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86 BETÆ-acute;CAN -- BE-ÞENCAN

geládige þ-bar; hé ná bet ne cúðe, Ll. Th. i. 384, 15. þæt þú þe bet mæge áredian tó rodorum, Met. 23, 9. Mon æ-acute;lcne ceáp mehte be twiefealdan bet geceápian þonne mon æ-acute;r mehte, Ors. 5, 13; S. 248, 2.

betæ-acute;can. Add; I. to entrust, commit to a person for safe keeping, guidance, &c. :-- Ic betiæce committo (Dei mei potestati), An. Ox. 3395. Hwá betæ-acute;hð (credit) eów þ-bar; eower ys ?, Lk. 16, 11. Eádmund betæ-acute;hte Glæstingaberi S. Dúnstáne, Chr. 943 ; P.111, note 19. Se cing betæ-acute;hte þá fyrde tó læ-acute;dene Ealfríce, 992 ; P. 127, 10. Betáhte, Ors. 6, 36 ; S. 294, 31: 6, 37; 5 : 296, 1. Hí betæ-acute;on heora ræ-acute;d 15 his willan, Hml. Th. i. 12, 7. Him wæs betæ-acute;ht þe castel tó healdene, Chr. 1087 ; P. 223, 17. Gleáwum úþwitum betæ-acute;ht þe gymnosophistis traditum (i. commendatum), An. Ox. 3097. I a. of betrothal :-- Betáht despon&dash-uncertain;sata, Mt. L. 1, 18. 1 b. to entrust work, office, &c. :-- Mon ðæt gewin nolde him betæ-acute;can, Ors. 5, 11; S. 236, 4. II. in an unfavourable sense, to hand over, deliver :-- On þíne handa ic hí betáce in manus tuas tradidi illos, Jos. 10, 8. God betæ-acute;hte hig Chusan cyninge Dominus tradidit eos in manus Chusan regis, Jud. 3, 8. Bútan him man betæ-acute;hte Judan, Hml. S. 25, 614. Betæ-acute;hte græ-acute;digum ceaflum, An. Ox. 1479. Betæ-acute;hte (torquendas) traduntur, 4643. III. to put in a place for storage :-- Ágifen á þá ealdan and tó hrægelhúse betæ-acute;cen vetera vestimenta semper reddant reponenda in vestiario, R. Ben. 91, 2, 7, IV. to hand over, pay, give, (1) of concrete objects :-- Ús gebyreð þ æt wé æ-acute;lces þinges úre teóðunge Gode betæ-acute;can, Wlfst. 102, 20: 208, 1. Læ-acute;de hé heorðpenig tó Róme and þæ-acute;rtóeácan .xxx. pænega, and bringe þonon swutelunge þ-bar; hé þæ-acute;r swá micel betæ-acute;ht hæbbe, Ll. Th. i. 264, 10. (2) to give a pledge :-- Geþence hé word and wedd þe hé Gode betæ-acute;hte, Ll. Th. i. 306, 5. V. to assign, destine, (1) an office, function, &c. to a person :-- Sý hé ána wunigende on betæ-acute;htre note (tó weorce tó betæ-acute;htum, R. Ben. 1. 57, 3) solus sit ad opus sibi injunctum persistens, R. Ben. 49, 18. (2) a person (thing) to an office, &c. :-- Æ-acute;nig þæ-acute;ra þinga þe tó lácum betæ-acute;ht bið, Wlfst. 157, 17. Bi-gencgum betæ-acute;htne ceremoniis deputatum, An. Ox. 2225. Laboratores sind yrðlingas tó þám ánum betæ-acute;hte, þe hig ús bigleofan tiliað, Ælfc. T. Grn. 20, 20, 22. þeówdóme betæ-acute;hte servitio addictos, Bd. 4, 26; Sch. 507, 11. VI. to dedicate, devote to the gods :-- Hé genam bollan mid bealuwe áfylled, and deóflum betæ-acute;hte ðone drenc, Hml. S. 14, 69. VII. intrans. To give one's self up to, yield to :-- Basilius ménde þ unriht swá þ-bar; se cásere æt néxtan betæ-acute;hte tó his dóme, Hml. S. 3, 323. VIII. to direct (?) :-- Cildgeongum mannum eal geférræ-acute;den unþeáwas stýre oð þ æt fífteóþe gér hyra ylde. . . Gif hwylc hyra þurh gedyrstignesse on máran ylde belæ-acute;cþ and þreále gebýt bútan þæs abbodes hæ-acute;se (if any one of the brethren from presumption directs and imposes punishment in the case of those of greater age than fifteen without the abbot's order. The Latin is : in fortiori aetate qui praesumpserit aliqua&dash-uncertain;tenus sine precepto abbatis), R. Ben. 130, 4. [v. N. E. D. be-teach.]

