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Voc. ii. 5, 7. Hé wolde for wera synnum eall áæ-acute;ðan þæt on eorðan wæs, Gen. 1280. Áiéðende exterminans, Wrt. Voc. ii. 84, 53: 31, 27. Áíþende demolitus, 25, 41. [O. H. Ger. ar-óden vastare, devastare.]

ál, es; n. A fire:--Ál incendia, An. Ox. 4470. Ála pyrarum, 4389. v. on-ál; ál-fæt, -geweorc; æ-acute;lan.

á-ládian. Add:--Áládiendre apologetico, Wrt. Voc. ii. 2, 45.

á-læccan; p. -læhte To get hold of, catch:--Se kyng álehte him betwux his earmes, Chr. 1123; P. 251, 9.

á-læ-acute;dan. Add: I. to lead off, carry off:--Ic of álæ-acute;de abduco, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 275, 10. (1) of captivity:--Cirus cyning hí ásende eft ongeán tó ludéa lande, þanon þe hí álæ-acute;dde wæ-acute;ron, Ælfc. T. Grn. 8, 37. (2) of removal from difficulty, danger:--Loth God álæ-acute;dde þanon, 4, 18: Bl. H. 67, 19. Hé álæ-acute;dde (eduxit) mé fram þám pytte yrmða, Ps. Th. 39, 1. Út álæ-acute;dde explicuit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 145, 14. Þá þe mid him ætfleón mihton hé út álæ-acute;dde, Chr. 1072; P. 208, 27. Álæ-acute;d mé út of þyssum bendum, Bl. H. 87, 33. Gang on ðá ceastre and álæ-acute;de hine of ðáre ceastre, 237, 3. (3) of guidance:--Þ-bar; dysig ðá earman men gedwelaþ and álæ-acute;t of þám rihtan wege, Bt. 32, 3; F. 118, 7. Oþ þæt hine mon on gewitte álæ-acute;de until he be brought to exercise his reason (cf. to bring a person to reason: on gewitte gebringan, Hml. Th. i. 458, 11), Gn. Ex. 48. Tó ware álæ-acute;d (is) ad tutelam dirigitur, An. Ox. 3335. II. to bear off; carry off an object:--Swá hwæt swá hí (two ravens) mihton gegrípan, hí þæt woldon onweg álæ-acute;dan, Guth. 50, 24. Ealle þá scipu þe hié álæ-acute;dan ne mehton hié tóbræ-acute;con, Chr. 896; P. 89, 20. Wæs S&c-tilde;e Óswaldes líchoma álæ-acute;ded of Beardanigge, 906; P. 95, 24. His bán wæ-acute;ron eft álæ-acute;ded þanon in ðá ceastre Constantinopili, Shrn. 138, 31. Álæ-acute;d translatus, portatus, An. Ox. 5, 35 [O. H. Ger. ar-leiten.]

á-læ-acute;dness. v. onweg-álæ-acute;dness. '

á-læ-acute;nan; p. de (not ede). Add: (1) to lend, grant the temporary use of:--Be ðám Engliscum gewritum ðe ic ðé álæ-acute;nde, Hml. A. 1, 4. Hé wæs úre munuc, wé willað hine habban for þan þe wé hine álæ-acute;ndon æ-acute;r, Hml. S. 31, 1447. Ðone ylcan (St. Martin) þe hí æ-acute;r álæ-acute;ndon tó ðám biscopdóme of heora burhscíre, Hml. Th. ii. 518, 21. Hé næfde þæt feoh him tó álæ-acute;nenne, 178, 3. (2) of a lord's grant to a vassal:--Æ-acute;lcon híredmen his onrid þe hé álæ-acute;ned hæfde, Cht. Crw. 23, 25. (2 a) of God's grant to men:--Beó se ríca gemyndig þæt hé sceal ealra ðæ-acute;ra góda þe him God álæ-acute;nde ágyldan gesceád, Hml. Th. i. 274, 2: ii. 102, 1. (3) of land, to lease:--Hí ænlæ-acute;nað Ælfréde .XL. hída landes æfter ðæ-acute;re læ-acute;na ðe Túnbryht æ-acute;r álénde his yldran, C. D. v. 162, 24. Ðæt land eóde eft intó ðæ-acute;re stówe ðe hit út álæ-acute;ned wæs, iv. 267, 6.

