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Drihtnes æ-acute;rendgewrit, 230, 33. Hit is earfoðe eall tó gesecganne þæt sé beðencan sceal ðe scíre healt, Angl. ix. 265, 5. Moniga tó biðencanne gehéht multa cavenda praecefit. Mt. p. 19, 15. (I a) reflexive :-- Be&dash-uncertain;þenc þé animadverte, An. Ox. 56, 25. þæt hý hý sylfe georne beþencan . . . þæt hé hyne sylfne beþence, Wlfst. 179, 4-11. Ic eów sumes fyrstes geann þ-bar; gé eów sylfe beþencean, Hml. S. 23, 188. þæt hí hí beðencan sceoldon. Hml. Thi ii. 424, 15. (2) with clause :-- Oð þ-bar; hí beðóhton hú hí hine ácwealdon, Hml. S. 15, 59. Beþence hé hine sylfne, and beðence hwæðer hine ne mæge æ-acute;nig man getæ-acute;lan, Wlfst. 233, 22. (3) with prep. :-- þ-bar; hé æ-acute;fre ne beþence ymbe þá hreówsunge de poenitentia nunquam cogitare, Ll. Th. ii. 174, 25. II. to entrust to (for examples v. Dict.). A curious participial form, which seems related to beþencan, occurs with this sense in the following passage :-- Seo heordelice gýming tó ðám beran wæs beþancenu injungebatur urso cura pastoralis, Gr. D. 206, 15. [Goth. bi-þaggkjan: O. L. Ger. bi-thenkian : O. Frs. bi-thanka, -thensa : O. H. Ger. pi-denchen.] v. æ-acute;r-, un-beþóht.

be-þeódan ; p. de To join, attach :-- ]þæ-acute;m hý mid clæ-acute;num móde hý sylfe beþeóddan and for his lufan manna geþeódræ-acute;denne forsáwan cui puris mentibus inherserunt, et propter cujus amorem hominum consortia reliquerunt, R. Ben. 134, 20.

be-þeówan; p. -þeówde, -þeódde (v. þeówan to serve) To serve :-- Beþeóddan inserviunt (v. l. to inheserunt in passage given under previous word), R. Ben. 134, 20.

be-þerscan to thrash thoroughly: -- þurh þ é wé beþurscon úre fýnd in te inimicos nostros ventilabimus, Ps. Th. 43, 7.

beþian, beþigean. Take together, and add: beþþan ; p. ede, ode ; imperat. beþe, beþa To warm, foment :-- Beþede fomentat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 37, 57. Hí (two seals) mid heora blade his leoma bedcdon, Hml. Th. ii. 138, 13. generally as a medical term :-- Gesæt hé under sunn&dash-uncertain;beáme and his scencan beðode, Hml. Th. ii. 134, 26. Seóð on wætre, beþe mid . þ-bar; lim, Lch. ii. 146, 5 : 148, 9: 154, 17. Mon sceal mid wearmum springum and háte wætre beþian þá stówe , . . þá sáran stówa beþe and læ-acute;t reócan on, 202, 20-24. Mon sceal beþan (beþian ?, beþþan ?) þá breóst mid wine, 232, 19. Is sió tó beðianne mid hátan wætre, 206, 14. Bæðþenda smerwunga wyrce of ele and wíne, beþe ðonne, smire mid þý, 182, 16. [v. N. E. D. beath.] v. ge-beþian.

beðing. Add: -- Wiþ lyftádle . . . beþing and bæþsealf, Lch. ii. 302, 23. Beþinge fotu, Wrt. Voc. ii. 37, 56. Hí on wlacum ele gebeðedon . . . hé wæs on ðissere beðunge geléd, Hml. Th. i. 86, 24. Genim wád, wyl on meolce. on buteran is betere, and wyrc beþinge, Lch. ii. 36, 24; 200, 3. pá æ-acute;rgenemnedan beþunga, 210, 6. Hwí ne bidst þú þé be-þunga and plaster lifes læ-acute;cedðmes cur tibi non oras placidae fomenta medelae ? f, Dóm. L. 80. [v. N. E. D. beathing.]

be-þirfe. v. un-beþirfe.

be-þráwan to twist :-- Riscene weocan beþráwene fila scirpea conlita, Germ. 391, 16. [v. N. E. D. be-throw.]

be-þridian. Add :-- On ðæ-acute;m æ-acute;restan gewinne Amilcor wearð from Spénum beþridad and ofslagen Amilcar ab Hispanis in bello occisus est, Ors. 4, 7; 8. 182, 31.

