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3, 17. Bisin of winnuncum parabolam de zizaniis, Mt. Kmbl. p. 17, 4. [Cf. O. H. Ger. wintón ventilare: Goth. winþi-skauró ventilabrum. ] Cf. next word.
windwian; p. ode To winnow; ventilare, (1) literal :-- Hé corn ðærsc and windwode, Shrn. 61, 19. (2) figurative :-- Fiónd úre wé windwiaþ inimicos nostros ventilavimus, Ps. Surt. 43, 6. Ic windwade (ventilabam) in mé gást mínne, 76, 7. [God wule windwin þet er wes iþorschen, O. E. Homl. i. 85, 22. Ane wummon windwede hweate, A. R. 272, 20. Drihtin windweð his hweate, Jul. 79, 15. Winndell forr to winndwenn, Orm. 10483. Windewe, winewe, Wick. Jer. 49, 36. Wymvyn UNCERTAIN ventilo, Prompt. Parv. 530.] v. á-, ge-windwian ; and cf. preceding word.
windwig-ceaf, es; n. A husk winnowed from the grain :-- Windwig&dash-uncertain;ceafum paleis (the passage is : Non te hordeo alam, sed paleis et fame conficiam, Ald. 34), Hpt. Gl. 464, 3.
windwig-scofl, e; f. A winnowing-fan :-- Windiuscoful (windui-? = windwig-) ventilabrum, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 3, 12. v. wind-scofl.
windwig-sife, es ; n. A winnowing-sieve :-- Windwigsyfe ventilabrum, Wrt. Voc. i. 34, 44.
wine, es; m. A friend. (1) applied to an equal :-- Wine mín, Húnferð, Beo. Th. 1065; B. 530. Hé ongan winas manian, frýnd and geféran, Byrht. Th. 138, 31 ; By. 228. (2) applied to one who can help or protect, a friendly lord, a (powerful) friend :-- Wine fród . . . Geared læ-acute;fde land and leódweard (cf. Geared gold brittade . . . , his freómágum leóf, 72, 8 ; Gen. 1183), Cd. Th. 72, 29; Gen. 1194. Ne þurfon mé hæleð ætwítan, nú mín wine (Byrhtnoth) gecranc, ðæt ic hláfordleás hám síðie, Byrht. Th. 139, 7; By. 250. Wine Scyldinga, leóf landfruma, Beo. Th. 60; B. 30 : 298 ; B. 148. Wine Scyldinga, ríces hyrde, 4057 ; B. 2026. Meaht ðú, mín wine (my lord), méce gecnáwan, 4100 ; B. 2047. Wine Ebréa (Abraham), Cd. Th. 170, 20; Gen. 2816. Æfter wines (cf. freán úserne, leófne mannan (Beowulf), 6206; B. 3107) dæ-acute;dum, Beo. Th. 6184; B. 3096. Hé sóhte holdne wine (Hrothgar), 758; B. 376. Wine Deniga, freán Scyldinga, 706; B. 350. Ne sint mé winas (friends who will protect) cúðe eorlas elþeódige, Andr. Kmbl. 396; An. 198. Ðæ-acute;r him folcweras fremde wæ-acute;ron, wine uncúðe, Cd. Th. 110, 32; Gen. 1847. Ic fela folca gesóhte, wina uncúðra, 163, 14 ; Gen. 2698. Hé (Pharaoh) héht him (Abraham) wine (or sing.?) ceósan, ellor æðelingas, óðre dugeðe, 112, 8; Gen. 1867. Ne ceara incit duguða ellor sécan, winas uncúðe, ac wuniaþ hér, 165, 19; Gen. 2734. (3) used of a husband or