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gráfes wyrttruman; of dynningcgráfes wyrttruman eall swá se díc sceót, 208, 5: 34, 14. On wiðigleás wyrttruman; ðonne ealling be wyrttruman óð ácleá, v. 230, 1. On wiðigleás wyrtruman; on eatan beares wyrtruman; óð leás eástende; norð be wyrttruman, 334, 25-27. On loxanwuda wyrtruman; of wyrtruman on þiccan stánas, 345, 5. Óð ða dúnæ ufewearde on ða æ-acute;ðenan byrigelsas; swá ádún be wyrtruman æft tó gemíðum, 346, 20. Innan leá; ðanne be wurtruman anlanges wudes, iii. 172, 33. Óð ða lége; ðonne be wyrttruman, 406, 28, 33: v. 358, 18. Forð be wyrttruman, iii. 422, 1: vi. 33, 37. Bæ ðam wyrttruman, v. 191, 32. Wyrttrumman, iii. 135, 8. Tó wuda; swá be ðan eald wyrtruman, 279, 31. Be wyrttrume, v. 100, 20. Wirtrume, iii. 440, 33. Ofer ðane sceagan; ðonne forð á be wyrtruman, 460, 2. Of ðan hamme á be wurtruman, vi. 137, 22. Á be ðare wyrtruman, iv. 93, 7. On wyrtruman, iii. 390, 26. On feld on wyrttruman oð gráfes suðende, v. 334, 34.

wyrttrumian; p. ode To take root :-- Séd wyrtrumiaþ (wyrtrymaþ, Rush.) semen germinet, Mk. Skt. Lind. 4, 27. v. ge-wyrttrumian.

wyrt-tún, es; m. A garden :-- Wyrttún botanicum vel viridarium, cucumerarium, Wrt. Voc. i. 30, 17, 18. Wyrtún viridiarium, 84, 54: hortus, ii. 42, 51: Jn. Skt. 18, 1: 19, 41. On wyrttúne in cucumerario, Wrt. Voc. ii. 48, 24. On wyrtúne (wyrttúne, v. l.) in horto, R. Ben. 71, 18. Syle mé ðínne wíneard mé tó wyrtúne, Homl. Skt. i. 18, 173. Wyrttún ne sáw ðú, Lchdm. iii. 184, 19: Lk. Skt. 13, 19. Wyrtúna hortorum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 83, 27. Hé nemde ða undiórestan wyrta ðe on wyrttúnum weaxe, and ðeáh swíðe welstincenda, Past. 57; Swt. 439, 32: Lchdm. i. 94, 7.

wyrtung, e; f. Seasoning with herbs :-- On scírum wíne . . . : ge on wíne ge on wyrtunge, Lchdm. i. 342, 26. v. wyrtian.

wyrt-wala, an; m.: -walu, e; f. I. the root of a plant :-- Swá fela bóga treówes of ánum wyrtwalan (radice) spryttaþ, Scint. 3, 17. Genim wegbræ-acute;dan wyrtwalan, Lchdm. i. 82, 19: 90, 6, 23: 94, 19, 23. Wyrtwalan radices, Ps. Surt. 79, 10. Andlang pæþes on ða wyrtwalan; of ðam wyrtwalan on heortsole, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iv. 19, 25. Andlang stræ-acute;t wiðútan ða wyrtwalan, 20, 2. Andlang ríðe on ða wurtwalan, vi. 1. 26. I a. fig. :-- God út álúceþ wirtwelæ ðínne of lande lyfigendra, Ps. Spl. T. 51, 5. II. a root, source :-- Wyrd, ealra firena fruma, fæ-acute;hðo módor, weána wyrtwela, wópes heáfod, Salm. Kmbl. 889; Sal. 444. III. the foot of a hill, lower side of a wood, field, etc. v. wyrt-truma, III :-- Swá ðe wyrtwala scádet tó turlan homme (cf. first passage under wyrttruma, III), Cod. Dip. Kmbl. v. 267, 33. Forð andlang wyrtwale on ða róde, 356, 4. Forð be gráfes wurtwale, iii. 405, 29. On ða eorðburg; ðæt forð be wurtwalan tó mearcwege, vi. 43, 18. Uuirtwalan, wyrtwalan, 93, 33, 34: v. 86, 18. Of ðære leáge be wyrtwalan, iii. 464, 21: v. 148, 14: 298, 16. Be wirtwalan on ða efsan; and ðan on ðone wíðig; and swá be wirtwalan on ðone méreþorne, 226, 16, 17. Ðurh henna leáh, óð hit cymeþ tó ðære efese; ðonne á norþ be wyrtwalan, ii. 172, 23: iii. 380, 25: 437, 33: v. 330, 33: 336, 27. Wurtwalan, vi. 41, 20. Weortwalan, v. 389, 15, 16. Á be wyrtwale . . . on hel ufeweardne æfter wyrtwalan, iii. 48, 11-16. On heáfdbeorh; ðonne on wyrtwalan on ðæs hagan ende . . . ; andlang herpaðes tó ðære efise, ðonon eft on wyrtwalen, v. 300, 8-13.

