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50 &A-long;-SECGENDLIC -- &A-long;-SMEÁGAN
ymbe Philopes gewin t&o-long; &a-long;secgenne taedit Pelopes referre certamina, Ors. i. 8; S. 42, 13. [III =on-secgan to offer :-- &A-long;sægcas (-sægas, R.) immolant, Mk. L. 14, 12. &A-long;sægde offerret, Rtl. 25, 43.] [O. H. Ger. ar-sag&e-long;n edissere.]
&a-long;-secgendlic. Add :-- On cwyde &a-long;secgendlic dictu affabilis, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 135, 12. N&a-long;n &a-long;secgendlic fracodlicnysse h&i-long;wung. Hml. Skt. 23b, 382. v. un-&a-long;secgendlic.
&a-long;-secgendl&i-long;ce. v. un-&a-long;secgendl&i-long;ce : &a-long;-s&e-long;dan, -seddan. v. s&e-long;dan, un-&a-long;sedd.
&a-long;-segendness, e; f. An offering :-- Nymþe h&e-long; mid &a-long;segendnisseum (muneribus) in eóde, Nar. 24, 17. Cf. on-sægdness.
á-sellan. Add: -- &A-long;sald is m&e-long; data est mihi, Mt. L. 28, 18.
á-sencan; p. te To sink (trans.) :-- On &a-long;se(i)ntum (i above the line) summerso, i. absorbto. An. Ox. 829.
&a-long;-sendan. Add :-- &A-long;send swylcne d&o-long;m ofer þ&a-long; cyningas swylcne hig ofer þone Hæ-long;lend &a-long;sendon, St. A. 38, 21-3. T&o-long; w&i-long;te &a-long;send mid unsehte relegatus. Wrt. Voc. i. 21, 23. On wræcs&i-long;&d-bar; &a-long;send, Hml. Th. i. 488, 16. &A-long;send intromittitur, An. Ox. 5118. [Goth. us-sandjan.]
&a-long;-s&e-long;ngan. l. (?)&a-long;-secgan.
&a-long;-seódan (?) to disburse (? cf. seód), pay :-- T&o-long; &a-long;seódenne expendere, Wrt. Voc. ii. 108, 2. (But see &a-long;-seóþan.)
á-seolcan; p. -solcen To become sluggish :-- Ðæt seó tunge ne &a-long;seolce ne semetipsam lingua pigre restringat, Past. 275, 20, v. &a-long;-solcen, -sealcan.
&a-long;-seón to look at :-- Nelle ic m&y-long;nes Dryhtnes andwlitan &a-long;seón, Hml. A. 190, 255. [Goth. us-saihwan to look at: O. H. Ger. ar-sehan respicere.]
&a-long;-seón to strain. Add: pp. -siwen, -seowen :-- &A-long;s&i-long;h healfne bollan, Lch. iii. 20, 8, 5. Genim bollan fulne w&i-long;nes, gemenge wi&d-bar; þ-bar; and &a-long;seóhhe, ii. 288, 5. &A-long;s&i-long;ende excolantes, Mt. R. 23, 24. Ealo æ-long;r þon hit &a-long;siwen sié, Lch. ii. 124, 14. Huniges &a-long;siwenes, 184, 19. &A-long;seownes, 26, II. Aseowones, 200, 16.
&a-long;-seonod deprived of sinews :-- &A-long;sionod enervata, Wrt. Voc. ii. 143, 53.
&a-long;-seóþan. Add :-- &A-long;seóþan decoqui, Germ. 396, 196. I. to clear from impurity :-- &A-long;soden weax obrisum metallum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 65, 14. &A-long;soden w&i-long;n carenum, An. Ox. 4, 5. II. to clear impurity from something :-- Leahtras &a-long;s&e-long;&d-bar; &a-long;dl uitia exquoquit languor, Scint. 165, 6. Þæt eall þ-bar; se ofen þæ-long;re costunge of &a-long;sude (excogueret), Bd. 4, 9; Sch. 393, 16. III. to try, examine :-- &A-long;sude examinasti, probasti, Wrt. Voc. ii. 144, 57. T&o-long; &a-long;seódenne expendere (see &a-long;-seódan above, d sometimes-= &d-bar; in this glossary), Wrt. Voc. ii. 108, 2. [O. H. Ger. ar-siudan excoquere, examinare; ar-sotan gold obrizum.]