bétan. Add: I. to make good, put right, (l) to mend, repair, restore :-- Hí béttan heora scipa, Chr. 1009; P. 140, 4. Wyrcan wé brycge and þá bétan (cf. brycg-bó;t), Wlfst. 239, 9. Uton bétan úre cyrcean, 303, 5. (1a) of a fire or light (v. beet in D. D.), to attend to a fire, lamp :-- Hé þá leóhtfatu gýmeleáslícor bétte, Gr. D. 237, 1. Ná bete nán man þ-bar; fýr ná læncg þonne man þá hálgunge onginne, Ll. Th. i. 226, 25. Hét bewindan heora fét mid flexe, and fýr under bétan, Hml. S. 4, 393. Hé árás tó bétanne þá leóht (ad melioranda lumi&dash-uncertain;aoria), Gr. D. 227, 4. (2) in a medical sense, to do good, cure :-- Scearpa þá stówe, þonne bétst þú íá, Lch. ii. 82, 13. Wel þæt bét, 28, 17. Þá hóman hyt béteþ, i. 360, 11. (3) to correct, emend an error, mistake :-- Ic béte sume leáse bóc corrigo, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 173, 10. Dú boetas restitues, Mt. p. 3, 11. We boetas corrigimus, 2, 2 Trah-teras tó boetanne interpretes emendasse, 12.(4) to amend, reform what is wrong, imperfect :-- Béec (castigo) líchoma mín, Rtl. 6, 7. Hé folces frið bétte, Chr. 959; P. 114, 20. þ-bar; wé synna béton mid fæste-num and mid sóþre hreówe. þ-bar; bið seó sóþe hreów þ-bar; mon synna andette and georne béte, Bl. H. 25, 16-19. þæt hé wolde æ-acute;lc þæ-acute;ra þinga bétan þe hí ealle áscunedon, Chr. 1014; 145, 7. Yldende tó bétanne heora synna and mán differentes emendare scelera, Bd. 5, 12; Sch. 626, 15. II. to make good, make amends, reparation for, atone for :-- þ é þe yfel dóð and þæt ne bétað qui nequiter agunt, Ps. Th. 36, 9. Ða menn þe heora synna and unrihtes geswtcaþ, and hié heora scriftum geandettiaþ, and be heora dóme bétaþ, Bl. H. 193, 23. Æ-acute;ghwylc man sceal bétan his wóhdaeda be his gyltes andefne, 45, 38. Ælc þæ-acute;ra þe his gyltas wið God bétan (erga Deum emendare] wylle, Ll. Th. ii. 134, 2 : Ps. Th. 50, 5. II a. in the laws, to make 'bot,' pay the fine for a crime :-- Gif se hund má misdæ-acute;da gewyrce, and hé (the owner) hine hæbbe, béte be fullan were, Ll. Th. i. 78, 7. Béte man þ-bar; fullum were, 286, 27: 110, 17.

bet-boren j adj. Better-born, of higher-birth :-- Gif æðelborenran (bett-, v. l.) wífmen þis gelimpe. Ll. Th. i. 70, 1. v. wel-, betst-boren.

béte. Add: -- Béte beta, Wrt. Voc. ii. 12, 68 : prosopes, i. 68, 31.

