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W&I-long;TAN -- W&I-long;TE. 1245
w&a-long;st &d-bar;&u-long; weán? 54, 12; Gen. 876. Hit m&a-long;re ne w&a-long;t b&u-long;ton gnorn-unge, Met. 3, 9. Se wyrsa ne w&a-long;t on his mæ-long;gwinum m&a-long;ran &a-long;re, Salm. Kmbl. 717; Sal. 358. Hió him t&o-long; litelne ege t&o-long; witan they feel too little awe of him. Wulfst. 2 20, 2 7. Ð&u-long; &d-bar;æs þonc ne wisses thow knewest (feltest) no gratitude for it, Exon. Th. 85, 5 ; Cri. 1386 : 90, 15 ; Cri. 1474. Ðone &d-bar;e in meoduhealle mine wisse (should feel affection), oþþe mec fr&e-long;fran wolde, 288, 7; Wand. 27. Ic læ-long;rde &d-bar;æt æ-long;lc on &o-long;þrum &a-long;rwyrþnesse wiste, Blickl. Homl. 185, 13. H&e-long; him forgeaf &d-bar;one n&i-long;&d-bar; &d-bar;e h&e-long; t&o-long; him wiste, Ors. 5. 15; Swt. 250, 15. H&e-long; s&a-long;r ne wiste, Cd. Th. 12, 3; Gen. 179. Hié sorge wiht, weorces ne wiston, 49, 2; Gen. 786. Ðæt is t&o-long; wundrianne, &d-bar;æt &d-bar;a Egipti sw&a-long; lytle þoncunge wiston I&o-long;sepe, Ors. l, 5; Swt. 34, 32. Ðæt h&i-long; næ-long;nige incan t&o-long; him wiston se mentem ad ilium ab omni ira remotam habere, Bd. 4, 24 ; S. 598, 41. Wite m&a-long;ran þanc &d-bar;æs &d-bar;e &d-bar;&u-long; hæbbe, &d-bar;onne &d-bar;æs &d-bar;e &d-bar;&u-long; w&e-long;ne, Prov. Kmbl. 22. Æ-long;lc &d-bar;e gesc&a-long;d wite every rational person, L. C. S. 75; Th. i. 424, 19, Ðæt h&e-long; on &d-bar;am gri&d-bar;e micle mæ-long;&d-bar;e wite that he shew great respect to that 'gri&d-bar;', L. Eth. vii. 31; Th. i. 336, 14, Gif man on Godes gri&d-bar;e mæ-long;&d-bar;e witan wolde, Wulfst. 161, 3. Ne wolde h&e-long; æ-long;nige &a-long;re witan on &d-bar;ære Cristenan æ-long;festnysse nec religion Christianae aliquid inpendebat honoris, Bd. 2, 20; S. 521, 29. Ð&u-long; m&e-long; noldest þanc witan m&i-long;nra g&o-long;da, Wulfst. 261, 10. N&a-long; heáge witende non alta sapientes, Scint. 19, 2. [He wald ha when (witten, wist, v. ll.), C. M. 10793. Goth. witan ; prs, wait, pl. witun ; p. wissa: O. Sax. witan; prs. w&e-long;t, pl. witun; p. wissa: O. Frs. wita; prs. w&e-long;t, pl. witen, witath: O. H. Ger. wizzan; prs. weiz, pl. wizzun; p. wissa, wista, westa; pp. wiz-zan: Icel. vita; prs. veit, pl. vitu; p. vissa; pp. vitinn.] v. be-, ge-witan, nytan, un-witende.
w&i-long;tan; p. w&a-long;t, pl. witon; pp. witen. I. to see to, take heed to, guard, keep, (1) absolute :-- God w&i-long;teþon &d-bar;am h&e-long;hstan heofna r&i-long;ce ufan Alwalda, Cd. Th. 32, 31 ; Gen. 511. [He (God) wite&d-bar; and wialde&d-bar; alle þing, Anglia i. II, 40. Ihesu, wel þu witest hem, Jul. 51, 15. Wel is him þat wake&d-bar; and wite&d-bar; wel him seoluen, 74, 6. Swuch wardein (God), þet wit and were&d-bar; us ever, A. R. 312, 8. Þe vif wittes, þet wite&d-bar; þe heorte alse wakemen, 14, 6. Wite mine Bruttes a to þines lifes, Laym. 28604. Crist . . . wite his soule, Havel. 