wyrtwalian; p. ode. I. to plant :-- Ongelæ-acute;dde wyrtwælæs (plantabis) hié on dúne yrfeweærdnesse ðíne, Cant. Moys. 21 ( = Ex. 15, 17). Wirtwæledæst plantasti, Ps. Spl. T. 43, 3. Wyrtwalodes, 79, 10. II. to root up, eradicate :-- Ic wyrtwalige (áwyrtwalige, v. l.) uello, uellico, Ælfc. Gr. 36; Zup. 214, 16. Wyrtwalod, Shrn. 184, 3. v. á-, under-wyrtwalian.

wyrt-weard, es; m. A gardener :-- Heó wénde ðæt hit se wyrtweard (hortulanus) wæ-acute;re, Jn. Skt. 20, 15.

wýsc, es; m. Choice :-- Ðá him wiisc [wúsc?] seald wæs optione data, Bd. 5, 19; S. 638, 40. [Wusche exoptatio, Prompt. Parv. 535. O. H. Ger. wunsc; m. optio: Icel. ósk; f.] v. wúsc-bearn.

wýscan; p. te To wish. (1) with gen. to wish for, desire :-- Hé helle wísceþ, ðæs engestan éðelríces, Salm. Kmbl. 212; Sal. 105. Hý ðæs betran lífes wýscaþ and wénaþ, Exon. Th. 106, 26; Gú. 47. Wíscaþ, 115, 24; Gú. 194. Hié his tócymes wýscton, Blickl. Homl. 103, 12. (1 a) to wish something to or for a person :-- Ða apostolas hæ-acute;lo eów wýscaþ, L. Alf. 49; Th. i. 56, 13. Ne cuæð hé ðæt for ðý ðe hé æ-acute;negum men ðæs wýscte oððe wilnode non optantis animo, Past. 1; Swt. 29, 11. Ne wyrige nán man óðerne, ne yfeles ne wísce, Homl. Th. ii. 34, 27. (2) with acc. :-- Ic sceal his róde sigor swíðor wíscan ðonne ondræ-acute;dan, Homl. Th. i. 594, 20. (3) in a precatory or imprecatory sense, = utinam, (a) with clause :-- Ic wýsce ðæt heorte healde lufe utinam cor teneat amorem, Scint. 25, 1. Ðæt ic eác swylce wísce forþ sié on leornunge úra stafa quod utinam exhinc etiam nostrarum lectione litterarum fiat, Bd. 5, 14; S. 635, 7. Ic wísce ðæt Ysmahél libbe ætforan ðé utinam Ismael vivat coram te, Gen. 17, 18. Ic wísce ðæt hig wiston utinam saperent, Deut. 32, 29. Gif ic ðé ne geþence, ic wísce ðæt ic eft forlidennesse gefare, Ap. Th. 12, 10. Wé wísceaþ ðæt wé wæ-acute;ron æ-acute;r deád utinam mortui essemus, Num. 14, 3. Hié wýscaþ ðæt hié næ-acute;fre næ-acute;ron ácennede, Blickl. Homl. 93, 27. Ic oft wíscte and wolde ðæt hyra læs wæ-acute;re swá gewinfulra que utinam minus fuissent laboriosa, Nar. 2, 28. Ðú wýsctest ðæt ðú wistest Crist on róde ahangenne, Blickl. Homl. 85, 33. Hé oft wýscte ðæt ealle Rómáne hæfden æ-acute;nne sweoran exclamasse fertur: 'Utinam populus Romanus unam cervicem haberet,' Ors. 6, 3; Swt. 256, 26: Exon. Th. 378, 33; Deór. 25. Wíscte, Ps. Th. 14, arg. Hí wíscton ðæt hí móston swá wunian óð ende, Homl. Skt. i. 5, 401. (b) where the words of the wish are given :-- Alexander ðá wíscte: 'Eálá gif ðú wæ-acute;re hund,' Homl. Th. ii. 308, 13. (c) with gen. and appositional clause :-- Ic ðæs wísce, ðæt wegas míne on ðínum willan weorþan gereahte utinam dirigantur viae meae, Ps. Th. 118, 5. [O. H. Ger. wunscen optare: Icel. œskja.] v. ge-wýscan.

