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51. Hig woldon gildan gód mid yfele, Gen. 44, 4. Swá gód swá yfel swá hé æ-acute;r dyde, Blickl. Homl. 101, 30. Se Hálga Gást hié æ-acute;ghwylc gód læ-acute;rde and him æ-acute;ghwylc yfel bewerede, 131, 30. Ðurh ða gesceádwísnesse wé tócnáwaþ good and yfel, and geceósaþ ðæt gód and áweorpaþ ðæt yfel, Past. 11; Swt. 65, 22. Geþenc ðæt ðú gód onfénge and gelíce Lazarus onféng yfel, Lk. Skt. 16, 25. [Goth, ubil: O. Sax. u&b-bar;il: O. Frs. evel: O. H. Ger. ubil.]
yfel; adj. Evil, ill, bad :-- Yfel malus, Wrt. Voc. i. 74, 47. I. in a moral sense :-- Yfel mann of yfelum goldborde bringð yfel forð, Mt. Kmbl. 12, 35. Hié næ-acute;nigo firen ne gewundode, ne yfel gewitnes (witness of wrong-doing) ne wrégde, Blickl. Homl. 161, 33. Ðæt ðæ-acute;r mæge yfelu uncyst on eardian, 37, 10. Se yfela déma onféhþ medmycclum feó, and onwendeþ ðone rihtan dóm, 61, 30. Se yfela þeów, Mt. Kmbl. 24, 48. Se yfela willa, Bt. 36, 7; Fox 184, 31. Se yfela unrihtwísa cynincg, Met. 15, 1. Fram yfelum menn ab homine malo, Ps. Th. 139, 1. Yflum, Exon. Th. 96, 20; Cri. 1577. From ðære inwitfullan yflan tungan a lingua dolosa, Ps. Th. 119, 3. Ne sette ic mé fore eágum yfele wísan (rem malam), 100, 3. Synnigra cirm, yfele spræ-acute;ce, Cd. Th. 145, 20; Gen. 2408. Áfyr fram ðé ða yfelan sæ-acute;lþa and ða unnettan, and ðone yflan ege ðisse worulde, Bt. 6; Fox 14, 33. Yfele men magon yfel dón, 36, 7; Fox 184, 4: Blickl. Homl. 45, 23. Yfele geþancas, Mk. Skt. 7, 21. Hyra weorc wæ-acute;ron yfele, Jn. Skt. 3, 19. Se anweald ðara yflena cymþ of unþeáwum, Bt. 36, 7; Fox 182, 26. Ic tó yflum cwæð dixi iniquis, Ps. Th. 74, 4: Exon. Th. 57, 15; Cri. 919. Yfflum, Blickl. Homl. 33, 22. Yfelum wordum, 39, 3. He wile gesceáwian wlitige and unclæ-acute;ne, tile and yfle, Cd. Th. 303, 10; Sat. 610. Hé áraþ ða gódan, and hé wítnaþ ða yfelan, Bt. 41, 2; Fox 246, 20. II. of things, bad, not good of its kind :-- Sió yfele gillestre and ðæt yfele blód, Lchdm. ii. 148, 6. Gif eáran willen ádeáfian, oþþe yfel hlyst sié . . . Gif mon yfelne hlyst hæbbe (cf. wiþ yfelre hlyste, 2, 13), 40, 22-26. Nys gód treów ðe yfelne wæstm déð, ne nis yfel treów gódne wæstm dónde, Lk. Skt. 6, 43. Heó is on onsýne útan yfeles heówes, Blickl. Homl. 197, 11. Ðá gecuron hig ða gódan (fiscas) on hyra fatu, ða yflan hig áwurpon út, Mt. Kmbl. 13, 48. III. of what is grievous, hurtful, etc., (1) of animate objects :-- Yfel wiht phantasma, Mk. Skt. Lind. 6, 49. Hé sealde yfelan wyrme hiora wyrta, Ps. Th. 77, 46. Hí æ-acute;tan yfle tostan, 77, 45. Hé gehæ-acute;lde manega of yfelum (yflum, Lind.) gástum. Lk. Skt. 7, 21. (2) of things :-- Yfel gesihð malus oculus, Mk. Skt. 7, 22. Yfel wyrd bad fortune, Bt. 40, 2; Fox 236, 22. Him ðæs æfter becwom yfel endeleán, Cd. Th. 227, 15; Dan. 187. Ðorn byð þearle scearp, anfengys yfel (bad to take hold of), Runic pm. Kmbl. 340, 1; Rún. 3. Ic hit mid yfelre bysene inc forgylde, Blickl. Homl. 189, 25. Yfele habban sorge, Exon. Th. 376, 32; Seel. 163. Earmne gehýnan yflum yrmþum, 280, 24; Jul. 634. Ic wíte þolade, yfel earfeþu, 89, 6; Cri. 1453. [Goth. ubils: O. Sax. u&b-bar;il: O. Frs. evel: O. H. Ger. ubil.] v. wirsa.
