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&A-long;GEN-FRIGEA -- &A-long;GNUNG 29
ously:-- G&e-long; budon su&i-long;&d-bar;e r&i-long;cl&i-long;ce and su&i-long;&d-bar;e &a-long;gendl&i-long;ce vos cum austeritate imperabatis eis et cum potentia. Past. 145, 5. Cf. &a-long;gend-, (-ágen)freá.
&a-long;gen-frigea. l. -fr&i-long;gea, and add :-- Se &a-long;genfr&i-long;gea (-fr&i-long;ga, v. l.), Ll. Th. i. 132, 14: 276, 15. Cf. &a-long;gend-freá.
&a-long;gen-lic; adj. I. own; proprius :-- &A-long;genlices d&e-long;des propriae octionis, Rtl. 49, 32. Æfter &a-long;genlic mægn secundum propriam virtutem, Mt: L. 25, 15. Ð&a-long; &a-long;ganlico propria, p. 15, 5. II. owed, due; debitus. v. &a-long;gan, IV :-- &A-long;genlic(e) h&e-long;rnise debitam servitutem, Rtl. 106, 13. [Icel. diven-ligr.]
&a-long;gen-nama. l. &a-long;gen nama, v. &a-long;gen, I.
&a-long;gen-ness. Substitute: A property :-- Seó sunne hæf&d-bar; &d-bar;reó &a-long;gen-nyssa on hire. Hml. Th. i. 282, 8 : ii. 606, II.
&a-long;gen-slaga. Add: A suicide :-- N&a-long;n sylfcwala, þ-bar; is &a-long;genslaga, ne becym&d-bar; t&o-long; Godes r&i-long;ce, O. E. Hml. i. 296, 14. Æ-long;lc &a-long;genslaga on &e-long;cnysse &d-bar;rowa&d-bar;. Hml. S. 19, 230: Hml. Th. ii. 250, 22.
&a-long;gen-spræc. l. &a-long;gen spræ-long;c, v. &a-long;gen, I: &a-long;genung. v. &a-long;gnung.
&a-long;-geolwian. Add :-- Se l&i-long;choma &a-long;geolwaþ sw&a-long; g&o-long;d geolu seoluc, Lch. ii. 10, 15. Þ&a-long; t&e-long;&d-bar; &a-long;geolwia&d-bar;, þ&a-long; þe wæron hw&i-long;te. Wlfst. 148, 6. Micge &a-long;geolwod, Lch. ii. 258, 15. Þ&a-long; &a-long;geolewedan crocata, Wrt. Voc. ii. 137, 12.
&a-long;-geóm(e)rian; p. ode To mourn, lament :-- Ic &a-long;geómrige, Gr. D. 5, 23. H&e-long; &a-long;geómrode ingemuit, 42, 33. H&e-long; &a-long;geómrode for his &a-long;genre scylde, 345, 10.
&a-long;-geótan. Add: I. to pour out a liquid :-- Gif h&e-long; (a priest) his calic &a-long;g&y-long;t (effundat), Ll. Th. ii. 128, 20. þ-bar; wæter ic ni&d-bar;er &a-long;geát (effudi), Nar. 8, 10. Þ&a-long; fatu þe h&e-long; æ-long;r on &a-long;geát litelne dæ-long;l þæs wæ-long;tan, Gr. D. 59, 13. &A-long;g(e)át exsicat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 145, 23. &A-long;gaett effudit. Mk. L. 14, 3. þ-bar; w&i-long;n bi&d-bar; &a-long;gotten, 2, 22. þ-bar; wæter binnan þæ-long;re cyrcan wear&d-bar; &a-long;goten, Gr. D. 26, 195. Þæs eles n&a-long;ht &u-long;t &a-long;goten beón ne mihte, Gr. D. 160, 2. ¶ figuratively :-- H&i-long; him betw&y-long;non gemæ-long;nel&i-long;ce him on &a-long;guton þ&a-long; sw&e-long;tan l&i-long;fes word, 170, 3. I a. to shed tears, blood :-- Sw&a-long; hw&a-long; sw&a-long; &a-long;g&i-long;t mannes bl&o-long;d, his bl&o-long;d bi&d-bar; &a-long;goten, Gen. 9, 6. Ic &a-long;geát m&i-long;ne teáras, Hml. Th. i. 66, 29. Oflysted þæt h&e-long; his bl&o-long;d &a-long;gute. Guth. 44, 23. II. to cast, found (of metal); in pp. molten (image) :-- Cræt of golde &a-long;goten, Hml. Th. ii. 494, 23, 24. Godas &a-long;gotene of &a-long;re, Hml. S. 7, 132. &A-long;go-tene o&d-bar;&d-bar;e &a-long;grafene, 4, 136. III. to consume, destroy :-- H&e-long; &a-long;geát gylp wera, Exod. 514. Þonne bi&d-bar; se glencg &a-long;goten and se þrym t&o-long;-brocen. Wlfst. 263, 8. [O. H. Ger. ar-giuzan effundere.]
