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bícnan (-ian). Add :-- I. to make a sign to a person (dat. or prep, tó) with something :-- Hé bícneð mid ðæ-acute;m eágum annuit oculis, Past. 357, 20. Hé bícnode hire tó mid his cynegyrde, Hml. A. 97, 180. þ á becnade Sanctus Petrus him, 162, 239. Hí bécnodon eágan (mid eágum, v. l. ), Ps. Spl. 34, 22. Ðæt hé bícne (biécne, v. l.) mid ðæ-acute;m eágum, Past. 359, 3. II. to summon by a sign :-- Hé bícnode gehwanon mid bláwunge him fultum he summoned help to himself from all sides by the blowing of trumpets, Hml. S. 25, 635. Hig bícnodon hyra gefér&dash-uncertain;an, þ-bar; hí cómun and him fylston they signalled their companions to come and help them, Lk. 5, 7. III. to shew by a sign, signify, indicate, portend :-- Iste ys æteowendlic and ðár bið, þár man swá bícnað be him, Eifc. Gr. Z. 93, 9. Saegeð &l-bar; bécneð indicat, Lk. p. 3, 11. Bécnade &l-bar; cýdde notans, 7, 11 : significans, Jn. L. 12, 33. Swylce man bycnige him, þ-bar; him sélre wæ-acute;re þ-bar; hý wunodon on clæ-acute;nnysse as if to signify to them, that it were better for them to live in chastity, Ll. Th. ii. 346, 20. Bécnende portendentes, Wrt. Voc. ii. 66, 11. Bécnendo significantia, Rtl. 103, 28. v. bécnan, býcnian in Dict. [O. H. Ger. pouhnen.] v. and-, ge-bícnian.

bícnend (-i(g)end), es; m. I. of persons, one who shews, indicates :-- Bícnigend (index) rihtwísnysse hé ys he sheweth forth righteousness (Prov. 12, 17), Scint. 135, 14. II. of things, the forefinger :-- Bécnend index, Wrt. Voc. ii. 46, 35: i. 283, 20. Býcniend, 64, 80. v. ge-bícn(i)end.

bícnend-lic (-i(g)end-); adj. I. allegorical :-- Be ðæ-acute;re becnend-lican gerece alligoricae expositionis, Bd. 5, 23 ; Sch. 696, 15. II. indicative (mood), [v. býcniend-lic in Dict.] v. ge-bícniendlic.

bícnol; adj. Indicating, indicative :-- Bícnole indices, Germ. 398, 193.

bícnung. Add: -- Gif hwilc neód beoð, mid býcnunge sumes tácnes sí gebeden si quid opus fuerit, sonitu cujtiscumque signi petatur, R. Ben. I. 69, 16. v. ge-bícnung.

bí-cwide. For Prov. 22 substitute Kent. Gl. 813.

bídan. Add: I. to wait, remain. For exs. v. Dict. II. to await, wait for, bide one's time, (1) with gen. :-- Hé bítt (bít, v.l.) ðæ-acute;re tíde, hwonne . . . , Past. 226, 11: 220, 10. Hé bídeþ þínre geþafunga, Bl. H. 7, 34. Hé wyrde bídeþ, hwonne . . . . 109, 32. Hé bad westan-windes . . . þá sceolde hé bídan ryhtnorþanwindes, Ors. 1, 1 ; S. 17, 15-17: Nar. 27, 15. Ðeáh hé bíde his tíman, Past. 275, 13. (2) with acc. : -- Hwæt bídað gé?, Cri. 510. Heó bad þone écan sige coronam expectabat aeternam, Bd. 4, 23 ; Sch. 465, 9. Bád hé endedógor, Gú. 1258. Bídan gesceapu heofoncyninges, Gen. 842. (3) with gen. and acc. :-- Hé héht þæt wítehús wræcna bídan, . . . gásta weardas (cf. Hél. 4829-30), Gen. 39. (4) with a clause :-- Ic bíde . . . hwonne gæst cume, Rä. 16, 9. Hi bídaþ, hwæt him déman wille tó leáne, Jul. 706: Cri. 802. Bídan, hwæs him cyning unnan wolde, An. 145. Bídan, hwonne him betre líf ágyfen wurde, Gu. 751. (5) uncertain :-- Bídende suspensus (Lk. 19, 48), Wrt. Voc. ii. 73, 70. Bídendum prestulanti (eventus rerum), 75, 62. III. to attain by waiting, experience (with gen. ) :-- Hwæt gif ic bíde merigenes what if I live to see the morning, Hml. S. 3, 584. þú scealt deáðes bídan, Gen. 922.

