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wyrhte (?), an; f. A female worker, in cýs-wyrhte :-- Be cýswyrhte. Cýswyrhtan gebyreþ hundred cýse, and ðæt heó buteran macige, L. R. S. 16; Th. i. 438, 30. [O. H. Ger. wurhta.]
wyrian (wyrigan), wyrig, wyrigness. v. wirgan, wearg, wirgness.
wyrm, wurm, weorm, es; m. I. a reptile, serpent :-- Mé nædre beswác, fáh wyrm þurh fægir word, Cd. Th. 55, 24; Gen. 899. Se wyrm (the fire-drake) onwóc, Beo. Th. 4563; B. 2287. Ðæs wyrmes wíg, 4621; B. 2316. Hé wearp hine on wyrmes líc, Cd. Th. 31, 26; Gen. 491. Ne wirce gé eów náne andlícnissa wurmes ne fisces (reptilium sive piscium), Deut. 4, 18. Hé wyrm ácwealde, hordes hyrde ... Ðæt swurd þurhwód wyrm ... draca morðre swealt, Beo. Th. 1777-1789; B. 886-892. Wyrmas reptilia, Blickl. G1. Froxan ... swá fela ðæt man ne mihte nánne mete gegyrwan, ðæt ðara wyrma næ-acute;re emfela ðæm mete ranae per omnia reptantes, Ors. 1, 7; Swt. 36, 28. Wyrma þreát, dracan and næddran, Cd. Th. 285, 12; Sat. 336. Wyrma slite, Exon. Th. 77, 4; Cri. 1251. Wyrmum bewunden in helle bryne, Judth. Thw. 23, 10; Jud. 115. Ic sende wildera deóra téð on hig mid wurmum and næddrum dentes bestiarum immittam in eos atque serpentium, Deut. 32, 24. Wurmum tó æ-acute;te, Wulfst. 145, 10. Aspidas, æ-acute;trene wyrmas, Ps. Th. 139, 3. Nicras, wyrmas and wildeór, Beo. Th. 2864; B. 1430. I a. fig. :-- Brandháta níð weóll on gewitte, weorm blæ-acute;dum fág, Andr. Kmbl. 1538; An. 770. II. a creeping insect, a worm :-- Wyrm vermis, Wrt. Voc. i. 78, 24. Wyrm ðe boraþ treów termes vel teredo, 24, 8. Hundes wyrm ricinus, 24, 33. Se wyrm (a book-worm) forswealg wera gied sumes, Exon. Th. 432, 8; Rä. 48, 3. Ðes lytla wyrm ðe on flóde gæ-acute;ð fótum drýge, 426, 20; Rä. 41, 76. Of ðam weaxeþ wyrm hinc animal sine membris fertur oriri, sed fertur vermi lacteus esse color, 213, 29; Ph. 232. Hyra wyrm (vermis) ne swylt, Mk. Skt. 9, 44: Cd. Th. 212, 9; Exod. 536: Exon. Th. 373, 31; Seel. 118. Weorðan wyrme tó hróþor, 267, 17; Jul. 416. Wiþ ðam smalan wyrme, Lchdm. ii. 122, 18. Dó on ðæt eáre; þeáh ðæ-acute;r beón wyrmas on ácennede, hí þurh ðis sceolon beón ácwealde, i. 200, 22. Rib reáfiaþ réþe wyrmas, Exon. Th. 373; 22; Seel. 113. Wyrmas, ða ðe geolo godwebb geatwum frætwaþ, 417, 23; Rä. 36, 9. Wyrma gifl food for worms (the body), 368, 16; Seel. 22. Weormum tó hróðre, Apstls. Kmbl. 190; Ap. 95. Wið weormum, Lchdm. iii. 4, 5. Wið wyrmas on innoðe, i. 272, 10. II a. fig. :-- Ic eam wyrm (vermis) and nales mon, Ps. Surt. 21,-7. Wyrm (weorm, v.l.), R. Ben. 29, 13. [Goth. waurms a serpent: O. Sax. wurm a serpent; a worm: O. H. Ger. wurm serpens, coluber, anguis, hydra; vermis, vermiculus, batis: Icel. ormr a serpent.] v. cáwel-, deáw-, fág-, fíc-, flæ-acute;sc-, hand-, leáf-, mold-, must- (? Wrt. Voc. i. 23, 74), regn-, reng-, seoluc-, síd-, slá-, smeá-, tóþ-, treów-, twín-, þeór-wyrm.
