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wudu-telga, an ; m. A branch of a tree :-- Ne foldan stán, ne wudu-telga, Salm. Kmbl. 844 ; Sal. 421.
wudu-þistel, es; m. Wood-thistle :-- Wuduþistel. Ðeós wyrt ðe man carduum sylvaticum, and óðrum naman wuduðistel nemneþ, Lchdm. i. 224, II: iii. 28, 21. Wuduþistles ðone grénan mearh ðe biþ on ðam heáfde, ii. 358, I.
wudu-treów, es; n. A tree of the woods, a forest tree :-- Nán man ne mót bis ælmessan behátan tó wylle ne to wydetreówe, Wulfst. 303, 18. Wræ-acute;tlíc wudutreów, Exon. Th. 437, 5 ; Ru. 56, 3. Ðæt man weorðige æ-acute;niges cynnes wudutreówa, L. C. S. 5 ; Th. i. 378, 20. Wudutreówu, Wulfst. 40, 15.
wudu-wása, an; m. A satyr, a faun :-- Satiri, vel fauni, vel celini, vel fauni ficarii unfæ-acute;le men, wudewásan, unfæ-acute;le wihtu, Wrt. Voc. i. 17, 20. Satyri vel fauni unfæ-acute;le men, ficarii vel invii wudewásan, 60, 23-24. Wudewásan faunos, Germ. 394, 242. [Sumwhyle wyth wodwos he werre&yogh;, þat woned in þe knarre&yogh;], Gaw. 721. A vestoure wro&yogh;t full of wodwose, and oþer wild bestis, Alex. (Skt.) 1540. Wodewese, woodwose silvanus, satirus, Prompt. Parv. 531, and see note. A wodewose silvanus, Wülck. Gl. 612, 2. Wright, in a note to the second of the passages cited above from the Vocabularies, quotes from Withal's Dictionarie (ed. 1608) 'a woodwose satyrus.']
wudu-weald, es; m. High ground covered with wood, a wooded height :-- On wuduwaldum in saltibus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 47, 71.
wudu-weard, es; m. A wood-keeper, forester :-- Be wuduwearde. Wuduwearde gebyreþ æ-acute;lc windfylled treów, L. R. S. 19; Th. i. 440, 9. [The wodeward le verder, Wrt. Voc. i. 164. The wodeward waiteth us wo that loketh under rys, P. S. 149, 17. Wodewarde or walkare in a wode for kepynge lucarius, Prompt. Parv. 531.]
wudu-weaxe, an : -weax, es; n. Wood waxen, wood wex (v. E. D. S. Pub. Plant Names); genista tinctoria :-- Wuduweaxe, Lchdm, ii. 66, 11. Weoduweaxe, iii. 30, 13. Wuduweaxan gódne dæ-acute;l, ii. 324, 21 : iii. 28, 28. Nime wuduweaxan nioþoweard, wealwyrt nioþowearde, ii. 118, 2. Genim gearwan and weoduweaxan and hræfnes fót, iii. 30, 4. Nim gearwan and wuduweax (cf. weax, iii. 24, 4) and hrefnes fót, ii. 324, 25.
wudu-wésten wild woodland :-- Ðá flugon ða Bryt-Walas to ðám wuduwéstenum, Chr. pref. ; Erl. 5, 12 note. v. wudu-fæsten[n].
wudu-winde, an ; f. Woodbine :-- Uuduuuinde, wi[d]windae volvola, Txts. 107, 2158. Uuduuuinde, uuiduuuindae viburna, 2129. Uudu-winde, uuidouuindae edera, 59, 717. Wuduwinde, Wrt. Voc. ii. 29, 2 : vivorna, i. 286, I. v. wudu-binde, wiþo-winde.
wudu-wyrt, e ; f. A wild plant :-- Ða swétan stencas ðara wudu-wyrta, Blickl. Homl. 59, 3.