&a-long;-seówan, -s&i-long;wan, -seowian to sew, stitch :-- Mi&d-bar; n&e-long;thle &a-long;siówid (-s&i-long;uuid) pictus acu, Txts. 87, 1591. v. un-&a-long;seowod.
&a-long;-s&e-long;&d-bar;endlic. v. un-&a-long;s&e-long;&d-bar;endlic.
&a-long;-settan. Add: I. to set, put, move an object to a place :-- Ð&u-long; on &a-long;sets conseres, Kent. Gl. 948. Heó hire f&o-long;t &a-long;s&e-long;tte, Gen. 8, 9. &A-long;sete on h&a-long;te sunnan, Lch. ii. 352, 9. &A-long;sete;tte g&e-long; þone l&i-long;choman t&o-long; þæ-long;re byrgenne, Bl. H. 147, 31. Ia. intrans. To move one's self, transport one's self :-- H&y-long; upp &a-long;setton on æ-long;nne s&i-long;þ þ-bar; h&y-long; c&o-long;man t&o-long; Æþelingadene, Chr. 1001; P. 132, 3. Hié &a-long;settan him (h&i-long;, v. l.) on &a-long;nne s&i-long;þ ofer mid horsum mid ealle, 893 ; P. 84, 3. Matheum h&e-long; gedyde gangan t&o-long; þ&a-long;m eástdæ-long;le mid his discipulum and &a-long;setton on þ&a-long; d&u-long;ne þæ-long;r se apostol wæs, St. A. 14, 14. II. of building, to set, place, build :-- &A-long;sétte h&e-long; þæ-long;r Godes ciricean oþþe mynster getimbrede, Bl. H. 221, 4. Wæs seó burh mid þ&y-long; hreóde &a-long;sett and geworht oppidum ex his arundinibus erat edificatum, Nar. 10, 14. Neáh þæ-long;re ceastre wæs &a-long;sett (-seted, v. l.) cyrce, Gr. D. 43, 29. Ne &d-bar;&a-long; get &a-long;sette w&e-long;ron necdum (mantes) con-stiterant, Kent. Gl. 266. III. to put in, out of an office, &c. :-- Þ&a-long;m preóste þe h&e-long; of his circan &a-long;sette, Ll. Th. ii. 290, 13. H&e-long; &a-long;sette þ&a-long; mihtigan of heora setle. Bl. H. 159, n. IV. to lay, impose punishment, &c. :-- H&e-long; þ-bar; w&i-long;te and þ-bar; &e-long;ce wræc &a-long;sette on þone aldor deófla, Bl. H. 83, 33. V. to set, propose a riddle, &c. :-- Þ&u-long; &a-long;settest ræ-long;dels, Ap. Th. 4, 22. VI. =on-settan to oppress :-- Of þ&a-long;m &a-long;settum mannum (of þ&a-long;m mannum þe h&i-long; geswencton, v. l.), Gr. D. 71, 7. [Goth. us-satjan: O. H. Ger. ar-sezzen.]
&a-long;-s&i-long;can; p. -s&a-long;c To sigh :-- &A-long;s&i-long;c&d-bar; suspirabit, Scint. 223, II. &A-long;s&i-long; &d-bar; suspirat, 28, 17: 158, 4.
a-sicyd. l. &a-long;-s&i-long;cyd; &a-long;-siftan. Add :-- &A-long;sifte þurh sife, Lch. ii. 72, 28.