yfel-ádl glosses cacexia, Wrt. Voc. i. 19, 43.
yfel-cund; adj. Of evil nature, malignant :-- Se yfelcunda malignus, Ps. Lamb. 14, 4. Yfelcundra malignantium, 21, 17.
yfel-cweþan (yfle-) glosses maledicere :-- Se ðe yflecuoeðas &l-bar; woerges (maledixerit) ðæm feder, Mt. Kmbl. 15, 4. Fícbeám ðæm ðú yfle-cuoede (maledixisti), Mk. Skt. 11, 21. Yfelcweþende hine maledicentes ei, Ps. Spl. 36, 23.
yfel-dæ-acute;d, e; f. I. an evil deed, misdeed, sin. v. yfel, I :-- Dón sóðe bóte úre yfeldæ-acute;da, Blickl. Homl. 99, 1: Exon. Th. 285, 12; Jul. 713. Ðú scealt andettan yfeldæ-acute;da má, 269, 27; Jul. 456. Ða gesceafta ðe sind þwyrlíce geðúhte, hí sind tó wrace gesceapene yfeldæ-acute;dum, Homl. Th. i. 102, 4. Cweðaþ stunte men ðæt hí be gewyrde lybban sceolon, swylce God hí neádige tó yfeldæ-acute;dum, 110, 31. II. an injurious deed, injury, mischief, v. yfel. III :-- Gesete sáwle míne fram yfeldæ-acute;dum heora restitue animam meam a malignitate eorum, Ps. Spl. 34, 20. [O. H. Ger. ubil-tát.] Cf. yfel-weorc.
yfel-dæ-acute;de; adj.: yfel-dæ-acute;da, an; m. Of evil deeds; a person of evil deeds :-- Gif hé næ-acute;re yfeldæ-acute;de (malefactor), ne sealde wé hine ðé, Jn. Skt. 18, 30. Ðá féng his sunu tó his ríce swýðe yfeldæ-acute;da, Homl. Skt. i. 18, 228. ¶ with special reference to magical practices :-- Gif hwylc yfeldæ-acute;de man þurh æ-acute;nigne æfþancan óþerne begaleþ, Lchdm. i. 190, 9. Unlybwyrhta veneficus, yfeldæ-acute;da maleficus, drý magus, Wrt. Voc. i. 74, 40. Swá swá yfeldæ-acute;da ut magus (maleficus), Hpt. Gl. 487, 61. Mæ-acute;den wyrst swelt, for ðí yfeldæ-acute;da (malefica) and wyrtgælstre, Lchdm. iii. 186, 11. Ðæra manna naman ðe wæ-acute;ron entas and yfeldæ-acute;de, Homl. Th. i. 22, 31. v. unriht-dæ-acute;de, -dæ-acute;da. Cf. yfel-weorc.
yfel-dónd, -dóend, es; m. An evil-doer, malefactor :-- Yfeldóend malefactor, Jn. Skt. Lind. 18, 30. Cf. wel-dónd.
yfel-dónde; adj. (ptcpl.) Evil-doing :-- Drihtenes ondwlita bið ofer ða yfeldóndan men tó ðon ðæt hé hig forspille, L. E. I. 28; Th. ii. 424, 22.
yfel-dysig glosses stultomalus, Wrt. Voc. i. 47, 44.