Wuffingas ; pl. m. The patronymic of the royal house of East-Anglia :-- Wuffa fram ðam Eást-Engla cyningas Wuffingas wæ-acute;ron nemde, Bd. 2, 15 ; S. 518, 38.
wuhhung, wuhung, e; f. Fury :-- Him (Nero) ðære wuhhunge ge-steóran vertere insani rabiem Neronis, Bt. 16, 4 ; Fox 58, 14. Wuhunga furias, Wrt. Voc. ii. 38, 74.
wuht, wul, wulder. v. wiht, wull, wuldor.
wuldor (-ur, -er), es; n. Glory. (l) in reference to earthly subjects :-- Woruldsceafta wuldor, Exon. Th. 190, 16; Az. 74. Hæ-acute;lo míne and wuldor (gloria) mín, Ps. Spl. 61, 7. Him wuldur (gloria) and wela wunaþ æt húse, Ps. Th. 111, 3. Hebban herebýman hlúdan stefnum wuldres wóman, Cd. Th. 183, 31; Exod. loo. Wuldres gim (the sun), Andr. Kmbl. 2538; An. 1270. Tó ðínes folces wuldre (wulder, Lind. : wuldur, Rush. ), Lk. Skt. 2, 32. Hé férde út on huntaþ mid eallum his werede and his wuldre, Homl. Skt. ii. 30, 25. Ne beseoh tó ðínum æ-acute;rran; wuldre, 30, 121. Eodon of ðam fýre feorh unwemme, wuldre ge-wlitenad. Exon. Th. 197, 8; Az. 187. Hé (the Phenix) is wlitig and wynsum, wuldre gemearcad regali plena decore, 220, ii; Ph. 318. Ge-wíteþ mid ðý wuldre niæ-acute;re tungol (the sun ), 350, 23; Sch. 68. Tempel wuldre gewlitegod. Andr. Kmbl. 1337 ; An. 669. Ðá sceáwede ic míne gesæ-acute;linesse and mín wuldor, Nar. 7, 22. (l a) in a bad sense, vainglory. v. wuldor-full, II :-- On wlence ic férde þurh ðæt ídele wuldor, Anglia xi. 113, 50: Exon. Th. 107, 12; Gú. 57. Wéndes ðú ðurh wuldor, ðæt ðú woruld áblest, alra onwald, Cd. Th. 268, 22; Sat. 59. (l b) applied to persons or things :-- Wífa wuldor (the Virgin Mary), Menol. Fox 295; Men. 149. Receda wuldor, Salamones templ, Cd. Th. 219, 23 ; Dan. 59. (2) of celestial or spiritual glory :-- Godes wuldor gloria Domini, Lev. 9, 23. Gode sý wuldor, Lk. Skt. 2, 14: Ps. Spl. 103, 32. Hím wideferh wuldor stondeþ, Exon. Th. 350, 2 ; Sch. 57. Stefn of heofonum, wuldres hleóðor, Cd. Th. 204, 10; Exod. 417. Se wyrhta þurh his wuldres gást sette, 265, 28; Sat. 14. In wuldres wlite, 279, 5 ; Sat. 233: 285, 26 ; Sat. 343. Wuldres ræst the rest of heaven, Exon. Th. 103, 19 ; Cri. 1690. Wuldres neótan to enjoy heaven, 365, 15; Wal. 89. Wuldres eard agan, 74, 8; Cri. 1203. Wuldres wynlond, 317, 13; Mod. 65. Wuldres bearnum (angels), Cd. Th. i. 22; Gen. ii. Wuldres þegn, engel Drihtnes, 137, l; Gen. 2266: 95, 6; Gen. 1574. Wuldres þegnas (St. Matthew and St. Andrew), Andr. Kmbl. 2052 ; An. 1028. Seófæ-acute;mne, wuldres wynmæ-acute;g (Guihlac's sister, seó Cristes þeówe, Guthl. 20 ; Gdwin. 92, 2), Exon. Th. 182, 32 ;