be-þurfan. Add: I. personal. (1) implying privation :-- Beþur-fendra egentium, Scinr. 108, 15. (2) to need what will supply insufficiency, defect, what is beneficial :-- Nánes þinges máran hé ne beþearf tfonne hé hæfþ, Bt. 31, 1; F. 122, 7. Sé þe micel inerfe ágan wile, hé beþearf micles fultumes, se ealda cwide is swíþe sóþ, þ-bar;te þá micles beþurfon þe micel ágan willaþ, 14, 2 ; F. 44, 10-13. Geleánað hé hit ús, þæ-acute;r wé betst beðurfon when it best serves our needs, Wlfst. 41, 2 : 56, 23: 111, 14. þá þe dæ-acute;dbóte ne beðurfon (sé ðe (ðá ðe, L. ) nebiðorfeð tó hreównise, R.) qui non indigent poenitentia, Lk. 15, 7. Gif hé æ-acute;niges fultumes beþorfte, ðonne næfde hé nó self genóg, Bt. 35, 3; F. 158, 17. Getímode his wífe wyrs ðonne hé beþorfte his wife's condition was too bad to allow of his happiness, Hml. Th. ii. 142, 3. Hí nabbað þá láre þe hi beþorftan, Ll. Th. ii. 328, 37. Gif þú æ-acute;gera beþurfe, Techn. ii. 124, 1. Gif þú taperas ( = es?) beþurfe, 120, 16. Gif he máran gærses beðyrfe, Ll. Th. i. 434, 17. Lege to ðám sáre þe man beþurfe apply it to the wound for which it is needed. Lch. [322, 4. Ðeáh ðú heora nánes ne beþorfte, Bt. 33, 4; F. 128, 14. (3) to need, be obliged, have cause or reason to do something :-- Þonne beþurfon hí þ-bar; hí óleccan þæ-acute;m, Bt. 26, 2; F. 92, 28. Hý mishýrdan Gode swýþor þonne hý beþorftan (ought), Wlfst. 13, 14. Ne wé ælmessan dæ-acute;lað swá swá wé beðorftan, 92, 10. II. impersonal :-- Ðonne þé salteres beþurfe, Techn. ii. 121, 7. Gyf þé disces beþurfe, 122, 25: 128, 1. [O. Sax. O. L. Ger. bi-thurban : O. H. Ger. pi-durban.]

be-þwyr. Substitute: be-bweorian, -þwyrian to deprave :-- Beþwyrad depravatum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 26, 3.

be-tíhan. l. be-teón : be-tíhtlian. l. be-tihtlian: be-tilldon. v. be-tyllan: béting, v. bæ-acute;tan, II: bétl. v. bítel.

betrymian. Add: , -trymman :-- Hig woldon þ æs cynges scipa ábútan betrymman, Chr. 1052 ; P. 180, 20.

betst-boren. Add: -- Ealle þá betstboren men þe wæ-acute;ron innan þisan lande, Chr. 1087 ; P. 224, 29.

bétung. v. eft-bétung.

be-tweoh (i, y, u), -tuh. Add: A. , with dat. I. between. (1) local, (a) of position within certain limits :-- Weall tó settonne betweoh (-tuh, v. l. ) ðám wítgan and ðæ-acute;re byrh, Past. 164, 10. (b) of extent between limits :-- Eall hira land betwuh (-tweoh, v. l. ) dícum and Wúsan, Chr. 905; P. 94, 2. Betuh þæ-acute;m clife ond ðæ-acute;m wætre wæ-acute;ron swylce twelf míla, Bl. H. 211, 2. Wæs heora lár sáwen and strogden betuh feówer sceátum middangeardes, 133, 33. (2) temporal :-- Betweoh (-twyh, v. l.) þám þe hine man lácnode inter medendum, Bd. 4, 26; Sch. 509, 18. (3) of mutual relation :-- For ðæ-acute;re dæ-acute;de ðe hié dóð betwuh him, Past. 399, 27. (4) marking relation of abstract objects :-- Micel tósceád is betwuh ðæ-acute;re beðóhtan synne and ðæ-acute;re ðe mon fæ-acute;rlíce ðurhtiéhð, Past. 435, 5. Betweoh (-tuh, v. l. ) ðæ-acute;m twæ-acute;m, 118, 2. II. among :-- Betuih (-twihc, R. ) iúh. Mt. L. 20, 26. B. with acc. I. between :-- Sete weall betuh ðé and ðá burh. Past. 165, 8. 11, among, (1) local (lit. or fig.) :-- Stígan tó heofonum betweoh engla þreátas. Shrn. 50, 16. Betwyh, 118, 2. Betwih (-twyh, v. l.) þá óþer god inter cetera bona, Bd. 2, 5 ; Sch. 131, 20. Betweoh þá wiðfeohtend inter rebelles, Sch. 135, 11 : 4, 26; Sch. 507, 8. Betuh ealle wífcyn and betuh ealle hálie gástas, Bl. H. 143, 18. (2) temporal, in the course of: -- Swefen betwuh feówer dagas gewyrð, Lch. iii. 190, 1. Betwih þás þing quo tempore, Bd. 2, 18; Sch. 181, 23: 5, 13; Sch. 636, 4.

betweoh-blinness intermission :-- Bútan bituihblinnesse sine intermissione, Rtl. 12, 5.

betweoh-gangende separating :-- Betwihgongendes lég intercidentis flammam, Ps. Srt. 28, 7.

be-tweohn, -twihn (<-twíhn), -tweón. I. prep. Between, among: -- -Bituichn (-tuín) ældrum inter primores, Txts. 70, 546. Bituihn, 77, 1310. Hé gesibbode þá cyningas betweohn (-twyh, v. l.) him pacatis alterutrum regibus, Bd. 4, 21; Sch. 453, 23. II. adv. :-- Gyf micel feorrnes síðfates betweohn ligeþ (inlerjacet), Bd. 1. 27 ; Sch. 72, 14.

betweohn-forlæ-acute;tness intermission :-- Bútan bituínforlétnise sine intermissione, Rtl. 58, 3.

