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ÆT-H&I-long;DE -- ÆT-&I-long;WNESS 23
nobility that comes from spiritual birth) Petrus cwæ&d-bar; : G&e-long; sint &a-long;coren kynn Gode and kynelices preósth&a-long;des. Past. 85, 14-19. Ic wylle m&i-long;ne æ&d-bar;elo eallum gec&y-long;&d-bar;an, þæt ic wæs on Myrcon miccles cynnes. By. 216. Æ-long;lc mon &d-bar;e allunga underþeóded biþ unþeáwum forlæ-long;t his fruman sceaft and his æþelo, Bt. 30, 2; F. 110, 22: Met. 17, 25. II b. noble birth, nobility :-- Hw&y-long; g&e-long; eów for æ&d-bar;elum up &a-long;hebben, Met. 17, 18. Deá&d-bar; forsieh&d-bar; þ&a-long; æþelo, and þone r&i-long;can gel&i-long;ce and þone heánan foriwelgþ, Bt. 30, l; F. 68, 33. Ðæt &a-long;n ic w&a-long;t g&o-long;des on þ&a-long; æþelu, þ-bar; manigne mon sceamaþ þ-bar; h&e-long; weorþe wyrsa &d-bar;onne his eldran wæ-long;ron, Bt. 30, I; S. 69, 12. H&e-long; forseah eor&d-bar;lic æ&d-bar;elu, gemunde h&a-long;m in heo-fonum, G&u-long;. 68. III. nobility, excellence :-- Þæt Israh&e-long;la æ&d-bar;elu m&o-long;ten ofer middangeard r&i-long;csian, æ-long;cræft eorla, El. 433. Æ&d-bar;elum cræftige excellently skilful, 315. IV. nobility in a concrete, collective sense(?), noble things :-- Heáhhlio&d-bar;o horde onf&e-long;ngon and æ&d-bar;elum eác eor&d-bar;an t&u-long;dres. Gen. 1440. Fl&o-long;d &a-long;h&o-long;f earce from eor&d-bar;an and þ&a-long; æ&d-bar;elo mid, 1389. [O. Sax. a&d-bar;ali; n. noble family: O. H. Ger. adal, edeli; n. prosapia, genus, nobilitas; edi&i-long;; f. generositas: Icel. a&d-bar;al; n. nature.]
æt-h&i-long;de. Dele.
æt-hindan. Add: prep, with dat. :-- Se kyning f&e-long;rde him æthindan, Ælfc. T. 5, 24: Hml. A. 105, 106.
æ-acute;þm. Add :-- Æ-acute;þm alitus, Wrt. Voc. i. 287, 71. Æthm, ii. 99, 78. Æthme vapore, 123, 14. I. breath of a living creature :-- Æ-long;lces fisces sciell bi&d-bar; t&o-long; &o-long;&d-bar;erre gef&e-long;ged &d-bar;æt &d-bar;æ-long;r ne mæg n&a-long;n æ-long;&d-bar;m &u-long;t be-twuxn una squama uni conjungitur, et ne spiraculum quidem incedit per eas, Past. 361, 19. II. hot breath, blast of fire :-- H&e-long; gefr&e-long;t þæs f&y-long;res æ-long;þm, Hml. Th. i. 616, 24. H&i-long; &a-long;sprungon up mid &d-bar;&a-long;m f&y-long;re . . . and þæ-long;r sl&o-long;h &u-long;t ormæ-long;te stenc mid &d-bar;&a-long;m æ-long;&d-bar;mum, ii. 350, 25. III. hot vapour from liquids :-- þ-bar; se æ-long;þm (steam from a hot kettle) ne mæge &u-long;t, Lch. ii. 338, 18. Drince on þ&a-long;m baþe and ne læ-long;te on þone &e-long;þm, 78, 24. Þ&a-long; h&a-long;tan wæter reóca&d-bar; and mycele æ-long;þmas (vapores) wyrca&d-bar;, Gr. D. 343, 4. Baþena æ-long;þmas thermarum uapores, An. Ox. 4778. IV. vapour of the human body :-- Of h&o-long;mena æ-long;þme and stiéme cym&d-bar; eágna mist. Lch. ii. 26, 26. Þ&a-long; þing þe windigne æ-long;þm on men wyrcen, 214, 3.
