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Á-WÆ-acute;GAN -- Á-WENDAN. 57
á-wæ-acute;gan. Add: I. to deceive :-- Beswícþ, áwæ-acute;gþ eludit, i. decipit Wrt. Voc. ii. 143, 16. Áwæ-acute;gde eluderet, 29, 19. Áwæ-acute;ged fallitur (humanum judicium), An. Ox. 1734. Hé wæs áwæ-acute;ged (inlusus) from þæ-acute;m tungulkræftgum, Mt. R. 2, 16. II. to make of no effect, (a) to fail to perform :-- Gif hé beswicen byð, þ-bar; hé his behát áwæ-acute;gð, R. Ben. 102, 3: Hml. A. 34, 244. Forgyldan ealle þá þing þe wé ofor his bebod gedydon oþþe þæs áwæ-acute;gdon þe wé dón sceoldan, Bl. H. 91, 17. Áwæ-acute;gdon fefellisset (pollicita). An. Ox. 2, 237. Hí heora fulluhtes behát ðurh forgæ-acute;gednysse áwæ-acute;gdon, Hml. Th. ii. 338, 9. Ne sceall nán mann áwæ-acute;gan þ-bar; hé sylfwylles behæ-acute;t, Hml. S. 26, 269. (b) to invalidate, nullify :-- Gif þú nelt hine tellan ... þonne áwæ-acute;gst (-wæ-acute;st, v. l.) þú þone regol, Lch. iii. 264, 16. Swilc man swé hit áwége, C. D. i. 297, 13. Hú heó ána mihte ealle þá gewytan áwæ-acute;gan mid áðe, Hml. S. 2, 225. Þonne wæ-acute;re seó rihtwisnys áwæ-acute;ged, gif hé hí neádunge tó his ðeówte gebígde, Hml. Th. i. 112, 6. Án stæf ne bið ne án strica áwæ-acute;ged iota unum aut unus apex nan praeteribit, Thw. Hept. 159, 31. Áwæ-acute;gune (-ede ?) yrfebéc inritum testamentum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 49, 15.
á-wæ-acute;lan. Dele paragraph I, and see á-wiltan, á-wilwan.
á-wærlan to avoid :-- Giduolo áwærle errores declinet, Rtl. 39, 25.
á-wæscan to wash :-- Áwæsc ealle, Lch. ii. 38, 16. Áwæsc on háligwætre, 110, 14.
á-wandian. v. wandian, II.
á-wanian. Add :-- Sé ðe hit áwanie, C. D. iii. 344, 23. Ðá ðe áwonað biðon in líchoma qui macerantur in corpore, Rtl. 15, 3.
á-wannian. Add: to become livid: Hé gedyde þ-bar; eall his andwlita áwannode (wearð áwannod, v. l.) totum illius vultum lividum reddidit, Gr, D. 20, 32.
á-wansian. v. wansian.
á-wár. Add :-- Þæt wé óðrum mannum forgifon, gif hí áwár ús geæ-acute;biligdon, Hml. Th. ii. 100, 33.
á-weallan Add: I. to well out :-- Ic upp áwealle ebullio, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 192, 4. Áweól exundavit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 29, 56: 146, 36. II. to spring, proceed from a source :-- Ealle únðeáwas áweallað of deófle, Wlfst. 40, 22. III. to swarm, (1) to exist in large numbers :-- Swá þicce hié in þæ-acute;re eá áweóllon swá æ-acute;mettan veluti formice efferbuere, Nar. 11, 13. (2) of production in large numbers, to swarm with :-- Þ-bar; flæsc wyrmum áwealleþ, Bl. H. 101, 3. Hé áweól eal wyrmum, Shrn. 111, 25. IV. of movement caused by heat :-- Fúlnes wæs mid ðæs fýres ðrosme upp áweallende, Bd. 5, 12; S. 628, 26. V. to be hot :-- Áuueóll incanduit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 111, 69. V a. of the heat of disease :-- Wiþ þá ádle þe Grécas frenesis nemnaþ, þ-bar; byþ ðonne þ-bar; heáfod áweallen byþ, Lch. i. 210, 2. V b. of violent passion, to burn, rage :-- Sé ábarn and áweóll (exarsit) mid þý bryne wælhreównesse ongæ-acute;n þá æ-acute;festan weras, Gr. D. 162, 23. [O. H. Ger. ar-wallan fervere, effervescere, emanare.]
á-weaxan. Add :-- Wæ-acute;ron of ðæ-acute;m stáne áwexene bearwas, Bl. H. 209, 32. [O. H. Ger. ar-wahsan oboriri, increscere.]
a-web. l. á-web, and add :-- Áwebb subtegmen, Wrt. Voc. i. 66, 22. Áweb subtimen, 282, 5. v. ó-web.