yfele; adv. Evilly, badly, ill :-- Yfele male, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Zup. 235, 1. I. in a moral sense :-- Yfele gé dydon pessimam rem fecistis, Gen. 44, 5. Hit is gecweden, ðæt him betere wæ-acute;re ðæt hé næ-acute;fre wæ-acute;re, ðonne hé yfele wæ-acute;re, Homl. Th. ii. 244, 21. II. badly, imperfectly, improperly :-- Seó-bóc wæs yfele of Grécisce on Léden gehwyrfed (boldly translated), Bd. 5, 24; S. 648, 23. Hé ða gehát swíðe yfele gelæ-acute;ste, Bt. 1; Fox 2, 9. Gif ic yfele spræ-acute;ce si male locutus sum, Jn. Skt. 18, 23. Gif se esne his hláforde hýreþ yfle, Exon. Th. 430, 18; Rä. 44, 10. III. where there is hurt or suffering :-- Mín dohtor ys yfle (yfele, v. l.) mid deófle gedreht (grievously afflicted), Mt. Kmbl. 15, 22. Ðú eart, Babilone, bitere ætfæsted, ænge and yfele, hire earm dohter filia Babylonis misera, Ps. Th. 136, 8. Fremde þeóde ðín hús yfele gewemdan, Ps. Th. 78, 1. Wel tó dónne hweþer ðe yfele; sáwla gehæ-acute;lan hweþer ðe forspillan? Mk. Skt. 3, 4. Se abbot dyde heom yfele, Chr. 1087; Erl. 217, 7. Wæs Godes yrre þurh ða dæ-acute;de yfele geníwod, Wulfst. 10, 1. Ic him yfle ne mót, Exon. Th. 491, 5; Rä. 80, 9. III a. of bodily suffering :-- Gif men sié fæ-acute;rlíce yfele if it suddenly goes badly with a man, Lchdm. ii. 294, 15. Ðes læ-acute;cedóm sceal tó ðam menn ðe byð yfele on ðam breóstum, iii. 120, 1. IV. marking ill-success :-- Yfele déð him sylfum (he does badly for himself) ðe mid swícdóme his tilaþ, and hé bið sceaðena geféra ðe man sceandlíce wítnaþ, Homl. Skt. i. 19, 172: Cd. Th. 49, 13; Gen. 791. Ðý læs wén sié ðæt wé yfele forweorþon lest perhaps we perish miserably, Blickl. Homl. 247, 2: Ps. Th. 79, 15: 106, 26. Hé ðá yfele and earmlíce geendode, Homl. Skt. ii. 25, 546. On ðære fare heom yfele gelamp, Chr. 1075; Erl. 212, 22. Sceolde unc Adame yfele gewurðan ymb ðæt heofonríce, Cd. Th. 25, 2; Gen. 387. V. of injurious speaking :-- Ic wyrige oððe yfele secge maledico, Ælfc. Gr. 37; Zup. 222, 4. Nis nán ðe on mínum naman mægen wyrce, and mæge raðe be mé yfele specan (male loqui de me), Mk. Skt. 9, 39. Oft mé feala cwæ-acute;don feóndas yfele dixerunt inimici mei mala mihi, Ps. Th. 70, 9. [O. Sax. u&b-bar;ilo: O. H. Ger. ubilo.]
yfel-full; adj. Wicked, evil :-- On dæ-acute;dum yfelfullum in factis malitiosis, Anglia xi. 116, 13.
yfelgeornness, e; f. Evil, wickedness :-- Yfelgiornisse nequitiae, Rtl. 98, 24. Ofer yfelgiornise super malitia, 5, 12: 12, 25.
yfel-hæbbende; adj. (ptcpl.) Sick, ill :-- Ealle yfelhæbbende missenlícum ádlum, Mt. Kmbl. 4, 24.