æ-long;þmian. Substitute.I to send forth vapour, be heated, be in a ferment :-- Þ&a-long; þe on gewilnunge græ-long;dignysse æ-long;þmea&d-bar; ;ui desiderio cu-piditatis exestuant, Scint. 112, ll. II. to send forth a smell :-- Æ-long;þmmigende redolentia, Germ. 391, 202. [O. H. Ger. &a-long;t(o)m&o-long;n flare, spirare.]
æt-hredan. Dele, and v. æt-bregdan, III.
æt-hr&i-long;nan. Add :-- Ætr&i-long;nþ tangat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 135, 10. Ethr&i-long;n&d-bar; tetigerit, Kent. Gl. 167. Æthr&i-long;ne&d-bar; adhaerebit, Lk. L. 16, 13. Æthr&a-long;n adhaesit, 10, ll. Ætr&a-long;n, 15, 15. Ne &d-bar;&u-long; ne ethr&i-long;n nec adtingas, Kent. 01. 874. (l) with gen. :-- Gyf ic hys reáfes æthr&i-long;ne, Mt. 9, 21. Gyf hwylc man hyra æthr&i-long;ne&d-bar;, Nar. 34, 2. Hyra n&a-long;n hys ne æthr&a-long;n nemo misit in illum manus, Jn. 7, 30. Heó his hrægeles fnædes æthr&a-long;n, Hml. A. 182, 49: 187, 177. þ-bar; f&y-long;r heora ne æthr&a-long;n, Hml. S. 30, 454. Ne æthr&i-long;n &d-bar;&u-long; m&i-long;n noli me tangere, Jn. 20, 17. (2) with dat. :-- Ic næ-long;fre ne æthr&a-long;n hire leomum, Hml. A. 204, 304. Heó nolde were æthr&i-long;nan, 135, 654. (3) with acc. :-- H&e-long; hig æthr&a-long;n, Mt. 17, 7. Heó æthr&a-long;n hys reáfes fnæd, 9, 20. (4) case uncertain :-- H&e-long; cwæ&d-bar; þæt h&e-long; hyre næ-long;fre ne æthrine, Hml. A. 135, 660. Æ-long;r þon þe h&e-long; eorþan æthrine, Bl. H. 165, 19.
æt-hrine, es; m. Touch :-- Æthrinfe] tactus, Wrt. Voc. i. 42, 55. þ-bar; ne worhte n&a-long;nes mannes æthrine, Gr. D. 87, 34. On æthrine in tactu, Angl. xi. 116, 14. Mid hys æthrine h&y-long; onweg gew&i-long;ta&d-bar; at a touch from it they will go away. Lch. i. 336, 14. Hnesce on æthrine soft to the touch, 108. 1: 110, 5.
æ-long;þro. v. æ-long;d(d)er.
æ-long;-þrot, es; n. Weariness, disgust :-- Æ-long;þrot fastidium, Wrt. Voc. ii. I. 146, 45. Æ-long;hþrot is pertesum est. An. Ox. II, 166. Fore æ-long;þrote prae tedio, Ps. Srt. 118, 28. H&i-long; heora t&i-long;da singaþ oþ þæs sealmsanges ende b&u-long;tan æ-long;þrote þurhwuniende, R. Ben. 138, 2. Æ-long;þrotu fastidia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 146, 48. Gelæ-long;rede æ-long;þrotu docta fastidia (-gia, MS.), 141, 69. v. &a-long;-þrotsum.
