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143, 7. Heó út ánýdeþ þá untrumnysse, Lch. i. 202, 8: 248, 14. Hé fram him lufa áweg ánýt (repellit), Scint. 28, 13. Hí fram him heortan ofermódigra áweg ánýdaþ (repellunt), 21, 6. Þú út ánýddest (expulisti) hí, Ps. Spl. 43, 3. God ánýdde út Adam of ðæ-acute;re myrhðe, Wlfst. 154, 3. Ne út ánýd þú mé fram bebodum ðínum, Ps. Spl. 118, 10. Hí man sceal út of Godes circan ánýdan, Hml. A. 149, 126. Út tó ánýdenne expellendum, Scint. 210, 13. Út ánéddum effossis, evulsis. Wrt. Voc. ii. 142. 63.

án-íge. Add; -- Ánígne luscum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 73, 38. Áníge þyrsas Cyclopes, 22, 37. Æ-acute;níge luscos, 92, 62. v. án-eáge.

á-niman. Add: I. to take, accept, retain :-- Gif ic þá word ániman wolde si ipsa verba tenere voluissem, Gr. D. 9, 15. II. to take away, remove :-- Þá ánam hé þæt fúr fram manna bearnum, Wlfst. 213, 10: 221, 32. Ánimað, ánimað hraðe þá réþan wiccan, Hml. S. 7, 209. Ic wille ániman and áteón fram þám þe þás bóc ræ-acute;daþ þone intingan æ-acute;lcre tweónge ut dubitationis occasionem legentibus subtraham, Gr. D. 9, 5. Æ-acute;lc tæ-acute;l sié ánumen (tollatur) fram eów, Past. 222, 9. Of his heortan onweg ánumen, Bl. H. 55, 9.

áninga. Add :-- Is se dæg cumen þ-bar; ðú scealt áninga (certainly) óðer twéga líf forleósan oððe lange dóm ágan mid eldum, Wald. 14.

an-íwan. v. on-íwan: an-læc. l. an-læ-acute;c, and see on-léc in Dict.

án-læ-acute;can; p. -læ-acute;hte To unite::-- Ánlæ-acute;hte adunaret, Hpt. Gl. 479, 42. Þá ánlæ-acute;htan coadunatas, compositas, 472, 2. v. ge-ánlæ-acute;can.

án-læ-acute;tan. Dele: an-læ-acute;tan. v. on-læ-acute;tan.

án-laga; adj. Substitute: Acting alone :-- Ánlaga solitare (the passage in Aldhelm is: Carnalis pudicitiae immunitas . . . solitaria nequaquam paradisi valvam recludere valeat, 16, 34), Wrt. Voc. ii. 77, 35. [Icel. ein-lagi; adj. Acting alone.]

anlang cempa. v. andlang-cempa : án-lápum. v. án-lípum.

an-lec. l. an-léc, and see on-léc in Dict.

án-leger. l. án-legere, dele bracket, and for R. 8 substitute Wrt. Voc. i. 50, 43. v. leger in Dict.

an-leofa. v. and-leofa : án-lépe, -lépig. v. án-lípe, -lípig.

an-líc. Add :-- Ne finst þú þæ-acute;r náuht anlíces, Bt. 18, 3; F. 66, 11. v. on-líc in Dict.

án-lic. Add: I. single :-- Ánlic unica, An. Ox. 1800. Ánlic anweald monarchia, 18b, 54. II. of the only church, catholic, orthodox :-- Ánlic catholica, An. Ox. 5105. Seó ánlice, 1359. Ánlices orthodoxae, Hpt. Gl. 415, 74. Ánlicra catholicorum. An. Ox. 172. III. of singular excellence, beautiful :-- Mid ánlicre formosa, Wrt. Voc. ii. 34, 58. v. æ-acute;n-lic.

an-líce, an-lícian. v. on-líce, ge-anlícian in Dict.: án-lícian. v. ge-ánlícian.

