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þe, Kath. 216. Cf. He cweð þet he wolde hit wurðminten and arwurðen, Chr. 656 ; Erl. 30, 3.]

weorþness, e; f. I. worthiness, honourable character :-- For his geearnunge wurþnys[se] (wyrðnesse, Bd. M. 194, 34) hé wæs fram eallum monnum lufad ob meritorum dignitatem ab omnibus diligebatur, Bd. 3, 14; S. 540, 10. Tó lífes wyrþnysse ad vite honestatem, Anglia xiii. 368, 48. II. dignity, nobility, honourable or honoured condition: -- Werðnes dignitas, Kent. Gl. 582. Æþele æfter ðysse worulde wurþnysse ad saeculi hujus dignitatem nobilis, Bd. 4, 9; S. 577, 2. Ðú ðe menisc gicynd bufa frumes frumcendnisse eft boetest wyrðnise qui humanam naturam supra prime originis reparas dignitatem, Rtl. 35, 13. III. dignity, honourable office : -- Hæfde se cyning efenhlétan ðære cynelícan wurþnysse (regiae dignitatis), Bd. 3, 14 ; S. 539, 30. IV. dignity, state, imposing show :-- Hé férde tó Róme mid micelre weorþnesse, Chr. 855 ; Erl. 68, 28. V. honour shewn to an object :-- On wurþnysse ðínre in honore tuo, Ps. Spl. 44, 10. Ne is wítge búta worðnis (sine honore) búta on oeðel his, Mk. Skt. Lind. 6, 4. v. un-weorþness.

