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wundor hostimen, Wrt. Voc. ii. 43, 20: 70, 32, for (?) pundor.
wundor-ágræfen; adj. (ptepl.) Wondrously graven :-- Hé wundorágræfene anlícnesse engla sínra geseh, Andr. Kmbl. 1424; An. 712.
wundor-beácen, es; n. A wondrous sign :-- Swá hí on wege wyrcean sceoldon wundorbeácen, Ps. Th. 73, 5.
wundor-bebod, es; n. A monstrous command :-- Hé him bebeorgan ne con wóm wundorbebodum wergan gástes, Beo. Th. 3498; B. 1747.
wundor-bleó a wondrous colour :-- Ðæs temples segi wundorbleóm geworht, Exon. Th. 70, 17; Cri. 1140.
wundor-clam[m], es; m. A wondrous clasp :-- Wæs gebunden deóran since duru ormæ-acute;te, wundurclommum bewriþen, Exon. Th. 19, 33; Cri. 310.
wundor-cræft, es; m. I. wondrous skill, great cunning :-- Hé læ-acute;men fæt biwyrcan hét wundorcræfte, Exon. Th. 277, 4; Jul. 575. II. miraculous power :-- Hé cyninges bróðor áwehte wundor-cræfte þurh Dryhtnes miht, ðæt hé of deáðe árás, Apstls. Kmbl. 110; Ap. 55. Godspell wrítan wundorcræfte, Andr. Kmbl. 26; An. 13: 1290; An. 645: Exon. Th. 427, 3; Rä. 41, 85. [Heo dude uundercraftes, þe scucke hire fulste ... to hire weoren iwoned þa uundercreftie men, Laym. 1147.]
wundor-dæ-acute;d, e; f. A deed of magic :-- Ealle ða men ða ðe Símónes wundordæ-acute;da wafodan, Blickl. Homl. 173, 22. [þet folc corn to se þys wonderdede (the ordeal of Queen Emma), R. Glouc. 337, 6. M. H. Ger. wunder-tát: Ger. wunder-that.]
wundor-deáþ, es; m. A wondrous death :-- Wedra þeóden (Beowulf, killed by the fire-drake) wundordeáðe swealt, Beo. Th. 6067; B. 3037.
wundor-fæt, es; m. A wondrous vessel :-- Byrelas sealdon wín of wunderfatum, Beo. Th. 2328; B. 1162.
wundor-full; adj. Wonderful, glorious :-- Midwundurfulre (wundum-, MS.) wæferséne stupendo spectaculo, Hpt. Gl, 470, 75. Wynsum is seó wunung on ðam wuldorfullum (wunderfullum, v.l.) dreáme, Homl. Ass. 43, 481. Wundorfulla (gloriosa) gecweden synd be ðé, Ps. Spl. 86, 2. [Wonderfol to telle, Laym. 280, 2nd MS. Þis ilke best zuo wonderuol and dreduol, Ayenb. 15, 4.]
wundor-gehwyrft a wonderful turn :-- Of wundorgehwerfte vice mirifica, Germ. 390, 161.
wundor-geweorc, es; n. A wonderful work, a miracle :-- Þurh ðæt wundorgeweorc ðe hé Lazarum áwehte of deáþe, Blickl. Homl. 67, 6. Gelómlícu wundurgeweorc (sanitatum miracula) gewordene wæ-acute;ron, Bd. 3, 9; S. 533, 3. Áwritene gemang ðara apostola wundorgewurcum, H. R. 13, 12. Hé hié tó heofona ríce laþode þurh his wundorgeweorc, Blickl. Homl. 7, 10. v. wundor-weorc.
wundor-gifu, e; f. A wondrous gift, wondrous capacity :-- Sumum wundorgiefe þurh goldsmiþe gearwad weorþeþ, ful oft hé gehyrsteþ wel brytencyninges beorn, Exon. Th. 331, 23; Vy. 72.