& Gú. 1319: (St. Juliana), 278, 20; Jul. 600: 269, 23; Jul. 474. Seeorðan dæ-acute;l. . . se wuldres dæ-acute;l the body . . . the soul, 184, ll ; Gú 1342. Wuldres treó the cross, Elen. Kmbl. 177; El. 89: Rood Kmbl. 28 ; Kr. 14. Wuldores stæf, Salm. Kmbl. 225 ; Sal. 112. Mannes sunu cumende mid mycelum wuldre, Mk. Skt. 13, 26. For Godes wuldre (uldre, Lind. ), Jn. Skt. 11, 4. In wuldre in heaven, Andr. Kmbl. 712 ; An. 356 : Elen. Kmbl. 1491 ; El. 747. Tó wuldre, Exon. Th. 3, 3; Cri. 30: Andr. Kmbl. 3360; An. 1684. Ðæt éce wuldor geearnian, Homl. Th. ii. 284, 31. Wé gesáwon his wuldor (uuldor, Lind. ), Jn. Skt. l, 14. Godes wuldor (uulder, Lind. ), ii. 40 : Ps. Spl. 18, 1. Ealles ðæs Iudith sægde wuldor Dryhtne, Judth. Thw. 26, 24; Jud. 343. Wulder, R. Ben. 4, 4. Sáule sóðfæstra wuldrum hrémge. Exon. Th. 4, 17; Cri. 54. ¶ in phrases denoting the Deity :-- Wuldres aldor, Cd. Th. 40, 15 ; Gen. 639: 91, 12; Gen. 1511. Wuldres weard, 58, 4; Gen. 941. God, wuldres hyrde, Beo. Th. 1867 ; B. 931. Wuldres ágend, Andr. Kmbl. 420; An. 210. Wuldres bearn (Christ), Cd. Th. 301, 26; Sat. 589. Wlitig wuldres gim, Exon. Th. 232, 33; Ph. 516. (2a) applied to the Deity :-- Drihten, wulder mín, Ps. Spl. 3, 3. Metod, cyninga wuldor, Judth. Thw. 23, 34; Jud. 155: Andr. Kmbl. 342; An. 171. Ðæt ðe wealdend God ácenned wearð, cyninga wuldor. Elen. Kmbl. 10 ; El. 5. Dryhten, hæleða wuldor, Andr. Kmbl. 2925; An. 1465. Ðý þriddan dæge beorna wuldor of deáðe árás, Dryhten ealra hæleða cynnes, Elen. Kmbl. 372; El. 186. [þin wombe was þin God and þin wulder . . . echeliche wunien in alre wuldre, Fragm. Phlps. 7, 20, 58. Si Drihhtin loff and wullderr, Orm. 3379. Cf. Goth. wulþus glory.] v. heofon-, sigor-, swegel-wuldor.
wuldorbeágian; 'p. ode To crown :-- Tó wuldorbeágienne mid Criste, Homl. Th. i. 84, 32. v. ge-wuldorbeágian.
wuldor-beáh; gen. -ges; m. A crown :-- Wuldorbeáh corona, Ps. Spl. 64, 12. Wulderbeáh, Wrt. Voc. i. 43, 5 : Hpt. Gl. 438, 24. [For] wuldurbeága pro corona, 458, 22. [Tó] wuldurbége ad coronam, 460, 5. Wulderbeáge tropheo, 508, 64. Wuldorbeág coronam, Ps. Lamb. 20, 4. Hé (Stephen) hæfð ðone écan wuldorbeáh, Homl. Th. i. 50, 13. Án læs feówertig wuldorbeága, Shrn. 62, 7. Hí wuldorbeagum beóð gewelgode scínendum laureis ditantur fulgidis. Hymn. Surt. 133, I.
wuldor-blæd, es; m. Glorious success :-- Eów ys wuldorblæ-acute;d torhtlíc tóweard, and tír gifeþe, Judth. Thw. 23, 35 ; Jud. 156.