weorþscipe, es; m. I. worship, honour shewn to an object :-- Gif hwá biþ mid hwelcum welum geweorþod, hú ne belimpþ se weorþscipe tó ðam ðe hine geweorðaþ; ðæt is tó herianne hwéne rihtlícor si quod ex appositis luceat, ipsa quidem, quae sunt apposita, laudantur, Bt. 14, 3; Fox 46, 12. Ða dysiende wénaþ ðætte ðæt ðing sié æ-acute;lces weorþscipes betst wyrþe ðætte hí medemæste ongiton magon labuntur hi, qui quod sit optimum, id reverentiae cultu dignissimum putant, 24, 4; Fox 86, 10. Nys nán wítega bútan weorðscype (wurð-, v. l.) (sine honore), búton on his earde, Mt. Kmbl. 13, 57 : Mk. Skt. 6, 4. Hí wunnon æfter weorðscipe (wyrþ -, v. l.) on ðisse worulde, and tiledon gódes hlísan, Bt. 40, 4 ; Fox 240, 5. Ealne ðæne bysmor wé gyldaþ mid weorðscype ðám ðe ús scendaþ, Wulfst. 163, 10. Mid wurðscipe underfón, Chr. 785; Erl. 57, 19: Nicod. 20; Thw. 10, 26. Him cómon lác tó wurðscipe, Ælfc. T. Grn. 7, 32. Yfelwillende men næ-acute;nne weorþscipe næfdon, Bt. 15; Fox 48, 17. Uorðscip, Lind. : worðscip, Rush., honorem, Jn. Skt. 4, 44. II. honour, honourable or honoured condition, dignity, honours :-- Se weorþscipe and se anweald, gif hé becymþ tó ðam dysigan, hé mæg hine gedón weorþne dignitates honorabilem, cui provenerint, reddunt, Bt. 27, 1 ; Fox 94, 18. Benumen æ-acute;gþer ge ðínra welona ge ðínes weorþscipes, 7, 3; Fox 20, 5. Welan and weorþscipes hí willniaþ opes, honores ambiant, 32, 3; Fox 118, 29: Met. 19, 44. Hwæt mæg ic ðé máre secgan be ðam weorþscipe and be ðam anwealde ðisse worulde . . . Gé ne ongitaþ ðone heofoncundan anweald and ðone weorþscipe, se is eówer ágen . . . Hwæt se eówer wela and se eówer anweald ðe gé nú weorþscipe hátaþ, gif hé becymþ tó ðam eallra wyrrestan men quid de dignitatibus potentiaque disseram, quas vos, verae dignitatis ac potestatis inscii, coelo exaequatis ? quae si in improbissimum quemque ceciderint ? Bt. 16, 1 ; Fox 48, 27-34. Mann ðá ðá hé on wurðscype (in honore) wæs, Ps. Spl. 41, 21. Hé (Joseph) heóld his fæder on fullum wurðscipe ðæ-acute;r mid eallum his bróðrum, Ælfc. T. Grn. 5, 7. III. honour, glory: -- Míne fýnd mínne weorðscipe tó duste gewyrcen inimicus gloriam meam in pulverem deducat, Ps. Th. 7, 5. IV. honour, state, magnificence :-- Hé férde tó Róme mid mycclum wurðscipe, Chr. 855 ; Erl. 69, 18. V. dignity of behaviour :-- Móderlícere stæððinysse &l-bar; wurðscipe materna gravitate &l-bar; dignitate, Hpt. Gl. 469, 38. VI. worthiness, excellence, nobleness :-- Weorþscipe vel geþungennes dignitas, i. honestas, excellentia, fastigium, Wrt. Voc. ii. 140, 25. Sittende hé tæ-acute;hte ; ðæt belimpð tó wurðscipe láreówdómes, Homl. Th. i. 548, 25. Hié álýsde for his weorþscipe Eádmund cyning, Chr. 942; Erl. 116, 18. VII. an honour, a dignity, an honourable office or position :-- Ealdordómas vel ða héhstan wurðscipas fasces, biscoplíc wurðscipe flamininus honor, Wrt. Voc. i. 59, 53, 54. Swelce wræccan woldon underfón ðone weorðscipe and eác ða byrðenne infirmus quisque, ut honoris (plebium ducatus) onus percipiat, anhelat, Past. 7 ; Swt. 51, 23. Se ðe wel þénaþ, hé gódne wyrðscipe him sylfum gestrýnð qui bene ministraverit, gradum bonum sibi adquirit, R. Ben. 54, 18. VIIa. pl. Dignities, persons in office (?) :-- Wyrþscipas comitia (cf. weorþung-dæg). Wrt. Voc. i. 21, 65. VIII. an honour, ornament, decoration :-- Wurðscipe infula, Hpt. Gl. 458, 24. Gifu gumena byð gleng and herenys, wraðu and weorðscype, and wræcna gehwam ár and ætwist, Runic pm. Kmbl. 340, 25 ; Rún. 7. Mid twám wurðscipum geglængde se ælmihtiga Scyppend ðæs mannes sáwle; ðæt is mid écnysse and eádignysse, Homl. Skt. i. 1, 150. VIII a. honour, cause of an object being honoured or honourable :-- Hit gewearð ðæt ðam wísan men com tó lofe and tó wyrðscype ðæt se unrihtwísa cyning him teohhode tó wíte ita cruciatus, quos putabat tyrannus materiam crudelitatis, vir sapiens fecit esse virtutis, Bt. 16, 2 ; Fox 52, 26. IX. what is honoured or prized, an excellent thing, a good :-- On swelcum and on óþrum swelcum læ-acute;num and hreósendum weorþscipum (riches, fame, power, etc. , have been enumerated; cf. ðám læ-acute;num gódum, I. 1 UNCERTAIN), Bt. 24, 3 ; Fox 82, 21. v. un-, weorold-weorþscipe.

