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bearn-cennicge a mother; genetrix:--Bearncennices genetricis, Rtl. 70, 17. Bearncen, 66, 35. v. sunu-cennicge.
bearn-eaca; adj. Big with child, pregnant:--Maria wæs þágyt bearneáca, Hml. Th. i. 30, 9. Ðonne mon sníð ðá bearneácan wíf (praegnantes), Past. 366, 14.
bearn-eácen. Add:--Bearneácen wíf praegnans mulier, Gr. D.261, 10. Wíf þæt sý bearneácen, and heó cenne cniht, Wlfst. 2, 20. Gif wíf biþ bearneácen feówer mónoð (four months gone with child), Lch. iii. 144, 19. Witan on bearneácenum wífe hwæþeres cynnes bearn heó cennan sceal, 6. Bearneácnum, ii. 330, 6. Wíf þe bearneácne (-ene, v. l.) (praegnantes) wæ-acute;ron, Past. 366, 3. Ðá bearneácnan wíf, 367, 14.
bearn-eácnigende; adj. (ptcpl.). Being with child, pregnant:--Bearneácnigende wíf forbúgan, Hml. Th. ii. 94, 3.
bearn-le(á)st. Add:--Bearnleás(t)e orbitatis, An. Ox. 4873.
bearn-myrþra. Add:--Ðider sculan wiccan and bearnmyrðran, Wlfst. 115, 1. Hér syndan myltestran and bearnmyrðran, 165, 33.
bearn-teám. Substitute: I. progeny, offspring, issue:--Wlmér and his bearntém, Cht. Th. 592, 15. Hé bi þæ-acute;re fægerne bearnteám gestrýnde, seó wæs Agathes geháten, Chr. 1057; P. 188, 14. Seó gelaðung ácenð micelne bearnteám, Hml. A. 30, 161. Þ-bar; hí heora bearn&dash-uncertain;teám gebringon tó Críste þurh fulluht, 34, 254. Þæt hié wolden fultum&dash-uncertain;leáse beón æt heora bearnteámum intercepta spe sobolis, Ors. 1, 14; S. 56, 22. II. child-bearing, procreation of children:--On æ-acute;gþrum is mægðhád and eác swylce bearnteám, and se bearnteám ne wanode þone mægðhád, Hml. A. 31, 165. Isaac ábæd hyre bearnteámes, 38, 344. Gesceafta ne beóð ástealde bútan for bearnteáme ánum, 20, 161. Swíðor for bearnteáme þonne for gálnysse propagandi voluntas pia fuit, quia concumbendi voluntas libidinosa non fuit, Angl. vii. 44, 443: Hml. Th. ii. 54, 10: 70, 20: 94, 13. On gástlicum bearnteáme, Hml. A. 29, 129. [Scot. barn-teme, &c. v. Dict.]
bearo. Add:--Bearwes nemoris, Wrt. Voc. ii. 61, 65. Bearuwæs, 151, 17. On bearwe in nemore, 46, 6. Hwæt ic ána sæt innan bearwe mid helme beþeht, holte tómiddes, Dóm. L. 1. Þone godcundan bearo divinum lucum, Nar. 27, 10. Hrímige bearwas . . . on dæ-acute;m ísgean bearwum, Bl. H. 209, 32, 35. Bearewæs saltus, An. Ox. 2036. Bearewum nemoribus, saltibus, 1807. Bearwum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 78, 36. Be þysse wyrte ys sæ-acute;d þ-bar; heó of dracan blóde ácenned beón sceolde on ufeweardum muntum on þiccon bearwum, Lch. i. 322, 25. Ðú ádydes ðá bearwas, Past. 355, 5: Nar. 12, 18: 26, 24. v. palm-bearo.
bear-scipe. v. beór-scipe.
bearwe, an; f. A barrow:--Bærwan, Angl. ix. 263, 6. v. meox&dash-uncertain;bearwe.
be-áscian; p. ode To ask a person (acc.) for advice (gen.), the question given in a clause:--Hié hine láre beáhsodan, hwæt him þæs tó dónne wæ-acute;re, Bl. H. 199, 29. Þæt hié ðone pápan and þæt pápseld beáhsodan, hwæt him þæs tó ræ-acute;de þúhte, 205, 20. [O. Frs. bi-áskia.] Cf. be-frignan.