405. To witen ant to welden, Marh. 2, 23. To wyten us wyþ þan unwihte, Misc. 72, 4.] (2) with acc. :-- Ðæt bi&d-bar; g&o-long;d swefen, w&i-long;te &d-bar;&u-long; &d-bar;æt georne on &d-bar;&i-long;nre heortan, Lchdm. iii. 154, 19. (3) with a clause :-- W&i-long;te &d-bar;&u-long; georne, &d-bar;æt &d-bar;&u-long; d&o-long; ealle &d-bar;a t&a-long;cn vide, ut omnia ostenta facias, Ex. 4, 21. W&i-long;te &d-bar;æt &d-bar;&i-long;n geþanc ne losige, Lchdm. iii. 154, 20. W&y-long;te &d-bar;æt &d-bar;&u-long; sw&a-long; d&o-long;, Nicod. 26 ; Thw. 14, 23. W&i-long;te se &o-long;&d-bar;er, &d-bar;æt h&e-long; hit b&e-long;te, L. C. S. 76 ; Th. i. 418, 13. W&e-long; willaþ &a-long;werian &u-long;s ; w&i-long;te g&e-long; hwæt g&e-long; d&o-long;n si&d-bar;&d-bar;an, L. Ælfc. P. l; Th. ii. 364, 13. W&e-long; beó&d-bar; unscildige, gif w&e-long; hit secgaþ eów; w&i-long;te g&e-long; hwæ&d-bar;er g&e-long; silfe eówrum s&a-long;wlum beorgan willan, 43 ; Th. ii. 382, 27. [Wite &yogh;e þet &yogh;e &yogh;emen þenne halie sunnedei, O. E. Homl. i. 11, 29. Cf. Goth. Þu witeis σ UNCERTAIN UNCERTAINψUNCERTAIN, Mt. 27, 4.] II. to lay to a person's charge, lay the blame of something on a person or thing, impute. (I) absolute :-- W&i-long;te imputet, Germ. 400, 560. (2) with dat. of person :-- Ðæt h&e-long; him ne w&i-long;te, Bt. proem. ; Fox viii. 12. (3) with dat. of person and acc. of charge :-- M&i-long;num &a-long;gnum scyldum ic hit w&i-long;te, Ps. Th. 21, 2. Ne w&i-long;te ic him &d-bar;a womcwidas, Cd. Th. 39, 7; Gen. 621. Hwæt w&i-long;tst &d-bar;&u-long; &u-long;s what do you lay to our charge? Bt. 7, 5; Fox 22, 36: Homl. Th. ii. 164, 28. M&e-long; Freá w&i-long;teþ sume &d-bar;ara synna, Exon. Th. 456, 32 ; Hy. 4, 75: Salm. Kmbl. 885; Sal. 442. Hwæt wite &d-bar;&u-long; m&e-long;? Soul Kmbl. 43 ; Seel. 22. Ic nyste hwæt h&i-long; m&e-long; witon. Ps. Th. 34, 15. Hié witan Claudiuse &d-bar;one hunger, and h&e-long; wear&d-bar; him grom (imperator convitiis in-festatus), Ors. 6, 4; Swt. 260, 22. Ne w&i-long;t &d-bar;&u-long; heom &d-bar;&a-long;s synna ne statuas illis hoc peccatum, H. R. 9, 29. Gif &d-bar;&u-long; hwæt on druncen misd&o-long;, ne w&i-long;t &d-bar;&u-long; hit &d-bar;am ealo&d-bar;e, Prov. Kmbl. 39: 18: 54. Gif h&e-long; hwylc hleahterl&i-long;c word onfinde, &d-bar;æt h&e-long; &d-bar;æt &u-long;s ne w&i-long;te, Guthl. prol. ; Gdwin. 