&a-long;-s&i-long;gan. Add :-- Þone w&a-long;h þe ne &a-long;s&i-long;h&d-bar; næ-long;fre. Hml. S. 36, 68. On n&o-long;nt&i-long;de &a-long;s&i-long;h&d-bar; seó sunne. Hml. Th. ii. 76, 20. Sunne &a-long;s&a-long;h, Lk. 4, 40. &A-long;s&a-long;h seó æ-long;fent&i-long;d. Gr. D. 83, 15. &A-long;sige procumberet, An. Ox. 1579. &A-long;sigen tó yfele, Bt. 24, 4; F. 84, 28.
&a-long;-sincan to sink down :-- Bufon &d-bar;&a-long;m wætere &d-bar;æ-long;r þæt &i-long;sen &a-long;sanc, Hml. Th. ii. 162, 13. T&o-long;bærst seó eor&d-bar;e and þ-bar; tempi &a-long;sanc, Hml. S. 4, 378.
&a-long;-singan. Add; I. to recite verse :-- H&e-long; þ&y-long; betstan leó&d-bar;e geglenged him &a-long;song and &a-long;geaf þæt him beboden wæs, Bd. 4, 34; Sch. 485, 22. Ð&a-long; se w&i-long;sd&o-long;m and seó gesceádw&i-long;snes þis leó&d-bar; þus &a-long;sungen hæfdon, Bt. 13; F. 36, 30 (and often). II. to compose verse :-- Wr&a-long;t h&e-long; b&o-long;c and þ&a-long; meterfersum &a-long;sang and gelæ-long;rede spræ-long;ce gesette scripsit librum quem versibus exametris et prosa conposuit, Bd. 5, 15; Sch. 651, 8. [Goth. us-siggwan: O. H. Ger. ar-singan recitace.]
&a-long;-sirwan (?) to delude :-- &A-long;sered (printed afered) delusus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 71, 57: 26, 29.
&a-long;-sittan. Add: I. to sit up :-- H&e-long; &a-long;cwicode and semninga upp &a-long;sæt (resedit). Bd. 5, 12; S. 627, 14: 5, 19; S. 640, 27. H&e-long; næ-long;fre ne mihte of his reste &a-long;r&i-long;san þ-bar; h&e-long; upp &a-long;sæ-long;te. Gr. D. 281, 18. II. to remain sitting; of a ship, to be aground :-- Ð&a-long;ra &o-long;þerra scipu &a-long;sæ-long;ton; þ&a-long; wurdon eác sw&i-long;&d-bar;e un&e-long;&d-bar;el&i-long;ce &a-long;seten, þreó &a-long;sæ-long;ton on &d-bar;&a-long; healfe þæs deópes &d-bar;e &d-bar;&a-long; Deniscan scipu &a-long;seten wæ-long;ron, and þ&a-long; &o-long;&d-bar;ru eall on &o-long;þre healfe, Chr. 897; P. 90, 20-91, 4. III. trans, with fit, to reduce by siege :-- Holofernus wolde h&i-long; &u-long;t &a-long;sittan and h&e-long; heora wæterscipe mid weardmannum besette, Hml. A. 107, 171. IV. to be apprehensive, afraid (with gen, or clause) :-- W&e-long; &a-long;sitta&d-bar; þ-bar; þ&a-long; b&o-long;ceras &a-long;scunion þ-bar; w&e-long; þus r&u-long;ml&i-long;ce spreca&d-bar;, Angl. viii. 332, 34. W&e-long; ne þurfon þanon n&e-long;nes hearmes &u-long;s &a-long;sittan, Cht. E. 230, 10. [Goth. us-sitan to si tup.]
&a-long;-siwen. v. &a-long;-seón to strain.
