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1220 WÍG(?) -- WÍG-BORA.

wíg seó, frécne feohtan. Exon. Th. 388, 6; Rä. 6, 3. Wælhwelpes wíg, 397, 21; Rä. 16, 23. Gesécean wíg, Beo. Th. 1374; B. 685. Wíg gefeohtan, 2170; B. 1083. An wíg gearwe, 2499; B. 1247. II. fighting force (abstract or concrete), valour; troops :-- Wæs his módsefa manegum gecýðed, wíg and wísdóm. Beo. Th. 705; B. 350. Næ-acute;fre on óre læg wídcúþes wíg, ðonne walu feóllon, 2088; B. 1082: Exon. Th. 338, 27; Gn. Ex. 85. On Móyses hand wearð wíg gifen, wigena mænieo, Cd. Th. 216, 11; Dan. 5. Hé mid ðam óðrum flocce tó ðære birig férde beótlíce mid wíge ascendit cum senioribus in fronte exercitus, vallatus auxilio pugnatorum, Jos. 8, 10. Ðanon hé gewende mid wíge tó Lebna and oferwann ða burh transivit cum omni Israel in Lebna et pugnabat contra eam, 10, 29. Offór hiene (Philip) óðere Sciþþie mid lytelre firde ... Philippus him dyde heora wíg unweorð (made light of their force), Ors. 3, 7; Swt. 118, 2. Ne hé him ðæs wyrmes wíg for wiht dyde, eafoð and ellen, Beo. Th. 4685; B. 2348. [He scheldede his scalken al se heo to wi&yogh;e solden, Laym. 4728. Com mid muchle wi&yogh;e (a great force) Irtac, 25365. To werchen wi to fight, Gen. and Ex. 3220. O. Sax. wíg: O. Frs. wích: O. H. Ger. wíc (ch, g) bellum, proelium, pugna, militia: Icel. víg; n. Cf. Goth. waihjó pugna.] v. án-, and- (Exon. Th. 112, 22; Gú. 147), camp-, féðe-, þræc-, weorold-wíg; or-wíge. The word is found in proper names, v. Txts. p. 631.

wíg (?); adj. v. wíg-heafola.

wiga, an; m. I. one who fights, a (fighting) man, a warrior :-- Wiga heros, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 31; Zup. 57, 11. Wiga oððe wígstrang bellipolens, Wrt. Voc. ii. 12, 45. Iung wiga tyro, i. 18, 16. Wiga wintrum geong, Byrht. Th. 137, 62; By. 210. Wælreów wiga (Beowulf), Beo. Th. 1262; B. 629. Wiga ellenróf, Wald. 79; Vald. 2, 11. Wác wiga, Exon. Th. 290, 18; Wand. 67. Wigan wígheardne, Byrht. Th. 133, 64; By. 75: Cd. Th. 189, 22; Exod. 188. Wigan unforhte, módige twégen, Byrht. Th. 134, 5; By. 79. Wigan on gewinne, 140, 42; By. 302: Cd. Th. 197, 23; Exod. 311: 219, 22; Dan. 58. Ðæ-acute;r wigan sittaþ on beórsele blíðe ætsomne, Runic pm. Kmbl. 342, 4; Rún. 14. Wigena æscberendra, Cd. Th. 123, 6; Gen. 2040. Wigena mænieo, 216, 12; Dan. 5. Wigena strengest(Beowulf), Beo. Th. 3091; B. 1543. Hí sendon máran sciphere strengran wihgena mittitur classis prolixior armatorum, Bd. 1, 15; S. 483, 16. Wigum and wæ-acute;pnum, Beo. Th. 4779; B. 2395. ¶ in phrases denoting a chief or leader :-- Wigena hláford (Byrhtnoth), Byrht. Th. 135, 49; By. 135. Wigena baldor (Holofernes), Judth. Thw. 22, 5; Jud. 49. Dauid cyning, wigena baldor, Elen. Kmbl. 688; El. 344. Wigena hleó ... wigena weard (Constantine), Elen. 300-306; El. 150-153. Wigena strengel (Beowulf), Beo. Th. 6222; B. 3115. Similarly the Deity is called wigena wyn, Exon. Th. 281, 4; Jul. 641. Ia. used of that which destroys :-- Wiga wælgifre (death), Exon. Th. 162, 7; Gú. 972: 231, 8; Ph. 486. Wiga unlæt láces, 164, 4; Gú. 1006. Fýr swearta lég, weallende wiga, 61, 15; Cri. 985. Wiga (a dog? fire?) is on eorþan wundrum ácenned, 433, 23; Rä. 51, 1. II. a noble, strenuous man :-- Se ðe mid wætere oferwearp wuldres cynebearn, wiga weorþlíce, Menol. Fox 317; Men. 160. Wigan unsláwne (St. Andrew), Andr. Kmbl. 3419; An. 1713. Wigena tíd (the day of St. Simon and St. Jude), Menol. Fox 370; Men. 186. [Gaw. Allit. Pms. wy&yogh;e; pl. wy&yogh;es: Alex. (Skt.) wee; pl. wees, wies: Piers P. wy, wye. Cf. O. H. Ger. Wigo (proper name).] v. æsc-, beorn-, byrn, cumbol-, folc-, gár-, gúð-, lind-, ord-, ræ-acute;de-, rand-, ríd-, scild-, wæ-acute;pen-, þeód-wiga.