weorþung, e ; f. I. honouring, shewing of honour to an object, honour, reverence :-- Ðæm is simle wuldor and weorðung, Blickl. Homl. 169, 28. Ne is wítga búta worðunge (sine honore), búta on oedle his, Mk. Skt. Rush. Lind. 6, 4. For ðínre weorþunge in honore tuo, Ps. Th. 44, 10. Gif hé on ríce becymð, for ðære weorðunge ðæs folces hé bið on oferméttu áwended and gewunaþ tó ðæm gielpe si ad regiminis culmen eruperit, in elationem protinus usu gloriae permutatur, Past. 3 ; Swt. 35, 12. Leóhtfæt bið á byrnende for ðara swaþa weorþunga, Blickl. Homl. 127, 31. Wé habbaþ on Godes naman weorðunge bisceop gebletsode, Wulfst. 176, 2. Hé bið on gódre weorþunge he will be highly respected, Lchdm. iii. 158, 10. Ia. in religious matters, (1) worship of a god, divine worship, religious service :-- Tídsangas canonica, weorþung canor, Wrt. Voc. ii. 128, 27. Dægrédsanges weorþung is þus tó healdenne matutinorum solempnitas ita agatur, R. Ben. 37, 5. Ne dear man forhealdan lytel ne mycel ðæs ðe gelagod is tó gedwolgoda weorðunge, Wulfst. 157, 14. Drihtne tó wurðunga, Lev. 2, 2. Ídola wurðinge, L. N. P. L. 48 ; Th. ii. 298, 1. (2) honouring of a person, thing, or season, celebration, commemoration, festival :-- Mycel is þeós weorþung ðæs hálgan Sancte Ióhannes gebyrde, Blickl. Homl. 167, 13. On ðæm dæge ðe seó tíd bið and his (S. Michael) weorðung, 209, 17. Be ðisse hálgan tíde weorþunga ðe wé tó dæg mæ-acute;rsian sceolan and weorþian, 161, 4. Be ðyses dæges (Pentecost) weorþunga, 133 UNCERTAIN, 12. Æt eallra háligra weorðunge at the feast of All Saints, L. Alf. pol. 43; Th. i. 92, 8. Hé ða weorþunge Eástrena on riht ne heóld ne nyste de observatione Paschae minus perfecte sapiebat, Bd. 3, 17 ; S. 545, 2. Weorðunga, Blickl. Homl. 137, 8. Hí tó Hierusalem faran woldon for ðære hálgan róde wurðunga, ðe man æfter náht manegum dagum wurðian sceolde, Homl. Skt. ii. 23 b, 350. II. nobleness, glory, excellence :-- Ðæt wuldres bearn UNCERTAIN on ðysne middangeard ástág, and seó heofencunde weorþung ðone fæ-acute;mnlícan bósm Sancta Marian gefylde, Blickl. Homl. 165, 27. Mycel is se háligdóm and seó weorþung Sancte Ióhannes, ðæs mycelnesse se Hæ-acute;lend sylfa tácn sægde . . . Hé on his mægenes weorþunga oferswíþ ealra óþerra martira wuldor, 167, 16-25. Him wile God miltsian for heora mægena weorþunga, and for eorþlícra manna gebedum, 47, 8. Næs riht on ðære stówe æ-acute;nigne tó ácwellanne for ðære stówe weorþunge, Nar. 30, 3. Apostola ðínra worðunge folc ðín giwynsumia apostolorum tuorum Petri et Pauli honore plebs tua exultet, Rtl. 59, 33. Ðæt hé Sanctus Ióhannes lífes weorþunga gesecgan mæge, Blickl. Homl. 163, 36. III. ornament, decoration :-- Crist com tó wlitignesse and tó weorþunge his brýde, Blickl. Homl. 11, 31. Godwebba cyst, ðæt ðám hálgan húse sceolde tó weorþunga weorud sceáwian, Exon. Th. 70, 11 ; Cri. 1137. [Þat folc sungen UNCERTAIN heore leofsong ure Helende to wurðinge, O. E. Homl. i. 7, 10. Godes la&yogh;e bit ec mon wurðie his feder mid muchelere wurþunge, 109, 27. Ðe, God, to wurðinge, Gen. and Ex. 33. O. H. Ger. werdunga solemnitas, celebritas, dignitas: Icel. virðing worship, reputation, honour. ] v. breóst-, dæg-, háls-, hám-, hord-, bring-, mann-, neód-, sinc-, stán-ILLEGIBLE, sundor-, tîd- UNCERTAIN, treów-, un-, wíg-, will-weorþung.