wyrma. v. wurma.
wyrmæ-acute;te, an; f. Wormeatenness :-- Ða treówa ðe beóð áheáwene on fullum mónan beóð heardran wið wyrmæ-acute;tan ðonne ða ðe beóð on níwum mónan áheáwene, Lchdm. iii. 268, 10. v. next word.
wyrmæ-acute;te; adj. Worm-eaten :-- Wiþ wyrmæ-acute;tum líce, Lchdrn. ii. 12, 15: 126, 4. [Frut ne is na&yogh;t guod huanne hit is uorroted and wermethe, Ayenb. 229, 25. Cf. O. H. Ger. wurmázih cariosus.]
wyrmaman, wyrman. v. wurma, wirman.
wyrm-basu; adj. Scarlet :-- Wyrmbaso coccus, Txts. 113. 67. v. wurma.
wyrm-cyn[n], es; n. I. the genus reptile, reptiles, serpents :-- Hí gesáwon æfter wætere wyrmcynnes fela, sellíce sæ-acute;dracan, sund cunnian, Beo. Th. 2855; B. 1425. Betwux dracum and aspidum and eallum wyrmcynne, Homl. Th. i. 488, 1. Betwux eallum deórcynne and wurmcynne, 102, 6. On ðam fíftan dæge hé gesceóp eall wyrmcynn, and eall fisccynn, Lchdm. iii. 234, 11. II. a species of reptile or serpent :-- Scorpio, ðæt is án wyrmcynn, Lk. Skt. 11, 12. Wyrmcyn, Nar. 13, 10. Nis nán wyrmcynn ne wildeóra cynn on yfelnysse gelíc yfelum wífe, Homl. Th. 1. 488, 10. On wéstennum wildeóra and wyrmcynna missenlícra, Ors. 3, 9; Swt. 136, 25: Exon. Th. 371, 31; Seel. 84. [O. H. Ger. wurm-chunni.]
wyrmelle. v. wurmelle.
wyrm-fáh; adj. Having serpentine ornamentation :-- Ðæt sweord wreoþenhilt and wyrmfáh, Beo. Th. 3400; B. 1697. v. Worsaae's Primeval Antiquities, p. 49.
wyrm-galdere, es; m. A serpent-charmer, sorcerer :-- Hé hét sumne wyrmgaldere micle næddran hire in tó gelæ-acute;dan, ðæt seó hí ábítan sceolde. Ðá stód seó fæ-acute;mne forð on hire gebede, and seó næddre stód be hire; ðonne seó fæ-acute;mne onleát, ðonne onleát seó næddre. Ðá gelýfde se wyrmgaldere tó Gode þurh ðæt wundor, Shrn. 103, 5, 9. v. wyrm-galere.
wyrm-galdor, es; n. A charm against worms(?) :-- Ðæt wyrmgealdor (cf. ðis ylce galdor mæg mon singan wið smeógan wyrme, 10, 17), Lchdm. iii. 24, 25.
wyrm-galere, es; m. A serpent-charmer, sorcerer :-- Wyrmgalere marsum (the word occurs in reference to the incident given under wyrmgaldere), Wrt. Voc. ii. 96, 11: 55, 11. Wyrmgalera marsorum (Chaldaeorum et hierophantorum phantasmata, simulque ariolorum et marsorum machinas, Ald. 45), 82, 9: 56, 74: Hpt. Gl. 483, 14. v. wirgung-galere, wyrm-hæ-acute;lsere.
wyrm-geard, es; m. An enclosure full of snakes :-- Wyrmgeardas, atol deór monig,... blace nædran, Salm. Kmbl. 940; Sal. 469. [Icel. ormgarðr. Cf. in the story of Gunnar's fate in Atla kviða: Nú es sá ormgarðr yðr um folginn, v. 68: í garð þann es skriðinn vas innan ormom, 121. See, too, the stories of the deaths of Ragnar Lodbrog and Roderick, the last Gothic king of Spain.] v. wyrm-sele.