a-getan to destroy, l. &a-long;-g&e-long;tan, and v. &a-long;-g&i-long;tan : &a-long;-giéta. v. &a-long;-g&i-long;ta.
&a-long;-gifan. Add: I. to give back what has been taken, to restore :-- Gif þ&u-long; wed nime æt b&i-long;num næ-long;hstan, &a-long;gif (reddes) him his reáf æ-long;r sunnan setlgange, Ex. 22, 26. H&e-long; h&a-long;teþ þ&a-long; eorþan eft &a-long;gifan þ-bar; heó æ-long;r onf&e-long;ng, Bl. H. 21, 30. Gode his dæ-long;l &a-long;geofan þe hit þ&e-long; æ-long;rsealde, 195, 21. II. to render, pay what is due :-- &A-long;gyfa&d-bar; þ&a-long;m C&a-long;sere þ&a-long; þing þe þæs C&a-long;seres synt, Mt. 22, 21. þ-bar; g&e-long; of m&i-long;num &a-long;genum g&o-long;de &a-long;gifan þ&a-long; teó&d-bar;unga, Ll. Th. i. 194, 6. G&e-long; sceolon &a-long;gifan þæt ilce tigolgetel, Ex. 5, 18. Wæstm &a-long;gifan and &a-long;gildan, Bl. H. 55, 6. Circsceat mon sceal &a-long;gifan, Ll. Th. 1. 140, 12. Gif h&e-long; hæbbe ealle on f&o-long;&d-bar;re t&o-long; &a-long;gifanne, 9. III. to give up, abandon :-- Ic hine t&o-long; heora sylfra d&o-long;me &a-long;geaf. Bl. H. 177, 25. Se ágend þone banan &a-long;gefe, Ll. Th. i. 26, 9: 28, 5. H&e-long; h&e-long;t þ&a-long; sceáweras &a-long;gifan, Jos. 2, 3. &A-long;gifen destitutum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 141, 33. [Goth. us-giban: O. Sax. a-geUNCERTAINau: O. H. Ger. ar-ge&b-bar;an reddere, retribuere.] v. un-&a-long;-gifen.
&a-long;-gifian; p. ode To bestow, grant :-- &A-long;gefaiga (so in MS.) largiatur, Rtl. 124, 36.
a-gift, dele, and see æ-long;-gift.
&a-long;-gildan. Add: I. to pay back, repay :-- Hwonon &a-long;gene &d-bar;&u-long; unde restituas, Kent. Gl. 850. W&e-long; eall &a-long;gyldan sceolan þ-bar; h&e-long; &u-long;s æ-long;r sealde, Bl. H. 51, 25. II. to render, pay what is due (v. riht, VII) :-- Ic &a-long;gylde dependo, i. reddo, persolvam, Wrt. Voc. ii. 138, 80. &A-long;gilst þ&u-long; (reddis) Drihtene þ&a-long;s þing? Deut. 32, 6. Ic læ-long;rde þ-bar; hié heora gafol &a-long;guldon, Bl. H. 185, 22. Wæstm &a-long;gildan to bring forth fruit, 55, 6. II a. of duty or service, to pay, perform :-- Ic &a-long;geald reddidi (vota mea), Kent. Gl. 197. Gesceád &a-long;gyldan to render an account, Hml. Th. i. 274, 3. III. to pay for, make retribution for :-- H&i-long; sculon deóre &a-long;gildan eal þæt h&i-long; forg&i-long;mdon. Wlfst. 190, 22. Þ&a-long; æ-long;rran þing &a-long;goldene wæ-long;ron. Ors. 5, 15; S. 250, 31. [Goth. us-gildan: O. Sax. &a-long;-geldan.] v. &a-long;-gyldan in Dict.
