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YMB-HYGD -- YMB-SÆ-acute;LAN. 1297
ealle hit syndon Godes æ-acute;hta Domini est terra et plenitudo ejus, orbis terrarum et universi qui habitant in eo, Homl. Th. i. 172, 9. Ymbhwyrft eorðena, Ps. Spl. Surt. 23, 1. Ymbhwyrft eorðan orbis terrae, Ps. Th. 89, 2. Eorðan ymbhwyrft and uprodor, Cd. Th. 205, 1; Exod. 429. Ic eom micle yldra ðonne ymbhwyrft ðes, oþþe ðes middangeard, Exon. Th. 424, 21; Rä. 41, 42. Ðæt wealdleþer ealles ymbhweorftes heofenes and eorþan, Bt. 36, 2; Fox 174, 19. Yrnð seó sunne bufon ðysum ymbhwyrfte, Lchdm. iii. 250, 14. Eallum ymbehwyrfte (ymbhuirfte, Lind.) universo orbi, Lk. Skt. 21, 26. Úre ieldran ealne ðisne ymbhwyrft ðises middangeardes swá swá Oceanus ymbligeþ on þreó tódæ-acute;ldon majores nostri orbem totius terrae, oceani limbo circumseptum, triquadrum statuere, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 8, 1. Hé gesette ofer hig ymbhwyrft (orbem, 1 Sam. 2, 8), Cant. An. 8 : Ps. Lamb. 32, 8. Geond alnæ ymbhwyrft in universo orbe, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 24, 14: Homl. Th. i. 76, 27. Se cásere, se ðe eallne ymbhwyrft on his anwealde hæfde, L. Ælfc. C. 2; Th. ii. 342, 22. Ástág ðæt heofonlíce goldhord on ðysne ymbhwyrft, Blickl. Homl. 11, 29. Hé ymbhwyrft eorðan folca sóðe and rihte démeþ judicabit orbem terrae in aequitate, et populos in veritate sua, Ps. Th. 95, 13. Ymbhwyrft ealne eorðan and heofones, Met. 24, 38. Ealne ymbhwyrft and uprador, Elen. Kmbl. 1458; El. 731. Eorðan ymbehwyrft orbem terrarum, Ps. Th. 88, 10. IV b. a district, region, world ( = part of the world occupied by a particular people) :-- Hí férdon geond eallum Rómániscum ymbhwyrfte they went through all the Roman world, Homl. Th. ii. 30, 28. Gang óð ðæt ðú ðone ymbhwyrft alne canne, Cd. Th. 308, 33; Sat. 702. ¶ On ymbhwyrfte among :-- Se ðe is on ealra ymbhwyrfte tó weorþienne he that is to be honoured among all people, Blickl. Homl. 197, 5. V. a bend, turn :-- Nim his lifre, tódæ-acute;l, and bedealf æt ðám ymbhwyrftum ðínra landgemæ-acute;ra, Lchdm. i. 328, 22. VI. turn, regular course :-- His suna férdon, and ðénode æ-acute;lc óðrum mid his gódum on ymhwyrfte æt his húse, Homl. Th. ii. 446, 17. VII. attention, cultivation. v. ymb-hweorfan, IV :-- Gif se wíngeard næfð ðone ymbhwyrft, and ne bið onriht gescreádod, ne bið hé wæstmbæ-acute;re, ac for hraðe áwildaþ, Homl. Th. ii. 74, 14.
ymb-hygd; f. n. : -hygdu ; f. (v. ofer-hygd) Care, anxiety :-- Wiste úre se heofonlíca Fæder his ða leófan bearn on myclum ymbhygdum wæ-acute;ron æfter him; ðá wolde hé se Hæ-acute;lend hié áfréfran, Blickl. Homl. 131, 28.