æ-long;þ-r&y-long;t. l. æ-long;-þryt[t], -þryte, and add :-- N&a-long;ht is lang, n&a-long;ht ys æ-long; þryte (longum) þ-bar; n&a-long; on sceortum s&y-long; geendud, Scint. 217, 6. Gyf hit ne þ&u-long;hte æ-long;sþryt (-þrytt. v. l.) t&o-long; &a-long;wr&i-long;tenne. Lch. iii. 276, 3. Þ&y-long; læ-long;s &d-bar;e hit eów æ-long;&d-bar;ryt þince, Hml. Th. i. 88, 32. Þe læ-long;s þe hyt beó æ-long;þryt gelæ-long;redum preóstum, Angl. viii. 333, 13. Him &d-bar;inc&d-bar; æ-long;&d-bar;ryt t&o-long; geh&y-long;renne ymbe &d-bar;&a-long; clæ-long;nnesse, Hml. Th. ii. 374, 21. Þinc&d-bar; him æ-long;þryt þ-bar; h&e-long; embe þ-bar; þence, An. Ox. 4582, note. (In any but the first of these passages perhaps æ-long;þryt is a noun; v. next word, and cf. æ-long;hþrot is pertesum est, An. Ox. II, 166.)
æ-long;þryt[t], es ; n. I. weariness, disgust :-- Ne durre w&e-long; &d-bar;&a-long;s b&o-long;c gelengan, &d-bar; &i-long; læ-long;s &d-bar;e heó ungemetegod s&y-long; and mannum æ-long;&d-bar;ryt þurh hire micelnysse &a-long;styrige, Hml. Th. ii. 520, 5. II. wearisomeness, tediousness :-- Ic &d-bar;&o-long;hte þæt hit wæ-long;re læ-long;sse æ-long;&d-bar;ryt t&o-long; geh&y-long;renne, gif man &d-bar;&a-long; &a-long;ne b&o-long;c ræ-long;t on &a-long;nes geáres ymbryne, and &d-bar;&a-long; &o-long;&d-bar;re on &d-bar;&a-long;m æftran geáre, Hml. Th. ii. 2, 11.
æ-long;-þr&y-long;tness. l. æ-long;-þrytness, and add :-- Æ-long;þrytnesse tedium, Hy. S. 133, 28. Æ-long;þretnysse, 25, 24. v. &a-long;-þrytness.
æ-long;-þryttan; p. -te To weary :-- Æ-long;þrytte pertensum(-taesum,Ald.) est, An. Ox. 4582. Æ-long;þyrdte, 4, 83. Æ-long;&d-bar;rette, Hpt. Gl. 512, 42. (All are glosses on the same passage.) Þæt h&i-long; ne beón &d-bar;urh &d-bar;&a-long; langsumnysse æ-long;&d-bar;rytte, Hml. Th. ii. 446, 8.
æ-long;þung. v. &e-long;þung.
æt-hw&a-long;. Add :-- S&a-long;cerdum gebyreþ þ-bar; h&i-long; georne t&o-long; rihte æthw&a-long;m fylstan, Ll. Th. ii. 312. 39. [O. H. Ger ete-wer aliquis.]
æt-hw&a-long;ra (-e) ; adv. Somewhat :-- Æthw&a-long;re aliquantuum, Hpt. Gl. 421, 37. [O. H. Ger. ete-w&a-long;r alicubi; ete-w&a-long;ra quocumque.] v. hwæt-hw&a-long;ra.
æt-hweg; adv. How :-- G&e-long; magan be þissum &a-long;num (deófles men) gecn&a-long;wan, þ&a-long; h&e-long; &d-bar;urh deófol swylcne cræft hæfde ongeán swylce Godes þegnas, . . . æthweg hit bi&d-bar; þonne se deófol cym&d-bar;, Wlfst. 101, I.
æt-hwega. Add: -hwigan :-- Æthwega (-hwigan modice, R. Ben. I. 92, 16) beteran, R. Ben. 90, II : aliquatenus, R. Ben. l. 107, 8: 115, 15 : aliquantulum, 95, 8 : An. Ox. 638 : paulatim, Angl. xiii. 365, 9. Æthwege paulisper, An. Ox. 5390. Hit æthwego &a-long;dr&i-long;g, Lch. i. 332, 26.
æt-hw&o-long;n. Add :-- Æthw&o-long;n pene, Mt. p. l, 13.