&a-long;-g&i-long;man; p. de To regard :-- Þ&a-long;m t&i-long;mum þe ic hys (eternal life) &a-long;g&y-long;me . . . ne lufige ic n&a-long;nwiht þisses andweardan l&y-long;fes ofer þ-bar; Shrn. 177, 12. &A-long;g&e-long;mde curavit, Lk. p. 5, 19.
&a-long;-g&i-long;meleásian. Add: (l) with acc. :-- Gif w&e-long; hit &a-long;g&i-long;meleásiaþ, Bl. H. 53, l : 57, 19. Hié &a-long;giémeleásia&d-bar; (-g&y-long;me-, Cote. MSS.) &d-bar;one ymbhogan, Past. 137, I. (2) with clause :-- Gif se hierde &a-long;giémeleása&d-bar; &d-bar;æt h&e-long; hiera helpe, 137, 14. H&e-long; &a-long;g&y-long;meleásede þ-bar; h&e-long; heólde his l&i-long;chaman forhæfdnesse, Gr. D. 241, 17. Ðæt hié ne &a-long;g&i-long;meleásien &d-bar;æt h&i-long; hira m&o-long;d gebr&i-long;dligen, Past. 215, 6.
&a-long;-ginnan. Add: I. to begin to do (infin, or gerund) :-- Marcus &a-long;ginþ wr&i-long;tan þ-bar; godspell, Chr. 47 ; P. 7, 31. &A-long;gann Landfranc at&y-long;wian, 1070; P. 206, 12. &A-long;gan se cyng t&o-long; smtágenne, 1006; P. 137, 19. II. to attempt :-- Gif man beforan æ&d-bar;elinge gefeoht &a-long;ginne&d-bar;, Ll. Th. i. 332, 4. &A-long;ginne h&e-long; hit georne let him diligently attempt it. ii. 282, 2. Mæg þeáh b&o-long;t cuman, wille hit man georne on eornost &a-long;ginnan, i. 348, 24. Æ-long;r þ&a-long;m þe h&i-long; habban b&o-long;te &a-long;gunnnen, 324, 13. III. to act, proceed :-- Ic wi&d-bar; eów st&i-long;&d-bar;l&i-long;cor &a-long;ginne &d-bar;onne ic tale wi&d-bar; eów habban wylle I shall proceed too severely against you for me to be willing to have speech with you. Hml. S. 23, 183. Þ&a-long; anl&i-long;cnessa h&e-long; gemacode þurh dr&y-long;cræft þæt h&y-long; &a-long;gunnon swylce h&y-long; cwice wæ-long;ron he made the images by magic to act as if they were alive, Wlfst. 99, l. v. on-ginnan.
&a-long;-girnan. -geornan ; p. de To desire, be eager for :-- H&e-long; &a-long;geornde (-gyrnde, v. l.) þ-bar; h&e-long; manigra manna s&a-long;wla gelæ-long;dde t&o-long; Drihtne multorum animas ad Deum perducere satagebat, Gr. D. 205, 19.