yfelian; p. ode. I. to do evil to, to maltreat, afflict, injure, wrong :-- Ða þingeras þingiaþ ðæ-acute;m ðe læssan þearfe áhton, þingiaþ ðæ-acute;m ðe man yflaþ, and ne þingiaþ ðám ðe ðæt yfel dóþ; ðæm wæ-acute;re máre þearf, ðe ða óþre unscyldige yfelaþ (yflaþ, v. l.), ðæt him mon þingode tó ðæ-acute;m rícum pro his, qui grave quid, acerbumque perpessi sunt, miserationem judicum excitare conantur oratores, cum magis admittentibus justior miseratio debeatur, Bt. 38, 7; Fox 208, 25-29. E hine yflaþ, Salm. Kmbl. 193; Sal. 96. Íne gelícre geswencednysse ða mæ-acute;gþe yfelade Ini simili provinciam illam adflictione mancipavit, Bd. 4, 15; S. 583, 31. Hé bebeád ðæt mon næ-acute;nne mon ne slóge, and eác ðæt man nánuht ne wanode ne ne yfelade ðæs ðe on ðæ-acute;m ciricum wæ-acute;re dato praecepto, ut si qui in sancta loca confugissent, hos inviolatos securosque esse sinerent, Ors. 6, 38; Swt. 296, 32. Se ilca Dauid forbær ðæt hé ðone kyning ne yfelode, ðe hine of his earde ádræ-acute;fde David ferire deprehensum persecutorem noluit, Past. 3; Swt. 37, 3. Ic wolde helpan ðæs ðe ðæ-acute;r unscyldig wæ-acute;re, and hénan ðone ðe hine yfelode (yflode, v. l.), Bt. 38, 6; Fox 208, 18. Hí yfeledon and slógan Cristene men affligi interficique Christianos praeceperant, Bd. 1, 6; S. 476, 21. Yfeladan, Ps. Th. 82, 3. Hit is riht ðæt mon yfelige ða yfelan, and hit is wóh, ðæt hí mon læ-acute;te unwítnode, Bt. 38, 3; Fox 202, 5. Gif hwá cyrican geséce, and hine man ðæ-acute;r yflige, L. Edm. S. 2; Th. i. 248, 17. Hí ðara nánne yflian noldan ðe tó ðæm Godes húse óðflugon, Ors. 2, 8; Swt. 94, 8: Nar. 25, 27. Ða ðe willaþ Godes cyricean yfelian and strúdan, Blickl. Homl. 75, 24. II. to get bad, (1) of persons :-- Hié beóð swíðe ungesæ-acute;lige, ðonne hié yfeliaþ (yfliaþ, v. l.) for ðæm ðe óðre menn gódigaþ quantae infelicitatis sint, qui melioratione proximi deteriores fiunt, Past. 34; Swt. 231, 18. (2) of things or circumstances :-- Aa æfter ðam hit yfelode swíðe things got very bad, Chr. 975; Erl. 127, 33. Á syððan hit yflade swíðe, wurðe gód se ende, ðonne God wylle, 1066; Erl. 202, 41. Gif blóddolg yflige . . . oððe gif ðú ne mæge blóddolg áwríþan, Lchdm. ii. 16, 4: 148, 8. Nýde hit sceal on worulde for folces synnan yfelian swýðe, Wulfst. 81, 8: 156, 7. [Wæstmes ne synd swá góde swá heó iu wæ-acute;ron, ac yfeleð swýðe eall eorðe wæstme, Shrn. 17, 21. Ne scal us na mon uuelien, O. E. Homl. i. 15, 13.] v. ge-yflian.
yfel-læ-acute;rende inciting to evil :-- Yfelonbecweþende oþþe yfellæ-acute;rende malesuada, Germ. 390, 113.
yfel-líc; adj. Bad, foul, rotten. v. yfel, II :-- Ðysse worulde wela is gebrosnadlíc and yfellíc and forwordenlíc, Wulfst. 263, 13. Twégen león ádulfan his byrgenne on ðæs wéstenes sande; ðæ-acute;r resteþ Paules líchoma mid yfelíce duste bewrigen, ac on dómes dæge hé áríseþ on wuldor, Shrn. 50, 18. Seó byrgen is bewrigen mid dimmum stánum and yfellícum, 66, 25.
yfelness, e; f. Evil, wickedness, badness :-- Yfelnys malignitas, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 25; Zup. 50, 10. I. in a moral sense :-- Micel yfelnys (malitia) manna wæs ofer eorðan, Gen. 6, 5. Hé (Antichrist) neádaþ þurh yfelnysse ðæt men sceolon búgan fram heora Scyppendes geleáfan tó his leásungum, se ðe is ord æ-acute;lcre leásunge and yfelnysse . . . on ðam tíman bið micel yfelnyss and þwyrnys betwux mancynne, Homl. Th. i. 4, 27&dash-uncertain;