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W&i-long;g-bora, an; m. An image-bearer :-- W&i-long;cbora (wióbora, Anglia xiii. 35, 214) signifer, Hpt. Gl. 495, 71. v. win.

wig-bord, es; n. A shield :-- He h&e-long;ht him gewyrcean eall&i-long;renne w&i-long;g-bord; wisse he gearwe, &d-bar;æt him holtwudu helpan ne meahte, lind wi&d-bar; l&i-long;ge, Beo. Th. 4667; B. 2339. W&i-long;gbord scinon, Cd. Th. 207, 14; Exod. 466.

wig-cirm, es; m. The din of battle :-- Ðæ-long;r wæs w&i-long;gcyrm micel, hl&u-long;d hilde sw&e-long;g. Cd. Th. 120, 6 ; Gen. 1990.

w&i-long;g-cræft, es; m. I. war-craft, military skill :-- Pirrus wæs gemæ-long;rsad ofer eall &o-long;þere cyningas, æ-long;g&d-bar;er ge mid his miclan fultume, ge mid his ræ-long;dþeahtunge, ge mid his w&i-long;gcræfte Pyrrhus in se, ob magni-tudinem virium consiliorumque, summam belli nomenque traduxit, Ors. 4, l; Swt. 154, 27. H&y-long; him grimme forguldon &d-bar;one w&i-long;gcræft &d-bar;e h&y-long; æt him geleornodon vincere, dum vincitur, edocuit, I. 2; Swt. 30, 7. H&e-long; hæfde Higel&a-long;ces hilde gefrunen, wlonces w&i-long;gcræft (or II?), Beo. Th. 5898; B. 2953. 1a. a warlike art, a warlike engine :-- H&y-long; wurdon ger&a-long;de w&i-long;gcræfta, Ors. 1. 2 ; Swt. 30, 6. Mid scotum, ge mid st&a-long;na torfungum, ge mid eallum heora w&i-long;gcræftum vis magna telorum, 3, 9 ; Swt. 134, 16. W&i-long;gcræftum machinis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 58, 33. II. warlike force, military power (abstract or concrete) :-- On Thessali h&e-long; &d-bar;æt gewinn sw&i-long;þost dyde for &d-bar;ære gewilnunge &d-bar;e h&e-long; wolde hî him on fultum geteón for heora w&i-long;gcræfte, for &d-bar;on hié c&u-long;þon on horsum ealra folca feohtan betst Thessaliam ambitione habendorum equitum Thessalo-rum, quorum robur ut exercitui suo admiscerit, invasit, Ors. 3, 7 ; Swt. 112, 3. H&e-long; (Christ) mihte, gif h&e-long; wolde, w&i-long;gcræft habban s&o-long;na gen&o-long;hne (cf. Mt. 26, 53), L. Ælfc. P. 51 ; Th. ii. 386, 34. Ð&a-long; beþ&o-long;htan hié ealle heora w&i-long;gcræftas Exantipuse Xanlhippum, cum auxiliis accitum, ducem bello praefecerunt. Ors. 4, 6; Swt. 174, 30.

w&i-long;g-cræftig; adj. Strong in war :-- H&e-long; done g&u-long;&d-bar;wine (a sword) g&o-long;dne tealde, w&i-long;gcræftigne, Beo. Th. 3626; B. 1811.