an-lícnes. Add: I. likeness, resemblance:--Hwí is gecweden æ-acute;gþer ge anlícnyss (imago) ge gelícnyss (simililudo)? Seó anlícnyss is tó understandenne on þæ-acute;re écnysse, and seó gelícnyss on hire þeáwum, Angl. vii. 20, 178. Hé gestrínde sunu tó his gelícnesse and anlýcnysse, Gen. 5, 3. II. an example, model, figure, (in speaking):--Sió anlícnes wæs gecueden figurate per habitum sacerdotis dicit, Past. 95, 11. Siexfealdre anlícnesse sena paradigmata, Wrt. Voc. ii. 89, 39. III. an image, figure:--Anlícnes anagrippa, Wrt. Voc. i. 285, 10 : ii. 8, 30. Anlícnesse colori, An. Ox. 1637. Sum árgeótere, sé mehte dón missenlica anlícnessa, Ors. l, 12 ; S. 54, 20. IIIa. an image used for worship, an idol;:--Anlícnyssa simulacrorum, An. Ox. 3472. Hiora anlícnessa (imagines) hefenisc fýr forbærnde, Ors. 2, 8; S. 94, 14. Rachel hæfde þá andlícnyssa (idola) forstolen, Gen. 31, 32. Ne wirce gé eów náne andlícnissa (scalptam similitudinem, aut imaginem) ne wæ-acute;pmannes ne nýtenes ne fugeles, Deut. 4, 16. v. and-, on-lícnes in Dict.

án-lípe (æ-acute;n-); adj. I. single, alone, solitary, by one's self, not combined with anything else:--Ne wénen hié ðæt hiera fæsten ánlípe (-lépe, Cott. MSS. ) heálic mægen sié, ðý læ-acute;s hié wénen ðæt hit anlípe micellre geearnunge mægen sié. Past. 315, 9-11. Æ-acute;nlípe solitaria, An. Ox. 1147: 2, 30. On ðone ánlípan beorh, C. D. ii. 317, 24. Ðæt æ-acute;gðer wæ-acute;re unnyt ge mildheortnes ge steór, gif hié ánlípe (-lépe, Cott. MSS.) wæ-acute;ron, búton hí bútú ætsomne sién, Past. 125, 3. II. of number, single (with one):--Wísdóm is án ánlépe cræft ðæ-acute;re sáwle, and ðeáh wé witon ðæt hé sié betera ðonne ealle ðá óðre cræftas, Bt. 32, 1; F. 116, 3. Nán æ-acute;nlípe (ne ana quidem) tó láfe ne wunode, Gr. D. 67, 18. Swæ-acute; feáwa hiora wæ-acute;ron ðæt ic furðum ánne ánlépne ne mæg geðencean, Past. 3, 17. III. single, distinct from others, individual:--Ðus hit byð gedón in ánlépra gehwylcre (cf. ánra gehwylc) sáwle sic in unaquaque anima agitur. Gr. D. 205, 8. IV. special (as opposed to general):--Æ-acute;nlýpe specialis, An. Ox. 7, 386: 8, 401. V. single, private, not having office :-- Ðá underðióddan and ðá ánlépan menn ðe æ-acute;mtige beóð ðæs ðæt hié for óðre menu suincen . . . Se æ-acute;metiga and se ánlípa (-lépa, Cott. MSS.), Past. 191, 13-18. [Icel. ein-hleypr single (man).] v. án-lépe in Dict.

