dulciter, Hy. Surt. 7, 38. Werudlíce dulcisone, Anglia xiii. 427, 887.
weorod-líst, e ; f. Want of troops, v. weorod, III. I :-- Rómwara cyning ríces ne wénde for werodlíste, hæfde wigena tó lyt, Elen. Kmbl. 125; El. 63.
weprod-ness, e; f. Sweetness :-- Ðeós werodnys (weorodnes, v.l.) hoc nectar, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 16 ; Zup. 42, 7. Weorodnyss dulcedo, Hy. Surt. 98, 17. Werednes, Wrt. Voc. ii. 142, 10. Werodnes, Ps. Lamb. 30, 20. Werednesse dulcedinem, Anglia xiii. 369, 48, Him ne lícaþ on his gecorenum náne lustfullunga oððte werodnyssa ðyssere worulde, Homl. Th. ii. 212, 3. [Salt &yogh;iueð mete wordnesse (smech v.l.), A. R. 138, 12.]
weorold (-uld), weorld, worold (-uld, -eld), world, e; f. (but se woruld, Prov. Kmbl. 40: worldes, Lk. Skt. l, 70: ðissum worulde, Met. 10, 70) A world :-- Ealra worulda scippend, Hy. 3, 23. I. the material world :-- Ðeáh ðú ealle gesceafta áne naman genemde, ealle ðú nemdest tógædere and héte woruld, and þeáh ðone ánne noman ðú tódæ-acute;ldest on feówer gesceafta; án ðæra is eorþe, óþer wæter, þridde lyft, feówrþe fýr, Bt. 33. 4; Fox 128, 28: Met. 20, 57. Weoruld, 20, 62, 171. Hire þúhte eall ðeós woruld wlitigre, Cd. Th. 38, 9 ; Gen. 604. Þenden standeþ woruld under wolcnum, 56, 22; Gen. 916 : Exon. Th. 203, 25 ;
Ph. 89. Ðeós world eall gewíteþ and eác ðe hire on wurdon átýdrede, Elen. Kmbl. 2552; El. 1277. Weorulde sceátum, Met. 20, 251: 24, 34: 30, 14. Worulde, Cd. Th. 13, 9; Gen. 199. Ofer worulde hróf, 241, 20; Dan. 407. Worolde dæ-acute;las, Beo. Th. 3469; B. 1732. Eall ðætte gróweþ, wæstmas on weorolde, Met. 29, 71. Hé grundsceát sóhte, wende tó worulde he came to the earth, Exon. Th. 41, 3; Cri. 650: Cd. Th. 30, 20; Gen. 420: 32, 29; Gen. 510. Næ-acute;ron geond weorulde welige hámas, Met. 8, 8. Ðú weorulde geworhtest, 20, 24. Weoruld, 28, 26: 31, 14. Geond ðás wídan weoruld, 8, 41. Worulde, 11, 45. Woruld, 13, 65: Cd. Th. 36, 2; Gen. 565. Wuldres wyrhta woruld staþelode, Exon. Th. 206, 22 ; Ph. 130. Ðú woruld gesceópe, Met. 20, 4. Swearc norðrodor, woruld miste oferteáh, Exon. Th. 178, 35 ; Gu. 1254. Ofer ealle woruld, Hy. 9, 34. Wurdon mycele wæterflód geond ealle world. Ors. l, 6; Swt. 36, 7. Ia. earth as opposed to heaven :-- Ic wæs on worulde wæ-acute;dla, ðæt ðú wurde welig on heofonum, Exon. Th. 91, 22; Cri. 1496. II. a state of existence, (1) the present state, (a) with reference to time. v. VI :-- Æ-acute;r woruld wæ-acute;re ante secula. Ps. Th. 73, 12. World, 89, 2. Worulde (woruldes, Lind. : weorulde, Rush.) endung consummatio saeculi. Mt. Kmbl. 13, 39, 40. Woreuldes, Lind. 24, 3. From fruman worulde, Exon. Th. 73, 20; Cri. 1192. Ðone forman dæg ðyssere worulde (seculi), Lchdm. iii. 238, 16. Se æftera worolde dæg, Shrn. 63, 4. Of worldes frymðe (from weorlde. Rush.) a saeculo, Lk. Skt. l, 70. Æ-acute;r worolde (worlde, Cott. MSS.) aste secula, Past. 3; Swt. 33, 13. Ætforan wurulde, Ps. Spl. 54, 21. God behét gefyrn worulde Abrahame, Homl. Th. ii. 12, 23. Se cásere ðe ðú embe áxast, hé wæs gefyrn worulde, and swíðe fela geára synd nú ágáne syððan hé gewát of ðysan life, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 727. On worulde æ-acute;r, Elen. Kmbl. 1118; El. 561. (b) as the seate of existence of all men :-- Hié ne dooð him nán gód ðisse weorolde eis necessaria praesentis vitae non tribuunt, Past. 18; Swt. 137, 5. Ðisse worolde (worlde, Hatt. MSS.) praesentis saeculi, 1; Swt. 27, 2. Æ-acute;lc wlite tó ende onetteþ ðisse weorlde lífes, Blickl. Homl. 57, 