-wýscedness, -wýscendlíc, -wýscendlíce, -wýscing. v. ge-wýscedness, ge-wýscendlíc. ge-wýscendlíce, ge-wýscing.


FOR the Runic Y see ýr.

ýce, an; f.: ýce, es; m. A (poisonous) frog :-- Ýce botrax vel botraca, Wrt. Voc. i. 24, 19: botrax, 45, 26: ii. 13, 2: 126, 57: rana, 71, 15. Ýcean roboete (the passage is :-- Regulorum et aspidum venena, ad quae quadrupedis robetae et spalangii pestifera confectio humanae naturae nocitura habebatur, Ald. 25), 78, 44. Ðæt ilce biþ nyttol íces slite oþþe hundes, Lchdm. ii. 86, 2 (see note). Ðære wyrte wyrttruma on wætere geðyged wiðræ-acute;ð íceom and næddrum, i. 144, 15. Ýcan &l-bar; froggan ranas, Ps. Lamb. 104, 30. ¶ Yce parruca, Wrt. Voc. ii. 67, 69, seems to be for hyce; v. hicae paruca, 116, 50. [M. H. Ger. úchen ranas.] v. fen-ýce.

yfel, es; n. Evil, ill: :-- Gód bonum, yfel malum, Wrt. Voc. i. 74, 49. I. in a moral sense :-- Ða ðe him biþ unwítnode eall hiora yfel on ðisse worulde, Bt. 38, 3; Fox 200, 26. Hwæt yfeles dyde þes? Mt. Kmbl. 27, 23. Dæ-acute;dbóte dón ðæs mycelan yfeles and mánes, ðe hié wið heora Drihten gedydon, Blickl. Homl. 79, 6. Ðone besmítan ðe ðú nánwiht yfeles on nystest, 85, 36. Yfeles ordfruma, Cd. Th. 288, 1; Sat. 374. Hé ðæs yfeles geswíce, Hy. 2, 8: Met. 9, 52, Forðhealde tó yfele in malum prona, Gen. 8, 21: Hy. 7, 113. For rihtwísnysse hé sceal habban andan tó hira yfele, Past. 12; S. 75, 14. Beó nú on yfele, noldæs æ-acute;r teala, Cd. Th. 310, 26; Sat. 733. Ic syngade and mycel yfel beforan ðé ic gedyde, Blickl. Homl. 87, 30. Leahtra gehwylcne, yfel unclæ-acute;ne, Exon. Th. 80, 21; Cri. 1310: Past. 21; Swt. 157, 23. Ealle ðæt yfel and ðæt unnet, ðæt hé æ-acute;r on his móde hæfde, Bt. 35, 1; Fox 154, 26. Gýtsung, mán, . . . stuntscipe, ealle ðás yfelu of ðam innoðe cumaþ, and ðone man besmítaþ, Mk. Skt. 7, 23. Ðæt hé feala yfla sægde, Blickl. Homl. 173, 20. Yfla gehwylc, grimme gieltas, Exon. Th. 229, 25; Ph. 460. Tó eácan óþrum unárímedum yflum hé ðone pápan hét ofsleán, Bt. 1; Fox 2, 11. Hié næ-acute;nige bóte dón noldan, ah hié on heora yfelum þurhwunedon, Blickl. Homl. 79, 8: Ps. Th. 105, 25. Ic ðé þreáge and ðé cýðe eal ðás yflu, 49, 23. II. what is hurtful, grievous :-- Hú