biddan. Add: I. to ask, make a request :-- Hit bið swá þú bidest. Shrn. 89, 1. Biddað, and gé underfóð, Jn. 16, 24. Nele se sláwa erian on wintra, ac hé wile biddan on sumera, Past. 285, 6. þ hé þon bid&dash-uncertain;dendan líf forgeáfe, Bl. H. 19, 35. II. to ask, make request to a person (acc.) :-- Gehýrð Drihten þá þe hine biddað. Ll. Th. ii. 394, 4. Hié mid hálsunga hine bæ-acute;don and þus cwæ-acute;don, Bl. H. 87, 8 : 247, 33: 249, 6. Drihten wile þ-bar; hine mon bidde, 19, 34. Hí bedene wæ-acute;ron, Bd. 2, 5; Sch. 206, 15. II a. (v. also IV) with object of request given, (1) by gen. (v. III. 1) :-- Hé ne biddeð ús nánes þinges. Hex. 44, 1. Bide helpes hine, Dóm. L. 36, 14. Ne biddan wé úrne Drihten þyses læ-acute;nan welan. Bl. H. 21, 10. Hié þá burgware ongunnon ánwigges biddan, 201, 22. (2) by acc. :-- Hwæne hé byddan mihte fultum, Ap. Th. 12, 14. (3) by a clause :-- Ic ðæc biddo, ðæt him fiónd ne sceððe. Shrn. 73, 3. Bidde, Bl. H. 57, 33. Bide, 151, 23. Ic þé bidde for þínum naman, þ-bar;. . .147, 10. þone þú bæ-acute;de, þæt hé ásende his englas, Hml. Th. ii. 416, 15. (3 a) with ellipsis of þæt and subject of clause :-- Wilt þú fremdne monnan biddan þé gesecge, Sch. 4. (4) by infin. :-- Hé bæd gangan forð góde geféran, By. 170. (4 a) with ellipsis of infin. :-- Heó bæd hine blíðne (wesan), B. 617. (5). (4) and (3 a) together :-- Hé bæd hine áreccan, hwæt seó rún bude, hófe háligu word, Dan. 542-3. (6) with prep. :-- Hí ongunnon for his hreddinge God biddan, Hml. Th. i. 534, 27. II b. to pray to (withprep. ) :-- pú tó omnes sanctos bidde, þ-bar; hí þé þingian, Dóm. L. 36, 23. III. (v. also IV) to ask for something, (1) with gen. (v. II a. I) :-- Hé bideð (bidt, v. l. ) ingonges, Past. 284, 15. Hé bideþ þæs écan leóhtes, Bl. H. 17, 35. Hié biddaþ þínre onlésnesse, 81, 22. Se blinda ne bæd goldes, 21, 5. Ne bidde gé þæs, 227, 13. (2) with acc. :-- Dó þæt ic bidde, BI. H. 245, 20. Ne bæ-acute;de gé nán þing on mínum naman, Jn. 16, 24. Wé sceolon infær biddan, Hml. Th. ii. 572, 9. Gif þæt byð beden, ná on naman Hælendes byð beden, Scint. 