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Hml. S. 30, 10. Ðá ðe gémnisse bihófadun qui cura indigebant, Lk. R. 9, II. Behófdan, Chr. 1006; P. 136, 23. III. impersonal:--Ðá ðe behófað &l-bar; gehríseð (oporteat) tó cuoeðanne, Lk. L. 12, 12. Be-hófað expedit, Jn. L. 16, 7: 18, 14. Behófes, Mt. L. 5, 30. Iúh behófes indigetis, 6, 32. Mid máran unræ-acute;de þone him á behófode, Chr. 1093; Erl. 229, 3. [O. Frs. bi-hóvia.]
be-hóflic. Add:--Behóflic is expedit, Mt. L. 5, 29: proderit, 15, 5: oportet, Lk. L. 18, l: necessarium est, 10, 42: utile est, Mt. p. 13, 6. Boóflic necesse, p. 7, 8. Ðá ðe behóflico sint qui necessari sunt, Lk. L. 14, 28. v. níd-behóflic.
be-hogadnes. For Cot. 114 read:--On behogadnesse in exercita-tione, Wrt. Voc. ii. 48, 42.
be-hogian. Substitute: to take care of, attend to, be solicitous about:--Hé behogode þá tíde þæs nihtlican gebedes, Gr. D. 170, 28. Ðá ðe his líc behogodon qui funus ejus curaverant, 297, 17. Ealdor þe georne behogige (curiose intendat) hwæþer hé God geséce, R. Ben. 97, 14. þ-bar; þá oflæ-acute;tan ge þ-bar; wín sýn mid ealre clæ-acute;nnysse and geornfulnysse behogode and begýmde. Ll. Th. ii. 404, 39.
be-hogod careful, prudent:--Bibogodo ué sié sobrii simus, Rtl. 28, 27, 29.
be-hogodlíce; adv. Carefully, diligently:--Swá hwilc man swá Godes weorc clæ-acute;nlíce and behogodlice wirceð. . . . . Sé þe hit réceleáslíce and unclæ-acute;nlíce wyrceð, Hml. A. 168, 120. Hé ongan hí geornlícor and behogodlícor cwencean eas sollicitius extinxit, Gr. D. 237, 2.
be-hón. Add:--Seó cyrce wæs eall behangen mid criccum, Hml. S. 21, 431. Mæ-acute;denheáp blóstmum behangen, Dóm. L. 289.
be-hreósan. Substitute: to fall:--Sé þe on ðá wítu behreóseð, Wlfst. 26, 12: Ll. Th. ii. 330, 12. Ðá on helle behreósað in gehen-nam incidunt, R. Ben. 24, 3. Þæt wæs ungerím þæt intó helle behreás, Wlfst. 9, I. v. be-hroren.
be-hreówsian. Add: I. absolute, to repent:--Þæ-acute;ra behreów sigendra heortan, Hml. Th. i. 550, 32. Ia. with object, to repent of, (a) with acc.:--Þæt þæt wé ágylton, þæt wé nú bereówsiað, Hml. Th. i. 68, 27. Þám þe heora synna behreówsiað, Ælfc. T. Grn. 2, 17. Behreówsodon, Hml. S. 12, 34. Behreówsian heora yfelan dæ-acute;da, Hml. A. 8, 206. (β) with clause:-- Hé behreówsode þ-bar; hé swá dyslice dæ-acute;de gedyde, Gr. D. 143, 19. II. to pity, compassionate:--Heora earfeða behreówsian, Hml. S. 23, 90. Behreówsiendes compatientis, An. Ox. 5267. v. un-behreówsigende..
be-hreówsung. Add:--Behreósunge penitudinis, An. Ox. 4496. Ætwindan hellicum wítum mid sóðre behreówsunge. Hml. A. 34, 252: Hml. Th. ii. 352, 23, 24. Þurh synna behreówsunge, Wlfst. 24, 18.
behreówsung-tíd, e; f, A time of penitence, penitential season (Septuagesima):--Fram ðisum dæge oð Eástron is úre heófungtíd and bereówsungtíd úre synna, Hml. Th. ii. 86, 25: 88, 3.
be-hringed. Substitute: be-hringan; p. de; pp. ed To surround, encircle:--On mínum earfoþum þe mé habbað útan behringed a pressura quae circumdedit me, Ps. Th. 31, 8. Behrincged, 48, 5. Burh útan behringed mid feóndum, 17, 28. Mid costungum wé sint æ-acute;ghwonon útan behrincgde (-hring-, v. l.). Past. 163, 16. Ábútan beringede mid leahtrum circumdati vitiis, Scint. 103, II.
be-hrúmig. Add:--Hé clypte ðá hweras and cyste þá pannan ðæt hé wæs eall sweart and behrúmig, Shrn. 69, 30. v. next word.
be-hrúmod. Substitute: Behrúmod caccabatum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 84, 71. Berúmad, 18, 55.