lover :-- Mín freónd siteþ, wine wérigmód . . . Dreógeþ se mín wine micle mód&dash-uncertain;ceare, Exon. Th. 444, 15-22; Kl. 47-51. Ðú meaht hit mé (Eve) wítan, wine mín, Adam, Cd. Th. 51, 10 ; Gen. 824. Wine amatore (the passage is: Ab alio amatore (Christ) praeventa sum, qui me annulo fidei suae subarravit, Ald. 60), Hpt. Gl. 506, 55. (4) applied to an inferior or subordinate, one to whom favour or protection may be shewn :-- Hróðgár maþelode: "Wine mín, Beówulf. . . , " Beo. Th. 919; B. 457: 3413; B. 1704. Se eádga wer (Guthlac) ágeaf andsware : "Hwæt, ðú (the disciple) mé, mín wine, frignest, " Exon. Th. 175, 25; Gú. 1200. Ða gástas ðus ðone líchoman grétaþ : " Wine leófesta, " Soul Kmbl. 266; Seel. 137: Andr. Kmbl. 614; An. 307: 2862; An. 1433. Dryhten wine sínne (St. Andrew) grétte, 2926; An. 1466. Wine leófestan ( Guthlac's disciple), Exon. Th. 166, 1; Gú. 1036. Winiga (wunga, MS.) hleó (Guthlac), 184, 4; Gú. 1339. Winia bealdor (Beowulf), Beo. Th. 5127 ; B. 2567. Winigea (or under I?) leásum, 3332; B. 1664. [Brutus þe wes mi deore wine, mi drihliche lauerd (mi louerd deore, 2nd MS.), Laym. 2289. Og eurilc wurðen stedefæst his wine, Misc. 12, 374. O. Sax. wini: O. H. Ger. wini amicus, sodalis, dilectus: Icel. vinr.] v. freá-, freó-, gold-, gúð-, iu-, mæ-acute;g-, sundor-, un-wine.
wín-eard. v. wín-geard.
Winedas; pl. m. The Wends :-- Wineda lond, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 16, 9. Se port Hæ-acute;þum stent betuh Winedum, and Seaxum, and Angle, Swt. 19, 23. Mid Winedum, Exon. Th. 322, 8; Víd. 60. Winedas and Burgendan, Ors. 1, 1 ; Swt. 16, 30. [O. H. Ger. Winidá Vandali: Icel. Vindir the Wends.] v. Weonod-land.
wine-dryhten, es; m. A friendly, gracious lord. v. wine (2) :-- Ongan his magu frignan: " Hú gewearð ðé ðus, winedryhten (Guthlac) mín, fæder, freónda hleó?" Exon. Th. 162, 32 ; Gú. 984. Se ðe sceal his winedryhtnes leófes lárcwidum forþolian, 288, 27 ; Wand. 37. Ongon hé tó his winedryhtne mæðlan : "Ic ðec hálsige, hæleða leófost, 174, 9; Gú. 1175. Winedrihtne, Beo. Th. 726; B. 360. Ðæt mon his winedryhten wordum herge, 6332 ; B. 3176 : 5437; B. 2722 : Judth. Thw. 25, 23 ; Jud. 274. Hé winedryhten (the Deity) frægn, Andr. Kmbl. 1838; An. 921. Hié winedrihten wiht ne lógon, glædne Hróðgár, ac wæs ðæt gód cyning, Beo. Th. 1728 ; B. 862. Hié wíscton and ne wéndon, ðæt hié heora winedrihten selfne gesáwon, 3213; B. 1604: Byrht. Th. 139, 3: By. 248.
wine-geómor; adj. Sad for the loss of friends :-- Ealle hié deáð fornam, and se án leóda duguðe, se ðæ-acute;r lengest hwearf, wearð wine-geómor, Beo. Th. 4470; B. 2239.