w&i-long;gend, w&i-long;ggend, es; m. I. a fighting man, a warrior, soldier :-- W&i-long;gend weor&d-bar;tullost (Beowulf), Beo. Th. 6189; B. 3099. Dæm w&i-long;g-gende (Constantine), Elen. Kmbl. 1964; El. 984. Ð w&i-long;ggend (Holofernes), Judth. Thw. 25, 13; Jud. 258. W&i-long;gend cruncon wundum w&e-long;rige, Byrht. Th. 140, 43; By. 302; Beo. Th. 6279; B. 3144. W&i-long;gend unforhte. Cd. Th. 189, 6; Exod.180. W&i-long;gend, c&e-long;ne under cumblum, Andr. Kmbl. 2408; An. 1205. W&i-long;ggend, Judth. Thw. 22, 20; Jud. 69: 23, 26 ; Jud. 141. W&i-long;gendra scolu (Ulysses and his men), Met. 26, 31. W&i-long;ggendra, Andr. Kmbl. 2191 ; An. 1097. H&e-long; &d-bar;æ-long; word &a-long;cwæþ t&o-long; &d-bar;&a-long;m w&i-long;ggendum, Judth. Thw. 25, 29; Jud. 283. W&i-long;gend weccean, Beo. Th. 3040; B. 3024: Elen. Kmbl. 211; El. 106. II. n noble, strenuous man :-- Se w&i-long;gend, Nergendes þegen, Mathias, Menol. Fox 49; Men. 24. Ða w&i-long;gend, cempan coste (St. Andrew and St. Matthew), Andr. Kmbl. 2108; An. 1055. Wuldres wynn, w&i-long;gendra þrym, 1774; An. 889. W&i-long;gend (St. Andrew's disciples), 1699; An. 852. Gelæ-long;dde &d-bar;a w&i-long;gend (those in the ark) weroda Drihten, Cd. Th. 85, 7 ; Gen. 1411. ¶ in the phrase w&i-long;gendra hleó UNCERTAIN a lord, chief :-- W&i-long;gendra hleó, freáwine folca (Hrothgar), Beo. Th. 863; B. 429 : (Sigemund), 1803 ; B. 899 : (the Deity), Andr. Kmbl. 1011; An. 506 : (St. Andrew), 1792 ; An. 898. Ð&u-long; eart weoroda God, w&i-long;gendra hleó, helm alwihta, Exon. Th. 25, 31; Cri. 409. Wíggendra hleó, Eádmund cyning, Chr. 942; Erl. 116, 18. [O. Sax. O. Frs. w&i-long;gand : O. H. Ger. w&i-long;gant bellator, pugnator, mars, armatus.] v. burg-, byrn-, g&a-long;r-, lind-, rand-, sweord-w&i-long;gend

wigende; adj. (ptcpl. ) Fighting, able to fight, v. w&i-long;gan.

Wigere-ceaster. v. Weogorna-ceaster.

Wigestas (-e ?); pl. m. The name of some people in England :-- Wigesta landes is nygan hund h&y-long;da, Cod. Dip. B. i. 414, 20.

w&i-long;g-freca, an; m. A warrior :-- Wyrsan w&i-long;gfrecan, Beo. Th. 2428; B. 1212 : 4985 ; B. 2496.

w&i-long;g-fruma, an; m. A leader in war, a chieftain :-- W&i-long;gfruma (Hroth-gar), Beo. Th. 1332; B. 664. Æfter w&i-long;gfrumian after the chieftain's death, 4514; B. 2261.

w&i-long;g-g&a-long;r, es; m. A lance :-- W&i-long;g&a-long;r lancea, wegures (w&i-longg&a-long;res?) gewri&d-bar; amentum, Wrt. Voc. i. 35, 46 - 47. Cf. w&i-long;g-spere.

w&i-long;g-gebed, es; n. Prayer to an idol (?) :-- W&i-long;ggebed (wigg-bed?) ara, Wrt. Voc. ii. 9, , 43. v. w&i-long;g-bed.

wig-getawa (-e); pl. f. War-equipments :-- On w&i-long;ggetawum, Beo. Th. 741; B. 368.

w&i-long;g-gild (w&i-long;h-), es; u. An idol :-- Hié onhnigon t&o-long; &d-bar;ani herige, hæ-long;&d-bar;ne þeóde wur&d-bar;edon w&i-long;hgyld, Cd. Th. 227, 5; Dan. 182. Cf. deófol-gild.

wíg-gryre, es; m. Terror caused by war :-- W&i-long;ggryre w&i-long;fes the terror inspired when a woman makes war, Beo. Th. 2572 ; B. 1284.

w&i-long;g-haga, an; m. A phalanx :-- H&e-long; mid bordum h&e-long;t wyrcan &d-bar;one w&i-long;hagan, and &d-bar;æt werod healdan fæste wi&d-bar; feóndum. Byrht. Th. 134, 50 ; By. 102.

wig-heafola (?) :-- [H&e-long;] w&o-long;d þurh &d-bar;one wælr&e-long;c w&i-long;g[hea]folan bær freán on fultum. Beo. Th. 5316; B. 2661. Hea is the reading of Thorkelin's transcripts, but now the MS. shews only quite uncertain traces of h, and ea is entirely gone (Zupitza). W&i-long;g-heafola is taken to mean a helmet by some editors: Grein suggests w&i-long;gneafolan = umbonem bellicum i. e. clypeum. Could the reading be w&i-long;gneafolan ? Cf. Icel v&i-long;gr in fighting state, serviceable for fighting, and afli strength; so that the passage would mean he had or brought strength that might serve to help his lord in battle.

w&i-long;g-hép, es; m. A war-troop, a band of warriors :-- Is m&i-long;n fletwerod, . w&i-long;gheáp gewanod, Beo. Th. 958; B. 477.