&a-long;-g&i-long;ta, -giéta. Add: a waster, prodigal :-- Monig bi&d-bar; &a-long;g&i-long;ta (-giéta, Hatt. MS.) his g&o-long;da and wilna&d-bar; mid &d-bar;&y-long; geearnian &d-bar;one hl&i-long;san &d-bar;æt h&e-long; sié r&u-long;mgiful saepe se effusio sub appellatione largitatis occultat, Past. 148, 6. O&d-bar;&d-bar;e eft se gilpna and se &a-long;g&i-long;ta for his g&o-long;da mirringe gilpe and w&e-long;ne &d-bar;æt h&e-long; sié cystig and mildheort aut cum effuse quid perditur largum se glorietur, 19. v. &a-long;-g&i-long;tan.
&a-long;-gitan. Add: I. to find, get to know (l) a person :-- Wille w&e-long; be him &a-long;wr&i-long;tan sw&a-long; sw&a-long; w&e-long; hine &a-long;geáton we will write of him as we found him, Chr. 1086; P. 219, 19. (2) a fact :-- Gif se abbod his geearnunga sw&a-long; &a-long;gitt quem si talem esse perspexerit abba, R. Ben. 110, 3. Sw&a-long; ra&d-bar;e sw&a-long; h&e-long; &a-long;gite þ-bar; hit fremian mæge prout viderit expedire, 120, 9. Be hwylcum t&a-long;cne man ágytan mihte hwænne his t&o-long;cyme t&o-long;werd wurde, Wlfst. 88, 22. &A-long;funden, &a-long;gyten expertus, An. Ox. 2538. Gif æ-long;ni man &a-long;giten wur&d-bar;e þ-bar; æ-long;nige hæ-long;&d-bar;enscipe dreóge if any one be found to practise heathen rites, Ll. Th. ii. 296, 27. I a. to find out, get to know of :-- Gyf h&e-long; hwæt be &o-long;&d-bar;rum geh&y-long;re o&d-bar;&d-bar;e sylf &a-long;gyte, Ll. Th. ii. 316, 19. Gyf wiccean innan þysan earde weor&d-bar;an &a-long;gytene, Wlfst. 309, 23. v. on-gitan. II. to get, take away :-- Hié eágena gesih&d-bar; &a-long;g&e-long;ton (-g&e-long;tton?) g&a-long;ra ordum, An. 32. [O. H. Ger. ar-gezan abolere, oblitterare.]
a-gitan to destroy. Substitute: &a-long;-g&i-long;tan, -giéta. i. -g&e-long;tan; p. te To waste, destroy :-- Hw&a-long; m&i-long;n fromcynn &a-long;g&e-long;tte eall of earde, Rä. 80, 8. Sumne sceal g&a-long;r &a-long;g&e-long;tan, Vy. 16. H&i-long; woldon heafolan gesc&e-long;nan, g&a-long;rum &a-long;g&e-long;tan, An. 1145. Þæ-long;r læg secg mænig g&a-long;rum &a-long;g&e-long;ted, Æ&d-bar;elst. IS. v. &a-long;-geótan, III. &a-long;-g&i-long;ta.
a-g&i-long;tan to pour out. Dele.
ag-l&a-long;c, -læ-long;ca, &c. l. &a-long;g-l&a-long;c, -læ-long;ca, &c. [Cf. Mid. E. egleche: O. H. Ger. aigi-laihi phalanx.]
&a-long;-gleddian; p. ode To smear, stain :-- Agleddégo. labefacare, Txts. in, 9. Cf. be-gleddian.
&a-long;-gl&i-long;dan. Add: to slip off, away :-- In lust &a-long;gl&a-long;d in luxum labescit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 86, 16 : 52, 45. W&i-long;te georne þ-bar; sió wyrt &a-long;weg ne &a-long;gl&i-long;de, Lch. ii. 356, 24.
&a-long;gnere, es; m. An owner, possessor :-- Meus m&i-long;n hæf&d-bar; vocatiuus n&a-long; þæs &a-long;gneres (&a-long;generes, &a-long;hneres, v. ll.), ac &d-bar;æs &o-long;&d-bar;res h&a-long;des, Ælf. Gr. Z. 110, 19. &A-long;cneres (-=&a-long;gneras?) municipes, An. Ox. II. 92.
agnere, Wrt. Voc. i. 43, 2. v. angnere: agnes. v. ang-ness.