2, 13: Ps. Th. 65, 16. Hwæþer R&o-long;m&a-long;ne hit w&i-long;ten n&u-long; æ-long;negum men t&o-long; secganne hwæt hiera folces forwurde? Ors. 5, 2 ; Swt. 220, 9. Hwæt sió syn wæ-long;re, &d-bar;e him seó cw&e-long;n wite, Elen. Kmbl. 832 ; El. 416. Ic eom sw&i-long;&d-bar;e gefiónde &d-bar;ætte g&e-long; woldon æ-long;nige wuht eów selfum w&i-long;tan (wiétan, Halt. MS.), æ-long;r ic hit eów wite. Hit is g&o-long;d &d-bar;æt g&e-long; hit n&u-long; wiétun (w&i-long;ton, Hatt. MS.), Past. 31 ; Swt. 206, 19. Æfter &d-bar;æm &d-bar;e him sw&a-long; oftrædl&i-long;ce mislamp, hié angunnan hit w&i-long;tan heora l&a-long;tteówum and heora cempum heora earfeþa, Ors. 4, 4 ; Swt. 164, 25 : Cd. Th. 51, 9; Gen. 824: Hy. 6, 25 ; Beo. Th. 5475 ; B. 2741. (4) with prep, governing person, and charge expressed in a clause :-- Gif &d-bar;&u-long; m&e-long; on w&i-long;te, &d-bar;æt ic unrihtl&i-long;ce &d-bar;one biscopd&o-long;m onf&e-long;nge, Anglia x. 141, 22. [Gif þu witest eni þing þine sunne bute þi suluen, A. R. 304, 10. Schal he hit wite me? O. and N. 1248. If that I mysspeke wyte it the ale of Southwerk, Chauc. Mill. Prol. 32. Wytyn imputo, Prompt. Parv. 531. O. Sax. w&i-long;tan : O. H. Ger. w&i-long;zan imputare, statuere, Cf. Goth. fra-, in-weitan.] III. to go, depart :-- Nylle ic æ-long;fre hionan &u-long;t w&i-long;tan, ac ic symle h&e-long;r s&o-long;fte wille standan, Met. 24, 52. [Wite&d-bar; ge awariede gastes into þat eche fir ite maledicti in ignem eternum, O. E. Homl. ii. 5, 36. He he&d-bar;en wit, 123, 4. Þe wolf to witeþ, Laym. 21311. Herode wass witenn ut off life, Orm. 8222. Ne wite þou no&yogh;t fra me ne discesseris a me, Ps. 21, 12.] v. æt-, ed-, ge-, &o-long;þ-w&i-long;tan;
w&i-long;te, es (a weak gen. pl. w&i-long;tena occurs) ; n. I. punishment, pain that is inflicted as punishment, torment :-- W&i-long;te poena vel supplicium, Wrt. Voc. i. 86, 35. Tintregung vel w&i-long;te tormenlum, Wülck. Gl. 178, 20. Heó (Eve) hæfde hire sylfre geworht &d-bar;æt mæ-long;ste w&i-long;te and eallum hire cynne, ge &d-bar;æt w&i-long;te wæs t&o-long; &d-bar;æs strang, &d-bar;æt æ-long;ghwylc man sceolde mid s&a-long;re on &d-bar;&a-long;s world cuman, and h&e-long;r on sorhgum beón, and mid s&a-long;re of gew&i-long;tan, Blickl. Homl. 5, 27 : Cd. Th. 28, 6 ; Gen. 431. Hié (Lot's wife) strang begeat w&i-long;te, 155, 5 ; Gen. 2568. R&e-long;&d-bar;e w&i-long;te (the deluge), 79, 30; Gen. 1319. Wæs &d-bar;æt w&i-long;te (the destruction of Jerusalem) sw&a-long; strang, sw&a-long; Godes geþeld æ-long;r mycel wæs, Blickl. Homl. 79, 27. Hwæþer &d-bar;&u-long; ongite &d-bar;æt æ-long;lc yfelwillende mon sié w&i-long;tes wyrþe ? Bt. 38, 6; Fox 208, 9, 13 : 39, 2 ; Fox 212, 25. W&y-long;tes, 39, 9; Fox 226, 5. Sweartne l&i-long;g werum t&o-long; w&i-long;te, Cd. Th. 153, 21; Gen. 2542: Hy. 6, 27. Hié &a-long;h&o-long;fon hine of &d-bar;am hefian w&i-long;te (crucifixion), Rood Kmbl. 121 ; Kr. 61. Licgeþ lonnum fæst . . . , wylleþ hine on &d-bar;am w&i-long;te, Salm. Kmbl. 537; Sal. 268. H&e-long; w&i-long;te wealdeþ he is the disposer of punishment, Cd. Th. 248, 33; Dan. 523. W&i-long;te poenam, vindiciam, Hpt. Gl. 496, 7: Blickl. Homl. 77, 28. Ðæt &d-bar;&u-long; inc meaht w&i-long;te bewarignn. Cd. Th. 35, 31; Gen. 563. Ð&u-long; &d-bar;æs