w&i-long;g-heard ; adj. Stout in fight, hardy :-- W&i-long;gan w&i-long;gheardne. Byrht. Th. 133, 64; By. 75. [Icel. v&i-long;g-harðr (poet.).]

wig-hete, es; m. Hate that leads to war :-- Sunu deáþ fornam, w&i-long;ghete Wedera death took off her son, the Weders' hate that found its vent in war, Bec. Th. 4246; B. 2121.

w&i-long;g-hryre, es; m. Fall in fight :-- Se &d-bar;e æt sæcce geb&a-long;d w&i-long;ghryre wr&a-long;&d-bar;ra he that in strife had lived to see the fall in fight of fierce foes, Beo. Th. 3242; B. 1619.

w&i-long;g-h&u-long;s, es; n. (in Wrt. Voc. i. 36, 41 it is masc.) A war-house, a tower, fortification :-- Ðis w&i-long;gh&u-long;s haec arx, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 75; Zup. 73, 14: 3 ; Zup. 7, 9. Se h&i-long;hsta w&i-long;gh&u-long;s arx, Wrt. Voc. i. 36, 41. W&i-long;gh&u-long;s propugnaculum, Hpt. Gl. 499, 61. On æ-long;lcurn ylpe wæs &a-long;n w&i-long;gh&u-long;s getimbrod, and on æ-long;lcum w&i-long;gh&u-long;se wæ-long;ron þrittig manna, Homl. Skt. ii. 25, 561. W&i-long;gh&u-long;ses turris, Wrt. Voc. ii. 84, 28. W&i-long;gh&u-long;s propugnacula, i. 36, 40. W&i-long;gh&u-long;sum turribus, ii. 91, 25: Ps. Th. 47, ii: Past. 33; Swt. 2 29, 5. Se weall is mid stæ-long;nenum w&i-long;gh&u-long;sum (habitaculis defensorum) beworht, Ors. 2, 4; Swt. 74, 21. Menn wyrcaþ w&i-long;gh&u-long;s him (elephants) on uppan, and of &d-bar;&a-long;m feohtaþ, Hex. 9 ; Norm. 16, II. [O. H. Ger. w&i-long;c-h&u-long;s turris, propugnaculum.]

w&i-long;g-hyrst, e; f. The trappings of war :-- Beorn monig goldbeorht w&i-long;ghyrstum sc&a-long;n. Exon. Th. 478, 3; Ruin. 35.

wigian; p. ode To fight :-- Gif h&e-long; wigie and man gewundie, L. E. G. 6; Th. i. 170, 8. [Cf. Goth. waihj&o-long; strife.] v. w&i-long;gan.

w&i-long;gle (wigle?), es; n. Divination, heathen practice :-- W&i-long;glum cere-monias (the passage is: Ad tortas simulacrorum ceremonias, Ald. 41), Anglia xiii. 33, 162. [Þurh Merlines wi&yogh;el (craft, 2nd MS. ), Laym. 19250. He (devil) make&d-bar; be unbilefulle man to leven swilcne wigeles, swo ich ar embe spac, Rel. Ant. i. 131, 27. His (the devil's) wi&yogh;eles and his wrenches, A. R. 300, 5. Wieles, 92, 21: Fragm. Phlps. 8, 54. Wiheles, Marh. 13, 9.] v. steor-wigle; w&i-long;glere.

w&i-long;g-leóþ. es; n. A war-song, the trumpet's summons :-- Gemundon weardas w&i-long;gleóþ . . . b&y-long;man geh&y-long;rdon flotan, Cd. Th. 191, 27; Exod. 221.

w&i-long;glere (wiglere ?), weohlere, es; m. A diviner, soothsayer, augur, sorcerer :-- W&i-long;glere augur, Wrt. Voc. i. 74, 37. Ðes and &d-bar;eós wiglere hic et haec augur, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 22 ; Zup. 49, 2. N&u-long; cwy&d-bar; sum w&i-long;glere, &d-bar;æt wiccan oft secgaþ sw&a-long; sw&a-long; hit &a-long;gæ-long;&d-bar; mid &d-bar;&d-bar;um &d-bar;incge, Homl. Skt. i. 17, 108. On gellcnysse w&i-long;gleres and ræ-long;dendes (arioli et coniectoris), Scint. 75, 12. W&y-long;gleras auspices, Germ. 398, 79. Be wiccum, w&i-long;glerum, etc. Gif wiccan o&d-bar;&d-bar;e w&i-long;gleras, oþþe morðwyrhtan . . . , L. E. G. II; Th. i. 172, 20: L. C. S. 4 ; Th. i. 378, 7. Wiccan oþþe wígleras, scíncræftigan . . . , L. Eth. vi. 7; Th. i. 316, 20. Wiccan and w&i-long;gleras (w&i-long;geleras, v. l.). Wulfst. 27, I. Dr&y-long;men, and wiccan and &o-long;&d-bar;re w&i-long;geleras beó&d-bar; t&o-long; helle bescofene for heora sc&i-long;ncræftum, Homl. Th. ii. 330, 28. W&i-long;gulera magorum, hariolorum, Hpt. Gl. 502, 51. Tunglera &l-bar; w&i-long;[g]lera Chaldaeorum ... w&i-long;hlera (?) printed wineena hariolorum, 483, 5-10. Ðonne man t&o-long; wiccan and t&o-long; w&i-long;gleran tilunge s&e-long;ce æt æ-long;nigre neóde,