wundor-líc; adj. Wonderful, exciting admiration or surprise :-- Is wundorlíc (mirabilis) Drihten, Ps. Th. 92, 5: Met. 20, 3. Wunderlíc, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 128, 4. Mín (an angel's) nama is mycel and wundorlíc, Blickl. Homl. 137, 29. Wundorlíc (mirabilis) is geworden ðín wísdóm, Ps. Th. 138, 4: 118, 129. Hit is wundorlíc, ðæt ic secgan wille, Bt. 20; Fox 70, 27. Ðys is fram Drihtne geworden, and hit ys wundorlíc (wundurlíc, Lind.: wunderlíc, Rush. mirabile) on úrum eágum, Mt. Kmbl. 21, 42: Ps. Th. 117, 21. Ðæt is wundorlíc, ðæt gé nyton hwanon hé is, Jn. Skt. 9, 30: Met. 20, 86. Cymeþ wundorlíc Cristes onsýn, Exon. Th. 56, 25; Cri. 906. Wundorlíc wræcca (Nebuchadnezzar), Cd. Th. 256, 1; Dan. 634. Wundorlíc wæ-acute;gbora, Beo. Th. 2884; B. 1440. Ic eom wunderlícu wiht, Exon. Th. 399, 16; Rä. 19, 1: 400, 14; Rä. 21, 1. Ðæt wæs wunderlícu gemetgung miro modo, Past, 17; Swt. 113, 16. Wunderlíc gestreón mirandum negotium, Hpt. Gl. 469, 3. Oft hwæm gebyreþ ðæt hé hwæt mæ-acute;rlíces and wundorlíces gedéð, Past. 4; Swt. 39, 6. Hé (Samson) wearð swíðe ofþyrst for ðam wundorlícan slege, Jud. 15, 18. Wundorlícre hrædnysse hé bið álýsed, Lchdm. i. 288, 16. On wundorlícre mycelnesse, Blickl. Homl. 181, 20. Gesáwon hié wundorlíce wyrd, ðone man lifgendne ðone ðe hié æ-acute;r deádne forléton, 217, 36. Wundorlíc tácn, 205, 31. Ic ðé sæ-acute;de swíðe lang spell and wundorlíc, Bt. 35, 5; Fox 166, 2. Hú ða wísan sind wundorlíce, Exon. Th. 223, 14; Ph. 359. Hú his ða goodan weorc syndon wundorlíce quam terribilia sunt opera ejus, Ps. Th. 65, 2. Gif ðú wénst ðætte wundorlíce gerela[n?] hwelc weorþmynd sié, Bt. 14, 1; Fox 42, 18. Hwonon him ða wundorlícan gereordo cóman, Blickl. Homl. 153, 8. Eorðe brengð wæstma fela wundorlícra, Met. 20, 101. Sió hæfde wæstum wundorlícran, Exon. Th. 413, 14; Rä. 32, 5. Dá cwóman ðæ-acute;r nædran wunderlícran ðonne ða óþre wæ-acute;ron and egeslícran ... wæ-acute;ron hié wunderlícre micelnisse, Nar. 14, 1-3. Seó burg ðe æ-acute;r wæs ealra weorca fæstast and wunderlecast and mæ-acute;rast, Ors. 2, 4; Swt. 74, 24. Is ðæt eác ealles wundorlícost, ðæt..., Blickl. Homl. 127, 14. [Laym. wunder-lic: Orm. wunnderr-like: Wick. wondir-li: O. Sax. wundar-lík: O. H. Ger. wuntar-líh: Icel. undr-ligr.]
wundorlíce; adv. Wonderfully, (1) with adjectives :-- Ðæ-acute;r wearð gegaderod wundorlíce micel folc, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 616. Hé hine gesette in wundorlíce micle cyrcean, Shrn. 121, 3. (2) with verbs :-- Wundurlíce mirabiliter, Ps. Surt. 75, 5. Wundorlíce mire, Hymn. Surt. 70, 5. Drihten hine swá wundorlíce of eallum his earfoþum gefriþode, Ps. Th. 32, arg.: Ex. 11, 7: Past. 54; Swt. 423, 4: Bt. 33, 4; Fox 130, 35: Met. 20, 162: 13, 5. Wunderlíce, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 128, 5. Hié wundorlíce deáþ geþrowodan for Godes naman, Blickl. Homl. 171, 31. Wundurlíce heó hæ-acute;leþ, Lchdm. i. 194, 22. Wundorlíce, 220, 20. Hí wurdon wundorlíce áfirhte timuerunt valde, Gen. 20, 8. Ic ne férde on mæ-acute;rðum ne wundorlíce mid getote be mé ne bodude neque ambulavi in magnis, neque in mirabilibus super me, R. Ben. 22, 17. Hé hine gescerpte wlitegum wæ-acute;dum wundorlíce, Met. 15, 3. In ðis tó uundranne &l-bar; uundorlíce is in hoc mirabile est, Jn. Skt. Lind. 9, 30. And eác ðæt wunderlícor wæs, ðá ðá heora án bodade mid ánre spræ-acute;ce, æ-acute;lcum wæs geðúht swilce hé spræ-acute;ce mid his gereorde, Homl. Th. i. 318, 26. Se fugel wrixleþ wóðcræfte wundorlícor ðonne æ-acute;fre byre monnes hýrde, Exon. Th. 206, 16; Ph. 127. [O. H. Ger. wuntarlíhho mirabiliter.]