-béte, bétel, v. twi-béte, bítel.

be-tellan. Substitute: I. to clear a person of a charge, exculpate, excuse :-- Nis nán man swá dyrstig on þám micclum dóme, þ æt hé durre

ððerne betellan, Hml. Th. ii. 570, 35. I a. generally reflexive, (1) absolute :-- Búton hé þider férde and hine betealde, Chr. 1094; P. 228, 36. Gewende hé tó Róme, þæt hé hine betealde, gif hé mihte. Þa betealde hé hine sweðe geáplíce, Hml. Th. i. 80, 9. Hí hí sylfe earhlíce betealdon, Hml. S. 23, 308. Se Hæ-acute;lend nolde hine betellan, ðeáh ðe hé unscyldig wæ-acute;re, Hml. Th. ii. 250, 11 : 420, 1. (2) to clear one's self from (æt), in the matter of (be) a charge, excuse one's self to (wið) a person :-- Godwine betealde hine wið Eádward be eallum ðám ðingan ðe him wæs on geléd, Chr. 1053; P. 183, 28. þ-bar; hé móste hine betellan æt æ-acute;lc þæ-acute;ra þinga þe him man on léde, 1048 ; P. 175, 2. þ-bar; hé mage wið Crist hine betellan, Hml. S. 27, 160. II. to prove one's self innocent, (1) with adj. :-- Hé hine betealde unsynnine, Hml. Th. ii. 226, 12. (2) with clause :-- Hé betealde hine wið Eádward, þet hé wæs unscyldig, Chr. 1052 ; P. 183, 7. III. to excuse a fault, plead excuse for :-- Hé ne mihte his mándæ-acute;da betellan, Hml. S. 9, 145. [N.E.D. be-tell.]

bétende. Substitute: bétend, es; m. One who repairs (? v. bétan, I (1), burh-bót, ge-bétung) :-- Brosnade burgsteal bétend crungon the buildings were in ruins, those who should have repaired them were dead, Rum. 28.

be-teón, I and II (v, teón to draw). Add: I. to cover : -- Swilce hi heora fét mid deádra nýtena fellum beteón, Hml. Th. ii. 534, 3. Mid pælle betogen. Chr. 1075 ; P. 209, 31. II. to bestow, assign :-- Eád. werd geaf Ulfe þ-bar; þ-bar;ríce, and hit yfele beteáh, Chr. 1049; P. 171, 26. Hér swytelað hú Ælfríc wille his áre beteón . . . Ic gean, Cht. Th. 567, 10. [v. N. E. D. be-tee. Goth. bi-tiuhan : O. Fr. bi-tiá : O. H. Ger. piziohan.]

be-teón, III (v. teón to accuse). Add: to accuse a person (acc.) of a crime, (1) crime in gen. or dat. (inst) :-- Gif mon cyninges þegn beteó manslihtes . . . Gif man þone man betýhð þe bið læ-acute;ssa maga. Ll. Th. i. 154, 5-7. Sé þe hlóðe betygen (-togen, v. l.) sié, 110, 16 : 112 2 : 140, 16. Betogen forligres, Hml. Th. ii. 490, 27. (2) crime stated in a clause :-- Ðonne mon monnan betýhð & pound; hé ceáp forstele, Ll. Th. i. 130, 12 : 132, 8. Sum wer wæs betogen þ-bar; hé wæ-acute;re on stale, Hml. S. 21, 265. O. H. Ger. pi-zíhan arguere, criminari.] v. be&dash-uncertain;tíhan in Dict.