&a-long;gnett, es; n. Usury, interest :-- Mi&d-bar; &a-long;gnettum cwm usuris. Lk. L. 19, 23.
&a-long;gnettan; p. te To appropriate, usurp :-- &A-long;gnette (-ættæ, -etæ) usurpavit, Txts. 107, 2171.
&a-long;gnian. Add: I. to possess :-- Ð&a-long; &d-bar;e ic &a-long;h &l-bar; &a-long;gnigo quae possidet, Lk. L. 18, 12. Alle &d-bar;&a-long; &d-bar;e &a-long;gnegæ&d-bar; &l-bar; &a-long;h (æ-long;nga&d-bar;, R.) omnia quae possidet, 12, 44. &A-long;gnige&d-bar; (-a&d-bar;, R.), 15. &A-long;gnage&d-bar; (-iga&d-bar;, R.), II, 21. &A-long;gneges possidete. Mt. L. 25, 34. &A-long;gnege (agan, R.) gold possidere aurum, 10, 9. II. of legal possession, to declare one's self the owner of property, so rendering team (q. v. , also t&i-long;man, II) unnecessary :-- Sw&a-long; h&e-long; hit &a-long;gnode sw&a-long; h&e-long; hit t&y-long;mde whether he declared himself to have been the owner or traced possession to another. Ll. Th. i. 160, 8. Gif hw&a-long; n&a-long; fur&d-bar;or teám ne cen&d-bar; ac &a-long;gnian wile if any one does not carry the teám further, but declares himself to have been the owner, i. 290, 19. III. to appropriate to one's self, usurp, arrogate :-- Gif h&e-long; &d-bar;&a-long; g&o-long;d þe &u-long;s God t&o-long; gem&a-long;nan sealde him synderl&i-long;ce &a-long;gna&d-bar; (æ-long;gna&d-bar;, Hatt. MS.) qui commune Dei munus sibi privatum vindicant, Past. 334, 13. Ð&a-long; unwaran þe him &a-long;gnia&d-bar; (-at, Hatt. MS.) &d-bar;one craft &d-bar;æs l&a-long;reówd&o-long;mes þe h&i-long; n&a-long; ne geleornodon, 24, 13. T&o-long; hwon &a-long;gnodest þ&u-long; þ&e-long; &a-long;num þæt ic inc b&a-long;m sealde, Wlfst. 259, 15. Ahni[ende] (&a-long;hniend. Hpt. 523, 4) usurpans, An. Ox. 5127. v. ge-&a-long;gnian ; &a-long;gnung.
&a-long;-gn&i-long;dan; p. -gn&a-long;d, pl. -gnidon To rub off :-- Sié &a-long;gniden defricabitur, Wrt. Voc. ii. 26, 12. v. next word.
&a-long;-gniden[n], e; f. A rubbing off :-- &A-long;gnidinne (-ine) detriturigine, Txts. 56, 345. &A-long;gnidene detriturugine. Wrt. Voc. ii. 139, 45.
&a-long;gniend. Add: v. &a-long;gnian, II: &a-long;gniend-lic. Add: v. ge-&a-long;gniendlic.
&a-long;gnung. Add: I. possession, properly :-- &A-long;hnung possessio, An. Ox. 1321. &A-long;gnungum proprietalibus, 879. II. declaration of owner-ship, v. &a-long;gnian, II :-- W&e-long; cwæ-long;don s&e-long; þe t&y-long;man scolde þ-bar; ... Sw&a-long; w&e-long; cwæ-long;don be þæ-long;re &a-long;gnunge þ-bar; ylce, Ll. Th. i. 158, 18. II a. proof of ownership :-- Gewritræ-long;den vel &a-long;gnung cyrographum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 137, 70. Þ&a-long; getæ-long;hte man Wynflæ-long;de þ-bar; hió m&o-long;ste þ-bar; land hyre ge&a-long;hnian (prove her ownership of the land). Ð&a-long; gelæ-long;dde hió þ&a-long; &a-long;hnunga, Cht. Th. 289, I.