29. Worulde, Beo. Th. 4675; B. 2343 : Exon. Th. 158, 5 ; Gú. 904. Télnisse weorlde aerumnas saeculi, Mk. Skt. Rush. 4, 19. Worulde, Cd. Th. 270, 22 ; Sat. 94: Exon. Th. 122, 19; Gú. 308. Moncyn winþ on ðám ýðum ðisse worulde, Bt. 4 ; Fox 8, 22 : 33, 4; Fox 132, 28 : Met. 4, 56. Worulde gedál death, Beo. Th. 6128; B. 3068. Worulde brúcan to live, 2129; B. 1062. Gád worolde wilna, 1904; B. 950. Worlde geweorces, 5415 ; B. 2711. Hé unæþele á forð þanan wyrð on weorulde, Met. 17, 29. Worulde, Cd. Th. 35, 7; Gen. 551: 160, 25; Gen. 2655. Hé on weorolda (worulda, v.l.) hér wunodæ þrágæ, Chr. 1065; Erl. 197, 23. Hér on worulde, Cd. Th. 30, 29; Gen. 474. Ðín módor gewíteþ of weorulde þurh scondlícne deáð and heó ligeþ unbebyrged mater ena miserando exitu sepultura carebit, Nar. 31, 29. Worulde, Elen. Kmbl. 877; El. 440. Seó burh Iericho mid hire seofon weallum getác&dash-uncertain;node ðás áteorigendlícan woruld, ðe tyrnð on seofon dagum, and hí symle geedlæ-acute;caþ, óð ðæt seó geendung eallum mannum becume, Homl. Th. ii. 214, 29. Hí ðæ-acute;r hyra gecynda on weorold bringaþ ibi prolem reddunt, Nar. 35, 27. Woruld, Cd. Th. 137, 35; Gen. 2284. On woruld cenned, 12, 20; Gen. 188: 57, 5; Gen. 923. In worold wacan, Beo. Th. 119 ; B. 60. Worold oflæ-acute;tan, 2371; B. 1183. Ðás woruld þurh gást gedál ofgyfan, Cd. Th. 68, 32; Gen. 1126. Hé woruld ofgeaf, 71, 2; Gen. 1164. ¶ where the present state is contrasted with the future, where the temporal is contrasted with the eternal :-- Ðysse worulde (woreldes, Lind.: weorulde, Rush.) bearn . . . Ða ðe synt ðære worulde (weorlde, Rush. heaven) wyrðe, Lk. Skt. 20, 34, 35. Se ðe ða écan ágan wille gesæ-acute;lða, hé sceal swíðe flión ðisse worulde wlite. Met. 7, 31. Ne byð hyt hym forgyfen, ne on ðisse worulde (worold, Lind.: weorlde, Rush. saeculo), ne on ðære tóweardan, Mt. Kmbl. 12, 32. Forgife ðé Ðryhten willan on worulde, and in wuldre blæ-acute;d, Andr. Kmbl. 711; An. 356: 1895 ; An. 950. Se éca deáþ æfter ðisse worulde, Met. 10, 70. Ðæt God ðé on worlde (in mundo) ðíne synna forgyfe, and æfter worlde (post mundum) éce reste, L. Ecg. P. iv. 66 ; Th. ii. 226, 18. Ðás dagas tácniaþ ðás ondweardan weorld, and ða Eásterlícan dagas tácniaþ ða écean eádignesse, Blickl. Homl. 35, 31. Ðám ðe him willaþ ðás woruld úttor læ-acute;tan ðonne ðæt éce líf, Exon. Th. 109, 27; Gú. 96. On ðás þeóstran weorulde . . . æfter hingonge hreósan in helle, 86, 18 ; Cri. 1410. (c) of temporal things as distinguished from spiritual :-- Ðisse worulde (woruldes, Lind., saeculi) bearn synd gleáwran ðises leóhtes bearnum, Lk. Skt. 16, 8. Nó ic eów sweord ongeán óðberan þence, worulde wæ-acute;pen. Exon. Th. 120, 21 ; Gú. 275. Hé ðás woruld forhogde, 146, 22; Gú. 713. ¶ in the phrases æfter, for worolde according to the standard of the world, in respect to temporal matters :-- Wæs sum cempena ealdorman æfter worulde swíde æþelboren. Homl. Skt. ii. 30, 3. Mon monþwæ-acute;re and for weorulde gód vir summae mansuetudinis et civilitatis, Bd. 1, 8; S. 479, 29. For weorulde wís, Met. 1, 51. For Gode oððe for worulde gyltig, Lchdm. iii. 442, 35. Ðæt folc wolde hine áhebban tó cyninge, ðæt hé wæ-acute;re heora heáfod for worulde, Homl. Th. i. 162, 5. Ðá forlét hé eal ða ðing ðe hé for worulde hæfde. Bd. 3, 19; S. 549, 33: Exon. Th. 276, 22 ; Jul. 570. Gif hé récþ æ-acute;niges weorþscipes hér for worulde. Bt. 40, 3 ; Fox 238, 15 : Homl. Skt. i. 12, 102. Ðæ-acute;r ðú gemunan woldest hwylcra burgwara ðú wæ-acute;re for worulde, oþþe eft gástlíce hwilces geférscipes ðú