betera. Add :-- Hé conn wel emn bión wið óðre menn, ond hine ná bettran (betran, v. l.) ne déð. Past. 113, 23. Ic me bættran hám ne wéne, Sat. 49. Weorc micle beteran (beteran, v. l.), Past. 75, 4. þ-bar; beo beaduweorca beteran wurdun, Chr. 937, P. 109, 6. þ-bar; ám lárum bet&dash-uncertain;erena witena. Gr. D. 262, 3. used substantively, (1) of persons :-- His betera læg, By. 276. Hé feóþ his betran, Mód. 36. Geseóð hí þá betran blæ-acute;de scínan, Cri. 1292. (2) of things :-- Ne mótan gé míne sáwle grétan, ac gé on betran gebringað, Gú. 349. [Goth. batiza : O. Sax. 0. Fr. betera: O. H. Ger. pezziro.]

beterian. Add :-- Hé árás beterian þá leóht (ad melioranda lumi-naria) . . hé beterode þ-bar; leóht (refovebat lumen), Gr. D. 227, 4-6. Betriende meliorando, 283, 27. [O. Frs. beteria : O. H. Ger. pezzirón.] v. betrian in Dict.

beterung, e; f. Improvement :-- Hé anbidað úre betrunge, Hml. Th. i. 350, 19. Hé leofode on mynstre for neóde swídor þonne for bete&dash-uncertain;runge, 534, 2. For úre beterunge, 272, 1 : 414, 26. Ús tó beterunge, 360, 30. tó fire beterunge, Hml. A. 8, 211. [O. Frs. beteringe: O. H. Ger. pezzirunga.] v. betrung, bettrung in Dict.

betest. Add: -- Ðone betestan (betstan, v. l.) tíman, Past. 281, 22. [Goth. batists : O. Sax. betst: O. Frs. best: O. H. Ger. pezzist.]

beþ, beþan, be-þancen, be-þearf. v. bæþ, beþian, be-þencan, II, níd-be-þearf.

beþearfaþ. Add: [cf. O. H. Ger. pi-derban prodesse, expedire.] v. be-þearflic.

be-þearfende; adj. (ptcpl.) Needy, indigent :-- Beðearfende mon homo indigens, Kent. Gl. 708. v. þearfan.

be-þearflic; adj. Useful, profitable :-- Syle mé þæt beþearflice gebed þínre fulfremednysse, Hml. S. 23 b, 242, note. [O. H. Ger. pi-darblih utilis.]

be-þearfod (-ed); adj. (ptcpl.) Needy, brought to want :-- Gif þú hwæne on neádþearfe ongitst, and gif þú hwæne on wæ-acute;dle beþearfodne (-þreaf-, MS. ) ácnæ-acute;wst, Engl. Stud. viii. 474, 50. Cf. þearfian, þearfan, þearfed-ness.

be-þeccan. Add :-- Ðú biðeces tegis, Ps. Srt. 103, 3. Beþeacþ con-tegit, beþeaht contecta, Wrt. Voc. ii. 135, 7, 8. Beþea[h]t contecta, 17, 71. Feld mid feó oferbræ-acute;ded and beþeaht, Bl. H. 199, 3. Ic sæt innan bearwe mid helme beþeht arboris umbriferae sub tegmine sedi, Dóm. L. 2, 2. Beþæht (efne beðeht, L. ) coopertus, Mt. R. 6, 29. Beðeahtum tectis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 88, 13. [Laym, bi-þæht, -þeht; pp. : O. Frs. bi-thekka: O. L. Ger. be-þekkan (-ón): O. H. Ger. pi-decchen.]

be-þencan. Add: I. to think about, consider, (1) with acc. :-- Sé þe sóð on his heortan beðencð, R. Ben. 3, 19. Beþencað domes dæg, Wlfst. 228, 31. p þú beþence (tone ræ-acute;dels, Ap. Th. 5, 7.) Beþænce hé (cogitet) Godes edleán, R. Ben. 92, 12. Beþænce se fæder þone sunu and se sunu þone fæder bútan yrre, Wlfst. 228, 23. pæt heó beþencen