wine-leás; adj. Friendless. v. wine :-- Láð biþ æ-acute;ghwæ-acute;r fore his wonsceaftum wineleás hæle, Exon. Th. 329, 11; Vy. 32. Wineleás wonsæ-acute;lig mon genimeþ him wulfas tó geféran, 342, 24; Gn. Ex. 147. Earm biþ se ðe sceal ána lifgan, wineleás wunian, 344, 15; Gn. Ex. 174. Wineleás guma, 289, 9 ; Wand. 45. Ic mé féran gewát folgaþ sécan, wineleás wræcca, 442, 9; Kl. 10. Ánhoga leódwynna leás, wineleás wræcca, 457, 27; Hy. 4, 90. Cain gewát gongan Gode of gesyhðe, wineleás wrecca, Cd. Th. 64, 16 ; Gen. 1051. Wreccan wineleásum bana, Beo. Th. 5219; B. 2613. Se ðec (Nebuchadnezzar) wineleásne on wræc sendeþ (they shall drive thee from men, Dan. 4, 25), Cd. Th. 251, 25 ; Dan. 569. [Icel. vin-lauss friendless.]
wine-mæ-acute;g, es; m. A loving kinsman :-- Him his winemágas georne hýrdon, Beo. Th. 131; B. 65: Byrht. Th. 140, 50; By. 306: Elen. Kmbl. 2029; El. 1016. Hé winemága lyt, freónda hæfde, Cd. Th. 158, 31; Gen. 2625. Winemæ-acute;ga hryre, Exon. Th. 287, 1; Wand. 7: 184, 2; Gú. 1338. Winemæ-acute;gum bidroren, 306, 31; Seef. 16. Fléma, winemágum láð, Cd. Th. 62, 29; Gen. 1021. [Wreke we ure wine&dash-uncertain;mæies, Laym. 5831.]
wine-scipe, es; m. Friendship :-- Winescipe collegio (the passage is: Inseparabili angelicae sodalitatis collegio perfrui, Ald. 15), Wrt. Voc. ii. 77, 10: 18, 5. Læ-acute;st wæ-acute;re and winescype, word ða wit spræ-acute;con, Exon. Th. 172, 17; Gú. 1145. [Icel. vin-skapr friendship: Dan. ven-skab. Cf. O. H. Ger. wine-scaft, -scaf amor, foedus.]
winestra; adj. Left; the feminine form is used substantively = left hand. v. swíþ, II :-- Ðæt sió winestre hand ne scyle witan hwæt sió suíðre dó, Past. 44; Swt. 323, 14. "Dryhtnes winestre hand is under mínum heáfde. " Sió winestre hand Godes, hé cwæð, wæ-acute;re under his heáfde . . . Eft wæs gecueden ðætte on his winestran handa wæ-acute;re wela. . . Godes fiónd, ðeáh hí on ðære winstran handa bión geðigene, hí beóð mid ðære swíðran tóbrocene, 50; Swt. 389, 10-25. Him wæs gelíce gewylde his wynstre and his swíðre . . . Ðá ábræ-acute;d Aoth his swurd mid his wynstran handa, Jud. 3, 15, 21. Nyte ðín wynstre (winstra, Lind.: se winstrae hond, Rush., sinistra) hwæt dó ðín swýðre, Mt. Kmbl. 6, 3. Wiþ ðære winestran sídan sáre, Lchdm. ii. 64, 4. On ðam winestran earme, 254, 5. Gif ðú færst tó ðære winstran hælfe, ic healde ða swíðran healfe, Gen. 13, 9. On his wynsteran (wynstran, v. l.: on ða winstran healfe, Rush.: of winstrum, Lind., a sinistris) healfe, Mt. Kmbl. 25, 33. On ða winstran hond, Exon. Th. 75, 28 ; Cri. 1228. Wynstran, 83, 31; Cri. 1364: Gen. 48, 14. On ða wynstran healfe ad sinistram, Deut. 5, 32. Fealleþ ðé on ða wynstran þúsend, Ps. Th. 90, 7. On ðæt wynstre weorud, Exon. Th. 449, 22; Dóm. 75. [ O. Sax. winistro: O. Frs. winstera: O. H. Ger. winstero, winistro, winstro: Icel. vinstri.] v. Grmm. Gesch. D. S. c. xl.