wyrm-geblæ-acute;d, es; n. A blister raised by a snake-bite(?), Lchdm. iii. 36, 21.
wyrm-hæ-acute;lsere e, es; m. A serpent-charmer, sorcerer :-- Wyrmhæ-acute;lseras marsi (printed maris), Wrt. Voc. ii. 55, 15. v. wyrm-galere.
wyrm-híw, es; n. The form of a reptile or serpent :-- Hé sceolde hí áwendan of ðam wyrmhíwe (cf. serpentia terrae, Acts 10, 12), Homl. Skt. i. 10, 104.
wyrm-hord, es; n. A treasure held by a serpent, Beo. Th. 4447; B. 2222.
wyrm-lic, es; n. The body of a serpent or of a worm, (1) of carving on a wall. Cf. wyrm-fáh :-- Weal wundrum heáh, wyrmlícum fáh, Exon. Th. 292, 13; Wand. 98. (2) fig. cf. wyrm, II a :-- Ic eom oferfongen mid synnum tó wyrmlíce, Anglia xii. 501, 22.
wyrm-melu (-o), wes; n. Dust of dried worms powdered (cf. 'Dry fair large earthworms before the fire, or in an oven, which when thorough dry, beat into powder,' Salmon's English Physician, quoted by Cockayne. See also: Eft angeltwæccan, gegníd swíþe, Lchdm. iii. 44. 4) :-- Wyrc sealfe ... of wyrmmeluwe, Lchdm. ii. 78, 15. Nim wyrmmelu, 150, 10. Wyrmmelo, 238, 30. [In O. H. Ger. wurmmelo = caries.]
wyrms, es; n. m. Corrupt matter :-- Ðis wyrms hoc uirus, Ælfc. Gr. 8; Zup. 29, 1. Wyrms lues, 9, 27; Zup. 53, 7: colera, Wrt. Voc. ii. 134, 54. Wið eárena sáre ... gif ðæ-acute;r wyrms inne bið, hyt ðæt út áwyrpð, Lchdm. i. 354, 16. Wyrms (worms, v.l.), 358, 16 Sáh út wyrms (of ðam geswelle), Homl. Skt. i. 20, 64. Hé áscræp ðone wyrms of his líce, Homl. Th. ii. 452, 28. ¶ figurative :-- His wuldor is wyrms and meox, Homl. Skt. ii. 25, 261. v. worms; ge-wyrms; adj.
wyrmsan, wyrsman; p. de To produce corrupt matter :-- Ðonne se læ-acute;ce on untíman lácnaþ wunde, hió wyrmseþ and rotaþ, Past. 21; Swt. 153, 3. Sió wund wolde hálian, æfter ðæm ðe heó wyrmsde (wyrsmde, Cott. MSS.), 36; Swt. 259, 1. Gif hit wille wyrsman, Lchdm. ii. 102, 4. v. ge-wyrmsed.
wyrm-sele, es; m. A serpent-hall [cf. the hall, thick swarming now, With ... scorpion, and asp ... Cerastes horned, hydrus, and elops drear, And dipsas, Par. Lost 10, 522 sqq.], a place where there are serpents (hell) :-- Ne þearf hé hopian ðæt hé þonan móte, of ðam wyrmsele, Judth. Thw. 23, 13; Jud. 119. v. wyrm-geard.
wyrms-hræ-acute;cung, e; f. The expectoration of corrupt matter :-- Wyr[m]shræ-acute;cing vel wyr[m]sútspíung phthisis, Wrt. Voc. i. 19, 39.
wyrmsig; adj. Purulent :-- Ðæ-acute;m wyrmsigum purulentis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 78, 56. v. wurmsig.
wyrm-slite, es; m. A snake-bite :-- In weán and on wyrmslitum betweónan deádum and deóflum, in bryne and on biternesse, Wulfst. 188, 1.
wyrms-útspiung. v. wyrms-hræ-acute;cung.
wyrm-wyrt, e; f. Worm-grass (v. E. D. S. Pub. Plant Names); sedum album, Lchdm. ii. 94, 18: 104, 3: 128, 3: 308, 16. [O. H. Ger. wurm-wurz aganoe.]