Wulfst. 171, II. H&e-long; wiccan fordyde, and w&i-long;gleras &a-long;fi&i-long;gde, and dr&y-long;cræft t&o-long;wearp, Homl. Skt. i. 18, 464. [Wielare augur. Wrt. Voc. i. 89, 20. þe wielare (the devil) make&d-bar; a swote smel cumen, ase þauh hit were of

heouene, A. R. 106, 2. M. Du. wijcheler.] v. fugel-, gebyrd-, w&i-long;gbed-wíglere (-weohlere), and next word.

wiglian; p. ode To practise divination or sorcery :--W&i-long;gliaþ stunte men menigfealde w&i-long;gelunga on &d-bar;isum dæge æfter hæ-long;&d-bar;;enum gewunan, swylce h&i-long; magon heora l&i-long;f gelengan, oþþe heora gesundfulnysse. Homl. Th. i. 100, 19. Ne sceal n&a-long;n cristen mann n&a-long;n þincg be &d-bar;ám m&o-long;nan w&i-long;glian, Lchdm. iii. 266, 17. [M. Du. wijchelen. v. Grmm. D. M. 985.] v. wiglung; wigol.

w&i-long;g-l&i-long;c; adj. Warlike, martial :-- Ðæt wæts UNCERTAIN w&i-long;gl&i-long;c werod, Cd. Th. 192, 17; Exod. 233. W&i-long;gl&i-long;c bellica, Wrt. Voc. ii. 125, 42. W&i-long;gl&i-long;ce

t&o-long;l instrumenta bellica, Hpt. Gl. 424, 28. W&i-long;gl&i-long;ce bellicosas, 425, 7.

W&e-long;pna w&i-long;gl&i-long;ce arma bellica, Hymn. Hure. 135, 23. [O. H. Ger. w&i-long;c-l&i-long;h bellicus, bellicosus: Icel. v&i-long;g-ligr.]

w&i-long;gl&i-long;ce; adv. In a warlike manner, by fighting :-- Bellatores syndon w&i-long;gmen,&d-bar;e eard sculon werian w&i-long;gl&i-long;ce mid wæ-long;pnum, L. I. P. 4; Th. ii. 306, 37 : Wulfst. 267, 16. v. &a-long;n-w&i-long;glíce.

wiglung, e; f. Divination, soothsaying, sorcery, augury :-- W&i-long;lung divinatio, Kent. Gl. 554. W&e-long; geh&y-long;rdon seggon, &d-bar;æt n&a-long;n mann ne leofode gif h&e-long; gewundod wæ-long;re on ealra h&a-long;lgena mæssedæg. Nis &d-bar;is n&a-long;n w&i-long;glung, ac w&i-long;se menn hit &a-long;funden þurh &d-bar;one h&a-long;lgan w&i-long;sd&o-long;m, Lchdm. iii. 154, 5. Gif treówa beó&d-bar; on fullum m&o-long;nan geheáwene, h&i-long; beó&d-bar; heardran, and langfæ-long;rran t&o-long; getimbrunge. . . Nis &d-bar;is n&a-long;n w&i-long;glung, ac is gecyndel&i-long;c &d-bar;incg, Homl. Th. i. 102, 25. Hleótan man m&o-long;t b&u-long;tan wiccecrætte . . . gif h&i-long; hwæt dæ-long;lan willaþ; &d-bar;is nis n&a-long;n w&i-long;glung, ac bi&d-bar; wissung for oft. Homl. Skt. i. 17, 87. W&i-long;gelunge divinatione, Hpt. Gl. 467, 69. Deófles b&i-long;gencg, ne on w&i-long;glunge ne on wicced&o-long;me, Homl. Ass. 143, 122. Ðæt