án-lípig (æ-acute;n-). Add: Single; singulus:--Æ-acute;nlípige men singuli homines, Ælfc. Gr. 284, 5. I. single, sole, by one's self, alone:--Ánlípig aldormon (one or other alderman acting by himself; MS. E has ealdormen) and cyninges þegnas oft ráde onridon, Chr. 871; P. 72, 14. Hwílum ánlépig, hwílum tógædere gedón, Lch. ii. 62, 6. Ic æ-acute;nlípigu oþstód, Hml. S. 23b, 409. Sume ðæs seáwes ánlípiges nyttiað, Lch. ii. 30, 16. Martinus gelácnode mid æ-acute;nlipium cosse (with nothing but a kiss; or under II with one single kiss) æ-acute;nne hreóflinne mannan. Hml. Th. ii. 512, 5. Oð ðone ánlípigan þorn . . . On ðone ánlípian stán, C. D. iii. 467, 7, 8. Mín swustur lét mé æ-acute;nlípie (solam) þénian, Lk. 10, 40. Ne sculon mæssepreóstas æ-acute;nlípie bútan óðrum mannum mæssan syngan, Ll. Th. ii. 406, 21. Ðá wuniað twám and þrím ætgædere and hwílon æ-acute;nlípige, R. Ben. 9, 15. Hí námon him ðá gedwollmenn æ-acute;nlípige (heretics only) tó gemynde, Hml. S. 23, 390. II. of number, (one) single:--Læ-acute;cedóm onsundron ánlípig a single recipe by itself. Lch. ii. 12, 7. On ðæ-acute;re ealdan æ-acute; wæs ánlípig hús Gode tó wurðmynte áræ-acute;red . . . ealle óðre þeóda fela templa áræ-acute;rdon . . . Þæt ánlípige Godes tempel wæs wundorlíce gecræft, Hml. Th. ii. 574, 24-29. For ðám þrím ræ-acute;dingum sý án ánlípig (æ-acute;nlýpig, v.l.) ræ-acute;dincg geræ-acute;d, R. Ben. 34, 11. Án æ-acute;lpi mónð, Angl. viii. 320, 11. Nán ánlípig (ne ana quideni) tó láfe ne wunode, Gr. D. 67, 18. III. single, distinct from others, individual:--Ðæt ná nán æ-acute;nlípig ne módige, ðonne mynstres notu manegum bið betæ-acute;ht ut dum pluribus committitur unus non superbiat, R. Ben. 125, 10. Æ-acute;lcan æ-acute;nlýpium wæs geseald be ðám ðe hé behófade, 57, 19. Ðus hit byð gedón in æ-acute;nlípigre gehwylcre sáwle (in unaquaque anima), Gr. D. 205, 8. Swilce hí wæ-acute;ron æ-acute;r ðám æ-acute;nlípige góde and wæ-acute;ron syððan for ðám menn ealle swíðe góde quasi ante essent singula bona, propter hominem autem omnia valde bona, Angl. vii. 20, 187. Hí ealle mid angsumum móde æ-acute;nlipige cwæ-acute;don, Hml. Th. ii. 244, 2. Gehwilce æ-acute;nlípige on heora burgum be him sylfum cendon, i. 34, 4: ii. 124, 10. Ðone ic oft ásende tó æ-acute;nlípigum burgum I send him to the different towns, Hml. S. 36, 42. IV. each:--Six wæterfatu healdende æ-acute;nlípige twyfealde gemetu, Hml. Th. ii. 56, 22. Hé getimbrode twelf mynstra, on ðám æ-acute;nlípium hé gesette twelf munecas, 158, 33. V. with distributive force:--Æ-acute;nlýpige munecas geond æ-acute;nlýpige bed restan, R. Ben. 47, 3. Þá underféngon hí æ-acute;nlípige penegas, An. Th. 74, 15. [Orm. [UNCERTAIN]ainlepi; : A.R. onlepi, elpi: O. E. Hml. enlepi, alpi: Laym. anlæpi, ælpi: Ayenb. onlepi.] v. onelepi in N. E. D.

án-lípum; adv. Singly:--Ingunnun ánlépum cweþan, Mt. R. 26, 22. v. án-lápum in Dict.

an-lútung (?) a wrapper:--Anlútungum (-lúcungum?) involucris, Germ. 402, 54.