32, 5. (3) with gen. and acc. :-- Ne bæd se blinda náðor ne goldes, ne seolfres, ne náne woruldlice ðing, Hml. Th. 1. 158, 20. (4) with a clause :-- Wé biddaþ þ-bar; þú fram ús ne gewíte, Bl. H. 145, 18. Hé bæd þ-bar; hé móste faran, 23, 13: 211, 29. Hí bæ-acute;dan þ-bar; óþer seonað wæ-acute;re, Bd. 2, 2 ; Sch. 115, 22. III a. to ask something of a person, (1) with gen. of thing :-- þ-bar; hí witon hwæs hí biddað æt Gode, Hml. S. 12, 266. Hé wæs biddende ánes lytles troges æt ánum earman men, Ors. 2, 5; S. 84, 14. (2) with acc. of thing :-- Ne bideþ hé æt ús edleán, Bl. H. 103, 20. Swá hwæt swá gé biddað æt mínum Fæder, Hml. Th. ii. 526, 34. Hí bæ-acute;don læ-acute;fe æt mé, Guth. 62, 13. Uton biddan leóht æt úrum Drihtne, Hml. Th. i. 158, 26. (3) with clause :-- Hé bæd æt Gode þæt hé móste fandian Ióbes, Hml. Th. i. 6, 10. IV. with the person for whom request is made, (1) given by dat. (a) with construction of III. I :-- Wé ús forgifnessa (or acc. ?) biddaþ. Bl. H. 19, 29. Men him forgifnesse biddaþ, 77, 17: 107, 22. Sum þearfa sæt nacod, and bæd him hrægles, 213, 33. Ðá cild bæ-acute;don him hláfes, ac næs nán mann ðe ðone hláf him betwýnan tóbræ-acute;ce, Hml. Th. ii. 400, 26. Æ-acute;r þ ám þe hé him ryhtes bidde. Ll. Th. i. 90, 3. (b) with construction of II a. I :-- Hé bæd him fultumes willgeþoftan, Gen. 2025. (c) with construction of II a. 4 :-- Hé bæd him þá rincas ræ-acute;d áhicgan, Gen. 2030. (d) with construction of II b :-- þ-bar; þú him tó þeossum hálgum helpe bidde, Gr. D. 2, 11. (e) with construction of III a. 2 :-- Hwí ne bidst þú þé beþunga and plaster æt freán, Dóm. L. 80. Hé bæd þám treówe fyrst æt ðám hláforde, Hml. Th. ii. 408, 17. Biddað eów þingunge æt þysum martyrum, i. 88, 33. (2) with prep. :-- Bide for ús, þæt God þás næ-acute;ddran fram ús áfyrsige, Hml. Th. ii. 238, 14. V. construction uncertain :-- Bæd inprecabatur, Wrt. Voc. ii. 80, 58. Hió wæs beden interpellata, 44, 70. v. un-beden, -biddende.