wígan [p. wag, pl. wigon; pp. wigen] to fight, do battle :-- Nú sceal hond and heard sweord ymb hord wígan, Beo. Th. 5012; B. 2509. Móises getealde ðæs folces meniu wígendra manna numeravit Moyses omnem sianmam filiorum Israel a viginti annis et supra, Num. 26, 1. Six hund þúsenda wígendra manna, Homl. Th. ii. 194, 14: Homl. Skt. ii. 25, 367: Homl. Ass. 103, 54. [Goth. weihan (weigan? v. Lk. 14, 31); p. waih to fight: O. H. Ger. wíhantero bellantium. Cf. Icel. vega; fight.] v. ofer-wígan, wígend, wigian.

wí-gár. v. wíg-gár.

wíg-bæ-acute;re; adj. Warlike, martial, eager for fighting :-- Wígbæ-acute;re bellicosus, pugnandi cupidus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 125, 36.

wíg-bealu, wes; n. War-bale, harm caused by war or the calamity of war :-- Wígbealu weccean to kindle the wasting flame of war, Beo. Th. 4098; B. 2046.

wíg-bed, wí-bed, wió-bed, -bud, wié-bed, weó-bed, -bud, weófod (-ed, -ud), wéfod, es, also -beddes; n. (generally, but se weóbud, Past. 33; Swt. 217, 21, and pl. wíbedas, Bd. 5, 20; S. 641, 42) An altar [from wíg (wíh) and beód; some forms, e.g. wígbeddes, weóbedd, suggest that the word was thought to be derived from bed] :-- Weófod altar vel ara, Wrt. Voc. i. 26, 51. Hé scolde ðone Godes alter habban uppan áholodne, ðæt hé meahte on healdan ða lác ðe mon bróhte tó ðæm weóbude; for ðæm, gif se weóbud ufan hol næ-acute;re, and ðæ-acute;r wind tó cóme, ðonne tóstencte hé ða lác. Hwæt elles getácnaþ ðæt weóbud búton ryhtwisra monna sáula? ... Wæs eall sió offrung uppe on ðæt wiébed (wióbud, Cott. MSS.) bróht, Past. 33; Swt. 217, 19-25. Ðæt weóbud, 219, 3. Wígbed, Bd. 2, 3; S. 504, 39. Ðæt weófud (-od, MS. A.: wígbed. Lind.: wíbed, Rush.), Mt. Kmbl. 23, 19. Wígbedes hornas cornu altaris, Ps. Th. 117, 25: Ps. Lamb. 117, 27. Tó wígbedes ðénunge, Bd. 2, 20; S. 522, 9: 5, 10; S. 624, 34. Wígbedes (weófodes, col. 1), 3, 17; S. 544, 3, col. 2. Weófodes (wígbeddes, Lind.: wí-bedes, Rush.), Lk. Skt. 1, 11. Weófodes þén, Homl. Ass. 22, 206. Weóuedes (weófedes), R. Ben. 55, 2. On wígbede tó hálsienne ariolandi, Wrt. Voc. ii. 9, 15. Án dæ-acute;l ðam wíbede (wígbede, v. l.), L. E. B. 12; Th. ii. 242, 18: Bd. 3, 23; S. 555, 14. Tó wíbede, Ps. Surt. 