ymb-hygdig; adj. I. feeling anxiety, careful, anxious, solicitous, attentive :-- Ymbhédig sollicitus, Wrt. Voc. i. 51, 24. Emhídig &l-bar; carful zelotypus, Hpt. Gl. 415, 1. Emhídi, 414, 77. Emhédig &l-bar; hohful, 459, 71. Hé mid ymbhýdie (behygdige, Bd. M. 264, 31) móde smeáde sollerti animo scrutaretur, Bd. 4, 3; S. 568, 4. Ne beó gé ymbehýdige eówre sáwle hwæt gé etan nolite solliciti esse animae vestrae quid manducetis, Lk. Skt. 12, 22. Be óðrum þingum ymbehýdige de ceteris solliciti, 12, 26. Ymbhýdige be reáfe, Mt. Kmbl. 6, 28. Ða sýn emhýdige and cariende embe heora ealdorscipas on eallum þingum sollicitudinem gerant super decanias suas in omnibus, R. Ben. 46, 10. Ymbhédigra sollicitorum, Kent. Gl. 352. Hié forgytaþ ðæt hié hwéne æ-acute;r ymbhygdigum eárum and ingeþancum gehýrdon reccean, Blickl. Homl. 55, 27. II. causing anxiety, anxious :-- Gif him þince ðæt hé geseó man mid wæ-acute;pnan gewundodne, ymbhídig sorg ðæt byð, Lchdm. iii. 174, 12.
ymb-hygdiglíc ; adj. Careful, anxious, solicitous, sedulous :-- Mid emhédilícere geornfulnysse sollicita (curiosa, sedula) intentione, Hpt. Gl. 410, 9.
ymb-hygdiglíce; adv. Carefully, sedulously [ :-- Mid ðan ðe hé his salmes and his gebeden and ræ-acute;dingan embhýdiglíce smeáde, Shrn 14, 14.]
ymb-hygdigness, e; f. Care, anxiety, solicitude :-- Þurhwacol emhídignys pervigil sollicitudo, Hpt. Gl. 426, 57. Geornfulnys &l-bar; emhédinys diligentia, cura, 437, 58. Se abbod mid ealre emhýdignesse (sollicitudine) carige embe ða gyltendan gebróðru, R. Ben. 50, 18 : 54, 19 : 137, 21. Æ-acute;lc ðæra wæs hám tó his ágenum farende myd mycelre ymbhýdignysse and mid mycelum ege, Nicod. 33; Thw. 19, 26. Wé sceolon ða ymhídignysse fram ús áwurpan, Homl. Th. ii. 462, 12. Twá wiðerræ-acute;de ðing geðeódde Drihten on ðisum cwyde, ymhídignyssa and lustas. Ymhídignyssa ofðriccaþ ðæt mód, and unlustas tólýsaþ, 92, 14. Gehyspendlíce on ymbhigdinyssum sínum (studiis suis), Ps. Lamb. 13, 2.
ymb-irnan; p. -arn. I. to go round :-- Hí ymbyrnaþ ceaster circuibunt civitatem, Ps. Spl. 58, 7, 16. II. to go about: -- Seofona gástas ymbiornas (discurrentes), Mt. Kmbl. p. 10, 3. v. ymb-ærnan.
ymb-læ-acute;dan; p. de To lead about :-- Hé ymblæ-acute;dde hine circumduxit eum (Deut. 32, 10), Cant. M. ad fil. 10.
ymb-læ-acute;r(i)gian (?) to surround, encompass :-- Sýn emblæ-acute;rg[ede] ambiuntur (cf. ymb-hammen, which is a gloss to tie same passage), Anglia xv. 207, 289. v. læ-acute;rig.
ymb-licgan; p. -læg. I. to lie round, surround, encompass :-- Ealne ðisne ymbhwyrft ðises middangeardes, swá swá Oceanus útan ymbligeþ orbem totius terrae, Oceani limbo circumseptum, Ors. 1, 1; Swt 8, 2. Seó líne ðe wile xxxiii síða ealne eorðan ymbehwyrft útan ymblicgan, Salm. Kmbl. 152, 6. II. to lie about, along. v. ymb, I. 1 d :-- Se cyng ðæt land on ða sæ-acute;healfe mid scipum ymbelæg, Chr. 1072 ; Erl 211, 2. [To umbely&yogh;e Lothe&yogh; hous, Allit. Pms. 63, 836. ]
ymb-líþan to circumnavigate :-- Ymblíþendre Breotone útan circumnavigata Brittania, Bd. 5, 9; S. 622, 17.