á-weccan. Add: I. to wake (trans.) from sleep, raise from the dead :-- Hwílon láreow mín áwecþ mé stíþlíce mid gyrde, Coll. M. 35, 31. Ic míne frýnd áweahte, Nar. 30, 32. God hine áweahte tó onliésanne ðá gehæftan on helle, Past. 443, 9. Iern and áwece hine, 193, 18. Áwece úrne deádan bróðor, Gr. D. 84, 14. II. to arouse a person from quiescence, to excite to feeling or action, stir up :-- Hé (John) þæ-acute;re módor innoþas ongeán þám Godes suna áweahte, Bl. H. 167, 6. Wearþ se drý áweht wiþ ðám apostolum, 173, 18. Hig wæ-acute;ron ongeán hyne mid yrre áwehte, Nic. 14, 17. Sceolan wé beón áwehte and onbryrde tó godcundre láre, Bl. H. 33, 23. III. to arouse, excite passion, &c. :-- Ðás ilcan geornfulnesse Paulus áweahte (excitat), Past. 139, 1. Bið áweaht se anga ðæ-acute;re wræ-acute;nnesse, 309, 15. Ealles líchoman ádla weorþað áweahte, Lch. ii. 218, 21. Beóð áwecte (-wehte, v. l.) andan, saca and tala, R. Ben. 124, 17. [Goth. us-wakjan: O. H. Ger. ar-wecken.]
á-weceneas, e; f. Incitement :-- Hwylc man ne áwundrað swylce wundru þára deádra þá beóð gedóne fore áwæcenesse (-wec-, v. l.) and láre þára lifigendra (quae fiunt pro exercitatione (the translator has read excitatione ?) viventium), Gr. D. 199, 7.
á-wecgan. Add: I. of physical movement :-- Þæt folc mid rápum ðá anlícnysse bewurpon and mid stengum áwegdon (tried to overturn it with poles), ac hí ne mihton for ðám deófle hí styrian, Hml. Th. i. 464, 19. Lytel wind mæg ðone cíð áwecgan (-wecggean, v. l.) (agitat), Past. 225, 6. Wác hreód ðe æ-acute;lc hwiða windes mæg áwecggan, 306, 6. Hét hé spannan oxan tó, ac hí ne mihton áwecgan þæ-acute;t mæ-acute;den swá, Hml. S. 9, 107. Seó mycelnes þæs stánclifes wearð upp áweged (evulsa) fram ðám mannum þe hit ymb wunnon, Gr. D. 213, 27. II. mental :-- Ðone yfelan fæsðræ-acute;dan willan nán wind ne mæg áwecgan (-wecggean, v. l.), Past. 225, 7. Ne léten hié nó hié on æ-acute;lce healfe gebígean, ne furðum nó awecggan ... Paulus cwæð: 'Ne læ-acute;te gé eów æ-acute;lcre láre wind áwecggan' non circumferamur omni vento doctrinae, 306, 4-9. Heora mágas þæ-acute;ra cnihta mód fram Crístes geleáfan woldon áwecgan, Hml. S. 5, 42. Ðwyrlicra manna heortan, þe beóð ðurh unrihtwísnysse hócas áwegde, ðurh regolsticcan ðæ-acute;re sóðan rihtwísnysse beóð geemnode, Hml. Th. i. 362, 27. [O. H. Ger. ar-wegen agitare, commovere, quassare.]
á-wédan. Add: I. to go mad :-- Sé þe þurh sleápleáste áwét freneticus, Wrt. Voc. i. 75, 60. Þæs mannes sunu áwédde, Shrn. 97, 15. Se cyng áwédde þe hine cwellan hét, and ealle þá hæ-acute;þenan bisceopas áwéddan and swulton, 121, 3-5. Ðá swín ealle áwéddan, Hml. S. 17, 194. Ðá wearð Decius mid feóndlicum gáste áwéd, Hml. Th. i. 434, 7, 9: ii. 510, 28. His dohtor is áwédd, 110, 28. Drihten mihte hire áwéddan dohtor gehæ-acute;lan, 114, 7. I a. of pestilence, to rage :-- Tó ðám swíðe áwédde se cwealm, Hml. Th. ii. 126, 18. II. to be mad :-- Áuoeded insanit, Jn. L. R. 10, 20.
á-wefan. Add :-- Wæs áwefen ordiretur, Wrt. Voc. ii. 63, 5. His reáf wæs áwefen of olfendes hæ-acute;rum, Hml. Th. i. 352, 5. Mid orle of golde áwefen, Hml. S. 7, 36. Heó wæs gegyred myd golde áwefenum hrægelum, Shrn. 149, 21.
á-weg. Add: , -wege :-- Hé com wund áweg confossus vulneribus evasit, Ors. 4, 6; S. 172, 24. Hé tówearp þ-bar; deófolgild and wearð him áwege, Hml. S. 25, 228. Amauisti vel amasti, hér ys se ui áwege, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 147, 1.
áweg-ádrífan, &c. In this verb and in others with the same prefix áweg should be separated.