cwealmes scealt w&i-long;te winnan, 62, 14; Gen. 1014. Ic w&i-long;te þolade, Exon. Th. 89, 5 ; Cri. 1452 : 240, 25 ; Ph. 644: Elen. Kmbl. 1038 ; El. 520. Freá wolde on wæ-long;rlogan w&i-long;te settan. Cd. Th. 76, 33; Gen. 1265. Geseah h&e-long; engles hand wr&i-long;tan Sennara w&i-long;te, 261, 17 ; Dan. 727. Ð&e-long; sind w&i-long;tu weotud be gewyrhtum. Andr. Kmbl. 2730; An. 1367 : Exon. Th. 258, 13; Jul. 264. Ne ondræ-long;de ic m&e-long; d&o-long;mas &d-bar;&i-long;ne, ne &d-bar;&i-long;nra w&i-long;ta bealo, 255, 9 ; Jul. 211. H&e-long; weorna feala w&i-long;ta geþolode, Andr. Kmbl. 2979 ; An. 1492. Manigra w&i-long;ta (wiéta, Hatt. MS.) hié beó&d-bar; wyr&d-bar;e. Past. 28; Swt. 190, 7. W&i-long;tena tormentorum, poenarum, Hpt. Gl. 485, 10. Ne bist &d-bar;&u-long; orhl&y-long;te &d-bar;æra w&i-long;tena, Homl. Th. ii. 310, 27. W&i-long;tum cruciatibus, poenis, Hpt. Gl. 487, 12. Ð&a-long; heó wæs t&o-long; &d-bar;am w&i-long;tum (ad poenam) gelæ-long;dd. Gen. 38, 25. T&o-long; manegum w&i-long;tum geworht put to many tortures, Bt. 16, 2 ; Fox 52, 20. W&i-long;tum belecgan. Andr. Kmbl. 2424; An. 1213. Mid w&i-long;tum swingan, Exon. Th. 279, 22 ; Jul. 617. Forniman mid w&i-long;tum. Blickl. Homl. 189, 31. W&i-long;ta tormenta, sup-plicia, Hpt. Gl. 499, 34. W&i-long;tu, Andr. Kmbl. 2829 ; An. 1417. ¶ refer-ring to the punishment of hell :-- Ðæt ungeendode w&i-long;te. Blickl. Homl. 25, 24: 51, 31: Andr. Kmbl. 1778; An. 891: Exon. Th. 446, 8 ; D&o-long;m. 19. Is &d-bar;es wæ-long;l&i-long;ca h&a-long;m, w&i-long;tes &a-long;fylled, Cd. Th. 271, 4; Sat. 100. W&i-long;tes f&y-long;r. Exon. Th. 39, 21 ; 625. Grim helle f&y-long;r t&o-long; w&i-long;te, 78, 7 ; Cri. 1270. Synna to wite, 77, 2; Cri. 1250. In w&i-long;te b&i-long;dan, Cd. Th. 268, l; Sat. 48. Gelæ-long;ded &d-bar;e t&o-long; w&i-long;te þe t&o-long; wuldre, Blickl. Homl. 97, 22. Se g&a-long;st nimeþ æt Gode sw&a-long; w&i-long;te sw&a-long; wuldor, sw&a-long; him æ-long;r &d-bar;æt eor&d-bar;fæt geworhte, Soul Kmbl. 13; Seel. 7 : Blickl. Homl. 23, 6. In &e-long;ce w&i-long;te gefeallan, 57, 21. Se &d-bar;æt w&i-long;te æ-long;r t&o-long; wrece gesette, Cd. Th. 295, 28; Sat. 494. H&e-long; &d-bar;æs &o-long;þres s&a-long;ule of w&i-long;tum generede, and of tintregum &a-long;l&e-long;sde, Blickl. Homl. 113, 33. H&e-long; bi&d-bar; mid w&i-long;tum þreád æfter his deáþe, 49, 25. On &e-long;cum w&i-long;tum wunian, 83, 18. Ic sceal weán and w&i-long;tu and wrace dreógan. Cd. Th. 276, 7 ; Sat. 185. I a. a means or implement of punishment :-- Wundor on w&i-long;te (the fiery furnace) &a-long;gangen, Cd. Th. 233, 3 ; Dan. 270. W&i-long;ta cyn catastarum, WUNCERTAINt. Voc. ii. 85, 58: 18, 64: 20, 34. I b. a fine. v. w&i-long;te-ræ-long;den :-- Sié &d-bar;æt w&i-long;te .lx. sci&l-bar;&l-bar;. , &o-long;&d-bar; &d-bar;æt &a-long;ngylde &a-long;r&i-long;se