á-læ-acute;tan. Add: I. of intentional movement:--Hé unwærlíce nyðer álét (submittens) on þ-bar; wæter þ-bar; fæt, Gr. D. 114, 28. Hí hine on ánre wilian áléton ofer ðone weall, Hml. Th. i. 388, 9. Hwí wolde þín hláford þé álæ-acute;tan tó mé (let thee come to me), Hml. S. 36, 65. II. of deprivation, loss:--Gé hit álæ-acute;tað (you will lose it), þonne gé læ-acute;st wénað, Wlfst. 46, 10. Hé þá handa álýse oþþe hig álæ-acute;te, Ll. Th. i. 404, 10. III. of abandonment:--Wið ðan ðe se cing ðá on&dash-uncertain;spæ-acute;ce áléte provided the ting would abandon the charge, Cht. Th. 540, 22. IV. of grant, delivery:--Heofonan ríce wæs álæ-acute;ten þisnm gebróðrum for heora nette, Hml. Th. i. 580, 22. IV a. fig.:--Hé wolde hine tó lífe álæ-acute;tan (cf. deliver to death), ii. 252, 8. V. of release:--Álæ-acute;ten cempa emeritus, Wrt. Voc. i. 18, 15. [Goth. us-létan: O. Sax. á-látan: O. H. Ger. ar-lázan.] v. next two words.

á-læ-acute;tan deserta. v. æ-acute;-læ-acute;te.

á-læ-acute;tnes. Add: I. loss. v. á-læ-acute;tan, II:--Gif him þince þ-bar; his earm sý of áslegen, þ-bar; byþ his góda álæ-acute;tnes, Lch. iii. 170, 17. II. remission:--Synna álæ-acute;tnes, Nar. 47, 12.

Alamanne; pl. The Alamanni:--Gratianus gefeaht wið Alomonne (Alamanne, v. l.) þæ-acute;m folce and heora fela M ofslóg (plus quam triginta millia Alamannorum interfecta), Ors. 6, 34; S. 290, 16.

alan. Dele II. In the passage there given the glosser seems to have thought that parent might be from either of the two verbs par&e-short;re, par&e-long;re, and has glossed it by foedað &l-bar; alaþ &l-bar; adeáuæð: the Rushworth gloss has only foedað &l-bar; aleð.

a-langian. l. á langian, and see langian.

á-láþian; p. ode. I. to be hateful, odious. v. láþ, I:--Dýpe stencum áláþode fundus fetoribus horrebat, An. Ox. 4771: 2, 383: 8, 294. II. to be hostile to, to loathe, hate. v. láþ, II:--Unclæ-acute;n&dash-uncertain;nessa áláþode (mens) squalores horrescit, 4456. III. to make hostile, make threatening:--Yrmþa gequis áláþode (beótode) calamitates conspiratio intentabat, 4958.

á-latian; p. ode To grow sluggish, dull:--Álatode uilesceret, An. Ox. 7, 131. Cf. the gloss to the same word: Uilesceret i. tardaret vel latode, Angl. xv. 208, 13.

albe, an; f. An alb:--Albe alba, Wrt. Voc. i. 81, 41. Mid gyrdle alban cingulo albe, Angl. xiii. 406, 589. Mid alban gescrýdd, 426, 878. Mid alban (albis) gescrýdde, 408, 618. Alpan, 403, 543.

ald-. r. eald-.