beátan. Add: I. trans. (1) of living creatures:--Sume hí beóton quosdam caedentes, Mt. 12, 5. Hí beóton his heáfod percutiebant caput ejus, Mt. 27, 30. Hí beóton heora breóst, Hml. Th. ii. 258, 9. Gif man hiné beáte, Ll. Th. i. 348, 5. Þone þe þé beáton sceolde, Hml. S. 4, 148. Sí beáten pulsetur, Angl. xiii. 390, 357. (1 a) where the instrument is given, to beat with (mid):--Ic mid fýste breóst míne beáte, Dóm. L. 30. Hé hine mid his handum beót, Gr. D. 20, 25. Þone hálgan beátan mid heardun saglum, Hml. S. 4, 142. Heora neb beátan mid flintum, 11, 99. ¶ to beat with the feet, to tread:--Beáteþ quatit (ungula campum), An. Ox. 16. (1 b) where the place of the blow is given:--Hé beót Libertinum on þ-bar; heáfod and on þá ansýne, Gr. D. 20, 29. (2) of things:--Beátendes hameres tundentis mallei, An. Ox. 480. Beátendra slecgea tundentium malleorum, Coll. M. 31, 7. (2 a) with dat. to beat on:--Ne se bryne beót mæcgum (cf. Milton's 'the torrid clime smote on him sore'), Dan. 265. II. intrans. To beat on:--Hé on his breóst beót, H. R. 15, 29. Þeáh man mid hameron beóte on þæt þell, Wlfst. 147, 6.
beátere. Substitute: I. a beater:--Hé hét his cwelleras þone hálgan beátan mid saglum. Þá bærst sum sagol intó ánes beáteres eágan, Hml. S. 4, 143. II. a boxer; pugil, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 39, 1.
beáw a gadfly:--Beáw cretabulus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 22, 77: 136, 79. Beáw vel (v. Wülck. Gl. 121, 12) hyrnette oestrum, i. 23, 64.
beáw-hyrnet. Dele, and see preceding word.
be-baþian. Add:--Hé hine bebaðede, Gr. D. 308, 22 note. Æ-acute;r þon hé bebaðod sié priusquam lauetur aqua, Bd. 1, 27; Sch. 76, 17: Lch. ii. 334, 24. v. bi-baþian in Dict.
bebbi in Wrt. Voc. ii. 122, 60 (tragoedia, bebbi, cantio) is a mistake for belli (Lat.). Cf. tragoedia, belli cantica vel fabulatio, Goetz. v. 396, 8.
bebbisc; adj.?:--Se hæ-acute;lend nazarenisca &l-bar; (in the margin ðe bebbisca .i. all suá monn cuoeðas) Iesus Nazarenus, Lk. L. 18, 37.
be-beódan. Under I. dele 'to give . . . generally,' and add: with dat. of person and acc. or clause of the command, &c. I. to order, enjoin:--Ðæt hé sprecende bebiét quod loquendo imperat, Past. 81, 10. Bebiót, Kent. Gl. 816. Swá him háligu gewreotu bebeódaþ, Bl. H. 45, 6. Ic sylle þæt þú æ-acute;r bebude, Ps. Th. 39, 7. Hé bebeád his suna þæt hé tówearp þæt templ, Ors. 6, 7; S. 262, 19. Hé bebeád þæt nán crísten mon ne cóme on his hiérede, 6, 30; S. 282, 29. Hwæt yfela bebeád Drihten æ-acute;fre, Bl. H. 41, 2. Bebudan sancserunt, An. Ox. 1301. Bebiód ðis praecipe hoc, Past. 385, 30. S. Paulus sægde þ-bar; Críst sylfa bebude Moyse þ-bar; hé óþrum láreówum sægde, Bl. H. 45, 20. Windum stilnesse bebeódan, 177, 17. Healde man mæssedæg swá hé beboden beó, Wlfst. 117, 5. Hí wæ-acute;ron bebodene imperantur, An. Ox. 4782, II. to commit, commend:--Ic mé þé bebeóde, Hml. S. 23 b, 448. Gif ðú gewítest, hwæ-acute;m bebeódest þú ús?, Bl. H. 225, 17. Þá þré fæ-acute;mnan þe him Críst bebeád, 145, 31. Þé Gode bebeód te Deo commenda, Ll. Th. ii. 226, 16. Bebeóde hé hine Gode, Lch. ii. 116, 8: Bl. H. 47, 19. Þ-bar; hí míne forðfóre mid bénum Dryhtne bebeódan (commendent), Bd. 4, 3; Sch. 357, 11. Tó bebeódenne commendenda, Wrt. Voc. ii. 79, 80. Beboden commissus, 132, 36. Þá bebodenan credita, 96, 73. Hé his ealdormen hæfde beboden þá clúsan tó healdanne, Ors. 6, 36; S. 291, 26. II a. to offer to the gods:--Þá cuman hé tó blóte dyde and hys godum bebeád hospitum sanguinem diis propinabat, Ors. 1, 8; S. 40, 33. II b. to commit into (on, in):--His gást on (in, v. l.) his handa bebeódende spiritum suum in manus ejus commendando, Bd. 4, 24; Sch. 491, 21. III. to announce:--Þæt hé Alexandres wísan besceáwade, swá hé hit him eft hám bebeád (omnia civibus suis enunciabat), Ors. 4, 5; S. 168, 13. [v. bi-beódan in Dicf. O. Frs. bi-biada: O. H. Ger. bi-biotan.]