æt-h&y-long;de. l. æt-h&y-long;dan (?) to take away the skin :-- Æth&y-long;d eviscerata (cf. viscera beflagen flæ-long;(s)c, Wrt. Voc. i. 45, 7), Wrt. Voc. ii. 29, 50. Ath&e-long;d (æohed, Ep. Gl.), Txts. 59, 768.
æt-&i-long;can, -&i-long;cness. v. t&o-long;-æt&i-long;can, -æt&i-long;cness, and æt-&y-long;can, -&y-long;cnes in Dict.
æt-&i-long;w(i)an (-eáw-, -eów-, -&e-long;w-, -iéw-, -&y-long;w-. In Ps. L. 16, 15 a dis-tinction between the mutated and not mutated forms seems to be made, the former being transitive (cf. Goth. at-augjan to shew), the latter intransitive :-- Ic beó æt&y-long;wed &l-bar; æteówie apparebo: but this distinction is not generally made). I. trans. To shew, (l) what may be seen by the eye :-- Hwylc t&a-long;cn æt&y-long;wst (-eówes. R. , ædeáues, L. ostendis) þ&u-long; &u-long;s ?, Jn. 2, 18. Ic æteówode þone god &d-bar;e &d-bar;&i-long;n br&o-long;&d-bar;or wur&d-bar;ode him gebundenne. Hml. Th. i. 468, 22. H&e-long; hiene ætiéwde (-iéde, Hatt. MS.) æfter &d-bar;æ-long;re æ-long;riste, Past. 42, 20. Steorran hié ætiéwdon (-&e-long;wdon, MS. E.), Chr. 540; P. 16, 14. Æt&y-long;w (-eáw, R. , ædeáw, L.) &d-bar;&e-long; þ&a-long;ra s&a-long;cerda ealdre, Mk. 1, 44. Ædeáua, Lk. L. 5, 14. His w&i-long;te þæ-long;m Godes þegne æt&e-long;wed wæs, Shrn. 86, 5. Æt&y-long;wed (-eówed, R. , ædeáwd, L.) on &o-long;&d-bar;rum h&i-long;we, Mk. 16, 12. T&a-long;cna æt&y-long;wde wæ-long;ron, Bd. 4, 9; S. 576, 13. H&e-long; ongiet be sumum &d-bar;ingum &u-long;tanne ætiéwdum eall &d-bar;æt hié innan &d-bar;encea&d-bar;, Past. 155, 10. (2) what is perceived by the mind, to manifest, reveal :-- Ic æt&y-long;we (ædeáua, L.) hw&a-long;m h&e-long; gel&i-long;c is, Lk. 6, 47. Ædeáuades reuelasti. Lk. 10, 21. H&i-long; þurh gewrite at&i-long;wdon, hw&i-long; h&i-long; &d-bar;æ-long;r beón ne mihton, Chr. 1070; P. 204, 6. Æt&y-long;w m&e-long; þ&i-long;n good, Ps. Th. 58, 10. At&y-long;wian mid gesceáde, þ-bar; h&e-long; mid rihte crafede, Chr. 1070 ; P. 206, 12. M&e-long; by&d-bar; æteáwed (manifestabitur) &d-bar;&i-long;n wuldor, Ps. Th. 16, 15. (2 a) where the object is a person :-- Ic æteówo (ædeáua, L.) him mec solfne. . . . &U-long;s æteówes &l-bar; &d-bar;&u-long; æteówende ar&d-bar; (&d-bar;&u-long; ædeáuas &l-bar; &d-bar;&u-long; eáuande ar&d-bar;, L.) manifestabo ei me ipsum . . . nobis manifestaturus es, Jn. R. 14, 21, 22. II. intrans. To appear, (l) to be shewn, be seen :-- Ateáu&d-bar; aparuit, Kent. Gl. 1116. H&i-long; ætiéwa&d-bar; on openum yfle, Past. 439, 6. Æteáwde h&e-long; him on swefne, Shrn. 70, 13 : Hml. S. 30, 57, 58. Æt&y-long;wde (-eáwde, R. , ædeáude, L.), Mt. 17, 3 : (-eáude, R. , ædeáwade, L.), 2, 19: (-eówde, R. , ædeáwde, L), Mk. 16, 9. Æteówde se steorra, Chr. 892; P. 82, 31. Æteówde (cf. wear&d-bar; æt&y-long;wed, MS. A.), 975; P. 121, 16: (cf. was ateówod, MS. F.), 995; P. 129, 23. Ateówede, 678; P. 38, 28. Æteówode, Hml. Th. i. 74, 13 : 76, 9. Fæ-long;rl&i-long;ce æteówode m&i-long;n l&a-long;tteów sw&a-long; sw&a-long; sc&i-long;nende steorra, ii. 352, 2. Æt&e-long;wde, Shrn. 49, 5. Ætiéwde conpanruit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 16, 4. &U-long;s ætiéwde (-iéde, Hatt. MS.) se H&a-long;lga G&a-long;st on culfran anl&i-long;c-nesse, Past. 290, 6. At&i-long;wede, Chr. 1066; P. 196, 2. Æt&y-long;wde, Bd. 4, 8; S. 576, 8. . Ðæ-long;m biscope æteáwdon fægre fæ-long;mnan. Shrn. 63, 16. H&e-long;r at&e-long;woden tw&e-long;gen cometan, Chr. 729 ; P. 45, l. (2) with complementary adjective :-- Eall &d-bar;&a-long; hrægel sw&a-long; hw&i-long;t and sw&a-long; n&i-long;we æt&y-long;wdon, sw&a-long; h&e-long; &d-bar;&y-long; ylcan dæge mid gegearwod w&a-long;re, Bd. 4, 30 ; S. 608, 41. Cf. oþ- &i-long;wan.
æt-&i-long;wedness. Add: I. shewing, display :-- On æt&y-long;wednysse wun-dorlices t&a-long;cnes in ostensione admirabilis signi, Gr. D. 19, 3. Ædeáudnesse (ostensione) hondo and f&o-long;ta, Lk. p. ii. 13. II. revelation, mani-festation :-- Þurh Godes æt&y-long;wednesse h&e-long; funde þ-bar; heáfod, Shrn. 151, 26. Þurh æteówednyss fram Gode þæ-long;re g&a-long;stlican gesihþe, Hml. S. 23 b, 38. v. æt-&i-long;wness.
æt-&i-long;w(i)endlic ; adj. Demonstrative :-- Iste þes ys æteówiendlic (-eów-endlic, -&y-long;wigendlic, v. ll.), Ælfc. Gr. Z. 93, 9.
æt-&i-long;wness, e; f. I. shewing, display of what may be seen or noted :-- Seó æteównes þ&a-long;ra w&i-long;ta ne byþ n&a-long; gel&i-long;ce nyt eallum mannum, Gr. D. 317, 23. In þæ-long;re æt&y-long;wnesse (-eáw-, v. l.) wundorlices foret&a-long;cnes, 19, 4. In æteównysse (-eáwnesse, v. l.) þæs &i-long;dlan gylpes, 77, 3. la. shewing which serves as proof :-- Ðerh menigo &d-bar;æ-long;ra t&a-long;ceno ædeáunisse per multa signorum experimenta, Jn. p, 2, 1. II. shewing, making known, manifestation (a) of a circumstance :-- &E-long;ristes ædeáunise resurrectionis manifestatio, Jn. p. 8, I. &A-long;r&i-long;se hine &d-bar;ió engelica ædeáunise (revelatione) ong&e-long;ton, Lk. p. II, 8. (b) of a person, bringing into public notice :-- On dæg ædeáunise (-eównisse, R.) his in diem ostensionis suae, Lk. L. I. 80. ¶ in a special sense Epiphany :-- Ðone h&a-long;lgan dæg æt Drihtnes , æt&y-long;wnesse. . . . On &d-bar;one sextan dæg þæs m&o-long;n&d-bar;es bi&d-bar; se mæ-long;ra dæg þone Gr&e-long;cas nemna&d-bar; epiphania . . . þ-bar; is on &u-long;re geþeóde Drihtnes aet&y-long;wnesse