wine-þearfende ; adj. Friendless :-- Hé (Guthlac's disciple) ne máð fæ-acute;ges (Guthlac's) forðsíð wineþearfende, Exon. Th. 183, 2 ; Gú. 1321. Andreas wineþearfende mæ-acute;lde: " Næbbe ic gold . . . ðæt ic ðé mæge lust áhwettan, " Andr. Kmbl. 599 ; An. 300.
wine-treów, e ; f. Faith between friends (between husband and wife; cf. wine (3) ) :-- Ðæt hé (the man) ða wæ-acute;re and ða winetreówe be him lifgendum læ-acute;stan wolde, ðe git on æ-acute;rdagum oft gespræ-acute;con, Exon. Th. 475, 20; Bo. 50. [Léste thu (Joseph) inka winitrewa, hald inkan friundskepi, ne lát thu sie (Mary) thi thiu léðaron, Hél. 321.]
wine-wincla (-e; f.?), an; m. (?) A periwinkle :-- Sæ-acute;snæ-acute;l vel winewinclan chelio, testudo, vel marina gagalia, Wrt. Voc. i. 24, 32. Winewinclan torniculi, 6, 21. (v. Lchdm. ii. 240, note 1, for these two passages.) Cwice winewinclan gebærnde tó ahsan, Lchdm. ii. 28, 25. Þicgen hié ostran and winewinclan, 254, 23. Sæ-acute;-winewinclan gebærnde and gegnidene, 240, 4.
wín-fæt, es; n. A wine-vat: -- Wínfæt enophorum, Wrt. Voc. i. 25, 5 : apotheca, ii. 100, 54: 6, 6. [O. H. Ger. wín-faz vas vinale: Icel. vín-fat.]
wín-gál; adj. Flown with wine, wanton with wine :-- Onwóc wulf&dash-uncertain;heort, se æ-acute;r wíngál swæf, Cd. Th. 223, 8 ; Dan. 116. Wlonc and wíngal "flown with insolence and wine, " Exon. Th. 307, 25 ; Seef. 29 : 478, 2 ; Reim. 35.
wín-geard, -eard, es; m. I. a vineyard, a place where vines grow, the vines growing in such a place; vinea :-- Hé út eode áhýrian wyrhtan on his wíngeard (-eard, v. l.) . . . Hé ásende hig on hys wíngeard (-eard, v. l.) . . . Ðá sæ-acute;de se wíngeardes (ðære wíngearde, Lind.) hlaford UNCERTAIN, Mt. Kmbl. 20, 1, 2, 8: 21, 40. Sum man hæfde án fíctreów geplantod on his wíngearde (-georde, Rush.), Lk. Skt. 13, 6. Dó swá on ðínum wínearde and on ðínum elebeámon ita facies in vinea et in oliveto tuo, Ex. 23, 11. Hé gesette him wíneard plantavit vineam, Gen. 9, 20. Wíngeard, Cd. Th. 94, 8; Gen. 1558. Wíngeord, Mk. Skt. Rush. 12, 1. Ðú sealdest ús landæ-acute;hta and wíneardas dedisti nobis possessiones agrorum et vinearum, Num. 16, 14. Ia. a place where other plants than vines grow :-- Wínegeardes palmeti (cf. the gloss of same passage in Wrt. Voc. ii. 75, 77 : Palmbearwes palmeti), Hpt. Gl. 496, 62. II. a vine; vitis, vinea :-- Elebeám oliva, wíngeard vinea, wínberge uva, Wrt. Voc. i. 285, 71. Gescreáded wíngeard sarpta vinea, 54, 65. Hwít wilde wíngeard brionia vel ampelos leuce, wíngerd labrusca, blac wíngeard brabasca vel ampelos male, 30, 14-16. Hwít wíngeard brionia, 32, 17: aminea vitis, 39, 1. Ic eom sóð wíneard (vitis), Jn. Skt. 15,