[be-tweohnum], be-tweónum. Add: I. prep. (1) between, (a) of interposition :-- Eódon góde men heom betwénen and sahtloden heom, Chr. 1066; P. 199, 7. (b) of mutual relation :-- Betwýnan him hí syllan læ-acute;cedóm invicem sibi dent remedium, Angl. xiii. 393, 408 : 438, 1045. Under þám griðe þe heom betweónan beón sceolde, Chr. 1004; P. 135, 27: 1016; P. 153, 1 Unseht betweónan Godwine and þám cynge, 1052 ; P. 183, 14. Se ríca and se þearfa sind him betwýnan nýdbehéfe (needful to each other), Hml. Th. i. 256, 30. (2) among :-- Bið mycel gewinn betweónan him, Ors. 1,1; S. 20, 18. Betweónan þyssum ðin-gum, Bd. 2, 18; Sch. 181, 23. II. adv. : -- Man sealde gíslas betweónan, Chr. 1052 ; P. 175, 27. Betwínum in invicem, Ps. Srt. 33, 4. v. be-tweoh.

be-tweohs, -tweox. Add: A. with dat. I. between, (1)local :-- Segor stód on midwege betweox ðæ-acute;m muntum and ðæ-acute;m merscum, Past. 399, 13. Betweox (-tux, v. l.) him and hiera hieremonnum, 164, 12. (2) temporal :-- Betwix hláfmæssan anð middum sumera, Chr. 921; P. 101, 5- (3) of mutual relation :-- f hé frið betwux þæ-acute;m folcum findan sceolde, Ors. 4, 10; S. 202, 11. (4) marking relation of abstract objects :-- Micel tódál ys betweohx þæ-acute;re ealdan æ-acute; and þæ-acute;re níwan, Ælfc. Gen. Thw. 2, 2. II. among, (1) local (lit. or fig.) :-- Betweox (-twiux, v. l. ) itæ-acute;m gingestum monnum, Past. 300, 13. Betwix eallum hira yflum, 423, 6. Betux wífa gebyrdum, Bl. H. 167, 18. Betwyx óðrum þingum nis ná tó forgytane þ-bar; góde frið, Chr. 1086 ; P. 220, 12. Hé arn betwux þám eórode middan, Hml. S. 25, 583. (2) temporal, in the course of a period, during events :-- Betwux hancréde, Hml. Th. ii. 344, 30. Betwyx þissum meanwhile, Chr. 1087; P. 224, 13. B. with acc. I. between. (l) local :-- Sete weall betweox ðé and ðá burh, Past. 164, 9. (2) temporal :-- Betwux hancréd and dagunge, Chr. 795 ; P. 57, 16. II. among :-- He betweox þá óóre þegnas férde, Guth. 70, 11. Hí sóhton betwux sciplíþende and on mynstre, Hml. S. 33, 188.

betweohs-fæc an interval :-- Betwyxfæce intervallo, An. Ox. 3861.

be-tweohsn, -tweoxn; prep. I. with dat. (1) among :-- Ne sié hit ná suá betweoxn eów . . . ond suá hwelc suá wule betweoxn eów mæ-acute;st beón, Past. 121, 4-6. Betweohxn (-tweoxn, v. l.) eów . . . betweohxn (-twuxn, v. l.) hæ-acute;ðnum, 210, 7-8. Betwuxn óðrum spræ-acute;cum, 461, 10. (2) of mutual relation :-- Ne untreówsige gé nó eów betweoxn nolite fraudare invicem, Past. 99, 15. II. with acc. Among :-- Ðæt hé mæg gán betwuxn unðeáwas ut inter passiones medias transeat, Past. 453, 16.

be-tyllan; p. de To lure, decoy :-- Þá gelæ-acute;dde hé here in Peohtas, þá gelíccetton hí fleám for him, and hine betyldon (-tilldon, -telldon v. ll. ) on nearo fasten cum exercitum ad uastandam Pictorum prouinciam duxisset, iniroductus est, simulantibus fugam hostibus, in angustias, Bd. 4, 26 ; Sch. 506, 3. v. tyllan in Dict.

be-týnan. Add: -- Betiéned conclusus. Wrt. Voc. ii. 24, 38. I. to enclose, surround with a fence :-- pú eorþan on þínre fýst betýndest, Nar. 47, 3. Bebbanburh wæs æ-acute;rost mid hegge betíned and þæ-acute;ræ-acute;fter