42, 4. Tó weófode (wígbed, Lind.: weófud &l-bar; wíbede, Rush.), Mt. Kmbl. 5, 23. On wígbed ðín, Ps. C. 138. Tó wígbed (beforan ðæt weófud &l-bar; wíbed, Rush.) ad altare, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 5, 24. Ic ymbgaa wíbed ðín, Ps. Surt. 25, 6: Cd. Th. 107, 18; Gen. 1791: 108, 14; Gen. 1806: 113, 5; Gen. 1882. Weóbedd, 172, 8; Gen. 2841. Uppan ðæt weófod, Ex. 24, 6: 29, 20. Lege under weófod, Lchdm. ii. 138, 28: 142, 8. Wígbedu (wíbed, Surt.: weófod, Spl.: wiébed, Spl. T.) ðín altaria tua, Ps. Th. 83, 4. Tó wígbedum, Bd. 1, 27; 8. 488, 38. Wíbedum (v. l. weófodum), 1, 15; S. 484, 1. Tó Godes weófedan, L. Eth. vii. 26; Th. i. 334, 30. Tó hálgum wéfodum, Coll. Monast. Th. 36, 5. Ðæt tempel and ða weófedu (wígbedo, Bd. M. 136, 18) ... ða wígbed and ða heargas templa et altaria ... aras et fana, Bd. 2, 13; S. 516, 33-39. Ða wígbed (v. l. weófedu), S. 517, 18. Hé wíbedas sette, 5, 20; S. 641, 42. Wíbedu arulas, Germ. 394, 259. Paulus sceáwode ða weófoda, óþ ðæt hé funde án weófod ðe ðis gewrit on stód: Deo ignoto, ðæt is on Englisc, 'Uncúðum gode is ðis weófod hálig,' Homl. Skt. ii. 29, 21. Hig ðæ-acute;r gedydon twá weófedu, Blickl. Homl. 205, 15. [Laym. weofed (wefd, 2nd MS.), weofd; dat. wæfde (wefde, 2nd MS.): A. R. Kath. weoued: Ps. R. Glouc. weved: Ayenb. wieved.]

wígbed-bót, e; f. A fine paid to the bishop for the injury done to the church by doing wrong to one in holy orders :-- Gif man preóst gewundige, gebéte man ða wyrdlan, and tó weófodbóte for his háde sylle .xii. ór.; æt diácone .vi. ór. tó weófodbóte, L. N. P. L. 23; Th. ii. 294, 4-6. Gif man preóst ofsleá, forgilde man hine be fullan were, and biscope feówer and .xx. ór. tó weófodbóte; æt diácone .xii. ór. tó weófodbóte, 24; Th. ii. 294, 7-9. Gif hwá gehádodne man bende oððe beáte oþþe swýðe gebysmrige, béte wið hine swá hit riht sý, and bisceope weófodbóte be hádes mæ-acute;ðe, L. C. S. 42; Th. i. 400, 23. In the laws of Henry I it is called emendacio altaris, II, 8; Th. i. 521, 7: 66, 3; Th. i. 569, 13.

wígbed-heorþ, es; m. The altar-hearth, the part of the altar where the offering is burnt :-- Hé genom on ðam wíbedheorðe ðæs dustes dæ-acute;l, Lchdm. iii. 364, col. 1.