mycel yfel ðé gelamp for ðínre gítsunge, Blickl. Homl. 31, 13. Nú is æ-acute;ghwanon yfel and slege, 115, 16: 181, 32. Is mín yfel twyfeald I am doubly injured, 175, 13. Is sáwl mín sáres and yfeles gefylled repleta est malis anima mea, Ps. Th. 87, 3: 106, 38. Æ-acute;gðer hyra óðrum yfles hogode, Byrht. Th. 135, 45; By. 133: Exon. Th. 54, 28; Cri. 875. Bydelas ðæs écan yfeles, ðe yfelum mannum becymð, Homl. Th. ii. 538, 23. Ða fuglas ús næ-acute;nige láðe ne yfle ne wæ-acute;ron aves non nobis perniciem ferentes, Nar. 16, 18. Hé wile hit him mid grimnesse and mid yfele forgyldan, Blickl. Homl. 55, 25. Hé næ-acute;nigum yfel wiþ yfele geald, 223, 33: Elen. Kmbl. 983; El. 493. Hí ðæ-acute;r mycel yfel gedydon, Chr. 897; Erl. 95, 18: 993; Erl. 133, 3. Æ-acute;lc yfel man him gehét, 1036; Erl. 165, 22. Ðám ðe mé syrwedan yfel qui quaerunt mala mihi, Ps. Th. 70, 12. Ealle ðe mé yfel hogedon qui cogitant mihi mala, 69, 3. Heó þolian ne wolde yfel, Cd. Th. 136, 26; Gen. 2264: Past. 36; Swt. 261, 4: Exon. Th. 77, 9; Cri. 1254. Fela yfelu sceolon foreyrnon æ-acute;r seó geendung ðissere worulde cume, Homl. Th. ii. 538, 22. Ðú mé yfela feala oft oncnyssedest, Ps. Th. 70, 19. Ðé gehealde Drihten wyð yfela gehwam Dominus custodit te ab omni malo, 120, 6. Yfla gehwylc, Exon. Th. 356, 27; Pa. 18. Ic earfeþa dreág, yfel ormæ-acute;tu, 280, 10; Jul. 627. Ic gegaderie ofer hig yflu (mala), Cant. M. ad fil. 23. II a. of disease :-- Wiþ ðam wæ-acute;tan yfle ðæs miltes, Lchdm. ii. 246, 9. Hit mæg wið æ-acute;ghwilcum uncúþum yfele, iii. 288, 17. Wið lungenádle and wið gehwylce yfelu ðe on ðam innoðe dereþ, i. 280, 18. II b. of abusive speech :-- Hié wyrgdon ðone cásere and him yfel cwæ-acute;don, Blickl. Homl. 191, 10. ¶ the word often occurs in contrast with gód :-- Swá ðæs gódan gódnes biþ his ágen gód, swá biþ eác ðæs yfelan yfel his ágen yfel, Bt. 37, 3; Fox 190, 15. Hwæþer him yfel þe gód under wunige, Exon. Th. 82, 3; Cri. 1333. Ealles ðæs ðe wé geweorhtan gódes oððe yfles, 447, 21; Dóm. 43: Blickl. Homl. 51, 26. Treów ingehýdes gódes and yfeles, Gen. 2, 9. Gódes and yfeles, welan and wáwan, Cd. Th. 30, 10; Gen. 465. Gódes and ýfles ic cunnade, Exon. Th. 321, 25; Víd.