án-méde, es; n. Unanimity:--Þú eart se man þe mé wære on ánméde tu vero, homo unanimis, Ps. Th. 54, 13.

an-medla, l. -médla, and add:--Hwæ-acute;r beóð þonne his wlencea and his anmédlan?, Bl. H. 111, 34. v. on-médla in Dict., and cf. an-mód.

an-méttan (án- ?). v. ge-anméttan.

an-mitta (and-, on-). Dele all but second passage, and add: A balance, scale:--Andmitta (hand-) exagium, Txts. 61, 793. Anmitta statera, Kent. Gl. 343. Habbaþ rihtne anmittan and emne wæ-acute;gan statera justa et aequa sint pondera, Lev. 19, 35. On anmittum in stateris, Bl. Gl. v. on-mitta in Dict.

an-mód. Add: In some of the passages perhaps án-mód should be read:--Onmód (an-) contumax, Txts. 48, 202. Anmóde, Wrt. Voc. ii. 14, 67. Contumax, i. superbus anmóda contemptor, 135, 23. v. on-mód in Dict., and cf. an-médla.

án-mód. Add:--Þæt werod wæs swá ánmód (cf. Hom. i. 101, 4) swilce him eallum wæ-acute;re án heorte and án sáwul, Hml. Th. i. [ILLEGIBLE]26, 25. Þú ánmóde tu unanimis, Ps. L. 54, 14. Mid ánmóde willan monigra multorum unanima intentione. Bd. 5, 6; Sch. 575, 12. Mid ánmódre geþafunge eallra, 4, 17; Sch. 430, 6. Ánmóde beón uniri per concordiam, Past. 345, 10. Ðá geseah se cyning þæt hí ánmóde wæ-acute;ron, Hml. Th. i. 570, 27. Ánmódde unanimes, Ps. Srt. 67, 7. [We ware onmode godes wille to done, Hom. ii. 183, 8.]

an-módlíce (án- ?); adv. I. without hesitation:--Ðá ástód hé ætforan him, and him anmódlíce tó cwæð, Hml. Th. i. 580, 1. Cúðberhtus ðá tó ðám engle anmódlíce cwæð, ii. 134, 31. II. constantly, persistently, steadfastly :-- Hé clypede anmódlíce tó Gode, Hml. S. 18, 126, 400. v. an-mód.

án-módlíce. Add:--Ánmódlíce concorditer, i. unanimiter, An. Ox. 2595; unanimiter, Coll. M. 36, 5: Wlfst. 68, 3: Ll. Th. i. 36, 11 : Hml. Th. i. 570, 23 : Bl. H. 219, 35 : 139, 20.

an-módnes (án- ?) resolution, constancy, steadfastness:--Gyf him þince þ-bar; hé mid gyrdel sió gyrded, ðæt byð anmódnes, Lch. iii. 170, 22.

án-módnes. Add:--Sió ánmódnes ryhtes geleáfan fidei unitas, Past. 95, 5. Ðá ánmðdnesse ðára ðe ðæ-acute;rtó hlystað unitas audientium, 93, 25. Geornlíce gebinde ge eów tósomne mid ánmódnesse and mid sibbe solliciti servare unitatem spiritus in vinculo pacis, 345, 17. Oferswíðed mid ánmódnesse ( unonimitate) eallra þára witena. Gr. D. 329, 17.

án-nes. Dele II, and add: I. unity (as opposed to separation):--Þá gód ealle on ánnesse bióþ, and sió ánnes bið on écnesse . . . Sió ánnes and sió gódnes án þing sié, Bt. 34, 9; F. 146, 23-33. II. union (as opposed to disagreement) :-- Hú mycel gód is ðæ-acute;r ðæ-acute;r gebróðru beóð on ánnysse quam bonum habitare fratres in unum, Hml. S. 5, 394.