ymb-lócian to look round :-- Ymblócade circumspiciens, Mk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 3, 34. [Þat leris man him umbiloke, C. M. 8468. Nedefull it es. . . þat he warely umbyluke hym þat he pryde hym noghte þareof, Rol. H. i. 319, 18.]
ymb-lofian to praise :-- Heriaþ Drihten ealle þeóda, ymblofiaþ (laudate) hine ealle folctruman, Ps. Lamb. 116, 1.
ymb-lyt ? :-- Hé gesette sunnan and mónan, stánas and eorðan, streám út on sæ-acute;, wæter and wolcen ðurh his wundra miht, deópne ymblyt (ybmlyt, MS.) dene (clene, MS.) ymbhaldeþ Meotod on mihtum, Cd. Th. 265, 13 ; Sat. 7.
ymbren, es; pl. ymbrenu (the reading ymbren ILLEGIBLE fæstena, L. Eth. vi. 23; Th. i. 320, 20, should rather be ymbrenfæstena, as in Wulfst. 272, 16) ; n. Ember (in Ember-day), Embring (e. g. Keep embrings well and fasting days. . . . For Friday, Saturn and Wednesday, Tusser) ; the name of the four periods of fasting and prayer appointed by the Church to be observed in the four seasons of the year respectively. Each was a period of three days, a Wednesday and the following Friday and Saturday (cf. ða twelf ymbrendagas, Wulfst. 244, 20. For the dates see the passage given under ymbren-dæg, L. Ecg. P. addit. 21; Th. ii. 234, 33) :-- Ðis godspel sceal on Wódnesdæg tó ðam ymbrene æ-acute;r myddawyntran (cf. Ðys gebyraþ on Frigedæg tó ðam ylcan fæstene, v. 39), Lk. Skt. 1, 26 rubc. Ðis sceal on Wódnesdæg on ðære Pentecostenes wucan tó ðam ymbrene, 9, 12 rubc. On Frigedæg on ðære Pentecostenes wucan tó ðam ymbrene, 8, 40 rubc. On Sæternesdæg on ðære Pentecostenes wucan tó ðam ymbrene, Mt. Kmbl. 20, 29 rubc. Ðis sceal tó ðam ymbrene innan hærefeste on Wódnesdæg, Mk. Skt. 9, 17 rubc. Tó ðam ymbrene innan hærfaste on Frigedæg, Lk. Skt. 7, 36 rubc. Tó ðam ymbrene innan hærefeste on Sæterndæg, 13, 6 rubc. Fæstaþ ða feówer ymbrenu on twelf mónðum, ðe eów rihtlíce ásette synd, Wulfst. 136, 17. ¶ the form occurs also with riht prefixed :-- Áðas and wífunga æ-acute;fre sindan tócwedene heáhfreólsdagum and rihtymbrenum, L. Eth. vi. 25; Th. i. 320, 25: Wulfst. 117, 15 note. [Perhaps both the Latin (jejunia) quatuor temporum and the English ymb-ryne (q. v.) may have a share in the formation of ymbren; cf. Germ. quatember and Swed. tamper-dagar.] v. following words.