wígbed-hrægel, es; n. An altar-covering :-- Hé sende ða ðing eall ða ðe tó cyrican ðénunge nýdþearflíco wæ-acute;ron, húselfatu and wígbidhrægl (-bed-, Bd. M. 90, 2) (veslimenía altarium), Bd. 1. 29; S. 498, 9.

wígbed-sceát, es; m. An altar-cloth :-- Bewindan ða mágas ðæs cildes hand on ðæs altares weófodsceáte (in palla altaris), R. Ben. 103, 14. Ðis syndon ða cyrican mádmas on Scírburnan. Ðæ-acute;r synd ... .ii. mæssereáf and iii mæssehakelan and ii weóvedsceátas and ii overbræ-acute;dels, Cod. Dip. B. iii. 660, 33. Hit gedafenlíc is ðæt his (the priest's) reáf ne beó horig, and his weófodsceátas beón wel behworfene, L. Ælfc. C. 22; Th. ii. 350, 21. Hé hæfð ðiderynn gedón ... .v. wællene weófodsceátas and .vii. oferbræ-acute;delsas. Chart. Th. 429, 25. Gif hwá wyle wyrcan weófodsceátas oððe óðre reáf of his ealdum cláðum, gesylle ða ealdan, and geceápige níwe, Homl. Ass. 35, 284. v. next word.

wígbed-sceáta, an; m. An altar-cloth :-- On weófodsceátan in palla altaris, R. Ben. Inter. 99, 10.

wígbed-steall, es; n. The part of the church where the altar stands :-- Wé læ-acute;raþ ðæt mæssepreósta æ-acute;nig ne cume binnan weófodstealle búton his oferslipe, ne húru æt ðam weófode ðæt hé ðæ-acute;r þénige búton ðære wæ-acute;de, L. Edg. C. 46; Th. ii. 254, 9 note. v. wíg-steall.

wígbed-þegen, es; m. A minister of the altar, an ecclesiastic who performs service at the altar :-- Gif weófodþén, ðæt is, biscop oððe mæssepreóst oððe diácon, gewífode ... hí forbudon æ-acute;lc wíflác weófodþénum, L. I. P. 23; Th. ii. 336, 3-13: Wulfst. 270, 21. Gif weófodþén his ágen líf rihtlíce fadige, ðonne sí hé fulles þegnweres wurðe, L. Eth. ix. 28; Th. i. 346, 17. Be gehádedum mannum. Gif weófodþegen manslaga wyrðe, L. C. S. 41; Th. i. 400, 13. Gif man freóndleásne weófodþén mid tihtlan belecge, L. Eth. ix. 22; Th. i. 344, 22: L. C. E. 5; Th. i. 362, 18: L. C. S. 39; Th. i. 398, 25. Weófodþéna mæ-acute;ðe medemige man for Godes ege, L. Eth. ix. 18; Th. i. 344, 9.

wígbed-þegnung, e; f. Service at the altar :-- Wé forbeódaþ ðæt æ-acute;nig preóst óðre[s] cirican náðer ne gebicgæ ne geþicgæ, búton hine hwá mid heáfodgylte forwyrce, ðæt hé weófodþénunge wyrðe ne sí, L. N. P. L. 2; Th. ii. 290, 8.

wígbed-wíglere, es; m. One who divines from the sacrifices, a diviner, soothsayer :-- Wígbedwíglere ariolus (as if from ara), Wrt. Voc. i. 17, 11.

wíg-bil[l], es; n. A battle-blade, a sword :-- Ðæt sweord ongan æfter heaþoswáte hildegicelum, wígbil wanian, Beo. Th. 3218; B. 1607.

wíg-blác; adj. Splendid with warlike equipment :-- Werud wæs wígblác (cf. beran beorht searo, 191, 23; Exod. 219. Wígbord scinon, 207, 14; Exod. 466), Cd. Th. 190, 24; Exod. 204.

wíg-bora, an; m. A belligerent :-- Wígbora belliger, Ælfc. Gr. 8; Zup. 27, 16.