á-lecgan. Add: I. to lay down, deposit:--Hié hié selfe álecgeað on eorðan, Past. 157, 9. Hé þá mancessas álegde in his ágene cyste, Gr. D. 63, 27. Swá hwæt swá þæ-acute;r man on álegde, Bl. H. 127, 1. Men feówer stánas on þæ-acute;re ilcan stówe álegdon, 189, 15. Ðeós geofu on heora heortan álegd wes, 137, 4. Álédne delatum (in sarcophago), Wrt. Voc. ii. 26, 50. II. of the placing of material in construction, to lay:--Hét Maxentius oferbricgian ðá eá mid scipum and syððan ðylian swá swá óðre bricge . . . hé ne gemunde ðæ-acute;re leásan bricge þe hé álecgan hét, Hml. Th. ii. 304, 21-27. III. to lay aside, put off, away what is worn or carried:--Ðá áléde ic mínne kynegyrylan, Nar. 18, 1. Heó álegde þ-bar; pælmtwig þe heó æ-acute;r onféng . . . and heó eác álegde hire hrægl, Bl. H. 139, 4-6. Hé his beard áléde, Hml. S. 6, 228. Álege þíne woruldlican gegyrlan, 33, 81. Deóplic dæ-acute;dbót bið þ-bar; læ-acute;wede man his wæ-acute;pna álecgan, Ll. Th. ii. 280, 17. III a. to lay aside, discontinue a practice:--Þæt hí ne sceolon for manna ðwyrnysse heora bodunge álecgan, Hml. Th. ii. 232, 15. IV. fig. to put down, (1) of persons, to cast down, overthrow, deprive of power or life:--Se cásere áléde þone Godes feónd, Hml. S. 27, 60. Tóbrýt ðás hæ-acute;ðenan and álege hí mid swurdum, 25, 273. Álege hig depone eos, Ps. Spl. 58, 12. Þeáh ðe þú þone líchaman álecge on deáðe, Hml. S. 36, 382. Álýfed tó álecgenne hís fýnd, 25, 684. Álegd wéron ðá haldendo exterriti sunt custodes, Mt. L. 28, 4. (2) of things, to suppress, abolish, put an end to:--Áléde Eádward cyng þ-bar; heregyld, Chr. 1052; P. 173, 18. Swylc geréfa swylc médsceat nime and óðres ryht þurh þ-bar; álecge, Ll. Th. i. 222, 6. Þæt hig his leásunga álecgon, Ælfc. T. Grn. 3, 45. Unþeáwas álecgean, Chr. 1067; P. 201, 30. Godes lof, geleáfan, wuldor álecgan, Ælfc. T. Grn. 11, 24: Hml. S. 16, 200: 25, 660. Hé ne mihte þ-bar; gafol álecgan þe heó gelæ-acute;stan sceolde he could not remit the tax that she had to pay, 3, 181. Álédum sedato, An. Ox. 50, 46. [Goth. us-lagjan: O. H. Ger. ar-leggen.] v. á-licgan.

a-lefan to become weak. Substitute: á-léfian, -léwian; p. ode, ede; p. od, ed To mate weak, sick, to maim, lame, cripple. I. of living creatures:--Antecríst áléuað and geuntrumað ðá hálan, Hml. Th. i. 4, 22. Hé ealle ðá gehæ-acute;lde þe ðá drýmen áléfedon, ii. 472, 16. Dóð þæt hí ne magon úre tungan gehremman ne ús áléfian, 488, 6. Gif hwá áléfed wæ-acute;re oððe limleás, i. 236, 29. Þæt þæt áléfed wæs, þæt ic gehæ-acute;le, 242, 16. Áléfed paralysed, ii. 546, 30. Þæt wanhál wæs and áléwed (álýfed, v. l.) quod debile erat, R. Ben. 51, 16. þ-bar; wé fæston swá þ-bar; úre líchama áléfed ne wurðe so that our body be not injured, Hml. S. 13, 104. Wearð his cneów mid heardum geswelle áléfed, Hml. Th. ii. 134, 24. Ðá þe ðurh þæs dracan blæ-acute;de áléfode wæ-acute;ron, 294, 31. Þreó hund geára ylpas libbað, gif hí áléfede ne beóð, Hml. S. 25, 570. Wundru hé worhte on áléfedum mannum, Hml. A. 10, 255. Gegadera ðearfan and áléfede (pauperes ac debiles, Lk. 14, 21), Hml. Th. ii. 374, 27. Ðá áléfedan men (men who had been practised on by wizards), 486, 19. II. of an inanimate object:--Wæ-acute;ron þæ-acute;re hlæ-acute;ddre stapas áléfede on æ-acute;r, Hml. S. 31, 602. v. léf.