be-beódend. Add:--Ðín eágan weorðað gesiónde ðínne bebiódend (praeceptorem), Past. 405, 25.
be-beódendlic. Add:--Ealle bebeódenlice þinc cuncta sibi imperata, R. Ben. I. 97, 3.
be-beorgan. Substitute: I. to ward off something (acc. or inst.) from one's self (dat.), to guard one's self against. (1) with dat. of person only, to save one's self:--Hí heom sylfum beburgon mid Godes fultume, Gr. D. 335, 24. Þ-bar; hé mihte him bebeorgan, 109, 33. (2) dat. of person and (a) acc. of thing:--Þ-bar; hié him sylfum heora synna bebeorgaþ, Bl. H. 63, 24. Hé bebearh him hí and warnode hine wiþ hí swá swá wið þone ealdan feónd eam quasi hostem cavens, Gr. D. 276, 2. Þá wítu þe hí him sylfum beburgon supplicia quae evaserunt, 335, 21. Bebeorh þé þone bealoníð, B. 1758. Þ-bar; hí him þ-bar; wíte bebeorgen, Gr. D. 336, 16. Ús syndon tó bebeorhgenne þá mycclan synna, Bl. H. 63, 33. (b) dat. or inst. of thing:--Hé him bebeorgan ne con wóm wundor&dash-uncertain;bebodum wergan gástes, B. 1746. II. to guard one's self (acc.) against (wiþ) something:--Bebeorh þé wið þá eahta heáhsynna cave tibi ab octo capitalibus criminibus, Ll. ii. 132, 5, 9. [O. H. Ger. bi-bergan evitare.]
be-beran. Add:--In rihte beborene municipales, Wrt. Voc. ii. 59, 16.
be-bindan. Add:--Gif hé mid deófles weorcum hine sylfne bebint, Hml. Th. i. 212, 13: 332, 32. Dó on cláþ, bebind fæste, Lch. ii. 34, 25. Bebinde genóh wearme, 270, 9. Þæt Iudéisce cyn is yfele bebunden mid þám ðe hí cwæ-acute;don be Crístes blóde, Hml. Th. ii. 252, 31. [Goth. bi-bindan: O. Frs. bi-binda.]
be-bítan to bite:--Bibitnae (-e) mordicos, Txts. 76, 616.
be-bíwan (?) to rub over:--Þá wæs sóht, hwæ-acute;r se læ-acute;ce wæ-acute;re, þe cúþe wyrtgemang wyrcan, þ-bar; sé mihte hine (the dead man) besmyrwian and bebyrwan (-býwan?) cum medicus atque pigmentorius ad aperiendum eum atque condiendum esset quaesitus, Gr. D. 318, 3.
be-bláwan to blow upon:--On bebléw hine inflammavit eum, Ps. L. 104, 20. Ne læ-acute;te hine wind bebláwan þý dæge, Lch. ii. 288, 28.
be-blonden. Dele.
be-bod. Add:--Bebod decretum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 25, 46: imperium, An. Ox. 1247. Man mót wífian æt þám þriddan cneó æfter þæ-acute;re ealdan æ-acute; bebode (secundum veteris legis sanctionem), Ll. Th. ii. 216, 21. Hét hé beódan þæt hié fóron ealle út ætsomne. Þá ætsæ-acute;ton ða Centiscan beæftan ofer his bebod, Chr. 905; P. 94, 6. Týn bebodu the decalogue, An. Ox. 841. Æ-acute;licera beboda praeceptorum legalium, 1017. Godes biboda weg, Past. 67, 9. [O. H. Ger. bi-bot.] v. bi-bod in Dict.
bebod-dæg, es; m. A day appointed (by the church):--On ðám beboddagum þínra háligra, Angl. xi. 102, 67.
be-bodian to commend, entrust:--Bebodadon &l-bar; gefeastadon commendauerunt, Lk. L. R. 12, 48.
bebod-ræ-acute;den[n], e; f. Command, authority:--Of bebodræ-acute;ddenne &l-bar; of ðínum bebodum de mandatis tuis, Ps. L. 118, 110.
be-boren-inniht. Dele, and see be-beran.
be-bræ-acute;dan; p. de. To be-spread, cover with:--Se weg wæs bebræ-acute;ded mid hwítum ryftum, Shrn. 65, 23.
be-brecan. Dele second passage, for which see be-brúcan, and for the rest substitute: To break to pieces (acc. of object and dat. of part broken):--Beám heó bebriceþ telgum she breaks the tree to pieces in its branches (cf. Sia (acc.) Iudeóliudí bénon (dat.) bebrákon, Hél. 5699), Sal. 295. [O. H. Ger. pi-brehhan confringere.]
be-bregdan. Add:--Séteras ðá ðe hiæ-acute; sóðfæsto bebrugden (simularent).
be-brúcan; p. -breác; pp. -brocen. I. to consume food:--Hyra