ymbren-dæg, es; m. An Ember-day :-- Wé forbeódaþ ordál and áðas freólsdagum and ymbrendagum, L. C. E. 17; Th. i. 370, 3: Wulfst. 117, 15. Ða ðe heora lencten wel gefæsten and ða twelf ymbrendagas, 244, 20. ¶ with riht prefixed :-- Ðis synt ða rihtymbrendagas (legitimi quatuor temporum dies), ðe man mid rihte healdan sceal; ðæt is, on k&l-bar;. Martii, on ðære forman wucan; and k&l-bar;. Iunii, on ðære æfteran wucan; and on k&l-bar;. Septem&b-bar;. on ðære þriddan wucan; and on k&l-bar;. December, on ða néhstan wucan æ-acute;r Cristes mæssan, L. Ecg. P. addit. 21; Th. ii. 234, 33. Áðas sindon tócweden freólsdagum and rihtymbrendagum, L. Eth. v. 18; Th. i. 308, 25. Gyf hwylc wydewe hý forlicge, béte .i. geár, and rihtymbrendagas tó eácan ðæs geáres (et insuper quattuor temporum legitimis anni diebus), L. Ecg. C. 39; Th. ii. 164, 30. [Iðe Úmbridawes, Wodnesdawes and Fridawes, A. R. 70, 6. Embyrday, embyr angarium vel quatuor temporum, Prompt. Parv. 139. Icel. Imbru-dagar (taken from English).]
ymbren-fæsten, es; n. The fast of the Ember-days :-- Ðæt man æ-acute;lc beboden fæsten healde, sí hit ymbrenfæsten, sí hit lengctenfæsten, L. C. E. 16; Th. i. 368, 22. Ðæt ymbrenfæsten byð on ðissum mónþe (December), Anglia viii. 311, 39. On ðam lenctenfæstene and on æ-acute;lcum ymbrenfæstene, Homl. Th. ii. 608, 17. Feówer ymbrenfæstenu beóð on twelf mónðum, eallswá feówer tíman beóð, Anglia viii. 312, 14. Ymbrenfæstena healde man rihte, swá swá Scs. Gregorius Angelcynne sylf hit gedihte, Wulfst. 272, 16: L. Eth. vi. 23; Th. i. 320, 20.
ymbren-wicu, an; f. A week in which Ember-days fall :-- .iiii. Wódnesdagas on .iiii. ymbrenwican, L. Alf. pol. 43 ; Th. i. 92, 9. [Iðe ymbri wikis Wodnesdawes and Fridawes, A. R. 70, 6 note. Icel. Imbru-vika.]
ymb-ryne, es; m. I. course of a moving body :-- Wæ-acute;ron sume gedwolmen ðe cwæ-acute;don, ðæt æ-acute;lc man beó ácenned be steorrena gesetnyssum, and þurh heora ymbryna him wyrd gelimpe, Homl. Th. i. 110, 8. II. course of time, revolution, period :-- Ðes geárlíca ymryne ús gebrincþ efne nú ða clæ-acute;nan tíd Lenctenlíces fæstenes, Homl. Th. ii. 98, 24. Gyf hé (the 29th of February) byð forlæ-acute;ten unteald, ðæ-acute;rrihte áwent eall ðæs geáres ymbryn[e] (-rene, v. l. ) þwyres, Lchdm. iii. 264, 12. Emrynes lustrationis, circuli, curriculo annorum, Hpt. Gl. 455, 6. Áurnenum (wucan) emrene emenso hebdomadis curriculo, 428, 72. Se dæg bið ofer Eástrum on ymbryne ðæs geáres, Homl. Skt. ii. 27, 16. Iond ðære wucan emrene per septimane circulum, R. Ben. Interl. 52, 4. Yrnende geond gæ-acute;res ymbrene currens per anni circulum, Hymn. Surt. 39, 29. Dægena embrynum dierum circulis, 27, 1. Embrenum lustris, Hpt. Gl. 415, 67. Ymrynum, 493, 62. Æ-acute;fre ymbe geáres ymbrynum, Lchdm .iii. 238, 25. Be ðæs geáres ymbrenum de temporibus, 232, 5.
ymb-sæ-acute;lan to bind round, tie round :-- Sié unbunden (ymbunden, Lind.) &l-bar; unsæ-acute;led (=ymbsæ-acute;led) circumdaretur, Mk. Skt. Rush. 9, 42.