&a-long;-slacian. Add: I. to slacken, become slack, (l) physical :-- Bi&d-bar; &d-bar;æs mannes wæstm geb&i-long;ged, his swura &a-long;slacod. Hml. Th. i. 614, 13. (2) figurative :-- &A-long;sleaca&d-bar; his tunge t&o-long; &d-bar;æ-long;re godcundan bodunge. Hml. Th. ii. 442, 25. Gif w&e-long; &a-long;sleacia&d-bar; fram g&o-long;dum weorcum, 98, 15. Gif w&e-long; &a-long;slacia&d-bar; þæs fri&d-bar;es and þæs weddes þe w&e-long; seald habba&d-bar;, Ll. Th. i. 238, 21. Ð&y-long; læ-long;s se anwald &a-long;slacige (-slacie, v. l.) &d-bar;æs recend&o-long;mes ne solvantur jura regiminis. Past. 118, 4. Ð&y-long; læ-long;s hira lufu &a-long;slacige ne eorum dilectio torpeat, 143, 9. Þæt h&i-long; &d-bar;urh orsorhnesse ne &a-long;sleacion. Hml. Th. i. 610, 16. H&e-long; hæf&d-bar; t&o-long; g&o-long;dum weorce gewunad, and læ-long;t &d-bar;æt &a-long;slacian, Past. 65, 15. Gewilnunga læ-long;tan &a-long;slacian, Hml. S. 33, 120. &A-long;slacad hand manus remissa, Kent. Gl. 318. &A-long;sclacad dissoluta, 696. &A-long;sclæcadun dimis(s)is. Wrt. Voc. ii. 106, 52. &A-long;slæcadum, 35, 56. II. to make slack :-- &A-long;slacudæ, &a-long;sclacade hebitavit, Txts. 66, 491. &A-long;slacude, Wrt. Voc. ii. 43, 45. &A-long;slacige (solet) enervare, 96, 51. &A-long;sleacod enervata, 143, 53. &A-long;slacod evacuatum, 144, 52. v. next word.
&a-long;-slæccan. Add :-- &A-long;slæcte dissolverat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 25, 58. &A-long;-scæltte, 106, 56.
&a-long;-slæcian. v. &a-long;-slacian.
&a-long;-slæ-long;wan to make slow or dull :-- &A-long;slæ-long;we obtundo, An. Ox. 18b, 65.
&a-long;-sl&a-long;pan. Add :-- Læ-long;ced&o-long;mas wiþ &a-long;sl&a-long;penum (paralysed) l&i-long;ce. Lch. ii. 12, 17. Þ&a-long; &a-long;sl&a-long;penan sina, 282, 8. [O. Sax. &a-long;-sl&a-long;pan.]
&a-long;-sl&a-long;wian. Add :-- &A-long;sl&a-long;wie obtorpeo, An. Ox. 18b, 64. I. physical, to become dull of hearing :-- Ð&a-long; eáran &a-long;sl&a-long;wia&d-bar; þ&a-long; þe æ-long;r wæ-long;ron swifte t&o-long; geh&y-long;renne, Wlfst. 148, II. of conduct, to become torpid, sluggish, inert :-- Sw&a-long; &d-bar;eáh h&e-long; &a-long;sl&a-long;wa&d-bar; quamvis torpescat, Past. 282, 7. H&e-long; &a-long;sl&a-long;wa&d-bar; torporem patitur, 287, 24. Ð&y-long; læ-long;s h&e-long; &o-long;&d-bar;re &a-long;wecce mid his wordum and himself &a-long;sl&a-long;wige g&o-long;dra weorca ne in semetipsis torpentes opere alias excitent voce, Past. 461, 15. &A-long;sl&a-long;wien torpescant, 415, 10. Ðæt &d-bar;&a-long; &i-long;dlan ne &a-long;sl&a-long;wien ut otiosis non fiat torpor 453, 24.