á-léfan. v. á-lífan.

á-léfedness, e; f. Infirmity, lameness, crippledness:--Wæs sum earm ceorl egeslíce gehoferod and ðearle getíged. . . . Ðám wearð geswutelod þ-bar; hé sceolde gefeccan æt Swýðúnes byrgene his líchaman hæ-acute;le and þæ-acute;re áléfednysse (the cure of his crippledness), Hml. S. 21, 99.

á-léfian. v. a-lefan: á-lened. v. á-linnan: á-lénian, dele, and see á-léfian.

á-leógan. Add: I. to fail to perform a promise, pledge, &c., to be false to one's promise:--Hí hit eall álugon, ge wed ge áþas, Chr. 947; P. 112, 25. Gif hwá geniéd sié tó hláfordsearwe . . . þ-bar; is ryhtre tó áleóganne þonne tó gelæ-acute;stanne. Gif hé þæs weddie þe hym riht sý tó gelæ-acute;stanne and þ-bar; áleóge, Ll. Th. i. 60, 3-7. Gif hé þissa æ-acute;nig áleóge, 332, 23. Ðæt man Gode beháte ne áleóge man æ-acute;fre, Wlfst. 71, 6. Deófol wyle gedón þæt wé áleógan þæt þæt wé behétan, 38, 6. I a. with dat. of person to whom promise has been given:--Gif hé álíhð Gode þ-bar; hé sylfwylles behæ-acute;t, Hml. S. 26, 271. Hí áleógaþ him má þonne hí him gelæ-acute;stan they break more promises to them than they perform, Bt. 26, 1; F. 90, 18. Ðú ús gehéte gebedo and wæccan, and þú hit ús áluge, Wlfst. 240, 17. Þæt wé áleógan Gode þæt þæt wé behéton, 301, 8. Gif gé him ne álugen iówra wedd and eówre áþas si fidem foederis servavissent, Ors. 3, 8; Swt. 122, 13. II. to do falsely:--Be ðám ðe hiora gewitessa beforan bis&c-tilde; áleógað. Gif hwá beforan biscepe his gewitnesse and his wed áleóge, Ll. Th. i. 110, 9-12. Ne gehát ðú nán þing tuwa; hwæt sceal hit ðé eft geháten, búton hit wæ-acute;re æ-acute;r álogen (unless the first time the promise was made falsely), Prov. K. 21. III. to lie to a person (dat.), deceive:--Áleáh &l-bar; álogen is unrihtwísnys heom mentita est iniquitas sibi, Ps. L. 26, 12. Ðú hæfst álogen þám Hálgan Gáste, Hml. Th. i. 316, 27. Álogen fallitur, An. Ox. 1734, [O. H. Ger. ar-liugan frustrare.]

á-león; p. -láh To lend:--Álíh accommoda, Rtl. 41, 23. v. on-león.

á-leonian, -leoþian. v. á-linian, -liþian.

á-leóran, p. de To go away:--Út áleórde emigrabit, Ps. Srt. 51, 7.

aler. Add:--Aler (-aer) alnus, Txts. 39, 116. Be ðæ-acute;re alra ofesce, C. D. iii. 393, 11.

aler-bróc, es; m. A brook with alders on the banks:--In ælrbróc, and seoððan swá alrbróc ligeð, C. D. iii. 393, 17.