be-hwearft, es; m. Change:--On behwearftum in commutationibus. Ps. L. 43, 13.
be-hweorfan (-hwurfan, -hwyrfan). Substitute: I. to attend to, see to the good condition of:--Gif hé wáccor hý behwyrfð, þonne þ-bar; hé him tó ágenum teleð, Ll. Th. i. 272, II. Þá leóhtfatu þe hé behwearf lam-pades quas reficiebat, Gr. D. 46, 31.Þæt manna gehwylc his ágen hús wel behweorfe, þæt is, þæt gehwá his heortan geclæ-acute;nsige, Wlfst. 280, II. Scipena behweorfan, Angl. ix. 261, 18. Mæssereáf wurðlíce behworfen, Ll. Th. ii. 250, 28: 252, 24: 350, 22. Godes cyrcan sýn wel behworfene, i. 246, 12. Ia. of funeral rites:--Mid myrran man behwyrfð deádra manna líc, Hml. Th. i. 116, 6. Ic his líc behwearf mid gewunelicre þénunge, Hml. S. 31, 1423: Hml. A. 79, 167. Hig mæ-acute;rlíce þæt líc behwurfon mid miclum wópe celebrantes exequias planctu magno, Gen. 50, 10. Þá wíf behwurfon hire líc oþ þ-bar; heó bebyrged wæs, Hml. S. 10, 270. Æ-acute;lc preósta æfter forðsíðe georne behweorfe and ne geþafige æ-acute;nig unnit æt þám líce, Ll. Th. ii. 258, 12. Pilatus geþafode ðám ðegene (Joseph) þæt hé hine behwurfe. Hml. Th. ii. 260, 33. Hí móston his líc mid heora ðénungum behwurfan, i. 564, 13. Ib. of dressing animals intended for food:--Hig behwurfon þá fugelas siccaverunt coturnices, Num. II, 32. Gýme swán þ-bar; hé æfter sticunge his slyhtswýn wel behweorfe (corrediet), Ll. Th. i. 436, 16. Þonne hé spic behworfen hæfð, 23. II. to treat, (l) an object:--Gif heora hwylc gýmeleáslíce mynstres þing behwyrfe si quis negligenter res monasterii tractaverit, R. Ben. 56, 12. (2) a person or matter:--Biscop ðe mihte behwyrfan ðá hálgan martiras mid sangum and Godes gerihtum, Hml. Th. ii. 312, 29. Þæt þám banan ne wearð hleahtre behworfen (turned out no laughing matter), An. 1705. III. to exercise, practise:--Begá (behwyrf) þé sylfne on þisum exerce temet ipsum in hoc, An. Th. 31, 37. [Goth, bi-hwairban: O. Sax. be-hwer-þ-bar;an: UNCERTAIN O. H. Ger. pi-hwerban.]
be-hwerfan. Substitute: be-hwirfan; p. de. I. to turn:--Ðonécan þe heó útan behwerfed sié, Bt. 25; F. 88, 35: Met. 13, 77. II. to surround, encompass:--Ic wolde mid sumre bisne þé behwerfan útan ego tibi corollarium dabo, Bt. 34, 4; F. 138, 27. III. to turn to, convert into, change:--Hí hæfdon behwyrfed heora gestreón on gym-stánum . . . Hit wæs gewunelic . . . þaelig;t hí behwyrfdon heora áre on gymstánum, Hml. Th. i. 60, 22-28. Þú bist behwyrfed &l-bar; miswend peruerteris, Ps. L. 17, 27. Þæt teóðe werod tó áwyrgedum gástum behwyrfede wurdon, Hml. Th. i. 540, 3. IV. to exchange, change for:--Hé ealle his æ-acute;hta behwyrfde wið ánum gyldenum wecge, Hml. Th. i. 394, 12. Úre unclæ-acute;nan weorc wé sceolon behwyrfan mid clænum, 138, 29.
be-hwylfan. l. be-hwilfan, and substitute:--Ne behwylfan mæg heofon and eorðe his wuldres word wíddra and síddra þonne befæðman mæge . . . eorðan ymbhwyrft and uprodor heaven and earth cannot form a vault that shall cover his glory's word, too wide and too ample for the globe and the firmament on high to embrace, Exod. 426.
be-hwyrfan. v. be-hweorfan and be-hwirfan.