&a-long;-sleán. Add: I. to strike off, remove by a stroke :-- Him mon &a-long;sl&o-long;g þæt heáfod of, Ors. 6, 34; S. 290, 14. H&e-long; &a-long;sl&o-long;h of (&a-long;sl&o-long;g amputavit, Lind.) &a-long;nes þeówan eáre, Mt. 26, 51. H&e-long; þ-bar; heáfod of &a-long;sl&o-long;h, Hml. A. 15, 357. H&e-long; h&e-long;t his heáfod of &a-long;sleán, Hml. S. 26, 162. II. to strike, make a mark (cut) by a stroke :-- &A-long;sleah þr&y-long; scearpan on, Lch. ii. 104, 7. III. to strike with the hand :-- &A-long;sl&o-long;gon &l-bar; &d-bar;urscon caedentes, Mk. L. 22, 63. IIIa. to strike with a hammer :-- Gylden þel &a-long;slægen bratea, Wrt. Voc. ii. 12, 42. IV. of paralysis, to strike, paralyse :-- Læ-long;ced&o-long;m wiþ &a-long;slegenum l&i-long;ce, Lch. ii. 12, 17: 126, 12, 14, 18. V. to strike out a path, make way :-- Se bryne &d-bar;e on &d-bar;æ-long;m inno&d-bar;e bi&d-bar; &u-long;t &a-long;slih&d-bar; t&o-long; &d-bar;æ-long;re h&y-long;de, Past. 71, 6. [O. H. Ger. ar-slahan.]
&a-long;-sl&i-long;dan. Add :-- &A-long;sl&a-long;d and gefióll labat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 50, 62. I. literal, to slip, fall :-- Sceal &d-bar;æt heáfod g&i-long;man &d-bar;æt &d-bar;&a-long; f&e-long;t ne &a-long;sl&i-long;den, Past. 133, I. H&e-long; sceolde &a-long;sl&i-long;dan on þ&a-long; eá, Gr. D. 319, 13. His f&o-long;t wear&d-bar; &a-long;sliden, 320, 9: 81, 25. Se cniht feóll of &d-bar;&a-long;m munte . . . hwæ-long;r se l&i-long;chama þæs &a-long;slidenan cnihtes mihte beón funden, 212, 29. Gastas hw&i-long;lum on heánnesse upp worpene, hw&i-long;lum eft &a-long;slidene on grund, Bd. 5, 12 ; S. 628, 25. Ia. to fall, be removed to an unfavourable place :-- Ne læ-long;t m&e-long; &a-long;sl&i-long;don on þ&a-long; firenfullan eardungst&o-long;we, Angl. xii. 503, 5. II. figurative, (l) to fall into sin, lapse, relapse :-- Þæs mannes m&o-long;d &a-long;sl&i-long;t t&o-long; &d-bar;æ-long;re ge&d-bar;afunge, Hml. Th. i. 176, 2. W&e-long; &a-long;sl&i-long;da&d-bar; on &d-bar;æ-long;m un&d-bar;eáwe. Past. 313, 17. On lust &a-long;sl&a-long;d in luxum labescit, An. Ox. 4651. M&i-long;n f&o-long;t &a-long;sl&a-long;d. Hml. Th. ii. 392, 10. Þæt ic ne &a-long;sl&i-long;de, Ps. Th. 16, 5. Gif se man æfter his fulluhte &a-long;sl&i-long;de, Hml. Th. i. 292, 23. Gif w&e-long; hwæ-long;r &a-long;sl&i-long;don, 170, 18. Þ&a-long; þe æ-long;ne &a-long;slidan, Hml. S. 31, 740. &A-long;slidenum lapsis, Hy. Srt. 7, II: relapsis, An. Ox. 4746: Hml. Th. i. 492, II. (2) to fall, be hurt or destroyed :-- Fram deóflum forbr&o-long;den h&e-long; &a-long;sl&a-long;t (cf. occubuit. Ald. 60, 26), Shrn. 56, 12. Gif hit þ-bar; wæ-long;re þ-bar; þ&i-long;n dohtor on æ-long;nig l&a-long;&d-bar; &a-long;sliden wæ-long;re, Hml. S. 33, 223. &A-long;sliden and gewæ-long;ht elisa et labefacta, An. Ox. 4789: Wrt. Voc. ii. 86, 44. Ealle &a-long;slidene omnes elisos, Ps. L. 144, 14.
&a-long;-sl&i-long;ding. e; f. Slipping :-- Of &a-long;sl&i-long;dinge, Germ. 388, 62.
&a-long;-smeágan. Add: I. to investigate, (1) where the object is coc-crete :-- Þ&a-long; h&i-long; hæfdon þ&a-long; burh ealle &a-long;smeáde, Chr. 1011; P. 142, 2.