á-wegan. Add: I. to carry off :-- Hé hét delfan his byrgene and þæt greót út áwegan, Hml. Th. i. 74, 25. Helias wæs mid cræte up áwegen, 308, 16. Upp áwegen evulsa, Gr. D. 213, 27. Áwegen evectus, sublevatus, An. Ox. 1440. I a. to put away, renounce (?) :-- Bútan heora hwilc wolde áwegan (-wæ-acute;gan? v. áwæ-acute;gan, II) his geleáfan, Hml. S. 35, 228. II. to weigh. (1) to put in a balance (lit. or fig.) :-- Hé áwecþ ealle dúna mid ánre handa, Hml. Th. i. 8, 30. Hé áwæh ðín ríce on wæ-acute;gan, ii. 436, 12. Gelícere wáge áwæh aequa bilance trutinabat, An. Ox. 4603. Áwæg, Wrt. Voc. ii. 86, 4, Áweh wiþ æ-acute;nne pening, Lch. ii. 88, 5. Oððe gemetan oððe getellan oððe áwegan, Ll. Th. i. 194, 8. Sié áwegen expendatur, Wrt. Voc. ii. 30, 32. Áwegen perpensa, librata, Germ. 394, 307. (2) to estimate, consider :-- Mæ-acute;genu hé áwyhð vires pensat, Scint. 10, 15. Áweget appendit (corda), Kent. Gl. 768. Hig æ-acute;rest ápinsiað wærlicum móde þá naman and þá bínaman ... Syððan hig þá word áginnað tó áweganne mid þam bíwordum, Angl. viii. 313, 4-7. (3) to be equal in weight to :-- Se dinor áwehð decem nummos, Ælfc. G. Z, 285, 2.
á-wegan; p. -wegede. Dele, and see á-wecgan.
áweg-áworpenness, e; f. Abortion:--Ðá wíf þe dód áwegáworpnesse (abortionem) heora bearna, Ll. Th. ii. 154, 34.
áwegendlic. v. un-áwegendlic.
áweg-gewitennes. Add :-- Sárie for his áweggewitennysse, Hml. S. 30, 159, 226.
[áweg-weard moving away :-- Þiss wurld is áweigweard, Shrn. 17, 30.]
awel. Add: , es; m. :--Awel arpago, Wrt. Voc. ii. 100, 78: fuscinicula, 109, 31: tridens, 122, 64. Awele fuscinicula, An. Ox. 7, 378. Þ-bar;irlie hé his eáre mid ánum æle (subula), Ex. 21, 6. Man sceal habban ... awel, Angl. ix. 264, 7. Awelas fuscinicula, Wrt. Voc. ii. 34, 60. Awlas angulae, An. Ox. 46, 43. Awlum uncis, Germ. 393, 110. v. awul, æl, eal in Dict.
á-wemman; p. de. I. to disfigure :-- Decennovennalis ... ys gecíged of þrým áwemmedum dæ-acute;lum (component parts altered from the forms of the original words), þ-bar; ys of decem and novem and annalis, Angl. viii. 325, 17. II. to defile [ :-- þ-bar; mín sáwle ne seó áwæmmod Hml. A. 172, 63]. v. un-áwemmed, -lic, -ness, and next word.
á-wemmendness, e; f. Corruption :-- Geseón áwemmendnysse uidere corruptionem, Ps. L, 15, 10.
á-wénan; p. de To consider :-- Áhwénende existimantes, R. Ben. I. 4, 12.
á-wendan. Add: I. trans. To turn. (1) to give a certain direction to :-- Hé áwende eów fram Drihtne, Deut. 13, 5. Hé áwende hine sylfne tó Gode, Chr. 1067; P. 201, 34. Hú se deófol tó mislicum synnum heora mód áwende, Hml. S, 10, 222. Uton áwendan úrne willan tó Gode, 28, 174: Ælfc. T. Grn. 6, 29. (1 a) to return :-- Hé áwende his swurd intó dæ-acute;re sceáðe, Hml. Th. i, 482, 32. (1 b) to reduce, bring into subjection :-- Darius áwende ealle Assiriæ eft tó Perséum Darius Assyrios bello recuperavit, Ors. 2, 5; S. 78, 6. (2) to turn aside, (a) to remove, divert :-- Ðá sunnan áwendan of hiere stede, Bt. 19; F. 70, 4. Hé áwende ðæt swurd of ðám wæge mid ealle, Hex. 28, 8. (b) to avert :-- Mid his upstige se cwyde úre brosnunge is áwend, Hml. Th. i. 300, 6. (c) to pervert :-- Áwendende þás úre dómas, Ll. Th. i. 102, 11. Áwended vitiatum, Wrt. Voc, ii. 123, 63. Þá Dænescan þe wæs æ-acute;rur geteald eallra folca getreówast wurdon áwende tó þæ-acute;re méste untríwðe (became perverts to faithlessness), Chr. 1086; P. 221, 30. (3) to change :-- Stówe hé áwent locum mutabit, Lch. iii. 151, 16. Hig noldan ná feohtan mid fægerum wordum ánum, swá þæt hí wel spræ-acute;con and áwendon þæt eft so that they spoke well and then did not act in accordance with their words, Ælfc. T. Grn. 11, 29. Þá sceolon habban þrittig nihta ealdne mónan búton hyt áwende se embolis-