wuldor-cyning, es; m. The king of glory, the Deity :-- Wuldor-cyning þeóda gehwylce háteþ árísan. Exon. Th. 63, 22 ; Cri. 1023 : Cd. Th. 272, 6; Sat. 115. Se wuldorcyning, 10, 32 ; Gen. 165. Ælmihtig God, wuldorcyning, 242, 30; Dan. 427: Salm. Kmbl. 640; Sal. 319. Wuldorcyning, fæder frymða gehwæs, Exon. Th. 211, 12; Ph. 196. Wuldorcyning (Christ), 227, 9; Ph. 420. Ðæt wæs þonne ðæt se wuldorcyning on middangeard cwom forþ of
ðæm innoþe ðære á clæ-acute;nan fæ-acute;mnan, Blickl. Homl. 9, 32. Se hálga Dryhten, dú . . . mín wuldorcyning, 452, 16 ; Hy. 4, 2. Ðú, weroda wuldorcyning, Met. 20, 162. Hié yrfes brúcaþ wuldorcyninges, Elen. Kmbl. 2639; El. 1321 : Andr. Kmbl. 835; An. 418: Exon. Th. 153, 5; Gú. 821. Heó Gode þancode, wuldorcyninge, Elen. Kmbl. 1922; El. 963. Wuldurcyninge, écum Dryhtne, Beo. Th. 5582; B. 2795. Ðæt wé rodera weard, wereda wuldorcining herigen, Cd. Th. i. 3; Gen. 2: 213, 4; Exod. 547. Fáh wið wuldorcyning, Exon. Th. 364, 7 ; Wal. 67.
wuldor-dreám, es; m. Joy in the glory of heaven, celestial joy :-- Wé ðé þanciaþ, þióda Waldend, ðínes weorðlícan wuldordreámes, Hy. 8, 10. In ðinne wuldordreám, Exon. Th. 455, 2 ; Hy. 4, 43.
wuldor-fæder; m. The father of glory, the heavenly Father :-- Weorc wuldorfæder (wuldurfadur, Txts. 149, 3)facta Patris gloriae, Bd. 4, 24; S. 597, 21. Lif mid wuldorfæder, Menol. Fox 291; Men. 147, - Mid ðinne wuldorfæder, Exon. Th. 14, n ; Cri. 217.
wuldor-fæst ; adj. Glorious :-- Wuldurfest gloriosus, Ps. Surt. ii. p. 188, I. Wuldorftest, Cd. Th. 234, 3 ; Dan. 286. Wuldorfæst cyning (Solomon), 202, 18 ; Exod. 390. Ðes wuldorfæsta kyning rex gloriae, Ps. Th. 23, 8, lo: Nicod. 29 ; Thw. 16, 38. Ðæt wuldorfæste líf ðætte englas on Drihtnes onsýne wuniaþ. Blickl. Homl. 103, 32. Ða stówe ðínes wuldorfæstan temples locum tabernaculi gloriae tuae, Ps. Th. 25, 8. For ðære swétnesse ðære wuldorfæstan gesihðe, Homl. Skt. ii. 23 b, 179. Wulderfæstan, 236, 8. Heora (the stars') wuldorfæstne wlite, Cd. Th. 132, 10; Gen. 2191. His ðone wuldorfæstan gást, Blickl. Homl. 85, 4. His ða wuldorfæstan onsýne, 103, 29. Ða wuldorfæstan Godes weorc, Homl. Skt. ii. 23b, ll. Wuldorfæstan wíc (heaven), Cd. Th. 2, 30; Gen. 27.
wuldorfæste ; adv. Gloriously :-- Hió Gode þancode ðæs geleáfan ðe hió swá leóhte oncneów, wuldorfæste, in ðæs weres breóstum, Elen. Kmbl. 1930; El. 967.
wuldorfæstlíce; adv. Gloriously :-- Hér Eleutherius on Róme onféng biscopdóm, and ðone wuldórfæstlíce . xii. winter geheóld, Chr. 167; Erl. 8, 14.
wuldorfæstlícuess, e; f. Glortousness, glory :-- Sý ðú gebletsod, Drihten God, ðe mé æteówdest ðá wuldorfæstlícuysse ðe ðú ondræ-acute;dendum gyfest. Homl. Skt. ii. 23 b, 603.
wuldor-full; adj. l. glorious :-- Gif ðú eádmódnysse healtst