t&o-long; .xxx. sci&l-bar;&l-bar;. . . . siþþan sié &d-bar;æt w&i-long;te .cxx. sci&l-bar;&l-bar; , L. Alf. pol. 9; Th. i. 68, 3-5. Gilde se borh &d-bar;am hl&a-long;forde his were &d-bar;e his w&i-long;tes wyr&d-bar;e s&i-long;, L. Eth. i. i; Th. i. 282, 4. Se hl&a-long;ford gesette .xxx. sci&l-bar;&l-bar;. t&o-long; w&i-long;te, L. In. 3; Th. i. 104, 4:6; Th. i. 106, 7:7; Th. i. 106, 16: 10; Th. i. 108, 10: 25; Th. i. 118, 16. Be w&i-long;te. Th. i. 118, 15: L. E. G. 3. ; Th. i. 168, 6. H&e-long; &a-long;ge healf &d-bar;æt w&i-long;te, L. Wih. ii; Th. i. 40, 3. Gylde sw&a-long; wer sw&a-long; w&i-long;te, L. E. G. 2 ; Th. i. 168, 2. Gif hw&a-long; æfter &d-bar;am w&i-long;te crafige, L. C. S. 70 ; Th. i. 412, 24. Beó se cyng æ-long;lces &d-bar;æra w&i-long;ta wyr&d-bar;e &d-bar;e &d-bar;a men gewyrcen &d-bar;e b&o-long;cland hæbben, L. Eth. i. I ; Th. i. 282, 16. See Kemble's Saxons in England, ii. 53. II. in a general sense, torment, plague, disease, evil, pain :-- W&i-long;te malum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 58, 63. Ðæt w&i-long;te gesw&a-long;c plaga cessavit. Num. 16, 48, 46. Ðis ylce w&i-long;te (plaga) Hibernia gel&i-long;ce wæle sl&o-long;h and cwylmde, Bd. 3, 27 ; S. 558, 19: 4, 7 ; S. 574, 35. Wæs &d-bar;æt w&i-long;te (famine) t&o-long; strang. Cd. Th. 109, 8; Gen. 1819. Drihten sl&o-long;h &d-bar;æt folc mid sw&i-long;&d-bar;e micclum w&i-long;te (plaga magna nimis), Num. II, 33. Of &d-bar;am w&i-long;te gehæ-long;led sonata a plaga, Mk. Skt. 5, 29. Ne ondræ-long;d &d-bar;&u-long; &d-bar;&e-long; deá&d-bar; t&o-long; sw&i-long;&d-bar;e for n&a-long;num w&i-long;te, Prov. Kmbl. 49. Ne bi&d-bar; him hyra yrm&d-bar;u &a-long;n t&o-long; w&i-long;te, ac &d-bar;ara &o-long;þerra eád t&o-long; sorgum, Exon. Th. 79, 20 ; Cri. 1293. Waldend him &d-bar;æt w&i-long;te (blindness) teóde, 336, 4; Gn. Ex. 43. God sealde gumena ge-hwelcum welan sw&a-long; w&i-long;te, Cd. Th. 256, 23 ; Dan. 645. W&i-long;te &a-long;winnan to be tormented, Exon. Th. 130, 18 ; G&u-long;. 440 : 441, 26 ; Kl. 5. W&i-long;te lecgan on to torment, plague, 144, 29; G&u-long;. 685. Syndon hyra w&i-long;ta scytelum cilda onl&i-long;cost sagittae parvulorum factae sunt plagae eorum, Ps. Th. 63, 7. Wra&d-bar;u wannh&a-long;lum w&i-long;ta gehwylces, sæce and sorge, Elen. Kmbl. 2058; El. 1030. H&e-long; monge gehæ-long;lde hefigra w&i-long;ta. Exon. Th. 155, 9 ; G&u-long;. 857. Wanh&a-long;le w&i-long;tum gebundene, Andr. Kmbl. 1150 ; An. 580. H&e-long; gehæ-long;lde manega of w&i-long;tum (plagis), Lk. Skt. 7, 21. Sleá &d-bar;&e-long; Drihten mid &d-bar;am Egiptiscan w&i-long;ton ulcere Aegypti, Deut. 28, 27. Ic sende eall m&i-long;n w&i-long;to (plagas) ofer &d-bar;&e-long;, Ex. 9, 14. W&e-long; ge&a-long;xiaþ unge-cyndel&i-long;co w&i-long;tu, Blickl. Homl. 107, 26. Nis n&o-long; &d-bar;æt &a-long;n &d-bar;æt h&e-long; him &u-long;re