biddere. Add :-- Bidderes proci, Wrt. Voc. ii. 84, 7. Hé hét syllan þá scyllingas þám biddere (petitori), Gr. D. 158, 20. [-Piers P. bid&dash-uncertain;deres and beggeres.]

biden-fæt, bide-ríp, -bidian. v. byden-fæt, bed-ríp, and-(on-) bidian.

bifian. Add :-- Bifgedon fremebant, Mk. L. 14, 5. Wæs se munt bifigende mid ormæ-acute;tre cwacunge, Hml. Th. i. 504, 28. Biuende treme&dash-uncertain;bundus, pavidus, An. Ox. 2994. Se bifigenda dóm the tremendous judgement. Wlfst. 227, 14: 228, 31: Bl. H. 57, 20. Fryhtendo &l-bar; bib&dash-uncertain;giende trementes, Rtl. 122, 16.

bifung. Add :-- Wiþ hramman and wið bifunge, genime þás wyrte, Lch. i. 302, 8. Seó swuster eallum limum cwacode . . . hí þæt mihton tócnáwan on ðæ-acute;re swuster bifunge, Hml. Th. ii. 32, 21, 33. [O. H. Ger. bibunga.]

bí-fylc. l. bí-fylce.

bígan. Add: I. trans. To bend, (1) of shape, attitude :-- Ic bége míne cneówa, Bl. H. 187, 18. (2) of direction, to incline :-- þá þá hé bígede cum (membra sopori) dedisset .i. inclinasset, An. Ox. 2105. (3) figurative, (a) to humiliate, subdue :-- Líchama mín in nédhérnisse ic bégo corpus meum in servitutem redigo, Rtl. 6, 9. Suæ-acute; hwælc béges hine quicumque humiliaverit se, Mt. L. 18, 4. (b) to turn, incline :-- Bégan wé úre mód fram ðæ-acute;re lufan þisse worlde. Bl. H. 57, 22. II, intrans. To bend, move in a curve :-- Se ord bígde upp tó þám hiltum. Hml. S. 12, 226. Se hara bígde gelóme the hare frequently doubled, 31, 1058. [v. N. E. D. bey. Goth. us-baugjan : O. frs. béia : O. L. Ger. bógian : O. H. Ger. bougen.] v. bégan, býgan in Dict.

bige; n. ? l. byge; m. : bíge. l. byge, q. v. : bi-gegnes = bi-gengnes. v. be-gengnes.

bígels. Add: I. an arch. &c. :-- Bígels arcus vel fornix, Wrt. Voc. i. 81, 14. Bígels, boga, incleofa camera, arcus, fornax, ii. 127, 78. Sé ðe gebígde þone heofenlican bígels, Hml. Th. i. 170, 23. Bígelsa arcuum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 76, 2. Hrófum oððe bígelsum arcibus, 96, 79 : fornicibus, An. Ox. 512. Wyrcan twelf hús mid gódum bígelsum, Hml. S. 36, 99. Hé beworhte ðá bígelsas mid gyldenum læfrum, Hml. Th. ii. 498, 2. II. inclination :-- Bóh mid wógum áhyldne bígelse stipitem obliqua reclinem curvatura, An. Ox. 2228.

bígend-lic. v. býgend-lic in Dict.

bí-geng (big-). Add: and e ; f. (? v. An. Ox. 2283 infra.] I. practice, exercise, doing :-- Líf mid gódra weorca bigenge frætwian, Ll. Th. ii. 402, 5. Bígencge, Hml. Th. ii. 48, 28. Biggenge, R. Ben. 3, 7. For lárlicere bígenge propter gymnicum (philosophiae) stadium, An. Ox. 2283. Onscuniendlice on biggen[g]on (studiis) heora, Ps. Spl. 13, 2. þ-bar; man mid gódum biggencgum Gode gecwéme, Hml. S. 13, 114. II. cultivation, tillage :-- Hí swuncon on wíngeardes biggencge, Hml. Th. ii. 74, 33, 25. III. religious or ecclesiastical practice, observance, worship :-- Bígenge cultura (paganorum). An. Ox. 4558. Ðis hæ-acute;ðen-gyld deófles biggeng is, Hml. Th. i. 72, 4. On bíggenge Godes beboda, 544, 25. Tó þám bígenge his gebeda ad orationis studium, Gr. D. 36, 19: 71, 10. Gástlicre ræ-acute;dincge bígencge (studio), Angl. xiii. 392, 383. Regullicum bígincge, 388, 353. Se gewuna belaf of hæ-acute;ðenra manna biggenge, Hml. A. 146, 47. Ænigne deófles bígencg tó dónne, 143, 122. þ-bar; hiora biggencgas ne wurdon ádwæ-acute;scte, Hml. S. 22, 195. Bígencgum ceremoniis .i. legibus divinis, An. Ox. 2224. þe Godes beboda mid biggengum ne healdad, Hml. S. 16, 172. Godes biggencgum, 24, 10: 25, 738- Mid wólicum biggencgum, 18, 392. Mánfulles hæ-acute; þenscipes