be-hýdan. Add:--Sé þe behýt his leahtras, Angl. xii. 513, 16. Seó clæ-acute;nnys behýt (recondit) hyre swurd on ðám temple, Prud. 16 b. Be-hýdde oppilavit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 82, 51. Hí þá goldhord on eorðan behýddan, Chr. 418; P. II, 23. Behéd reconde, Kent. Gl. 176. Ne mæg hine nán man behýdan wið hire hæ-acute;to, Ps. Th. 18, 6. Nis mín bán wið þé behýded (occultatum), 138, 13: Bl. H. 93, 35. Behéd lác munus absconditum, Kent. Gl. 780. Of þám díglum stówum þe hí on behýdde (abditi) wæ-acute;ron. Bd. I. 16; Sch. 44, 14. Behýdde abstrusa, An. Ox. 8, 308. Hí on þám scræfe lágon fram Decie behýdde, Hml. S. 23, 741. ¶ of sheathing a sword:--Hé hét Petrum behýdan his swurd, Hml. S. 25, 848: 28, 65. Þá sweord on heora sceáðum behýdde wæ-acute;ron (reconduntur), Prud. 72.
be-hýdedness, -hýdness, e; f. Concealment, secrecy; a secret place:--Mid behýdnysse in occulto, Ll. Th. ii. 148, 13. Behýdednesse his latibulum ejus, Ps. L. 17, 12.
be-hydelíce, &c l. be-hýdelíce, be-hygdiglíce (bí-, bi-), and add:--Behigdelíce (-hýdig-), bihýdiglíce, bighigdelíce sollicite, Bd. 4, 3; Sch. 361, 7. Behýdilíce, bihýdiglíce (-higde-), Sch. 363, 4. þ-bar; gehérende behýdelíce hí mearcedon ðone dæg, Shrn. 86, 2.
be-hydig. l. be-hygdig, -hýdig (big-, bí-, bi-), and add:--Wes þú behýdig and gemyndig Marian þinga, Bl. H. 67, 32. Heó wearð behý-dig be þissum, Hml. S. 33, 47. Mid behygdige móde solerti animo, Bd. 4, 3; Sch. 355, 21. Behýdigne and sorhfulne be þisse wísan, Guth. 84, 24. v. big-hýdig in Dict.
be-hýdignys (-hygdignes). [In Ps. Spl. C. 28, 7 the same mistake seems to have been made as in Ps. Srt, 28, 8, where solitudinem is glossed bihygdignisse (= solicitudinem)] Care, anxiety, solicitude:--Bihýdinys (bighýdignys, Hpt. Gl. 538, 41) sollicitudo, An. Ox. 5430. Carfulnesse, bihýdine(sse) sollicitudinis, 906. v. be-hygdness.
be-hýdness. v. be-hýdedness.
be-hygdness, e; f. Care, anxiety:--Behygdnis weorulde þisse solli-citudo saeculi istius. Mt. R. 13, 22. Cf. be-hogadness.
be-hyhtan; p. te To set hopes on, trust in:--Wá þám þe on God ne behyht vae qui non sunt confisi super sanctum Israel, Wlfst. 48, 8.
be-hyldan. Add:--Hí behyldon æ-acute;nne oxan and besywodon Crisan-tum mid þæ-acute;re hýde tó his nacodum líce, Hml. S. 35, 158. Behyldan, befleán deglobere, i. decoriare, An. Ox. 3280: Wrt. Voc. ii. 82, 13. Ódre wæ-acute;ron cuce behylde, Hml. Th. i. 542, 29.
be-hylian; p. ede To cover, veil:--Heó hire heáfod behylede mid hire cúlan, Hml. S. 33, 237. [O. Sax. bi-hullean: O. H. Ger. pi-hulit lectus, UNCERTAIN amictus.] v. be-helian.
be-hýran; pp. ed To let or hire out:--Behýred feoh locatio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 54, 3: conductio, 135, 70.
be-hýring. Add:--Behýrung locatio. Wrt. Voc. ii. 54, 3.
be-hyðlíce. l. be-hýþelíce, and substitute: Sumptuously:--Behý-ðelíce sumptuosius, Wrt. Voc. ii. 87, 24.
be-innan. v. binnan.
be-irfeweardian to disinherit:--Beyrfeweardige exheredet vel exalie-nat de hereditate. Wrt. Voc. ii. 144, 73. Beerfwerdige, R. Ben. I. 2, 4. Þí læ-acute;s hé ús beyrfewerdige (-weard-, v. l.), swá swá fæder déþ his bearn, R. Ben. l, 16.
be-irnan. Add: I. trans. (l) to run over, traverse:--Seó sunne beyrnð ðá twelf tácna, Lch. iii. 262, 23. Ðæ-acute;re sunnan geár is þ-bar; heó beyrne þone zodiacum, 244, 20. (2) to overrun, cover:--Drihtnes ród bið blóde beurnen, Wlfst. 183, 17. II. intrans. (l) of move-ment:--Sum cild bearn under ánum hweóle, Hml. Th. ii. 26, 24. (2) of action, to run into danger, have recourse to:-- Gif ic on unriht bearn, Ps., Th. 58, 4. Þú beurne on þone wyrstan feónd, Hml. Th. i. 66, 28. (3) of thought, to occur to the mind:--Ús bearn þis on mód, Hml. S.