weorþung-dæg, es; m. I. a day for the bestowing of honours or offices : -- Árdagas vel weorðungdagas (weordung-, Wrt.) comitiorum dies, honorum dies, Wrt. Voc. ii. 132, 29. [II. a day for worship or celebration :-- Setteres dei wes heore Sunedei, and bet heo heolden heore wurðingdei þene we doð, O. E. Homl. i. 9, 9.]

weorþung-stów, e; f. A place for worship :-- On ðære hálgan wurðungstówe de tabernaculo testimonii, Lev. 1, 1.

weorud, weoruld, weosan, weosend, weosnian, weosule, weota, weotan, weoðo-bán, weoðo-bend, weotian, weotuma. v. weorod, weorold, wesan, wesend, wisnian, wesle, wita, witan, wiþo-bán, wiþo-bend, witian, wituma.

weoxian; p. ode To wipe, make clean :-- Ðacian, ðecgan and fald weoxian, Anglia ix. 261, 18. Hús gódian, rihtan and weoxian, 262, 19. [Cf. O. H. Ger. wisken tergere.].

wépan; p. weóp, wép (wæ-acute;pde, Lind.), pl. weópon, wépon ; pp. wópen To weep, wail, mourn, lament :-- Ic wépe fleo, ðú wépst (wæ-acute;pst, v. l.) fles, ic weóp fleui, gewópen fletum, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 1; Zup. 152, 18. I. intrans. (1) of persons :-- Maria stód and weóp (hrémende &l-bar; uoepende plorans, Lind.); and ðá heó weóp (gewæ-acute;p fleret, Lind.), heó ábeáh nyðer . . . Ða englas cwæ-acute;don tó hyre : " Wíf, hwí wépst (uoepæs, Lind.: woepes, Rush., ploras) ðú ? " Jn. Skt. 20, 11-13. Hé geseah mycel gehlýd wépende (flentes) . . . Hé cwæþ: " Hwí wépaþ (ploratis) gé?" Mk. Skt. 5, 38, 39. Beornas grétaþ, wépaþ wánende wérgum stefnum, Exon. Th. 61, 31 ; Cri. 993. Hé weóp (ploravit) bityrlíce, Mt. 26, 75 : Andr. Kmbl. 2799; An. 1402. Hé weóp (geweæ-acute;p fleuit, Lind.) ofer hig, Lk. Skt. 19, 41. Wé heófdun and gé ne weópun (wæ-acute;pde gié plorastis, Lind.), 7, 32. Ne ceara ðu ne ne wép, Blickl. Homl. 143, 4. Wépan ploremus, Ps. Th. 94, 6. Wépan wé and geþencan hú Drihten cwæð : "Eádige beóþ ða ðe nú wépaþ (lugent, Mt. 5, 5), " Blickl. Homl. 25, 19. Gif ðú wistest hwæt ðé tóweard is, ðonne weópe ðú mid mé, Homl. Th. i. 404, 27. Ðá ongan hé wépan (woepa flere, Lind., Rush.), Mk. Skt. 14, 72. Mid wépendre béne lacrymosis precibus, Bd. 1, 12 ; S. 480, 26. Mid wæ-acute;pendre stefne flebili voce, 480, 37; Wépendre, Blickl. Homl. 87, 26, 8. Drihten hýrde míne wépendan stefne (vocem fletus mei), Ps. Th. 6, 7. Ða ðe wæ-acute;pende (flentes) sæ-acute;ton, Bd. 5, 12; S. 627, 14. Heófendum and wépendum (wópendum flentibus, Lind.), Mk. Skt. 16, 10. Hé gemétte swíþe manige wépende, and wæ-acute;ron UNCERTAIN cweþende : " Wá ús lá. . . " And ðá him swá wépendum, ðá com ðara sacerda ealdorman, Blickl. Homl.